Waste Heat Recovery From Furnace Fluegases Usingwasteheat Recovery Boiler

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SyedAmjad Ahmad*, **Saqib Ehsan, ***Muhammad UsmanBabar, ***SyedHasnainHussainb,
***Hafiz Abdul-ur-Rehmanb, ***Muharnmad Qasim
*Head Mechanical Engg, * * *Students-Department of Mechanical Engineering,
NFC Institute of Engineering and Fertilizer Research, Faisalabad
** Head Civil Engg. Department, NFC IE&FR, Faisalabad

Correspondence Author: samjadahmad67@yahoo. com

Abstract: Energy saving is one of the key issues, not only from the point of view of fuel consumption but also for the
protection of global environment. So, it is imperative that a significant and concrete effort should be made for conserving energy
through waste heat recovery. This research paper will address the problem of heat energy which is wasted away from furnace in the
form of flue gases. The main object is to recover waste heat from the system and transfer the lost energy from the source back into the
useful work and also to make the energy conversionprocess as efficient as possible. There are various techniques in use, for recovery
of waste heat from various systems under different situation. This work is carried out on prototype Cupolafurnace whichis the most
widely used industrial melting furnace. While a two pass fire tube Boiler is used as waste heat recovery boiler (WHRB). This paper
involves the (a) calculation of energy which is wasted due to the different heat losses in furnace, (b) Recovery of the waste heat of
flue gases, (c) Generation of process steam in WHRB. Some techniques are suggested in this work, in order to minimize the losses of
waste heat energy, and also the suggestions forfurtherwork infuture.

Keywords: Waste, Cupola furnace, Heat losses, Dust catcher, Recovery boiler.

1. Introduction and they concluded that the steam generated can be

used as main stream steam[3].Schalles found that
Waste heat is the heat, which is generated i n a much o f the heat produced i n melting operation is
process by way o f fuel combustion or chemical lost to atmosphere. When this waste energy is re-
reaction, and then "dumped" into the environment used, it may save up to approximately 20% o f a
even though it could still be utilized for some useful facility's energy cost and, in some cases, reduce
and economic purposes. Waste heat, i n most general emissions [4]. Tang Jinquan developed many waste
sense, is the energy associated with the waste heat recovery power plants (WHRPP) while serving
streams o f air, gases, and liquids that leave the as Chief Technical Director o f Dalian East N e w
boundaries o f a plant or building and enter into the Energy Development Co., L t d [5]. Denmark is
environment. Waste heat which is rejected from probably the most active energy recycler, obtaining
a process at a temperature enough high above about 55% o f its energy from CHP and waste heat
the ambient temperature permits the recovery o f recovery [ 6 ] . Tugrul Ogulata discussed the
energy for some useful purposes i n an economic utilization o f waste-heat recovery i n textile drying
manner. The essential quality o f heat is not the process [7]. Soylemez studied on the thermo
amount but its "value". The strategy o f how to economical optimization o f Heat Pipe Heat
recover this heat depends not only on the Exchanger (HPHE) for waste heat recovery system
temperature of the waste heat sources but also on the [8, 9]. Lukitobudi, Akbarzadeh and Johnson found
economics i n v o l v e s behind the technology that high temperature steam which is generated by
incorporated. W H R B could be more conveniently used for some
useful purpose [10]. Zainal Zakaria and Nor Ismail
Reay found by experiments that not only is heat Hashim found that the cost o f system increases due
recovery economical, but that it also reduces to the erosion and corrosion i n boiler[ 11].Energy
pollution. He used heat exchangers for recovering consumption by the system and environmental
the heat [1]. Jekerle. Jiri Ormann. and Heinrich pollution can still further be reduced by
Rothenpieler. invented a waste heat boiler i n 2006 designing and employing energy saving equipments.
which included an axial bypass pipe and multiple
heat transfer pipes disposed within a cylindrical
jacket [2]. Cosme Matias Meneze(CMM) group i n
2005 conducted a research on heat recovery boiler

