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Mechanisms Whereby Whole Grain Cereals
Modulate the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes
Knud Erik Bach Knudsen1, Merete Lindberg Hartvigsen2,
Mette Skou Hedemann1, Kjeld Hermansen2
Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Tjele, Denmark; 2Department of Endocrinology and Internal
Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark

1. INTRODUCTION controlled trials (RCTs) that unhealthy diet plays an

important role for development of abdominal obesity
Worldwide, 382 million adults (8.3%) are living with and T2D.3,4 One example of this negative transition is
diabetes, and the estimate is projected to rise to more the increased use of milling and processing of whole
than 592 million by 2035.1 Type 2 diabetes (T2D), which grains (WG) to produce refined products5,6 such as pol-
accounts for 90% of all diabetes, has become one of the ished white rice and refined wheat flour. The conse-
major causes of premature illness and death, mainly quence is reduced content of dietary fiber (DF),
through the increased risk of cardiovascular disease micronutrients, and phytochemicals.5,6
(CVD), which is responsible for up to 80% of these The mechanisms for WG benefits in relation to hu-
deaths. The prediabetic condition, the metabolic syn- man health are not yet fully understood, but most likely
drome (MeS), is estimated to affect around 20e25% of involve DF and bioactive components.5 The main pur-
the world’s adult population.2 According to the Interna- pose of the present chapter is to discuss mechanisms
tional Diabetes Federation’s definition, MeS is character- whereby WG cereals may prevent T2D.
ized by abdominal obesity and a combination of
increased blood pressure, dyslipidemia (high triglycer-
ides and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), 2. WHOLE GRAINS VERSUS REFINED
raised fasting plasma glucose, and insulin resistance.2 FLOUR
People with MeS are twice as likely to die and three
times as likely to have a heart attack or stroke compared At present, there is no universal accepted definition
with people without the syndrome.2 In addition, people of WG. However, the definition by the American Asso-
with MeS have a fivefold increased risk of developing ciation of Cereal Chemists, “intact, ground, cracked or
T2D.2 Changes in body weight caused by physical inac- flaked caryopsis [fruit or kernel] of the grain whose
tivity and unhealthy diet are likely to contribute to the principal components, the starchy endosperm, germ
increased rates of T2D.1 and bran, are present in the same relative proportions
As a consequence of urbanization and economic as they exist in the intact grain,” is widely used.7
growth, many countries have experienced dietary Recently, the European-based consortium of scientists
changes favoring a rise in caloric consumption and a and industry working with cereals, the Healthgrain
decline in overall diet quality.3 The drastic changes tak- Forum, has proposed an updated definition that essen-
ing place in food production, processing, and distribu- tially is similar but allows for minor losses (up to 2%) of
tion systems have enhanced the accessibility of the grain during milling.8 In both definitions, WG
unhealthy foods. Evidence has accumulated from both include all or almost all parts of the grain. The main
prospective observational studies and randomized WG cereals consumed worldwide are wheat, rice, and

Molecular Nutrition and Diabetes 87 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

maize, followed by oats, rye, barley, triticale, millet, and wall polysaccharidesdi.e., AX and bglucan (soluble
sorghum.9 Wheat and rye are to a large extent nonstarch polysaccharide (NSP)), to give rise to viscos-
consumed as soft and crisp breads but also as breakfast ity.11,12 The viscosity is directly related to the funda-
cereals, whereas the other cereals grains mostly are mental molecular characteristics of the molecules in
consumed as breakfast cereals, porridges, or cooked solution (molecular conformation, molecular weight
stables. (Mw), molecular weight distribution) and the concentra-
The cereal grain, irrespective of species, is a complex tion of the polymer.11e13 WG cereals also contain an
organ composed of tissues containing cell walls with array of nonnutritive noncarbohydrates constituents
different properties and composition as illustrated for predominantly concentrated in the germ and bran
wheat in Figure 1.10 The cell walls from the outer part fraction.5,6 Of importance in a nutritional health context
of the kernel have primarily the role of protection and is benzoic acid and cinnamic derivatives, lignans,
the cell walls in these tissues are consequently thick, hy- alkylresorcinols (AR), B vitamins, betaine, phytosterols
drophobic, and contain significant amounts of the non- and phytostanols, phytic acids, and
carbohydrate polyphenolic ether lignin.11 In endosperm avenanthramides.5,6
tissues that include the aleurone layer, the cell walls are
thin and hydrophilic and DF more soluble than those
present in the outermost part of the grain. The main
DF polysaccharides present in cereals are arabinoxylan
(AX), cellulose, and bglucan, which vary significantly
according to the cereal specie but also between different
tissues of the grains.11,12 Rye, triticale, wheat, and corn
3.1 Whole Grains and Metabolic Syndrome
are rich in AX, whereas barley and oats contain a high Diets that are rich in WG foods have been linked to
level of bglucan.11,12 Of importance in a nutritional a lower prevalence of the MeS in both middle-aged14,15
physiological context is the ability of some of the cell and older adults16 independent of demographic,

