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Benzene is parent aromatic compound. Main source of Benzene is Coal Tar. This is
produced during condensation of Coke Oven Gas, generated by carbonization of
coking coal. In Bokaro, Benzene is extracted by destructive distillation of Crude
Benzol, recovered from Coke Oven Gas. Benzene is extraordinary stable and does
not react easily. Its structure is cyclic. Structure as stated below gives an idea about
How Benzene is extracted.

Coal carbonization at
1150 – 1200 deg.C

High volatile material cooled &
bubbled through water

Insoluble gas Condensed liquid & solution allowed for


Absorption of ammonia in
gas through sulphuric acid Upper aqueous layer Lower viscous layer ,
Ammonical liquor coal tar

Fractional distillation
Ammonium sulphate Ammonia free gas absorption
through wash oil at BRP-I
Crude Benzol
Scrubbed clean CO gas to
Benzene, Toluene, LSNaphtha, StillBottom Oil
Benzene, Toluene, LSNaphtha, Still Bottom Oil
In steel industry , whenever safety is discussed , generally we talk about crane, hoist and sling
certificate & load testing certificate , working at height , SOP & SMP etc..But we generally
forget to talk about safety in Chemical plant like safety in by product plant of Coke Ovens.
It’s need to be circulated widely because if safety practices are not taken care of , any time
havoc can be happened due the high volatile , explosive and highly inflammable nature of few
chemicals produced & handled in by product plant. Out of all sections of Coke Oven
Department , Benzol recovery and Benzol refining & rectification section , where benzene ,
toluene, LS Naphtha are being produced is considered the most hazardous and explosive
nature of plant because of highly inflammable characteristics of benzene , toluene, LS
Naphtha . Out of all aromatic compound , Benzene is considered as most explosive &
hazardous in nature. So to get smooth operation of Benzol Refining & Rectification Plant ,
one should know about various intrinsic characteristics of Benzene, and also safety
procedures during it’s handling , storage and loading in the Plant., it’s chemical characteristics
like MSDS ( Material safety data sheet ) etc. Otherwise , due to explosive nature it can create
havoc to the plant. Some of physical and chemical data of Benzene are as follows :-

Boiling Point : 80.0 deg.C

Melting Point : 5.51 deg.C
Vapour density : 277
Specific gravity : 0.879 at 20.0 deg.C
Physical state : Liquid
Vapour pressure at 35 deg.C : 100 mm Hg at 261.0 deg.C
Solubility of water at 30.0 deg.C : Insoluble
pH : Normal
Appearance : Colorless
Odour : Aromatic odour
Others : Miscible with alcohol, chloform,Ether, CC4 , Acetone.
Formula : C6H6
C.A.S. NO : 71.43.2
U.N.No : 1114
Trade Name : N.G,Benzene
Fire & Explosion Data :-
Flamability : Yes
LEL ( Lower explosive limit ) : 1.4 %
UEL ( Upper explosive limit ) : 8.0 %
Flash Point ( The temp. at which first flash occurred ) : 11.0 deg.C
Auto Ignition Temperature : 362.2 deg.C
Explosion sensitivity to impact : stable
Hazardous polymerization : Will not occur
Combustible Liquid : Yes
Flammable liquid : Yes
Pyro phoric Material : No
Explosive Material : Yes
Reactivity data :-
Chemical stability : Stable
Incompatibility with other chemicals : Strong oxidizer , chlorine , Bromine and iron.
Reactivity : React vigorously with oxidizing agents . vigor or
incandescent reaction with hydrogen
Hazardous : Forms sensitive explosive mixtures with iodine
Route of entry : Inhalation , Ingestion skin and eyes.
Effect of exposure / symptoms : Inhalation causes headache , dizziness , dullness ,
repeated contacts lead to pain & readiness.
Ingestion : Burning sensation in mouth and stomach .
Emergency treatment : skin if affected, remove clothes and boots and wash
Thoroughly the affected areas with plenty of water
and soap.
Eyes : Flush with plenty of water until irritation subsides .
Inhalation : Remove from exposure immediately . If breathing is
irregular or stopped , administer oxygen and seek medical
Regulated identification : shipping Name : Benzene,
HAZCHEM CODE : 3WE, Codes / label Flammable
liquid Hazardous waste ID No -5
Due to it’s hazardous nature, special care is to taken during loading and transportation through
tankers. These tankers are of special type and chemical name, code & identification numbers
are written on the body of the tanker. This is called “EMERGENCY INFORMATION
PANNEL”as depicted in Fig- 3.
Permissible levels of Benzene .Toluene & SO2 are as follows :-
Substance Permissible limits of exposure
Weighted concentration Weighted concentration
( 8 hours) ( 15 minutes )
ppm M3/hr ppm M3/hr
Benzene 10 30 ----- -----
Toluene 100 375 150 560
SO2 2 5 5 10

