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1. The population pyramid of Greenland this year is shaped like a church bell. There isn’t
an unusual bump but the pyramid shows a very steep pointy end on top, which means
that the older the age group, the smaller the population is. It also shows that 0 – 34-year-
old have more male than female, 35 – 39 years old are equal, and 40 years old and above
have more females. These abnormalities exist because for 55 years Greenland has a
growing balanced birth rate between gender, until 1987 birthrates were stagnant. It didn’t
decrease nor increase until 2007 when it begun to increase again.

For Turkey’s population pyramid it is shaped like a pointed lancet arch. Same as
Greenland there isn’t any unusual bumps and the older the people get after 44 years old,
the lesser the population is for both genders. Same as Greenland, 0 – 34 years old have
more male than female, 35 – 44 years old have equal gender population, and 45 years old
and above have more females. These abnormalities in the Turkeys population pyramid
exist because for more than half a decade the population was growing, until in 1992 when
the population growth became stagnant and then decreases in 2021.

2. The highest age range in the pyramid population of Greenland is between 0 – 4 years old
with 7.2% for male and 6.8% for female. It is the highest because its population
percentage is the largest percentage. While in Turkey the highest age range is between 5
– 24 years old with males having a 4.1 % and 3.9 % for females. This means that
Greenland has higher birthrate than Turkey.

3. The major difference between Greenland and Turkey is that the growth of population in
Greenland splurge starting between ages 0 – 14 years old with an almost doubled
percentage, while Turkey has a stagnant growth rate between 5 – 24 years old and low
birthrate between 0 – 4 years old. On the other hand, Turkey has more older age group
and lesser death rate than Greenland.

The common thing between the two is that from 0 – 34 years old there is more male
population than female.

4. The population growth of Greenland shows more youthful dependents and decreasing
working aged population which makes this country a less economically developed one.
While Turkey has an almost balanced youthful dependents and working aged population
which makes it a developing country.

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