FIGURE 1 Cross-section of a whole grain wheat kernel with location of specific compounds. Adapted from Surget and Barron.10


lifestyle, and dietary factors.16 In contrast, intake of after adjusting for dietary magnesium, which is known
refined grain is positively associated with a higher to be inversely associated with the risk of T2D in a dosee
prevalence of MeS.16 In the Framingham Offspring response manner.24
Cohort, middle-aged men and women who reported Three meta-analyses have been conducted on WG
consuming three or more servings of WG per day and the risk of T2D.25e27 The meta-analysis from
had a 32% lower prevalence of the MeS than did those 200726 included six prospective cohort studies. The
who reported consuming less servings per day.17 Simi- cohorts included men and women, predominantly white
larly, the prevalence of the MeS was 32% lower with or black populations, from the United States and
higher intakes of WG in Tehranian females.14 Also in Finland.26 Higher WG consumption was only associated
older subjects, it was found that those with a higher with lower fasting and postload plasma glucose concen-
intake of WG foods (median intake: 2.9 servings/day) trations in one cross-sectional study, but not in two other
had a lower prevalence of the MeS (odds ratio: 0.46; studies.26 The findings from the cohort studies are
95% confidence interval (CI): 0.27e0.79) than did consistent with the direct association between WG con-
subjects with lower WG intakes (median intake: less sumption and insulin sensitivity that has been observed
than one serving/day).16 A large body of evidence in cross-sectional studies in adolescent and adult US
now supports the association of minimally processed populations.26 Based on the meta-analysis of six cohort
cereal foods as part of a dietary pattern with lower studies including 286,125 participants and 10,944 cases
risk of features of the MeS.18 Processed cereals, in of T2D, a two-serving-per-day increment in WG intake
contrast, are associated with increased risk of compo- was found to be associated with a 21% decrease in risk
nents of the MeS.18 of T2D after adjustment for potential confounders and
body mass index.26
In the meta-analysis by Ye et al.,27 six cohorts were
3.2 Whole Grains and T2D identified that investigated the relation of WG intake
In a Cochrane Review from 200819dbased on data up to T2D risk. The overall estimated multivariate-
to May 30, 2006done RCT and eleven prospective adjusted relative risk (RR) of T2D comparing the high-
cohort studies were identified. The RCT was of low est with the lowest level of intake was RR ¼ 0.74 (i.e.,
methodological quality. Four of the eleven cohort 26% reduction in risk of T2D).27 They concomitantly
studies measured cereal fiber intake, three studies identified 11 prospective cohort studies27 that exam-
measured WG intake, and two studies measured both. ined the relation of total DF and/or cereal DF
Two studies measured the change in WG food intake intake to T2D risk. The overall estimate of the
and one of them also measured change in cereal fiber multivariable-adjusted RR of T2D comparing the high-
intake. The incidence of T2D was assessed in nine est and lowest category of DF intake was 0.84 (95% CI:
studies and changes in weight gain in two studies. The 0.76e0.93) for total DF and 0.87 (95% CI: 0.81e0.94) for
prospective studies consistently showed a reduced risk total cereal DF.27 Subgroup analyses in men and
on the development of T2D after high intake of WG women revealed a slightly more protective association
foods (27e30%) or cereal fiber (28e37%).19 The authors among men than among women. Aune et al.25 identi-
concluded that the evidence from only prospective fied 16 cohort studies that were included in the
cohort trials was too weak to allow a definite conclusion analyses of grain intake and T2D risk.25 Seven
about the preventive effect of WG foods on the develop- studies were from the United States, six were from
ment of T2D. They inquired for properly designed long- Europe, two from Asia, and one was from
term RCT.19 Australia.25 Ten cohort studies were included in the
Subsequently, several larger studies have reported an analysis of total WG intake and T2D risk and included
inverse association between WG intake and risk of 19,829 cases among 385,868 participants.25 The
T2D,20e22 although not all reported this.23 In the large summary RR for T2D comparing high versus low
Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study20 of intake was 0.74 (95% CI: 0.71e0.78). The summary RR
postmenopausal women, the consumption of WG was per three servings per day was 0.68 (95% CI:
inversely associated with incident T2D over a median 0.58e0.81) (Figure 2(a)).25 There was evidence of a
of 7.9 years follow-up. Women who consumed more nonlinear association between WG intake and T2D
than two servings of WG per day had a 43% reduction risk, with a steeper reduction in risk when increasing
in risk of incident diabetes compared with women intake from low levels, and most of the benefit was
who consumed no WG. The lower risk of diabetes was observed up to an intake of two servings per day
observed even at relatively low intakes of WG such as (Figure 2(b)).25 The summary RR for high versus low
one serving per day (hazard ratio, 0.73). The association intake was 0.82 (95% CI: 0.72e0.94, n ¼ 4) for WG
was robust and dose-related after adjusting for potential bread, 0.66 (95% CI: 0.57e0.77, n ¼ 3) for WG cereals,
confounders.20 The risk of T2D was slightly reduced 0.76 (95% CI: 0.69e0.84, n ¼ 3) for wheat bran, 0.97



(a) Whole grains and type 2 diabetes, dose-response, per 3 servings/d

Relative Risk
Study (95% CI)

Ericson, 2013 0.77 (0.63–0.94)

Parker, 2013 0.83 (0.69–0.99)
Wirstrom, 2013 0.68 (0.41–1.12)
Sun, 2010, HPFS 0.66 (0.55–0.79)
Sun, 2010, NHS1 0.46 (0.39–0.56)
Sun, 2010, NHS2 0.69 (0.54–0.88)
Fisher, 2009 0.96 (0.81–1.13)
Van Dam, 2006 0.41 (0.30–0.56)
Montonen, 2003 0.75 (0.48–1.17)
Meyer, 2000 0.77 (0.63–0.93)
Overall 0.68 (0.58–0.81)