Preventive measures : Avoid contact with liquid and vapors

Personal Protective Equipment : Use hydrocarbon vapors arrestor, Hydrocarbon insoluble
rubber [ PPE ] or plastic gloves , goggles and face shields.
Hydrocarbon insoluble aprons such as Neoprene and shoes.

Emergency Fire / First Aid measures :-

Fire :Fire extinguishing media – Foam , carbon Dioxide, Dry
Chemical powder.
Exposure :Inhalation , remove the victim to fresh air , start resuscitation
Spills :Shut off leaks without risk, contain leaking liquid in sand or
earth. Prevent liquid entering into sewerage.
Waste disposal method : Seal off the waste in vapor tight plastic bags for eventual
Additional Information / References :Suspected human carcinogen. Depending on the
duration of exposure , periodic medical check up is recommended . Prolonged exposure(even
at low concn. ) may cause leukemia. Use of alcoholic drink enhances the poisonous effect .
Person with blood disorder should avoid contact with Benzene . High concn. Can lead to
unconsciousness and death. In industry, inhalation is the primary route of chronic Benzene
poisoning. Chiefly through lungs. There is a great individual variation in the signs &
symptoms of chronic Benzene poisoning.
Safety precautions during Benzene handling, storing & loading:-
Benzene is explosive in nature and it can affect skin . So during production special attention
is needed for Handling:-
• While moving through pipeline static electricity generates at the flange points, so
aluminum jumpers are provided to distribute static electricity to avoid explosion.
• Is should not be handled with naked hands.
• Overflow from storage tanks is to be voided during filling the material into the tanks.
• All storage tanks are to be provided with double earthlings to avoid explosion & fire.
• All storage tanks are kept within dyke wall to restrict it’s movement during overflow.
• All pump motors and are to be provided with double earthlings.
• All pumps with gland leakage collecting trays are needed to provided, to avoid
spilling of benzene on the floor. Drain line should be 65 mm above ground level.
• Storage tanks need to be provided with spark arrestors to avoid fire during thunders.
Spark arrestor is made of special material which prevents electricity during
• All storage tanks must be equipped with vents to release pressure over the liquid.
• All tanks must be equipped with summer cooling line to cool tanks body to avoid loss
of benzene ( as it is much volatile material ) in hot summer.
• All tanks are equipped with water spray as well as foam spray lines to extinguish fire.
• Drain lines are made to take out material (which cannot be with pump) for cleaning
and repairing tanks. It is below the pump suction line.
• As various products are produced in Benzol rectification plant, identification for att
tanks & equipments is necessary.
• All storage tanks must be painted every year to avoid from damage.
• All storage tanks must be equipped with ladder to go upstairs for inspection.
• All storage tanks must be equipped with level indicator to monitor the quantity.
Safety precautions during Benzene loading into the tankers :-
• All tankers must have permission from Chief controller of explosives
• All tankers tank must be properly cleaned before loading to avoid contamination
• Tankers must be provided with “EMERGENCY PANNEL” on the body.
• All chambers must be with dip pipe for entering material into the tanker.
• Engine must be switch off during loading.
• No chamber should be filled up to the neck.
• Flow of material should be at low speed to avoid fire for kinetic energy.
• Tankers must be provided with earthing connector during loading.
• No loading is allowed during thundering to avoid fire.
• Loading area must be free from dry grasses to avoid fire.
• Running of other vehicle is not allowed during loading.
• Loading area must be with fire fighting point in case of emergency.
• Loading must be completed during day hours only.
• Before leaving all tankers caps must be properly closed.
If above mentioned precautions are taken, fire & explosion can be avoided in Benzene
producing plant.
Uses of Benzene :-
• Manufacturing of Insecticides
• Manufacturing of Nitrobenzene, chlorobenzene
• Manufacturing of dyes, drugs , plastics
• Manufacturing of sulphonic acid, styrene
• Manufacturing of motor fuel ( when mixed with petrol )
• Use as a solvent also as a base material for making medicines

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