Visual Aids in Business Communication

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Visual Aids in Business



Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ i


Introduction ......................................................................................................................................1


Importance .......................................................................................................................................2

Different Types of Visual Aids .............................................................................................................. 4

Factors that affect the choice of Visual Aid........................................................................................... 6

Design Guidelines .................................................................................................................................. 8

Visual aids in nestle................................................................................................................................ 9

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 10

REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 11

In this era of modernization and changing business environment, the role of communication is
indispensably greater because of the need to communicate ever more complex data and circumstances
to the audience. Visual aids are supplementary tools that help make this communication process much
more effective by the inclusion of videos, charts/graphs, models, slides etc during the time of the
presentation—regardless of oral and textual communication.

In this report, we tried to delve into the nitty-gritty of the use and effectiveness of Visual Aids mainly
focusing on business communication scenarios. While we understand that use of visuals can help
enhance the communication to a fascinating extent, we also understood that reckless or inattentive
use of Visuals can become the bane of any type of presentation, greatly harming the communication

We further examined the ways by which a communicator can use visuals effectively and appealingly
to convey his intended message in a shorter and more attention-grabbing mechanism. This report
also demonstrates the procedures and rules-of-thumb regarding the use of specific visual tools such
as charts, slides, graphs videos etc so that the communicator can readily understand the do’s and don’ts
when it comes to applying the visual aids to simplify contents.

The related factors and issues that need to be considered, such as audience, availability of technological
equipment, information and other resources, are also broadly scrutinized and explained to the extent
to which the communicator can understand and take thoughtful decision regarding the type or volume
of visual aids that can be considered optimum for varying communication scenarios.

Therefore, we believe that this report properly demonstrates the idea of visual aids and shows the
mechanisms of effective use of the visual tools; this also reflects the issues that need to be
considered regarding the application of visual aids. While we understand that this report might have
its shortcomings, we truly believe that it can be considered a succinct and first-hand manual for
anyone who hopes to use visual aids to facilitate his/her communication.

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I. Introduction

A. Origin of the Report

This project was assigned to us as an academic report by our course instructor, Quazi M. Ahmed, as
part of the Business Communication course (course code: C103) for the BBA program of Institute
of Business Administration, University of Dhaka.

B. Objectives
1. To gain a better understanding on what visual aids are.
2. To provide an insight on the benefits and significance of using visual aids.
3. How to use visual aids effectively so that they add to superior execution of presentations
rather than distort them.

C. Scope
This report will analyze the inevitability of using visual aids in designing effective presentations. The
aim of the report is to provide a key insight into the effectiveness of visual aids, their types, when to
use which, how mishandling or overuse can lead to distortions, and what guidelines should be
maintained while using visual aids.

D. Methodology
We have conducted our research mostly on the materials we found on the internet, with our
textbook serving as a guideline.

E. Limitations
Although this report was carefully prepared, we are aware of its limitations and shortcomings. As it
is, a face to face interaction with people who have experienced both using visual aids as well as those
who haven’t would have added a more practical insight. Interviewing business executives on the
same could also have been useful. However, this was beyond our scope.

II. What Visual Aids Are

Visual aids are any sort of illustrative contents that are designed to enhance written or spoken
communication process and facilitate easier understanding of the intended message of the

There are many types of commonly used visual aids such as videos, flipcharts, slides, model, handouts;
even blackboard/whiteboard is also considered a visual aid tool because its use help make the
communication easier and more understandable to the audience.

Many empirical academic researchers have demonstrated that using visual aids can make oral or
written communication at least 60%-70% more effective. The appealing designs and content
arrangement also add to the communication enhancement process—rendering the presentation
capable of holding attention of the audience.

Visual aids can make or break the presentation. The saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" is
popular for a good reason: the human brain processes information more effectively when it is
accompanied by images, or by short, memorable statements. This means that when someone uses
simple, image-based slides in presentation, the audience can better grasp the contents of the

A) Importance
It is undeniably true that using simple and engaging visuals, rather than generating confusion or
exhaustion, can create a positive connection with the intended audience. People might not remember
exactly what has been said or written, but they will remember a powerful appealing visual.