.25 .5 .75 1 1.5

Relative Risk

(b) Whole grains and type 2 diabetes, nonlinear dose-response





0 1 2 3 4 5
Whole grains (serving/day)

Best fitting fractional polynomial

95% confidence interval

FIGURE 2 Whole grains and risk of T2D: (a) studies and relative risk (RR) and (b) nonlinear dose-response. Adapted from Aune.25

(95% CI: 0.86e1.10, n ¼ 3) for wheat germ, 0.89 (95%

3.3 Refined Grains and T2D
CI: 0.81e0.97, n ¼ 3) for brown rice, 1.17 (95% CI: In many countries, grains are heavily processed and
0.93e1.47, n ¼ 7) for white rice, and 0.82 (95% CI: provide a high proportion of total and carbohydrate cal-
0.56e1.18, n ¼ 2) for total cereals.25 Thus, WG wheat ories. Carbohydrates from heavily processed cereals are
and bran and brown rice had a positive impact on rapidly digested, absorbed, and metabolized with the
the RR for T2D, whereas wheat germ, white rice, and potential of adverse metabolic effects. Thus, greater
total cereals had no effect on the RR of T2D. intake of white polished rice is associated with an


increased risk of T2D, especially in Asian countries carbohydrates may adversely affect metabolic interme-
where white rice is a stable food.28 Six studies reported diates potentially by stimulating de novo hepatic lipo-
on refined grain intake and T2D25 included 9545 cases genesis, which may increase the risk of MeS and T2D.
among 258,078 participants. The summary RR for high Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have confirmed
versus low intake of refined grains was 0.94 (95% CI: the importance of free (added) sugars29 when consumed
0.82e1.09) and the RR per three servings per day 0.95 ad libitum in contributing to excess body fatness.
(95% CI: 0.88e1.04) (Figure 3). A high load of refined Other than the need to restrict consumption of free

(a) Refined grains and type 2 diabetes, dose - response, per 3 servings/d

Relative Risk
Study (95% CI)

Ericson, 2013 0.98 (0.85–1.13)

Parker, 2013 0.89 (0.82–0.96)

Montonen, 2003 0.66 (0.43–1.00)

Fung, 2002 1.03 (0.88–1.22)

Liu, 2000 1.07 (0.95–1.20)

Meyer, 2000 0.93 (0.79–1.06)

Overall 0.95 (0.88–1.04)

.25 .5 .75 1 1.5

Relative Risk

(b) Refined grains and type 2 diabetes, nonlinear dose-response





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Refined grains (servings/day)

Best fitting fractional polynomial

95% confidence interval

FIGURE 3 Refined grains and risk of type 2 diabetes: (a) studies and relative risk (RR) and (b) nonlinear dose-response. Adapted from Aune.25



sugars, less attention has been paid to the type of dietary The European Food Safety Authority report concluded
carbohydrate. To lower disease risk and improve that 4 g of b-glucan for each 30 g of digestible carbohy-
vascular health outcomes, it is imperative to replace drates should be consumed per meal to reduce the post-
refined grains with WG. prandial glycemic response.52 The Mw and solubility of
b-glucan are important for the viscosity and thereby
the beneficial effect of b-glucan on glucose and insulin
The consumption of large amounts of white rice is
associated with an increased risk of T2D,28 but it is note-
4.1 Acute Human Studies worthy that acute studies with nonparboiled and par-
Several studies have investigated the effects of WG rye boiled white rice showed that both were low in
compared with refined wheat on glucose and insulin re- glycemic index (GI) compared to white bread in T2D
sponses. In these studies, WG rye products repeatedly patients (GI 50 vs 53).55 In T2D patients, the glycemic
induced low insulin responses30e34 compared with indices to parboiled white rice did not vary depending
refined wheat products, although the glucose responses on the amount of available carbohydrate (GI of 25 and
were similar35,36 or reduced.37 The insulin-saving prop- 50 g carbohydrate being 55 and 60, respectively)56 or
erty may, however, depend on the rye varieties,32,38 the gender (GI in men 66 and in women 62, respectively).57
structure of the rye grain,30 and the presence of bioactives However, the structure of the starch (amylose and
and soluble DF.32 In addition, the form of food31 has been amylopectin ratio) had a pronounced impact on GI; par-
proposed to be more important determinants for the low boiled rice with a high amylose content had a GI of 50
insulin responses than the total DF content. Rye products compared with 73 for parboiled rice with a low amylose
also induced lower glucose responses, hence preventing content (P < 0.01).55 Furthermore, the severity of par-
hypoglycemia in the late postprandial phase.33,34,37 Low boiling also influences GI in T2D subjects. Thus, three
postprandial insulin responses may reduce the overstim- meals of cooked polished rice of the same variety being
ulation of the b cells, thereby protecting the b cells. nonparboiled (NP), mildly traditionally parboiled, and
In several acute studies, the glucose responses to WG severely pressure parboiled were compared with white
wheat bread did not differ from white refined wheat bread58 and resulted in GI readings of 55 (NP), 46 (tradi-
bread39e41 and neither did the insulin responses.41,42 In tionally parboiled), and 39 (pressure parboiled), and
contrast, the glucose responses39,40 and insulin re- lower for pressure parboiled than NP (P < 0.05)58
sponses39 of refined wheat pasta were significantly (Figure 4).
lower than for refined wheat bread. The different food
structure between bread and pasta has previously been 15
examined, and the latter has consistently been shown
to reduce glycemia and insulinemia.39,43,44 The struc- 14
tural differences between rye and wheat have also
been proposed to play a role for the lower postprandial
insulin response to rye bread.30 Interestingly, the glucose 12
responses in type 1 diabetic subjects attaining a constant
Glucose (mmol/l)

