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1947-1975 Korea, Vietnam, South America

• small clause allowed operatives to subvert constitutional law to conduct covert operations in the interest of
national security.
• 1947 U. S. Military Interventions: URUGUAY/1947/Nuclear threat/Bombers deployed as show of strength.
GREECE/1947-49/Command operation/U.S. directs extreme-right in civil war. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are
the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA
Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common Courage Press, 1995
• 1948 U. S. Military Interventiosn: GERMANY/1948/Nuclear threat/Atomic-capable bombers guard Berlin
Airlift. PHILIPPINES/1948-54/Command operation/CIA directs war against Huk Rebellion. . S. Brian
Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William Blum, Killing Hope: U. S.
Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common Courage Press, 1995
• 1950 U. S. Military Interventions: PUERTO RICO/1950/Command operation/Independence rebellion
crushed in Ponce. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William
Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common
Courage Press, 1995

• George McT Kahin & Audrey R. Kahin, Subversion as Foreign Policy: The Secret Eisenhower and Dulles
Debacle in Indonesia, New York: The New Press, 1995; 318 pages. Reviewed in U. S. Policy / Indonesia.
“George Kahin was personally acquainted with most of the key players in Indonesian politics during the
1950s, and he...exposes the covert policy of Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers in Indonesia during the
• 1951 U. S. Military Interventions: KOREA/1951-53(-?)/Troops, naval, bombing, nuclear threats/U.S.&
South Korea fight China & North Korea to stalemate; A-bomb threat in 1950, and against China in 1953;
four million Koreans killed; still have bases. IRAN/1953/Command operation/CIA overthrows democracy,
installs Shah. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William
Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common
Courage Press, 1995
• July 26-29, 1950. 300-400 Korean refugees were massacred under a railroad underpass at No Gun Ri by
American soldiers of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, following orders from Division
Headquarters that “No refugees to cross the front line. Fire everyone trying to cross lines. Use discretion in
case of women and children.” The order reflected a belief that North Korean troops were seeking to
infiltrate through American lines disguised as civilians refugees. Sang-Hun Choe, Charles J. Hanley and
Martha Mendoza, Associated Press Writers, with AP Investigative Researcher Randy Herschaft, “Ex-GIs
Tell AP of Korea Killing, in Horace Coleman, A Korean War My Lai, Los Angeles Times, Wednesday,
September 29, 1999

1953, CIA in Iran overthrew Mossadegh government and created SAVAK, the Shah’s secret police, which
tortured and murdered thousands of his opponents. Iran-Contra and Consistent Themes During the Cold War

In 1954, a CIA-orchestrated coup ended what Guatemalans call the “Ten Years of Spring,” which began
with the bloodless overthrow of military dictator Jorge Ubico in 1944. During this period, two
democratically-elected civilian presidents governed Guatemala, trying to provide opportunities and raise the
standard of living. Jacobo Arbenz, elected in 1950, began to push agrarian reforms more seriously than his
predecessor. The United Fruit Company (now Chiquita) (UFCo) protested when unused portions of its vast
holdings were expropriated and distributed to land-less peasants. The Guatemalan government paid the US
company the tax-declared value of the land, but UFCo protested to the highest levels of the US government.
Two UFCo stockholders at the time were the Dulles brothers, Secretary of State and head of the CIA in the
Eisenhower administration. © 1998, Piet van Lear, A War Called Peace

1957-1986 Support for Duvalier Regimes in Haiti. The U. S. considered the regime of Francois “Papa Doc”
Duvalier a bulwark against communisim and supported it generously. Haiti: a history of foreign intervention.
During this period the U. S. trained and armed Haiti’s counter-insurgency forces, although most American
military aid was covertly channeled through Israel to spare Washington embarassing questions about
supporting brutal governments. William Blum, Haiti 1986-1994: Who Will Rid Me of this Turbulent Priest?”
excerpted from the book, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II.
1954 U. S. Military Interventions: VIETNAM/1954/Nuclear threat/Bombs offered to French to use against
siege. GUATEMALA/1954-?/Command operation, bombing, nuclear threat/CIA directs exile invasion and
coup d’Etat after newly elected government nationalizes unused U.S.’s United Fruit Company lands;
bombers based in Nicaragua; long-term result: 200,000 murdered. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are the Real
Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA
Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common Courage Press, 1995