NFC-IEFR Journal o f Engineering & Scientific Research

Waste Heat Recovery from Furnace Flue Gases using Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

2. Material and Methods

In this system, Cupola furnace is used for melting o f

iron while coke is used as a fuel having a calorific
value of28000-31000 KJ/kg. Excess air required for
combustion is provided by a blower. The part o f air
which is not used i n the combustion process, takes
heat form the combustion w i t h it and escapes. This is
called Flue gas heat loss. I n this system this flue gas
instead o f being allowed to escape i n the
environment is directed towards the W H R B . Here
this waste heat is recovered by converting water into
steam. A dust collector is installed between furnace
and boiler which cleans the hot gases entering into Fig. 1: Waste Heat Recovery of Cupola Furnace Using Waste
the boiler. The Cupola furnace and the W H R B has Heat Recovery Boiler
the following specifications.
2.1 Furnace Efficiency
Table 1: Specifications of Cupola Furnace
The efficiency o f a furnace is the ratio o f useful
output to heatinput. The furnace efficiency can be
Capacity 20-25kg per batch determined by both direct and indirect method. [12]
Charge Flow Rate 200-225 kg/hr
Fuel Flow Rate 33Kg/hr
A i r Flow Rate 28.96kg/hr Direct Method Testing
Theoretical A i r Required 12-14Kg/Kg o f Coke
Furnace Exhaust Temperature 850°C The efficiency o f the furnace can be computed by
Charge Initial Temperature 30°C
Melting Point o f Iron
measuring the amount o f fuel consumed per unit
Talent Heat ofFusion o f Iron 126K.T/Kg weight of material produced from the furnace.

Thermal Efficiency of the Furnace =

Table 2: Specifications of Two Pass Fire Tube Boiler
He an :n cbe stock __
•—— X 100 = 1740/
Heat the fuel co^su^ned .-r/u
O u t s i d e D i a m e t e r o f Shell 0.406 m
Inside D i a m e t e r o f S h e l l 0.4 m Heatinthe Stock = Q = m j C p ^ T + mjef
L e n g t h o f Tube 0.6 m
m : Mass of Iron = 225Kg/hr
W a l l Thickness 6 mm
N u m b e r o f S m a l l Tubes 15 C : Specific Heat of Iron= 0.46 K J / K g - K

N u m b e r o f L a r g e Tubes 1
Total L e n g t h 0.6 x 16 - 9.6 m
A T : Melting Temperature o f Iron(1482°C) Charge
Outer Diameter o f Small Tube 0.032 m Initial Temperature(30°C) = 1452°C
Inner Diameter o f Small Tube 0.025 m
X : Latent Heat ofFusion of Iron =126 K J / K g
Small Tube Thickness 3.17mm
Outer Diameter o f Large Tube 0.15 m
Inner D i a m e t e r o f L a r g e l u b e 0.14 m So
Large Tube Thickness 4.8 m m
O v e r a l l heat transfer c o e f f i c i e n t 240KJ/hr-m -K
H e a t transfer area 1.181 m 2 Heat i n the Stock = Q = m C AT + m X = 178632
f pf fl f

The complete waste heat recovery system is shown Heat i n the Fuel Consumed = Heat Input o f Solid
in the following diagram. The detailed drawings o f Fuel + Heat Input of A i r =1007511.12 KJ/hr
individual parts are given in the end of this paper. Heat Input o f Solid Fuel= m Cv= 1023 000 KJ/hr


m : Mass of Coke = 33Kg/hr


NFC-IEFR Journal o f Engineering & Scientific Research

Waste Heat Recovery from Furnace Flue Gases using Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

Cv: Calorific Value of Coke = 31,000 KJ/Kg Theoretical A i r Required to Burn 1 kg o f Coke 12
Heat Input of A i r = m C ?T = 17511.12 KJ/hr
a pa kg

Where, Total A i r Supplied = Theoretical air x ( l 100

m : Mass of A i r = 12Kg/hr
Total A i r Supplied = 12 x 2.3 3 kg / kg of fuel
C : Specific Heat of A i r = 1.005 KJ/Kg-K
= 27.96 k g / k g of fuel
SensibleHeatLoss = m x C p x AT g g