insulin level via an artificial b cell was unaffected by dif- 11

ferences in the extraction rate of wheat white flour (70%)
or WG (100%), whereas WG rye bread induced a 25% 10
lower glucose response.37
In acute studies, refined wheat products enriched 9
with concentrated AX have been found to reduce the
glycemic response,45 to possess a modest effect on the
glucose peak value,46 or not to affect the acute glycemic 7
response47 compared with refined wheat products. In
combination with whole rye kernels, concentrated AX
has been shown to reduce the acute glucose and insulin 0
–15 0 15 30 45 60 90 120 150 180
response.48 Minutes
Oat and barley, which are characterized by a high
content of b-glucan, have previously been studied in FIGURE 4 Plasma glucose responses (means  standard error of
the mean) in nine type 2 diabetic subjects to four different test meals
detail,49e51 and the European Food Safety Authority (50 g available carbohydrates). White bread (C) and cooked rice of the
has recognized a cause-and-effect relationship between same variety being non-parboiled (B); traditionally parboiled (;)
b-glucan and the postprandial glycemic response.52 and pressure parboiled (Ü). Adapted from Larsen.58


4.2 Long-Term Human Studies 4.3 Animal Studies
Long-term studies examining the effects of WG intake In porto-arterial catheterized pigs, WG rye bread
on glucose and insulin metabolism have, as it is the case in reduced the insulin secretion 30 min postprandially,70
acute studies, provided conflicting findings. The inconsis- whereas a WG rye bread with kernels lowered the
tent results may be ascribed to different study pop- glucose flux 15 min postprandially compared with
ulations, different WG cereals and differences in refined wheat bread.70 Glucose absorption and insulin
methodologies used to measure glucose and insulin meta- secretion were also reduced by white bread enriched
bolism. However, also criteria for reporting WG intake with concentrated AX at 60 and 30 min postprandially,
have varied widely (e.g., in grams, portions, or servings), respectively.70 In Zucker Diabetic Fatty rats fed the
making it difficult to precisely explore the relation be- same bread types for 7 weeks, WG rye bread, WG rye
tween WG and grain components in relation to diabetes.59 bread with kernels, and AX-enriched wheat bread
Rye bread and pasta have been studied in subjects reduced the blood glucose response areas after an oral
with the MeS60 and postmenopausal, hypercholesterol- glucose tolerance test compared with refined wheat
emic women.61 In these studies, rye bread as well as bread.71 The effect of WG rye versus WG wheat was
rye bread and pasta enhanced the acute insulin response studied for 22 weeks in C57BL/6J mice.72 The results
in postmenopausal, hypercholesterolemic women after showed an increased islet insulin release to the WG
an 8-week intervention compared with refined wheat rye diet compared with the WG wheat diet. The insulin
bread61 and early insulin secretion in subjects with the response was also reduced during an intravenous
MeS after 12 weeks60 compared with oat bread, wheat glucose tolerance test for WG rye compared with WG
bread, and potatoes, respectively. In both studies, the in- wheat, whereas the glucose response did not differ.72
sulin sensitivity remained unchanged.60,61 A 6-week In addition, the WG rye diet showed beneficial effects
WG diet (three bread slices, two crisp bread slices, one related to insulin signaling, insulin resistance, apoptosis,
portion pasta, and one portion muesli), mainly in milled and inflammation on plasma and/or gene expression
form, did neither improve insulin sensitivity or inflam- levels.72 In another study, Goto-Kakizaki rats were fed
matory markers (interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein) WG diets containing 65% WG flour of barley, oat, wheat,
compared with a refined diet in overweight adults.62 or maize for 5 months.73 WG wheat, oat, and barley low-
Furthermore, in a two-site study conducted in Naples ered the fasting plasma glucose after 2 months of inter-
and Kuopio, a 12-week intervention with WG rye and vention compared with a basal diet without WG flour.
wheat did not change peripheral insulin sensitivity, fast- Maize and barley also increased plasma C-peptide con-
ing plasma glucose, fasting insulin, lipids, or inflamma- centration more than WG wheat after 2 months. Howev-
tory markers compared with a refined cereal diet in er, all WG diets were ineffective in improving T2D
subjects with MeS.63 However, postprandial plasma biomarkers when the rats had a more severely deranged
insulin and postprandial triglycerides were reduced by glycemic control after 5 months of intervention.73
the WG rye and wheat diet.64 In line with the study of
Giacco et al.,63 12-week administration of a wheat bran
high-fiber diet to T2D subjects did not change fasting 5. MECHANISMS OF ACTION
glucose, hemoglobin A1C, lipids, C-reactive protein, or
homocysteine compared with a low-fiber cereal diet.65 As is seen from the observational studies, there is
In contrast, 6-week intervention with a WG diet, convincing evidence for an association between WG
composed of 80% wheat, reduced fasting plasma insulin intake and T2D risk reduction, whereas the results
levels and improved insulin resistance compared with a from the intervention studies with humans and animals
refined cereal diet in hyperinsulinemic overweight and are more variable but still in favor of an association.
obese subjects.66 Also, improvement of insulin resis- Because WG, in contrast to refined flour, include all
tance was observed in hyperglycemic obese subjects botanical constituents of the grain, it is likely that the
after 4 weeks of consuming 200 g of a starch-reduced beneficial effects of WG on T2D is caused by a synergis-
WG wheat product compared with a nutrient dense tic action of DF and bioactives present in abundant in the
product with inulin.67 Furthermore, 4 weeks of interven- WG. These components will, to a variable extend, be
tion with either high-fiber rye or high-fiber wheat released during the digestion process in the gut,
decreased postprandial plasma glucose and insulin in absorbed, and influence the metabolism at the molecular
overweight men compared with a refined wheat diet68 level (Figure 5). Some of the components will be released
and 3 days’ consumption of white bread enriched with during the digestion processes in the small intestine,
insoluble oat fiber improved whole-body insulin sensi- where the physicochemical and physical aspects play a
tivity assessed by euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp role, whereas others will be released during microbial
in overweight and obese women.69 fermentation in the large intestine.



