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E-IV HCI Assignment -01

- Ankit Katewa (3316)

1. What is HCI? What are the various phases involved in HCI?

Ans: Human computer interaction studies the design and use of computer technology, focused on the
interfaces between people and computers. Researchers in the field of the HCI observes the way in which
humans interact with computers and design technologies that led humans interact with computers in
novel ways.
Different phases of HCI:
• Intention.
• Selection.
• Execution.
• Evaluation.

2. Explain any 2 of the following HCI principles in brief.

• Know the user.
• Understand the task.
• Reduce Memory Load.
• Strive for Consistency.
• Prevent Errors/ Reversal of Action.
Ans: d. Strive for Consistency: Consistent sequences of actions should be required in similar situations;
identical terminology should be used in prompts, menus, and help screens; and consistent color, layout,
capitalization, fonts, and so on, should be employed throughout. Exceptions, such as required
confirmation of the delete command or no echoing of passwords, should be comprehensible and limited
in number.
e. Prevent errors/ Reversal of Action: As much as possible, design the interface so that users cannot
make serious errors; for example, Gray out menu items that are not appropriate and do not allow
alphabetic characters in numeric entry fields. If users make an error, the interface should offer simple,
constructive, and specific instructions for recovery. For example, users should not have to retype an
entire name-address form if they enter an invalid zip code but rather should be guided to repair only the
faulty part. Erroneous actions should leave the interface state unchanged, or the interface should give
instructions about restoring the state.
Reversal of Action: As much as possible, actions should be reversible. This feature relieves anxiety, since
users know that errors can be undone, and encourages exploration of unfamiliar options. The units of
reversibility may be a single action, a data-entry task, or a complete group of actions, such as entry of a
name-address block.

3. Difference between Short Term & Long-Term Memory.

Ans: Comparison is done based on some parameter:

Parameter of
Short Term Memory Long Term Memory
The duration of the long term lasts
The duration of short-term memory is
for quite a long period. For some
short. Generally, the duration of memory
people, it can last for a lifetime.
Duration lasts from a few seconds to several
With the progression of time,
minutes. As time progress the brain erases
people can recall these memories
short term memories.
when needed.
The capacity of Long-term memory
The capacity of short-term memory is
is unlimited. However, it may vary
small without any rehearsal. According to
from people to people and it also
Capacity various scientific experiments it has been
depends on the severity and
established that without any rehearsal
rehearsal during the development of
brain can only store 2 to 7 items at a time.
any long-term memory.
The usefulness of long-term
Everyone experiences the usefulness of memory can be experienced during
short-term memory in daily life. Where we the planning and execution of any
gather information for regular menial complicated task. Where a person
tasks. recalls previous information to plan
and execute any task.
Rehearsal and repetitive tasks
Improvement Chunking can improve short term memory
improve long term memory.
Neurodegenerative diseases can cause A sudden head injury can cause
damage to short term memory. damage to long term memory.

4. What are the goals of Evaluation? Discuss about DECIDE evaluation Framework.
Ans: Goals of Evaluation:
• Assess extend of system functionality.
• Asses effect of interface of user.
• Identify specific problems.
• Check to ensure that the final interface is consistent.
• Investigate how technology affects working practices.
• Improve the usability of an existing product.

DECIDE is a framework to guide evaluation.

• Determine the goals.
• Explore the questions.
• Choose the evaluation approach and methods.
• Identify the practical issues.
• Decide how to deal with the ethical issues.
• Evaluate, analyze, interpret and present the data.
The DECIDE framework provides a simple checklist for planning an evaluation study.

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