Indirect Method Testing m = Weight o f flue gas= Actual Mass o f A i r


Supplied / kg of Fuel + Mass of Fuel (1kg)

Similar to the method o f evaluating boiler efficiency = 27.96+1.0 = 28.96 k g / k g offuel
by indirect method, furnace efficiency can also be Cp= Specific Heat o f Flue Gas= 0.24 KCal/kg/°K =
calculated by indirect method. Furnace efficiency is 1.0032 K J / K g - K
calculated after subtracting sensible heat loss i n flue AT = Temperature Difference= T - T fg a

gas, loss due to moisture in flue gas, heat loss due to = 850 30 = 8 2 0 ° K
openings i n furnace, heat loss through furnace skin T : Flue Gas Temperature

and other unaccounted losses from the input to the T : Ambient Temperature
Heat Loss = m x Cp x AT = = 5699.328kCal / kg o f
g g

fuel =23823.19 K J / K g offuel

In order to find out furnace efficiency using indirect
method, various parameters that are required are Haac Loss _

hourly furnace oil consumption, material output,

% Heat Loss in Flue g a s = Cv o f C o k s ~ 77%
excess air quantity, temperature o f flue gas,
temperature o f furnace at various zones, skin
Cv of Coke= 31000 K J / K g = 7150 Kcal/Kg
temperature and hot combustion air temperature.
Efficiency is determined by subtracting all the heat
Loss Due to Evaporation of Moisture Present in Fuel
losses from 100.
y.'_ = S 4 - C 4 5 ( T f g - T a ) }
Where, X 100 0.52%
Measurement Parameter s Cv of Coke

\l : Mass of Moisture i n 1 kg of Fuel = 0.15 kg/kg o f

The following measurements are to be made for
doing the energy balance
Loss Due to Evaporation of Water Formed due to
i) Weight of stock
Hydrogen in Fuel
ii) Temperature of furnace walls, roof etc.
iii) Flue gas temperature
%Loss= 1.2%
iv) Flue gas analysis 5 N •; 5 8 4 - C- 45 ( T f z - T a ) }
Cv o f C o k e
X 100 =
v) Fuel consumption
Instruments l i k e infrared thermometer, fuel
N : Mass H i n 1 kg of Fuel = 0.04 kg/kg of Fuel
consumption monitor, surface thermocouple and
other measuring devices are required to measure the
Heat Loss due to Openings:
above parameters. Reference manual should be
referred for data like specific heat, humidity etc.
I f a furnace body has an opening on it, the heat i n the
furnace escapes to the outside as radiant heat. Heat
Sensible Heat Loss in Flue Gas:
loss due to openings can be calculated by computing
X 100 = 133% Excess A i r black body radiation at furnace temperature, and
Excess A i r =
multiplying these values with emissivity (usually 0.8
for furnace brickwork) and the factor o f radiation
Where 0 is the % of Oxygen in Flue Gas = 12%

through openings. Factor for radiation through

NFC-IEFR Journal o f Engineering & Scientific Research

Waste Heat Recovery from Furnace Flue Gases using Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

openings can be determined with the help of Chart A - Emissivity = 0.8

1. The black body radiation losses can be directly
computed from the curves as given in the Chart A-2. Total Heat Loss

= (black body radiation) x (area o f opening) x

The Shape of the Opening is Square and =1.75
(factor o f radiation) x (emissivity)
D : Width of Furnace Charge Opening= 0. i 4 m
= 49.5 x 283.87 x 0.75 x 0.8 = 8516.1KCal/hr
X : Furnace Wall Width= 0.077m
The Factor of Radiation = 0.75 (Figure 2) - 1 „ , , Total Heat Loss 6:161 ; 1

Equivalent Fuel loss = , , — = -7150

Cv of Coke r r - = 1.18 Kg/hr
E q u i v a l e n t fuel L o s s
% o f heat loss X 100 = 3.5%
Mass Flo'.vRate o t F u e l