WG diet

satiety signals

(slower gastric emptying)

SCFA, BCAA, betaine,

Fat storage CCK
Peripheral Small intestine
circulation (slower CHO digestion) GLP-1
and tissues PYY


(fermentation of non
digestible CHO)

Portal vein Change in gut microbiota profile

FIGURE 5 Possible mechanisms of action of cereal whole grains. BCAA, branched-chain amino acids; CCK, cholecystokinin; CHO, carbo-
hydrate; FFA, free fatty acids; GIP, gastric inhibitory polypeptide; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; SCFA, short-chain fatty acids.

5.1 Rate of Glucose Absorption: high-GI foods. The rapid absorption of glucose
The Glycemic Index following consumption of high-GI foods (e.g., white
wheat bread, Figure 4) challenges the homeostatic sys-
Differences in the metabolic response to carbohy- tem and long-time exposure of high-GI foods can initiate
drates can be classified by the GI,74 the blood glucose a sequence of metabolic events that stimulate hunger,
response to a given food compared with a standard promote fat deposition, and place the pancreatic b cells
(white wheat bread or glucose). Many factors contribute under increased stress,76 as illustrated in Figure 6. In
to GI of cereal products including starch structure addition to the deleterious effects on b-cell function
(amylose, amylopectin),55 soluble and insoluble DF, and insulin sensitivity,77 proinflammatory cytokines
food processing, and the presence of intact kernels and are increasingly acknowledged in the pathogenesis of
other macronutrients. Across different cereal products CVD. Benefits on low-grade inflammation may hypo-
a positive relationship was found between GI and the thetically be mediated by a range of WG constituents
content of rapidly available carbohydrate and a negative including the DF complex and the associated bioactive
relationship to the content of slowly available carbohy- components such as methyl donors, antioxidants, and
drate75; GI was positively related to the insulin secretion. trace minerals.78e81
The postprandial plasma glucose concentration is Lowered postprandial glycemia in response to certain
tightly regulated by homeostatic regulatory systems WG cereal products, or suppressed insulin responses in
involving insulin, glucagon, glucagon-like peptide-1 the case of rye, might contribute to metabolic benefits of
(GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypep- a WG diet,33,34,82 as may the lower energy density and
tide. This regulatory system is less exposed to diurnal higher volume of meals rich in WG products because
fluctuations when consuming low-GI compared to these are contributing factors favoring satiation. In