Also visual aids help audience understand and remember the information that the communicator
wants them to present. It is more effective to register information in the brain when aided by visuals.
Many studies have corroborated the assertion that people remembers more when they see the related

Most people learn through visuals, perhaps even more so than through listening. So, a good visual aid
can really help the audience understand. Visual aids increase audience interest. It can be pretty boring

to sit and listen to someone talk on and on about something, but having visual aids will help capture
and keep people interested in what the communicator is trying to convey.

Visual aids can also serve as notes or reminders for the speaker. Visual aids facilitate the presentation
of complex information in simple models and graphics. This way extra exhaustion and confusion can
be reduced when it comes to understanding complex data or lengthy texts. Explaining data in words
is very exhausting and nerve-wrecking, and often creates confusion in the audience; so, visual
presentation of the data sets by the visual tools such as charts, graphs etc makes information
processing much easier and smooth in the audience’s brains; Many researchers have proven the same.

B) Benefits

Visual aids are perfectly effective if used correctly. The main benefits of using visual aids are
summarized below:

 Memory Retention: Use of visual tools lead to a greater retention of information. They
allow the speaker to use verbal and non-verbal communication to solidify the message and
provide a point of reference for the mind.
 Attention span: Using visual aids refreshes the mind and engages it in a different way,
renewing the attention span. They keep the mind entertained and therefore sharp and ready
to receive information.
 Organizing communication: Visual aids can be used to organize communication, making
it easier to remember points made in a presentation. They create a point of reference for the
mind to quickly refer to when attempting to retrieve information.
 Comprehension: Visual aids are a way of further explanation. They are necessary for
comprehension to those learners who are more visual than audio. Visual aids increase
repetition and reinforcement of key points to help audience comprehend effectively.
 Create a focal point: Visual aids help a keeper stay on track. If there is one central visual
aid that the speaker can use, then the speaker’s thoughts and audience’s attention will stay on

III. Different types of visual aids

Visual Aids are a great weapon to have in every skilled and ambitions presenter's arsenal. If visual
aids are used properly, they will enhance a presentation by adding impact and strengthening
audience involvement, yet if they are managed badly they can ruin a presentation. In order to
successfully master the use of visual aids, one must at first familiarize oneself with the kinds of visual
aids. By doing so, one can understand when and how to use visual aids during presentations to make
it more effective and fruitful.

1. PowerPoint: PowerPoint is the most common medium of visual aid used nowadays. PowerPoint
enables the presenter to make colorful, eye-catching and animated slides that can grab the audience’s
attention and keep them interested throughout the presentation. PowerPoint slides are easy to
present and it enables the presenter to maintain eye contact with a large audience by simply
advancing the slides with a keystroke. The presenter gets the freedom to utilize his creative instincts
and make the slides in accordance to the theme of the topic he/she is presenting in a more fun and
entertaining manner.

One drawback of using the PowerPoint is that the presenter may sometimes get drawn into the
glamour of making eye-catching slides and spend too much time in developing slides rather than
focusing and improving his/her actual topic of presentation.

2. Video: Videos have become a major asset to presenter in recent times. A relevant audio-visual
motion picture can help a presenter put forward and clarify a topic with great ease. Short and
relevant videos during a presentation can entertain and grab the attention of the audience and
enhance the quality of the presentation. Examples of using videos as a means of visual aid can be
found in abundance in today’s world. A popular website which goes by the name of
‘10minuteschool’ is using witty and fun videos and explaining various topics related science, Math
and English. Their use of accurate video content and charismatic presentation via the video has
helped many students clarify their doubts and understand the topic with ease.

While using videos, one must be careful of using relevant and necessary content. Use of prolonged
and irrelevant topic or speech in the video can disrupt the mood of the audience and diminish their
interest in the presentation itself.

3. White Boards: White boards can be of great help to a presenter during and impromptu
presentation. Using a white board and a marker, a presenter can quickly note down key-words from
his speech for the entire audience to see, or even draw flow charts to explain his/her topic in a
better manner.

A major setback while using white boards is that it makes the presenter turn his back to the audience
and makes him/her lose eye contact with the audience, thus disrupting his/her connection with the

4. Flip Charts: A flip chart is a popular, low cost and low tech solution to a presenter while
delivering his speech. A presenter can use colorful pens and graphic and meaningful graphs in his
flip charts to strengthen the quality of his presentation. A flip chart can be prepared in advance and
is portable; it requires no power source and no technical expertise. Flip charts are ideal for
collecting ideas and responses from the audience and are good for spontaneous summaries.

