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Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology

Life and Works of Rizal

Hielvin E. Ermac GEC109 A2-2

Movie Review on Ilustrado

A Story of Dr. Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda

Religious, Discipline, Self-sacrifice, and Patriotic

These are the inspiring words of the character of our dear beloved National Hero in the
Philippines; Dr. Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda.

The foreground of his characters is indeed depicted because he observes the cruelty of
the Spaniards and the friars on his beloved compatriots. The growing character Shaped and
mold him to lead to the reformation of the country. The inside movie has a lot of intensive
events (cruel) that may be contributed to a great transition of Jose Rizal’s character
development. Dr. Jose Rizal possessed these characters that all Filipinos must have these kinds
of character within. In this present-day generation, the youth are deceived by the current trends
of worldly things that yield them in a brief pleasure which is not important for a daily life
mundane. In contrast, Dr. Rizal exists as a man for the remainder of something and indeed,
died of his country. It is not necessary that we need to sacrifice our life but there is a need to
awaken ourselves as we depict the life of Rizal as the foreground of our continuous journey as
we are on the verge of a stupendous crisis that is unpredictable. We must become vigilant as
be ready to prepare ourselves to pour our hearts and minds in the truth so that all of us will
become resilient in the unprecedented outcomes.

Dr. Rizal was a focused man in a lot of ways yet as far as I might be concerned, his
discipline in his examinations is the most rousing. Beginning when he was yet a youngster until
he graduated and, in any event, when he was seeking after ophthalmology, he showed that
learning does not end in school. Additionally, by concentrating on various fields like music,
artistry, combative techniques, fencing, phonetics, science, writing, and numerous others, he
showed that one ought to never feel sick of learning. Truly, it is exceedingly difficult to adapt
such countless things inside a solitary day, or multi-week, or even a month. However, Dr. Rizal
rehearsed the discipline of using time effectively, to such an extent that he had the option to
learn various things in a range of weeks or months. Also, it was a direct result of discovering
that he showed his discipline in considering and exhibited that assuming somebody is not
settled to gain information, he will want to learn and achieve whatever he wishes to accomplish
but, in nature, he is not skilled at it. This is obvious from the way that Dr. Rizal learned music
even though he knew for himself that he was not conceived an artist. Every one of his
achievements could not have been conceivable in case he was not a man of train himself. In
this way, he demonstrated to us that discipline is a vital aspect of learning and accomplishment
in examinations.

Confidence in God was additionally a piece of the existence of Dr. Rizal that was
tried. The preliminaries that he coincidentally found every day in his central goal to free his
fellowmen from the Spanish oppression, were solid proof that put a strain on his confidence at
that point he stayed devoted to God. Also, notwithstanding the way that he had as of now
scholarly an extraordinary number of things about the world which might have negated the
presence of a divine being, he never lost his confidence. Indeed, even on occasions when he
needed to pick either his religion or a lady, he stubbornly would not forsake his Catholic
confidence knowing completely well that he would eventually lose the lady he adored. Such
conviction just affirms that Dr. Rizal had so much confidence and devotion to God that each
individual ought to possess―undeterred by the preliminaries and the disappointments, they
would, in any case, decide to accept that God has a reason for all that has unfolded

Our beloved Martyr would not be known as a national Hero of Independence

notwithstanding the way that he had huge nationalism and unflinching adoration for his country
in his blood. Dr. Rizal showed his affection for our nation by doing every one of the means he
could devise to free his abused compatriots. He left his family in the Philippines to make sure
he could seek after his mysterious mission in Europe. He persevered through the aggravation,
genuinely and truly, just to achieve what he thought was best for his fellowmen. He battled for
what was correct regardless of whether he would shoot himself in the foot. Dr. Rizal's entire
life fundamentally is a confirmation of positive energy. For an understudy as am I, I realize I
could never accomplish such similarity, however, I realize I could endeavor more diligently
and do all that could be expected in doing the things which would help this nation of mine from
the consistently overwhelming power of the social ill.

The existence of Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda is genuinely a
model for all to follow. A model that whenever followed by many would be fit for changing
the current situation of this country. A model that could carry us to an unheard-of level and a
model that is tranquil in its manner in accomplishing its more prominent objective. For the
duration of his life starting from an artist to a public legend deserving of copying, Rizal showed
how the adolescent can be useful to their homeland. Thus, after his generous strides, the Youths
would have the option to turn the table of fortunes for our country.

“In God We Trust. Long lived our National Hero.”

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