samples from Chinese patients with T2D, metagenomic
High-Glycemic Index Meal
analysis in combination with clinical data showed that
patients with T2D exhibited a moderate intestinal
dysbiosis characterized especially by a decrease in
Postprandial Counterregulatory Increase in
Hyperglycemia Hormone Section Free Fatty Acids butyrate-producing Roseburia intestinalis and Faecalibacte-
rium prausnitzii.90 It was also found that in the healthy
control samples, especially various butyrate-producing
Beta Cell Demand Insulin Resistance
bacteria were enriched (e.g., Clostridiales sp. SS3/4, Eu-
bacterium rectale, F. prausnitzii, R. intestinalis, and others),
whereas in T2D patients most metagenomic linkage
groups belonged to rather opportunistic pathogens
Glucotoxicity Lipotoxicity such as Bacteroides caccae, various Clostridiales, Escherichia
coli, and others.90 In a European study using shotgun
sequencing on stool samples from postmenopausal fe-
Chronic male patients with T2D, R. intestinalis and F. prausnitzii
Beta Cell Failure Genetic Factors
Stress Lifestyle Factors were highly discriminant for T2D.91 It was also found
that when comparing patients with T2D with a group
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus of women with impaired glucose tolerance, an increase
in energy metabolism/harvest and fatty acid meta-
bolism could be observed in T2D patients.91 Although
FIGURE 6 The hypothetical model relates a high-glycemic index
diet to increased risk for type 2 diabetes. With permission from Ludwig.76
the two human studies have shortcomings, they do sug-
gest that a “gut signature” might exist and that a proin-
flammatory tone might be initiated in the intestine which
mice fed a high-GI diet, there was a rapid-onset increase could reflect the starting point of low-grade systemic
in body fat mass and liver fat, a gene expression profile inflammation commonly observed in T2D.90,91 Lipopoly-
in liver consistent with elevated lipogenesis, and, after saccharides, released from unfavorable intestinal bacte-
long-term exposure, significantly reduced glucose clear- ria and absorbed into the systemic circulation, may
ance following a glucose load.83 Long-term high-GI diet promote a state of metabolic endotoxemia, and act to
consumption further led to a delayed switch to both trigger subclinical inflammation and development of
carbohydrate and fat oxidation in the postprandial insulin resistance,92 and potentially obesity.93
state, indicating reduced metabolic flexibility.84 In To the authors’ knowledge, intervention studies with
contrast, switching soluble fermentable soluble guar WG in T2D patients using high-throughput sequencing
gum with insoluble cereal DF resulted in significantly technologies to analyze stool samples have not yet been
lower weight gain and improved insulin sensitivity performed. In a study of Costabile et al.,94 it was found
and was further associated with a pattern in liver gene that eating WG wheat breakfast cereal for 21 days signif-
expression consistent with increased fatty acid oxida- icantly increased Bifidobacterium spp. numbers in stool
tion.85 Thus, targeting postprandial hyperglycemia via samples and resulted in higher Lactobacilli/enterococci
choice of low-GI foods, which is the case for some WG ratio compared with an equivalent quantity of wheat
foods, has a clinically useful effect on glycemic control branebased breakfast cereal. Another intervention
in T2D.86 study with WG versus refined wheat documented
significantly higher numbers of Bifidobacterium spp.
and numerically higher numbers of Lactobacillus,95
5.2 The Microbiome whereas the composition of the intestinal microbiota of
The human intestinal tract contains a unique group of adults with MeS did not differ depending on whether
microorganisms (i.e., the microbiota consisting of the subject received a WG fiber-rich rye diet or a refined
numerous bacteria, archaea, and viruses). All of these wheat diet for 12 weeks.96 A study by Walker et al.97
microorganisms generate a biomass of more than further demonstrated that feeding of obese male subjects
1.5 kg and their combined genomes (i.e., microbiome) with diets differing in type and content of DF compo-
exceed the human genome more than 100-fold.87 Studies, nents (RS3, NSP from wheat bran and a weight loss
particularly from animals models,88,89 have demon- diet) for 3 weeks had an impact on fecal microbiota.
strated that the microbiota might be considered as a ma- Thus, fecal microbiota profiles tended to group by indi-
jor player in the development of obesity and, because viduals more than by diets but with marked changes in
80% of patients with T2D are obese, it is logical to eval- the relative abundance of several dominant phylotypes
uate the microbiome in T2D patients. A recent study in in response to especially increased intake of RS, whereas
which high-throughput sequencing was used on stool there was no effect of the NSP from wheat bran.