Flip charts are not an ideal solution for a large audience since the people sitting at the back may not
be able to see the charts properly and thus may lose interest in the presentation.

5. Props: Using relevant props can also help a presenter to attract the attention of the audience;
especially during an informal presentation. By using interesting, fun and relevant objects, a presenter
can entertain the audience, grab their attention and deliver his speech in a much more interesting

Availability of relevant props may be an obstacle in using props during a presentation.

IV. Factors that determine what type of visual aids are to beused

Visual Aids sometimes become one of the most significant parts of a presentation. Therefore, one
must carefully plan the types of visual aids that he/she intends to use. There are certain factors that
one should take under consideration for the selection of the appropriate visual aids. The
components that influence the type of Visual Aids to be used in a presentation are discussed below:

1. Information Type
2. Audience
3. Time, Equipment and Money available

A) Information Type:
Information is anything that informs us about something. In other words, it is the answer to
a question of some kind. It is also that from which knowledge and data can be derived. Information
is numerous and falls under different categories.

Various types of information thus affect a presentation. The way a presentation and its
contents are organized depends on the kinds of information it is based on. Visual Aids are no
exception to this. A powerful presentation delivers information in a logical, structured manner. And
thus, one needs to make sure that the Visual Aids used are also logical and consistent with the
relevant information type. We can think about using a variety of different visual images like
photographs, tables, diagrams, charts, drawings, key words, or video sequences. One needs to decide
upon the type of visual to use in order to achieve the most impact keeping it related with a specific

B) Audience:

The audience of a presentation will have a variety of different experiences, interests and levels of
knowledge. A powerful presenter will need to acknowledge these, prepare for and respond to them
accordingly. A presenter should also tailor his/her speech and other components according to the
needs and expectations of the audience.

So, the visual aids that a presenter plans to use in his/her presentation should match and satisfy the
requirements of the audience. The visuals should be presented in an easy, understandable and
effective way. Besides, it should also be ensured that the visuals are visible to the entire audience.

A good presenter should have enough information and appropriate visual aids to ensure that he/she
has targeted the materials at the right level for the needs of the audience. This might involve
avoiding technical jargon or explaining abstract concepts with clear practical examples. Failing to
consider the audience's needs, will end up failing to appeal to their interest and imagination. Hence,
the audience demography must be studied beforehand and the presentation and visuals should be
then planned accordingly.

C) Time, Equipment and Money available:

A time restriction is a common feature of most presentations. Keeping to time shows respect for the
audience and ensures that one delivers a focused presentation that makes an impact. The delivery of
a presentation will need to be controlled and well-paced to achieve the best impact. So it seems that
time regulates the information for inclusion in a presentation. The amount and nature of visual aids
one plans to use, should thus be carefully organized keeping the time constraint in mind. A
presenter should also prioritize on which materials to show and for what duration. So time affects
the type of visual aids used in a presentation.

The equipment and money available at hand also influences the use of visual aids in a presentation.
Money and sophisticated equipment can enhance the quality and nature of visual aids in a
presentation. On the contrary, their unavailability may notably diminish the use of visual aids. Thus,
it can be deduced that equipment and money affects the use of visuals which in turn exerts influence
on the presentation as a whole.

V. Design Guidelines

Visual aids are meant to emphasize the most important points and ideas of a presentation. They
should reinforce, clarify, illustrate or highlight individual points. Visuals are illustrating, not
repeating, the presentation. Their purpose is to add interest and emphasis, not to compete with what
the presenter is saying.

Some general guidelines that are essential to be maintained while designing visual aids include the

