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Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

1.1 General: -
A watershed is the area that drains to a common outlet. It is the basic building
block for land and water planning. A watershed is an area that supplies water by
surface or subsurface flow to a given drainage system or body of water, be it a stream,
river, wetland, lake, or ocean. The characteristics of the water flow and its
relationship to the watershed are a product of interactions between land and water
(geology, slope, rainfall pattern, and soils) and its use and management.
A watershed is thus the basic unit of water supply and the basic
building block for integrated planning of land and water use. Size is not a factor in the
definition, and watersheds vary from a few hectares to thousands of square
kilometers. Unless a watershed discharges directly into the ocean, it is physically a
part of a larger watershed that does, and may be referred to as sub watershed. The
terms basin, watershed, and catchment are often used interchangeably in the literature.
Basin management typically refers to macro-management at the level of the entire
watershed system, sometimes across country boundaries and with a focus on
institutional and policy issues. Present drought situation in Maharashtra is
hydrological worse than in 1972. Construction of large dams, water intensive
cropping patterns, neglect of local water systems and unaccountable water
management are to blame for this unprecedented situation. A former planning
commissioner agrees that large dams are not the solution to Maharashtra’s water
In spite of acute water scarcity, Water business booms in drought-hit
Marathwada as tanker owners transact Rs.6 million in water sales daily in Jalna town,
Maharashtra. The state must look at renewable energy options to reduce its
dependence on thermal plants and diversion of its precious water to them. In
comparison with the 1972 drought, though there is ample supply of food grains at
present, the drinking water scarcity is much worse. The lesson is that integration of
watershed management activities beyond the milli-watershed requires higher level
technical planning. In best-practice approaches, planning includes an institutional
mechanism where stakeholders have a voice and are able to agree on measures from
the micro-watershed scale upward that can achieve both local and larger scale


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

objectives. The approach also needs to deal with institutional challenges of

interagency collaboration and local-regional level coordination. Watershed
management typically refers to management at the level of the micro or Sub
watershed. Catchment is generally used synonymously with watershed. suggests a
possible classification of some characteristics of watersheds at different levels.

Figure No. 1.1. Hydrological cycle

Watershed management involves the judicious use of natural resource with
active participation of institutions, organizations, peoples participation in harmony
with the ecosystem. The watershed management implies, the judicious use of all the
resources i.e. land, water, vegetation in an area for providing an answer to alleviate
drought, moderate floods, prevent soil erosion, improve water availability and
increase food, fodder, fuel and fiber on sustained basis. Watershed to achieve
maximum production with minimum hazard to the natural resources and for the well
being of people. The management should be carried out on the watershed basis. The
task of watershed management includes the treatment of land by using most suitable
biological and engineering measures in such a manner that, the management work
must be economic and socially acceptable.

1.2 Types of Watershed:-

Watershed management programs generally adopt the milli-watershed as the
basic management unit, since this allows the integration of land, water, and
infrastructure development and the inclusion of all stakeholders in a participatory
process. The milli-watershed has proved a flexible and practical unit for project
implementation and has reduced costs. However, the definition of a milli-watershed


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

needs to be adapted to the social, administrative, and physical context. Watershed is

classified depending upon the size, drainage, shape and land use pattern
i. Macro watershed (> 50,000 Hect)
ii. Sub-watershed (10,000 to 50,000 Hect)
iii. Milli-watershed (1000 to10000 Hect)
iv. Micro watershed (100 to 1000 Hect)
v. Mini watershed (1-100 Hect)

1.3 Problem Statement:-

1. Acuteness of drinking water scarcity. Expand over exploitation of ground
water resources. Productivity potential of the land. Area of project should not
be covered under assured irrigation. Proportion of scheduled castes / tribes.
2. The rainfall fluctuation is very high, In the year 2002 rainfall is 351mm in
2006 rainfall is 803mm in the year 2010 is 531mm and the year 2018 is
3. Rainwater harvesting structure, scarce rainfall and less awareness has caused
the drought condition at the place Alkuti.
1.4 Goals and Objectives:-
―Watershed management is a concept which recognizes the judicious management
of three basic resources of soil water and vegetation, on watershed basis, for
achieving particular objective for the well being of the people‖. It includes treatment
of land most suitable biological as well as engineering measures.
Watershed management involves determination of alternative land treatment
measures for, which information about problems of land, soil, water and vegetation in
the watershed is essential.