5.3 Short-Chain Fatty Acids intake. Recent research has pointed to SCFA as the
signaling molecules between the gut and the peripheral
The colonic bacteria have a far larger repertoire of tissues with implications for insulin sensitivity and
degrading enzymes and metabolic capabilities than glucose homeostasis.103,108 The mechanisms appear to
their host.98 In consequence, dietary changes may affect involve adipocyte cell differentiation, regulation, and
or interact with the microbial community and the meta- metabolism.108 In response to an increased DF intake,
bolic outcome through several interrelated mecha- there is an increased absorption of SCFA, and although
nisms, thereby playing a key function in regulating the major part of propionate and butyrate is cleared in
metabolic pathways in health and disease (Figure 7). the liver,100 micromolar levels of all three acids will
Recently, it has been recognized that T2D patients reach the peripheral tissues. Here, the SCFA can act
have a lower concentration of butyrate producing as ligands on the adipocytes108 and thereby influence
R. intestinalis and F. prausnitzii.90,91 In this context, it is the balance of adipokines released and, in turn, in-
intriguing that in pigs, a WG rye diet with added crease the adipogenesis and differentiation of fat cells
enzyme treated wheat bran stimulated the proliferation and consequently reduce their average size. SCFA will
of R. intestinalis and F. prausnitzii,99 butyrate production further inhibit lipolysis within adipose tissue as indi-
in the large intestine,99 and the net portal absorption of cated by the reduced plasma concentrations of nones-
butyrate100 to a larger extent than a diet with equal terified fatty acids after the intake of fermentable
amounts of DF in the form of RS. A Western-style diet carbohydrates.109e111 The consequence is a reduced
high in refined carbohydrates from sugar and refined availability of fatty acids for uptake into ectopic fat de-
wheat flour was used as a reference diet.99,100 A study pots (e.g., liver, pancreas).108 Overall, the previously
of Damen et al.101 feeding healthy human subjects mentioned conditions have been linked to improved in-
WG wheat and rye breads reported that the concentra- sulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis.103,108,111e113
tion of total short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and buty-
rate in feces was increased after the intervention with
the pressure parboiled diet, whereas it was only in 5.4 Other Metabolites
connection with xylanase addition to the WG bread
that the effect was significant. Similarly, 4 weeks of The diversity in colonic bacteria degrading enzymes
intervention with high-fiber wheat and high-fiber rye and metabolic capabilities98 also enable the gut flora to
increased fecal butyrate.68 handle a number of the phytochemicals (e.g., phenolic
An evening meal containing WG barley has also been acids,114 lignans,115 benzoxazinoids,116). These mole-
found to reduce postprandial glucose responses to a cules will reach the large intestine in significantly higher
standardized breakfast meal. The glucose response was quantities when consuming WG compared with refined
inversely correlated to plasma SCFA concentrations; products. A common feature is that these compounds
butyrate,102,103 acetate,102 and propionate104 as well as are converted by the microbiota to an array of other
increased breath hydrogen,50,104,105 used as markers for metabolites and that it is the derived metabolites that
colon fermentation. Furthermore, the reduced glucose have the biological function.
response was observed concurrently with a decreased
concentration of free fatty acids104 as well as a decreased
level of the inflammatory markers interleukin-6102,103
5.5 Metabolomics
and tumor necrosis factor-a.103 In one study, improved Metabolomics measures a broad spectrum of metabo-
insulin sensitivity was also reported.103 lites in a biological sample and it is focused on assessing
The SCFA produced in the gut is absorbed by passive the effect of changes in, for example, environment,
diffusion, recovered via monocarboxylic acid trans- health status, or diet.117 In a plasma or urine sample,
porters, or act as signaling molecules by binding to G the metabolome is composed of endogenous metabolites
proteinecoupled receptors (Figure 7).106 These G pro- as well as exogenous compounds originating from the
teinecoupled receptors are expressed by many cell diet and metabolites that originate from the microbial
types including gut epithelia cells, adipocytes, and metabolism making it possible to follow changes in the
immune cells. Binding of SCFA to G proteinecoupled gut microbiota.117
receptors 41 (Gpr41) (free fatty acid receptor 3) and G The first studies using metabolomics to investigate
proteinecoupled receptors 43 (Gpr43) (free fatty acid the global impact of WG were animal (pigs or rats) stud-
receptor 2) located on colonic L cells have been found ies.118e120 Common to these studies was that betaine was
to be involved in the control of anorectic hormones, identified as one of the metabolites causing discrimina-
peptide YY, and GLP-1.107 These hormones have roles tion between a WG diet or a refined diet. These results
in appetite control, thus providing a potential link be- have subsequently been confirmed in human studies.121
tween DF-stimulated SCFA production and food In a study where WG rye and rye bran were compared


FIGURE 7 Metabolic pathways affected by the intestinal microbiota. (1) Bacterial glycoside hydrolases cleave complex carbohydrates derived
from dietary fiber to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate. SCFAs affect the host’s metabolism in
several ways. (2) SCFA-dependent activation of G proteinecoupled receptor 41 (Gpr41) induces the expression of peptide YY, an intestinal
hormone that inhibits gut motility, increases intestinal transit rate, and reduces the harvest of energy from the diet.47 (3) Engagement of G
proteinecoupled receptor 43 (Gpr43; and Gpr41) by SCFAs has been shown to trigger the incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) to
increase insulin sensitivity.46 (4) SCFA-mediated activation of Gpr43 on adipocytes suppresses insulin signaling and inhibits fat accumulation in
adipose tissue.45 (5) The SCFAs butyrate and propionate activate intestinal gluconeogenesis (IGN); butyrate through a cyclic adenosine mono-
phosphateedependent mechanism, propionate via a gut-brain neuronal circuit involving Gpr41.48 (6) The intestinal microbiota suppresses the
expression of fasting-induced adipose factor (Fiaf), an intestinal epithelial cell (IEC)-derived circulating inhibitor of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL).
With permission from Tilg.149