 Keeping it simple. It is easier for the audience if the presenter uses three simple visuals
than a single complex one.
 Limiting text in visuals. Too much will look cluttered. It is best to illustrate the main idea
in just a sentence.
 Keeping target audience in mind when designing visual aids. What terminology will they
understand? What examples have meaning for them?
 Limiting the amount of material on any one visual aid. Each slide should convey a
single point. Bullet points – no more than four or five per slide – explain, illustrate, or
substantiate that one point.
 Careful proofreading. It is best to have someone else proof in addition to the speaker. It is
hard to overlook errors when they are magnified in front of an audience. Even a small error
in such a focal part of the program can undermine the credibility of the entire presentation.
 Fonts should be clear and easy to read. Better using Helvetica or similar sans serif fonts.
Decorative fonts are not recommended.
 Colored fonts should have a dark background (dark blue is best) with primary titles in
either yellow or white and secondary titles in the remaining color. Details should be shown
in clear bright, light contrasting colors.
 Avoidance of shades of the background color for titles or details. Text would otherwise
be difficult to read for the audience as it hampers clarity.
 Presentation should be tested ahead of time. Make sure it is easy to read from an
appropriate distance, and that everything is in the proper order.
 Visuals should look professional. Any funky or fancy visuals should be avoided in
business presentations.
 Avoidance of excessive graphics or animation. Graphics and/or animations should
clarify the content, not complicate it or make it distracting.
 Subtle slides Transition. The transition should not be too rapid r too slow. It should be
such that the audience will have their attention retained.

VI. General Recommendations when using visual aids

Furthermore, certain display guidelines should be followed to ensure that the outcome using visuals
is just as is intended by a creative and professional presenter. In order for the visuals to accomplish
this, it is critical that they be properly planned and prepared or they can become a liability rather
than an asset.

Certain such general display recommendations are:

Tip 1. Planning the presentation before creating visual aids.

Speakers should know what they want the audience to do as a result of hearing the presentation.
Then a simple outline should be created that logically and clearly develops main points. Finally,
visual aids should be created to support the message.

Tip 2. Using visual aids sparingly.

They are aids to the presentation – not its sum and substance. Using visual aids is meant to highlight
and support key points.

Tip 3. Making visual aids visible to the entire audience.

Projecting an image people can’t see is as senseless as speaking so softly people can’t hear.

Tip 4. Talking to the audience, not to the visual aids.

A good presenter should look at the audience at least 80% of the time. Turning his/her back to the
audience is not wise.

Tip 5. Maintaining Eye-contact with the audience.

This helps in making the presentation more interactive.

Tip 6. Explaining the content of the visual aid when the presenter first shows it.

As soon as people see an object, they will look at it – even if the presenter is talking about
something else. Hence it is important to make sure their attention does not get divided.

Tip 7. Displaying the visuals only when needed. The visuals should be displayed in sync with
the presenter’s speech, not used throughout or displayed abruptly. Timing it rightly is crucial to the
understanding of the audience.

Tip 8. Avoiding clip art from well-known sources.

It’s almost always boring and amateurish. However, use of images, graphs, and charts is encouraged
whenever possible and appropriate.

Tip 9.Avoidance of monotonous presentation:

Use of examples
Relating to previous material. Handouts or other Pass-arounds should be used only at the end.

Asking questions to the audience

Tip 10. Back-up plan--To give presentation without the visual aids.

Murphy’s Law — “if anything can go wrong, it will” — applies in spades to anything involving
technology and an audience. A backup plan should be there in case something goes wrong, e.g.
technical flaws or power cuts. Taking a hard copy of the slides is always safe.

Visual Aids In Nestle

Nestlé Pakistan has been serving Pakistani consumers since 1988, when its parent company, the
Switzerland-based Nestlé SA, first acquired a share in Milkpak Ltd. Today its products are fully
integrated in Pakistani life. The company is recognised as producer of safe, nutritious and tasty
food, and leaders in developing and uplifting the communities in which it operates. Nestlé Pakistan
as the leading nutrition and wellness company of Pakistan remains committed to the country
constantly delivering on its promise of providing good food and good life to millions of Pakistanis
across the nation. Today, Nestlé is not only recognized as a producer of safe, nutritious and
healthy food but also as a leader in developing and uplifting the communities in which the
company operates.

At present, the company is working in partnership with 190,000 farmers to provide pure and high
quality milk to consumers all over the country. The farmers receive payments on weekly basis
through a transparent system. To improve the quality of the lives of its suppliers, Nestlé has
established a unique technical assistance team that trains farmers in modern techniques. The milk
collection system has an economic and social impact far beyond the farmers themselves.

