Practice For Unit 2

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Exercise 1: Listen to the news and fill the gaps with missing words or phrases.
Then write the news in brief.
1. party’s nomination for president 7. Mrs. Clinton acceptance speech
2. Ahead of her speech 8. Republication Presidential
3. campaign manager
9. campaigned
4. speech for the convention
10. Democratic convention
5. lead the country
11. Secretary of State
6. earn voters’ trust
 Briefly: In just a couple of hours, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vill
accept her party’s nomination for president.

12. civilians and unarmed fighters 20. welfare of people

13. now-besieged rebel-held 21. weekly meeting
14. districts of 22. make any comments
15. promising amnesty to fighter 23. Government forces
16. been surrounded 24. encircling the city
17. people are trapped inside 25. aid agencies
18. special envoy for 26. essential supplies
19. seriously concerned about
 Briefly: Russia’s defense minister says that four corridors will be set up to
permit civilians and unarmed fighters to leave the now-besieged rebel-held
eastern districts of Aleppo.
27. breaking ties 33. military actions
28. global terror network 34. directed against
29. stop operating under the banner 35. extremist group
30. set up a new front 36. rebrand and defend
31. fighting extremisms 37. increased pressure
32. cutting ties with 38. step up joint efforts
 Briely: The Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra Front, announced
Thursday it was breaking ties with the global terror network.

39. a hastily planned meeting 42. generals and admirals

40. military personnel 43. wilder purge of government
41. fill vacancies
44. attempted coup

 Briefly: Turkey’s Supreme Military council gathered Thursday in planned

meeting to replace more than 2,400 military personnel dismissed on

45. closed mixed

 Briefly: On Wall Street, stocks prices closed mixed.
Exercise 2:
1. Talk between U.S. and Russia about Syria.
Arrange: a) -> f) -> e) -> d) -> b) -> c) -> h) -> g)
 Briefly: Talk between U.S. and Russia about Syria.
 Core sentences of the lead: Kerry spoke during a Washington forum.
2. The funeral of Shimon Peres.
Arrange: a) -> c) -> b)
 Briefly: The funeral of Shimon Peres.
 Core sentences of the lead: Mr. Obama will lead 32 U.S. officials.
3. US election.
Arrange: a) -> c) -> b) -> e) -> d)
 Briefly: US election.
 Core sentences of the lead: Johnson sat speechless.
4. Rain crash in New Jersey.
Arrange: a) -> b) -> d) -> c) -> e)
 Briefly: Rain crash in New Jersey.
 Core sentences of the lead: The cause has not determined.
5. Airstrike in Somalia.
Arrange: a) -> c) -> b) -> d)
 Briefly: Airstrike in Somalia.
 Core sentences of the lead: Nine militants were killed.
Exercise 3: Write the lead basing on given core sentences.
1. Members of IAEA are meeting.
 Members of IAEA are hosting a meeting to discuss about the organization’s
next project.
2. Holland arrested four men.
 Holland had arrested four men who were being accused of robbing the
National Bank and also shooting down two officers.
3. A storm has brought rain and strong wind.
 A storm has brought rain and strong wind sweeping through the east coast
of The United States.
4. Terrorists caused plane crash.
 The Interpol has arrested the terrorists who were belied to cause the
heart-breaking plane crash in India last week.
5. Aid workers are missing.
 Chinese governments are still trying to reach out to some aid workers who
are missing.
6. Police have charged two men.
 Police have charged two men who were drunk-driving and causing
accident on the highway last night.

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