with refined wheat products, it was found that the level suppressing this pathway for increased insulin resis-
of betaine and its metabolite N,N-dimethylglycine was tance.134 Several other amino acids have been found to
increased in plasma from subjects eating WG rye and be affected by WG-enriched diets or high fiber breads
rye bran.122 The same result was obtained in a study including tyrosine, lysine, arginine, tryptophan, phenyl-
with postmenopausal women who had a high intake alanine, methionine, and glutamic acid.128,129,135 Special
of WG rye bread.123 Increased plasma betaine was also attention has been paid to tryptophan, which is a precur-
found in healthy subjects eating a WG cereal-rich diet sor for the biosynthesis of serotonin, that depresses hun-
compared to a refined-grain diet121 and after consump- ger. In two studies, increased levels of ribitol and ribonic
tion of wheat aleurone-rich foods.124 The association be- acid, precursors for tryptophan synthesis, has been
tween betaine and T2D is not straightforward. Urinary linked to the higher level of satiety after rye intake.135,136
betaine has been assessed as a marker of diabetes in car- Increased urinary secretion of creatinine indicated a
diovascular patients,125 and elevated plasma betaine is a change to protein metabolism when consuming WG,137
marker of CVD risk in diabetes.126 A major function of further studies are, however, warranted.
betaine is to act as methyl donor when the enzyme The lipidome was investigated in the study by Lanki-
betaine-homocysteine methyl transferase (BHMT) meth- nen et al.130 They showed that multiple lysophosphati-
ylates homocysteine to methionine. The activity of dylcholine (lysoPC) species were decreased following
BHMT is regulated by insulin and it has been shown a rye bread and pasta intervention more than when
in diabetic Zucker Diabetic Fatty rats that the following an oat, wheat bread, and potato interven-
BHMT-activity was increased127 with a concomitant tion.130 Similar results were obtained in a nontargeted
depletion of the betaine stores.127 In subjects with the metabolomics study of the acute metabolic response to
MeS consuming a single test meal of one of four test a single dose of high fiber breads that showed that
breadsdwhite wheat bread low in DF, WG rye bread, several phosphatidylcholine and lysoPC species were
white wheat bread supplemented with AX, or white significantly affected.128 Both studies were performed
wheat bread supplemented with b-glucandthe plasma in subjects with traits of the MeS. A close association
betaine concentration differed significantly and was between T2D risk and choline-containing phospholipids
highest after consumption of white wheat bread and has been observed138,139 and hence a dietary interven-
white wheat bread supplemented with b-glucan.128 tion that modifies these species may be potentially inter-
This may be due to increased BHMT activity and hence esting. However, because of the huge number of
a rapid conversion of dietary betaine. Various betaine phosphatidylcholine and lysoPC species it may be diffi-
compounds were among the metabolites that differed cult to target and assess the health potential.
significantly in a study with participants with features Alkylresorcinols were suggested as markers for WG
of the MeS assigned to a WG diet or refined wheat rye and wheat intake 10 years ago140; therefore, it is not
breads during a 12-week intervention period.129 The surprising that AR are found to be metabolites changing
diverse betaines are most probably derived from altered during interventions with WG rye or wheat. In a study
endogenous metabolism of betaines after consumption on the urinary changes after WG rye consumption
of a WG diet (e.g., endogenous catabolism of lysine by compared with consumption of refined wheat bread in
intestinal bacteria). The main betaine compounds, subjects with slightly elevated serum cholesterol a sul-
glycine-betaine and proline-betaine, did not differ fate derivative of 3-(3,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-1-propanoic
between subjects on WG or refined wheat bread diets, acid was identified as the most discriminative metabo-
which may be due to rapid metabolism of these com- lite141 and is a metabolite of AR; along with this, other
pounds. The potential health effects of increased betaine metabolites of AR were identified as well. Two glucori-
from dietary sources in subjects with the MeS and T2D is nidated ARs were also found as highly discriminative
complex and remains to be further investigated. metabolites in plasma from subjects with features of
Another group of metabolites, frequently found to be the MeS assigned to either a WG-enriched diet or control
influenced by WG, is amino acids. Several studies on diet with refined wheat breads.129 Information of the
rye-based diets have shown a decrease in plasma level bioactivity of AR is scarce and it is difficult to distin-
of leucine and isoleucine.122,123,130,131 Leucine and guish between effects of AR and other features of WG
isoleucine belong to the group of insulinotropic amino foods.142 Recently, it has been demonstrated that the
acids (i.e., amino acids that increase the insulin response AR C17:0/C21:0 ratio, an indicator of relative WG rye
when ingested in combination with carbohydrates). It intake, is associated with increased insulin sensitivity
has been described that there is a strong association of in a population with MeS.143 Concomitantly, AR C17:
branched chain amino acids and aromatic amino acids 0/C21:0 ratio was also associated with a favorable blood
with metabolic disease,132 and they have highly signifi- lipid outcome (e.g., inversely associated with low-
cant association with future diabetes.133 It has been sug- density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations in a pop-
gested that WG diets improve insulin sensitivity by ulation with the MeS).143,144


A group of natural compounds recently identified in evidence lends credence to the recommendations to
WG rye and wheat products is benzoxazinoids.142 A incorporate WG foods into a healthy diet and lifestyle
microbial degradation product of 1,3-benzoxazol-2-one program27,29 and that individuals at high risk of T2D
was identified in plasma from subjects consuming a should consume foods containing WG (one-half of
high-fiber diet116 and in volunteers consuming WG for grain intake)147 and that T2D is treated with foods
4 weeks. Several metabolites of benzoxazinoids were rich in DF such as WG.147,148 However, future research
found to be explanatory of WG rye bread consump- needs to report WG intake in grams rather than serv-
tion.145 Similar results were obtained by Hanhineva ings or portions,59 and to examine the interactions not
et al.,146 who served test breads as a single meal to only among different dietary factors but also between
healthy participants and observed the postprandial diet and genetic predisposition and between diet
plasma kinetic phytochemical profile. The most discrim- and metabolic determinants (e.g., abdominal obesity,
inant metabolites were two sulfonated phenylaceta- hypertension, dyslipidemia). Moreover, it will be
mides, hydroxy-N-(2-hydroxyphenyl) acetamide, and important to conduct RCTs of sufficient size and length
N-(2-hydroxyphenyl) acetamide, potentially derived to further elucidate the role of WG and associated com-
from benzoxazinoid metabolites.146 The studies showed ponents on risk of the MeS and its features as well as on
that these compounds are taken up and converted in the the risk of T2D.
body. They have to be taken into account when address-
ing the bioactivity and potential health effects of WG
products; however, no studies have so far been pub-
lished on their bioactivity.142
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