The Kabirwala factory was first acquired by Milkpak in 1990 as a subsidiary. The main building of
the factory is build over the area of 11.8 acres whereas the total land area covered is 57.58 acres.
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By 1997 it was a fully owned unit of Nestlé Pakistan Ltd. Since its inception the Kabirwala factory
has been constantly enhanced. Continuing its past tradition of excellence, Nestlé Pakistan opened
the largest milk plant of Asia and also the largest milk reception among Nestlé World at Kabirwala
on March 16, 2007. The Kabirwala factory is the biggest factory in the Nestlé world; Nestlé has
presence in 100 countries. By establishing its factory in Kabirwala, South Punjab region, Nestlé has
generated employment opportunities not only for the factory workers but also for the farmers that
are associated with it milk procurement chain. Nestlé Pakistan has invested more than US $ 70
million to build the Kabirwala milk plant and an estimated US $ 371 million will be pumped into
the economy by 2014 for the development of dairy sector in Pakistan.

Nestlé Pakistan is also involved in school rehabilitation and education advancements intended to
improve the lives of underprivileged children living in the same region. To help improve education
in rural areas, Nestlé undertook the rehabilitation of several primary and middle schools, focusing
especially on girls’ schools, in Sheikhupura, Khanewal, Kabirwala and Muzzafargarh. The
company upgraded educational facilities, including teaching aids and teacher trainings along with
furnishing the pre-existing school buildings. Nestlé also built wings and donated over 100
computers to different schools.
With the commitment to creating shared value, Nestlé Pakistan is also a signatory to UN Global
Compact for ethical business practices and also does social investment for supporting the
underprivileged and rural communities. These include farmers’ training, primary schools’
refurbishment, women development, water filtration plants in schools and related humanitarian
assistance. Additionally, Nestlé has signed MOU's with UNDP and SDC for training female
livestock farmers and for rural development.
Potable water is a basic human necessity, yet it is denied to millions of Pakistanis. Nestlé Pakistan
alleviated rural suffering by installing 4 water filtration plants in selected areas including two at
Muzzafargarh, one each at Khanewal and Kabirwala. Almost 20,000 people receive drinkable
water and are benefitted from these plants.

The recent floods in Pakistan caused massive devastation all over the country. In South Punjab
region 2,000 acres of cultivation area was also destroyed. In step with the rest of the nation, Nestlé
Pakistan responded immediately, putting its infrastructure and resources to work in the affected
areas. The company installed 350 hand pumps and 20 tube wells in the region and also donated
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seeds and fertilisers to the farmers to help them getting on their feet once again. Hundreds of
thousands of cattle died because of the diseases that spread as aftermaths of the floods. Nestlé
Pakistan assisted in vaccinating 300,000 livestock and also established mobile veterinary clinics for
treating cattle all over the region including Rajanpur district. As a result of well designed flood
relief plan, Nestlé Pakistan distributed ration, water and other basic food necessities fairly and
efficiently to 90,000 flood affected peoples for a whole month.

More than just offering food and beverages, Nestlé Pakistan is a leading health, wellness and
nutrition company. We believe that good food is necessary for a good life. In fact, health and
nutrition is more dynamic than ever. Food has evolved from being a necessity to becoming an
expression of how we live. This is why Nestlé Pakistan products are developed to provide a safe
and healthy source of nutrition to all family members.

VII. Conclusion:

Visual aid can be a very powerful tool to enhance the impact of presentations. Visual aids help
presenters reach their objectives by providing emphasis to whatever is being said. Clear pictures
multiply the audience's level of understanding of the material presented, and they should be used to
reinforce messages, clarify points, and create excitement. Visual aids add impact and interest to a
presentation. It also increases the audience’s retention level. The use of visual aids is thus essential to
all presentations.

One must carefully evaluate the appropriateness of the visual aids and plan them accordingly before
presenting. Adding visual dimension to a presentation is a key to ensuring the presentation's overall
success if they are chosen and implemented effectively.

It also needs to be made sure that the presenters are familiar with the equipment required to create
and display visual aids. This will ensure that the presenters would not be fall in a disastrous situation
if anything goes wrong. A confident use of visual aids will ultimately result in an impressive

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Lastly, visual aids should only be used if they are necessary to maintain interest and assist
comprehension in a presentation. Visual aids should not be used just to demonstrate the
technological competence of a presenter. Doing so may compromise the main point of a
presentation, which is passing a message across the audience clearly and concisely.

If visual aids are used well they will enhance a presentation by adding impact and strengthening
audience involvement, yet if they are managed badly they can ruin a presentation.

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VIII. Bibliography/References

Text Book

Kathryn Rentz, Paula Lentz. 2014. Lesikar’s Business Communication: Connecting in A

Digital World. Thirteenth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.



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