Heat Loss through Sidewall

Total Average Surface Temperature = 140°C=


Heat loss at 140 °C = 1450KCal / ml hr (Chart A¬


Total Surface Area = 2™z - i s (r, + r,) + s(tf \ i?) = 1.773 8m 2

0 2 0.4 .0.6 0.8 1.0 3 4 5 Where,

1 : Smaller Area o f Furnace Fructus =0.129 m
Fig. 2: Factorsfor Determining the Equivalent of Heat Release r

from Openings to the Quality of Heat Release from Perfect z: Outer Diameter o f Furnace = 0.20 m
Black Body.
s : Slant Height = 0.617 m
Black Body Radiation Corresponding to 1482°C =
49.5KCal/cm7hr(Fig.3) z: Length o f Cylindrical Drum = 0.711 m

Total Heat Loss = (Total Area) x (Heat lossat 140

°C) = 2572 Kcal/hr
Total Heat Loss
Equivalent Fuel Loss Cv of Fuel
0.360 Kg/hr
0 360
Percentage Loss X 100 = 1.09%

• Sensibe Heat loss

• Evaporation of moisture in
• Evaporation of water formed
300 500 700 800 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 from hydrogen in fuel
Temperature (°C)
• Radiation loss

• Side wall loss

• Furnace Efficiency
Fig. 3: Graph for Determining Black Body Radiation at a
Particular Temperature

Area of Opening = 283.87 cm Fig.4 : Pie Chart Showing Furnace efficiency and Heat

NFC-IEFR Journal o f Engineering & Scientific Research

Waste Heat Recovery from Furnace Flue Gases using Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

Losses 5209.01kJ/Kg. It means that 21.1% of the waste flue

gas energy is recovered. Process steam is generated
Furnace Efficiency (Indirect Method& Direct
having temperature 473 °K and pressure 344.737864
kPa. The quantity o f waste heat recovered can be
increased by increasing the efficiency o f heat
1. Sensible heat loss i n flue gas = 77 %
recovery boiler and furnace itself. I t can be done by
2. Loss due to evaporation of moisture i n fuel = 0.52
installing more heat recovery devices e.g. charge pre
heater, feed water pre heater, air pre heater.
3. Loss due to evaporation o f water formed from H 2

in fuel = 1 . 2 5 %
Waste heat recovered i n the waste heat recovery
4. Heat loss due to openings = 3.5%
boiler is 21.1%. This amount o f the heat recovered
5. Heat loss through Side wall = 1.09%
can be increased by enhancing the efficiency o f the
Total losses = 83.36 %
boiler and by installing more heat recovering
Furnace Efficiency = 100 83.36 = 16.64%
equipments .e.g. air pre heater, charge pre heater, etc.
Furnace Efficiency (16.64%) s Furnace
Indirect Method

Efficiency (17.4%) Material Selection:


2.2 Waste Heat Recovery Calculations The amount o f heat recovered i n this project can be
increases by choosing the right material for the pipes
Heat available at exhaust of furnace used i n boiler. The ideal material used for this
= m x Cp x AT = 5699.328 KCal / kg o f fuel = purpose is copper. Copper is an excellent thermal
g g

23 823.19 K J / K g of fuel conductor. But its machining and joining are very
AT: Furnace Exhaust Temperature Ambient difficult as well as expensive. Moreover, its cost is
Temperature very high. Due to these reasons, mild steel was
selected. I f copper is used, the efficiency of the Heat
Heat Available at Boiler Exhaust Recovery Boiler (HRB) would increase which
would result i n the increased amount o f recovered
= m x Cp x AT = 18611.99 KJ/Kg
g g waste heat.
AT: Flue Gas Temperature at Boiler Inlet - Flue Gas
Temperature atBoiler Outlet Fuel Saving:

Total Heat Recovered in Boiler The product is heated i n a furnace or oven. This
results i n energy losses in different areas and forms.
= Heat available at exhaust of furnace - First, the metal structure and insulation o f the
Heat available at boiler exhaust furnace must be heated so their interior surfaces are
= 5209.01 KJ/Kg about the same temperature as the product they
contain. This stored heat is held i n the structure until
Percentage Heat Recovered the furnace shuts down, then it leaks out into the
surrounding area. The more frequently the furnace is
cycled from cold to hot and back to cold again, the
He at aval L ab L e at fl a e gas
more frequently this stored heat must be replaced. I n
3. Results and Discussions addition, because the furnace cannot run production
until it has reached the proper operating temperature,
Waste heat i n flue gases is calculated to be the process o f storing heat in it causes lost production
23 823.19kJ/Kg which is 77% of the total heat energy time. Fuel is consumed with no useful output. I f the
generated by the fuel combustion. This heat is insulation o f the furnace material is enhances, the
accounted as the waste of the metal melting process. convections losses w i l l reduce due to which the
3 production time of the furnace w i l l decrease and fuel
This means that about A o f the energy is thrown
which was wasting away earlier w i l l be saved up to
away in the environment. The heat o f the flue gas
some extent.
recovered i n the heat recovery b o i l e r is

NFC-IEFR Journal o f Engineering & Scientific Research

Waste Heat Recovery from Furnace Flue Gases using Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

Additional heat losses take place while the furnace is The results can be dramatic. In a process operating at
in production. Wall or transmission losses are caused 2,000°F, available heat at stoichiometric ratio is
by the conduction of heat through the walls, roof, and about 45% (55% goes out the stack). A l l o w i n g just
floor o f the heating device. Once that heat reaches 20% excess air into the process (roughly a 12-to-l
the outer skin o f the furnace and radiates to the ratio for natural gas) reduces the available heat to
surrounding area or is carried away by air currents, it 38%. Now, 62% o f the total heat input goes out the
must be replaced by an equal amount taken from the stack, the difference being carried away by that
combustion gases. This process continues as long as relatively small amount o f excess air. To maintain
the furnace is at an elevated temperature. the same temperatures and production rates i n the
furnace, 18% more fuel mustbeburned. [13]
Anywhere or anytime there is an opening i n the
furnace enclosure, heat is lost by radiation, often at a However, combustion systems can be operated at
rapid rate. These openings include the furnace flues other ratios. Sometimes, this is done deliberately to
and stacks them-selves, as well as doors left partially obtain certain operating benefits, but often it
open to accommodate oversized work in the furnace. happens simply because the burner system is out o f
Hot surfaces radiate energy to nearby colder adjustment. The ratio can go either rich or lean
surfaces, and the rate o f heat transfer increases with
the fourth power o f the surface's absolute Excess air does not necessarily enter the furnace as
temperature. part o f the combustion air supply. It can also
infiltrate from the surrounding room i f there is a
For every fuel, there is a chemically stoichiometric, negative pressure in the furnace. Because of the draft
amount o f air required to burn it. One cubic foot o f effect o f hot furnace stacks, negative pressures are
natural gas, for example, requires about 10 cubic feet fairly common, and cold air slips past leaky door
of combustion air. Stoichiometric combustion w i l l seals and other openings i n the furnace. Once i n the
produce the highest flame temperatures and thermal furnace, air absorbs precious heat from the
efficiencies, or lean (excess air). Either way, it combustion system and carries it out the stack,
wastes fuel. Because there is not enough air for lowering the furnace efficiency.
complete combustion, operating the burners at rich
combustion conditions wastes fuel by allowing it to Ambient air contains approximately 2 1 % oxygen
be discarded with some of its energy unused. I t also with nitrogen and other inert gases as balance. The
generates large amounts o f carbon monoxide (CO) total volume o f exhaust gases could be reduced by
and unburned hydrocarbons (UHCs). A t first glance, increasing the oxygen content o f combustion air,
operating lean might seem to be a better proposition either by mixing i n ambient air or by using 100%
because all the fuel is consumed. Indeed, a lean oxygen. Reducing exhaust gases would result i n
operation produces no flammable, toxic by-products substantial fuel savings. The exact amount o f energy
of rich combustion, but it does waste energy. Excess savings depends on the percentage o f oxygen i n
air has two effects on the combustion process. First, combustion air and the flue gas temperature. Higher
it lowers the flame temperature by diluting the values o f oxygen and flue gas temperature offer
combustion gases, i n much the same way cold water higher fuel savings. Obviously, the fuel savings
added to hot produces warm water. This lowers the would have to be compared to the cost o f oxygen to
temperature differential between the hot combustion estimate actual economic benefits.
gases and the furnace and load, which makes heat
transfer less efficient. More damaging, however, is The bottom line is that to get the best possible energy
the increased volume o f gases that are exhausted efficiency from furnaces and ovens, reduce the
from the process. The products o f stoichiometric amount o f energy carried out by the exhaust and lost
combustion and the excess are at the same to heat storage, wall conduction, conveying and
temperature. The excess air becomes one more cooling systems and radiation. B y increasing the
competitor for the energy demand i n the process. efficiency of the furnace, the amount of fuel required
Because this is part o f the combustion process, for the process reduces as an ultimate aftermath.
excess air goes to the head of the line, taking its share
of the heat before the furnace and its contents.