1954, Paraguay. “The archives here [in Paraquay] show that a United States military official, Col. Robert
Thierry, apparently helped draw up the apparatus of the police state as he trained police officers for the
Technical Section soon after General Stroessner seized power here in 1954. A relative, Margaret Van Skike,
located in Galveston, Tex., said that Colonel Thierry died several years ago.” NY Times August 11, 1999
“CONDOR Archives Unearthed in Paraguay Expose U.S. Allies’ Abuses”

1956 U. S. Military Interventions: EGYPT/1956/Nuclear threat/Soviets told to keep out of Suez crisis. . S.
Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William Blum, Killing Hope:
U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common Courage Press, 1995

1958 U. S. Military Interventions: LEBANON/1958/Troops, naval/Marine occupation against rebels.

IRAQ/1958/Nuclear threat/Iraq warned against invading Kuwait. CHINA/1958/Nuclear threat/China told
not to move on Taiwan isles. PANAMA/1958/Troops/Flag protests erupt into conftontation. . S. Brian
Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William Blum, Killing Hope: U. S.
Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common Courage Press, 1995

 Project X begun in Army’s Foreign Intelligence Assistance program. Included training material prepared by
officers connected to Phoenix Program in Vietnam. Robert Parry, “Lost History: ‘Project X’ and School of
Assassins. The Consortium (a paid subscriber service)
• Plot to kill Castro. Summary:
With the attention, the CIA was identified with covert action,” a tool of an
imperial president in imperiled times. President Lyndon B. Johnson never got over discovering the
Kennedy-CIA-Mafia plot to kill Castro. Lexington Herald-Leader—July 27, 1997
• CIA support for opium-growing Chinese nationalists in the Golden Triangle set the secne for the 60s heroin
plague in the U. S. As far back as the 50s the CIA had found it expedient to ally with the Corsican
syndicates smuggling drugs through Marseilles who were able to break the power of the communist
dockworkers there. Untitled material on Drug-running and Arkansas Site 1 or Site 2

1961 September 17, 1961. U. N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold dies in airplane crash. In 1998, the
[South African] Truth Commission stumbled across documents linking South African agents to the airline
death of UN chief Dag Hammarskjvld, also revealing that the project was hatched at the highest levels of
the CIA and MI5. The alleged plot to assassinate United Nations secretary general Dag Hammarskjvld 37
years ago was the brainchild of at least two British security agencies - MI5 and the Special Operations
Executive - and the CIA, top-secret documents show. Marlene Burger, “CIA and MI5 linked to Death of UN
Sec. General”,Electronic Mail & Guardian , Johannesburg, August 28, 1998, reprinted at South Movement,
September 4, 1998

1960 U. S. Military Interventions: VIETNAM/1960-75/Troops, naval, bombing, nuclear threats/ Fought

South Vietnam revolt & North Vietnam; five million killed in longest U.S. war; atomic bomb threats in
1968 and 1969. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William
Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common
Courage Press, 1995

1961 U. S. Military Interventions: LAOS/1961/Command operation/Military buildup during guerrilla war.

CUBA/1961/Command operation/CIA-directed exile invasion fails. GERMANY/1961/Nuclear threat/Alert
during Berlin Wall crisis. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including
William Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine:
common Courage Press, 1995

1962 U. S. Military Interventions: CUBA/1962/Nuclear threat, naval/Blockade during missile crisis; near-
war with Soviet Union. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including
William Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine:
common Courage Press, 1995

• By the mid-1960s, some of the U.S. counterinsurgency lessons had reached Indonesia, too. The U.S.
military training was surreptitious because Washington viewed the country’s neutralist leader Sukarno as
politically suspect. The training was permitted only to give the United States influence within the
Indonesian military which was considered more reliable. A secret memo to President Johnson dated July 17,
1964, spelled out the political motive. “Our aid to Indonesia ... we are satisfied ... is not helping Indonesia
militarily,” a State Department memo informed Johnson. “It is, however, permitting us to maintain some
contact with key elements in Indonesia which are interested in and capable of resisting Communist takeover.
We think this is of vital importance to the entire Free World.” [DOS Memo for President, July 17, 1964]
Peter Dale Scott, “Two Indonesias, Two Americas”, June 9, 1998, site 1 or site 2 The Consortium for
Independent Journalism, a paid subscription service.

