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As we already know that Cesare Lombroso is a father of Modern Criminology who was

study first the crime and the criminal scientifically. Lombroso proposed that criminals are

biologically difference from other human beings. And there are some theory that they are

study for in relation of a criminal behavior of an individuals. They study also the physical

characteristics of individuals and their appearance that led them to commit crimes. According

to them individual that have a different features being atavistic may have a prone to commit

crime, because of their appearance may be push them to think and do something different

being wild. And they conclude individuals having different features each can commit crime

according to their differences, like murderer, thief, sex offender and women offender and so

on. This feature being different or atavistic derived from the word avatus which means

ancestors, meaning the characteristic of our ancestor or their behavior rather can be adopt

from a new generation. These kinds of individuals are need a special treatment to let them feel

that they are important in the society for them to feel good and comfortable may be led them

to live normally and not to commit crime. This is what we called prevention is better than cure,

in order to prevent crime in the society like what they theory says. This theory of Lombroso

focus on the physical features of individuals of being different each other, but for me it is very

unfair because not all individuals was given of having a good and a pleasant appearance to

socialize each and everyone to let them feel good at all times in the society.
The positivist theory tells that criminal are born and not made, this means also that

Cesare Lombroso conclude already of the things that is not already happened. Why, because

we can teach the right thing to do to guide each individual to distinguish of what is right and

what is wrong. For example by teaching them in a right manners, it is depend on how we

nurture the child not there origins of there or the ancestral behaviors. May be there is a

coincidence that this things exist before of having a pattern to followed of the such behavior in

committing crime that based also of their appearance. According to them also persons having a

five or more biological traits are born criminal, their conclusions are all based in physical traits

and appearance. That even today sometimes, if we encounter the persons having these kind of

traits there is only one thing in our mined, but as a professionals we should considered and

study first before we make a conclusions. Because there are individuals haven’t this kind of

biological traits that are involved in many crimes. The physical appearance is not only the bases

of behavior and characteristics of a person being criminal.

They classified also a criminal into three, born criminal, abnormal criminal, occasional

criminal, having also this traits in individuals Lombroso conclude that trey are criminal in

natures. Having a criminal thought does not require biological concept for us to make a

conclusion for that specific persons. The physical appearance of the persons is the bases of

some expert/researcher for having a conclusion. It is sad to say in that matter many of us or

even us are included in that situation depending of their realization and definitions. We should

considered each characteristics and investigate first what is really happen not basing the

appearances of the persons.

Another is criminaloids having difficulties in their childhood and can occasionally behave

delinquently. Pseudo criminals are insane persons and those who committed crime in self-

defense. Habitual criminals had a poor education during their childhood or have been in social

interaction with criminals. All of these types of criminal are concluded base of their physical

mental situation just liked being alleged of the things that they are not involved accordingly.

This is the reason why Lombroso’s theory against by Goring, during their thesis experiment of

about 3000 criminals and non-criminals. Goring find out that Lombroso’s study having no basis

in making a conclusions that physical appearance matter in a behavior of a persons. He against

the theory of Lombroso, because according to him, no one is a criminal unless he or she

commits a crime. And that is very true crime can be committed of anyone at any time by not

focusing the physical appearance of a persons. May be there is an instance that crimes commit

those person having differences and have also a reasons why?. The conclusion is that persons

can be a criminal or a criminal unless it is proved beyond reasonable doubts rendered by judge

already. A criminal still have a chance to live life normally and begin a new chapter of their life

in accordance of the law in the land. It is a an avoidable even today there is some lombrosians

theory are still exist by looking out the physical appearance of a person then make a

conclusions. In this case also is the reasons why some person commit crimes accordingly of

what the other expect to them. Because it is hurt in their part to alleged of the things that

he/she doesn’t know, to prove the crime some of them made a decision to commit by a

reasons. By throwing always the person accusation may be also a reasons.

In victims precipitation also the victim is viewed an active participant in the crimes

scene. It is because they are the reason why some persons commit crime of being attractable,

just like you are given opportunity to others to do so. Crime can be happened phenomenally

and can be done also anyone by some reasons. Most of the time at these point of situation

those persons who have differences is the prone to commit it not knowing also there are some

person longing more than him. The reality is that being weak and lack of strength by any means

are loser in this situation.

May be that is the reason of Lombroso’s theory of crimes and it causes and remedies

before, by looking the appearance and traits of a persons he can make a conclusions. Not

considering the situation of others having a pleasant appearance to commit the same. Like

what is said the reality is that being weak by any means are always loser specially in the

Judgment of court.

As of this moment of time we should considered the situation and conduct a thorough

investigation before we make a conclusions. And by given a fair treatment of everyone and

importance to let them feel good and comfortable. Because having a differences and

abnormalities in physical appearance are in need a special attention to trait them special to

avoid and prevent them to think difference and led them to commit a crime. Crime can be

prevented before it will happen by nurturing those person in differences, there is no persons

born criminal unless they commit a crime. Having a differences in physical appearance is not

also the assurance of a criminal in nature already.

There are so many instance that those person having differences is the real one, but in

the eyes of someone still ignoring their appearance. We should not look and judge the physical

appearance of a person to make a conclusion. Trait them will and give importance to feel them

that they are welcome in the same society in order to eliminate the mind of being unfair to

someone that may be led them to commit a crime. Stop throwing accusation to others they

don’t know of what happened that they are not involved in the situation……

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