NFC-IEFR Journal o f Engineering & Scientific Research <140>

Waste Heat Recovery from Furnace Flue Gases using Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

Minimize exhaust gas volumes: [2] Jekerle. Jiri. Ormann. Heinrich. Rothenpieler.
Klaus. June 7. 2007. Waste heat boiler, Patent
The exhausting flue gas contain very hazardous 7412945
gases e.g. carbon mono-oxide, carbon dioxide, [3] The C o s m e c M a t i a z Me ne ze ( C M M )
sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, etc. These gases are Group,2005. Research conducted on Energy
dangerous for human life i n many ways. They also Recovery Systems. Panaji, Goa, India.
serve as the green house gases which are the main [4] Schalles,David G. 2002. The Next Generation
cause o f global warming. The volume of these gases Of Combustion Technology For Aluminum
entering our environment should be reduced as much M e l t i n g , B l o o m Engineering Company,
as possible. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
[5] Jinquan, Tang. May 2009. Waste Heat
FE - Furnace Efficiency Recovery Power Generation Engineering
Technical Guidance. Dalian East New Energy
Development Co., Ltd. Dalian, China
[6] World Survey of Decentralized Energy May.
[7] R.Tugrul Ogulata, "Utilization of waste-heat
recovery in textile drying", Appliede nergy (in
press) (2004).
[8] M.S. Soylemez "On the thermo economical
optimization of heat pipe heat exchanger
HPHE for waste heat recovery" Energy
Conversion and Management, V o l . 44,
[9] M.S. Soylemez, "On the thermo-economical
optimization of fin sizing for waste heat
r e c o v e r y " E n e r g y C o n v e r s i o n and
Management, Vol.44, (2003) 859-866.
Carbon Dioxide in Flue Gas
[10] R. Lukitobudi, A. Akbarzadeh, P. W.
% Volume.'Volume Dry Johnson, P. Hendy,"Design, construction
and testing of a thermo syphon
Improving Burner Performance
heatexchanger for medium temperature
heat recovery in bakeries"Journal of Heat
Fig. 5: Furnace Performance Graph Recovery Systems and CHP, Volume 15, Issue
5,July 1995, Pages 481-491.
Avoiding overloading and optimizing heat transfer [11] Zakaria, Zainal. Hashim, Nor Ismail. 3 Jan.
are two ways to lower waste gas flows, but there are 2012 , Corrosion-erosion on waste heat
recovery b o i l e r system v i a b l o w d o w n
others. The most potent way is to closely control optimization, Department of Gas Engineering,
fuel-air ratios. Operating the furnace near the Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy
optimum fuel-air ratio for the process also controls Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
fuel consumption. The reduction i n exhaust 81310 JohorBaru, Johor, Malaysi
volumes w i l l be the indirect result o f efficiencies [12] E n e r g y P e r f o r m a n c e , A s s e s s m e n t of
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to a considerable amount.