1964 U. S. Military Interventions: PANAMA/1964/Troops/Panamanians shot for urging canal’s return. . S.

Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William Blum, Killing Hope:
U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common Courage Press, 1995

• Indonesia
• Martens, Robert J., formerly a political officer in the U. S. Embassy, referring to 1965 coup events. “I
probably have a lot of blood on my hands, but that’s not all bad. There’s a time when you have to strike
hard at a decisive moment.” Martens described how U. S. diplomats and CIA officers provided up to
5000 names to Indonesian Army death squads in 1965, and checked them off as they were killed or
captured. Kathy Kadane, reporter who interviewed Martens; article was in San Francisco Examiner
(5/20/90) and Washington Post (5/21/90). Michael Wines of the New York Times did a damage control
effort (7/12/90) which caused this story to die down. U. S. Policy / Indonesia. This is one of 90 files from
Public Information Research, non-profit publisher of NameBase that are organized by subject category.
• The events of 1965-1966, dismissed at the time by the world’s media as an ‘abortive Communist
coup,’ are still hotly disputed, and appear suspicious by any reasonable standard—the whole thing
could have been set up by the CIA. U. S. Policy / Indonesia
• The coup of 1965 was described in a CIA study: “In terms of the numbers killed the anti-PKI
massacres in Indonesia rank as one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century, along with the
Soviet purges of the 1930s, the Nazi mass murd3ers during the Second World War, and teh Maoist
bloodbath of the early 1950s.” U. S. Policy / Indonesia
• Kadane’s story provoked a telling response from Washington Post senior editorial writer Stephen S.
Rosenfeld. He accepted the fact that American officials had assisted “this fearsome slaughter,” but then
justified the killings. Rosenfeld argued that the massacre “was and still is widely regarded as the grim
but earned fate of a conspiratorial revolutionary party that represented the same communist juggernaut
that was on the march in Vietnam.” In a column entitled, “Indonesia 1965: The Year of Living
Cynically?” Rosenfeld reasoned that “either the army would get the communists or the communists
would get the army, it was thought: Indonesia was a domino, and the PKI’s demise kept it standing in
the free world. ... Though the means were grievously tainted, we—the fastidious among us as well as the
hard-headed and cynical—can be said to have enjoyed the fruits in the geopolitical stability of that
important part of Asia, in the revolution that never happened.” [WP, July 13, 1990] Peter Dale Scott,
“Two Indonesias, Two Americas”, June 9, 1998, site 1 or site 2 The Consortium for Independent
Journalism, a paid subscription service.
• 1965 U. S. Military Interventions: INDONESIA/1965/Command operation/Million killed in CIA-
assisted army coup. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC/1965-66/Troops, bombing/ Marines land during election
campaign. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William
Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common
Courage Press, 1995
• In order to assure support from the American public, the CIA decided to sponsor more academic
conferences and bring scholars to Langley and expand the officer-in-residence program which then had 13
CIA officers at universities. CIA officers around the nation were tasked to by UDAC to keep track of
reporters who obtained news stories through leaks. Mackenzie, A. Secrets: The CIA’s War At Home, Berkeley,
CA, 1997


1966 U. S. Military Interventions: GUATEMALA/1966-67/Command operation/Green Berets intervene

against rebels. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William
Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common
Courage Press, 1995


1967 U. S. Military Interventions: DETROIT/1967/Troops/Army battles Blacks, 43 killed. . S. Brian

Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including William Blum, Killing Hope: U. S.
Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine: common Courage Press, 1995


1968, March 16: My Lai Massacre. The My Lai Commemoration Campaignis committed to achieving official
recognition for the 30th anniversary of the My Lai massacre on March 16, 1998
1968, Aprili 4: Memphis, TN. Martin Luther King, Jr. is killed in Memphis, Tennessee. 1999 Court Case
reveals apparent complicity of Memphis Police Department, FBI, 111th Military Intelligence Group, and 20th
Special Forces.
1968 U. S. Military Interventions: UNITED STATES/1968/Troops/After Martin Luther King is shot; over
21,000 soldiers in cities. . S. Brian Willson, “Who are the Real Terrorists?”, citing several sources including
William Blum, Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, Monroe, Maine:
Common Courage Press, 1995

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