[1] Reay, David Anthony. Reay, David G 1979,

Heat recovery system: A d i r e c t o r y of
equipment and techniques.

NFC-IEFR Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research

Waste Heat Recover* from Furnace Flue Gases using Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

rrif Mass of Iron, Kg/hr
m, Mass of Air, Kg/hr
Mass of Coke, Kg/lrr
Weight of flue gas, kg / kg of fuel
M, Steam Mass, Kg/hr
M Mass of Moisture in 1 kg of fuel, kg/kj; of fuel
N Mass H in 1 kg of fuel, kg/kg of fuel

c Specific heat of flue gas, KJ/Kg-K


c Specific Heat of Iron, KJ/Kg-K


c Specific Heat of Air, KJ/Kg-K


c Specific Heat Of Water , KJ/Kg-K

A, Latent Heat ofFusion of Iron, KJ/Kg
?T Temperature Difference. °K
T Flue Gas Temperature, °K

T. Ambient Temperature, °K
T Steam Temperature °K

T Feed Water Temperature, °K

Project: waste heat recovery of
T Boiler Hotter fluid Inlet Temperature , •K
cupola fumice
T Boiler Colder fluid Outlet Temperature, °K
T Boiler Hotter fluid Outlet Temperature ,°K scale; 1:1 Side view

T Boiler Colder fluid Inlet Temperature , °K

D Width of furnace Charge opening, m Cupola furnace
X Furnace wall width, m
•i Smaller Area of Furnace Fructus, m Dra wn by; Checked by:
Date: 23-10-12
2 Outer Diameter of Furnace, m
s Furnace Slant Height, m
z Length of Furnace cylindrical drum, m Fig. 6: Furnace Side View
Enthalpy of feed water, KJ/Kg
Enthalpy of saturated vapor, KJ/Kg
K Thermal Conductivity of Water, KJ / m-hr-K
Cv Calorific Value of Coke. KJ/Kg
o Percentage of oxygen in flue gas, %

P Density, Kg/m 3

Project: waste heat recovery of

cupola furaiice
scale: 1:1 Top view

Cupola furnace

Dra-.vn bv: Checked bv:

Date: 23-10-12

Fig. 7: Furnace Top View

NFC-IEFR Journal o f Engineering & Scientific Research
Waste Heat Recovery from Furnace Flue Gases using Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

Project: waste heat recovery of Project: waste heat recovery of

cupola fur;mce cupola fur;ince

scale: 1:1 Front view scale: 1:1 Top \iew

Cupola furnace Dust Catcher

Dra wn by: Cheeked by: Dra wn by:

Date: 23-10-12 Date: 23-10-12 Cheeked by:
31.32,33,33 31,32,33,53

Fig. 8: Furnace Front View Fig. 10: Dust Catcher Top View

Project: waste heat recovery of Project: waste heat recovery of

cupola furmce cupola fur;uice

scale 1:1 Front view scale ; 1:1 Top view

Dust Catcher Waste heat boiler

Drawn bv: Drawn bv; Checked hv:

Date: 23-10-12 Cheeked by Date: 23-10-12
3132,33,3.3 31,32,33,53

Fig. 9: Dust Catcher Front View Fig. 11: Boiler Top View
NFC-IEFR Journal o f Engineering & Scientific Research - <L43>
Waste Heat Recovery from Furnace Flue Gases using Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

Project: waste heat recovery of

cupola furaiice

scale ; 1; 1 Front view

Waste heat boiler

Drawn bv: Checked by:

Date: 23-10-12

Fig. 12: Boiler Front View

Project: waste heat recovery of

cupola furance

scale : 1:1 Front view

Elbow with Butterfly valve

Drawn bv: Checked bv

Date: 23-10-12

Fig. 13: Furnace Elbow with Butterfly Valve Front View

NFC-IEFR Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research M 44

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