Objectives of watershed management

The different objectives of watershed management programs are:
 To control damaging runoff and degradation and thereby conservation of soil and
water of the Ale region.
 To analyze sources of water resources available in Alkuti.
 To compute the water demand and analyze the supply.
 To protect, conserve and improve the land of watershed for more efficient and
sustained production.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

 To manage and utilize the runoff water for useful purpose.

1.5 Scope of the Project Work:-

 Watershed structure reduces speed of runoff.
 This study increases the ground water table which helping to improve
 Incremental increase in water availability.
 Providing water for irrigation purposes.
 Excluding rainy season water will available for long time during summer and

1.6 Limitations:-
 This type of system depend upon rainfall of the area.
 Watershed needs regular maintaining in order to continue working properly.
 It needs higher cost to build it.

 Watershed structure helps to reduce soil erosion during high speed runoff also
save the water from wastage.
 It gives improvement in the under- ground water table like bore wells, wells
 It helps to control flood during sudden heavy rainfall.
 The stored water improves soil moisture of the adjoining area and allows
percolation to recharge the aquifers


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020



2.1 Research Performed By Various Investigators:-

This paper introduce about case study of watershed management on villages.
The details of experimental work available are given in research paper. The research
provides information about watershed structures and their purposes also the origin of
work etc.

2.1.1 Pandurang D. Jankar, Jul-Sept. (2013):

Madgyal is a small village located at distance of 25 Kms from Jath city. It lies
between North latitude 17°02’56.94‖ and East longitude 75° 13’8.14‖. Some
measures have been adopted to recharge the ground water resources. Hence it is
planned to take such engineering and biological measures which will direct this extra
runoff to ground water storage. The most significant feature of the work is that if such
technologies are developed and adopted at larger scale in rural areas, it will prevent
thousands of villages of the country from water supply by tankers. Geographic
information system (GIS) an essential tool for watershed planning and management
tasks. For the GIS mapping drainage network, topography, flow path of water are to
be easily locate. In the Madgyal some measures have been adopted to recharge the
ground water resources, but it has been found that these measures don’t work with full
capacity in some cases. In the Madgyal watershed area, demand of water for
agriculture and drinking purpose is increasing rapidly depleting water resources
coupled with overpopulation. Efforts are made to divert large amount of rainwater to
recharge ground water resources.
From this paper the author concluded that the extra water required for
domestic purpose in Madgyal village is 74245cub.m. To fulfill this demand watershed
management technique need to be implemented. Socio- economic survey shows
that76% of people having agricultural land. Living standard of people is poor.

2.1.2 Dr. Patil, Shivraj G Vol.1Issue1, Sep (2013):

Watershed management plays a vital role in reducing soil erosion and water
conservation. Several districts in coastal Maharashtra face the perennial problem of
water shortage despite of getting heavy rains during the monsoons. Lack of water is a


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

particularly acute problem during the months after the monsoon season. Raigad is one
such district, where a number of villages and hamlets inhabited by adivasis or tribal’s
face acute water shortage leads to many health and socio-economic problems. Also
because of lack of knowledge at village level causes the water scarcity. This study
aim to cater the water scarcity by implementing watershed management practices.
This paper proposes an idea of Plenty of water is available during rainy
season, Particularly in Konkan region where more than 3000 mm rainfall is available.
But in this region slope of river bed is so steep and all the rain water flows towards
the outlet very fast and results in scouring land, it is major problem. By implementing
this method the ground water table is increased thus providing sufficient water to the
farmers during summer season and reducing the call of tankers on which crores of
rupees were spent by the government. This method is cheap and also provides
employment to villagers.

2.1.3 Dr. Ingavale R. R Vol. 2(7), 35-38, July (2013):

Indeed water as a biological need of all living things it is needed to be used
wisely due to over exploitation of such valuable natural resource. Hence, watershed
management plan has proved to be very beneficial for water conservation. Analysis
and assessment tools like GIS along with remote sensing have proved to be very
efficient and effective and hence useful for management of such a useful resource.
The present study is carried out in Shivaji University, Kolhapur situated at
16040’31.81‖N and 740 15’12.10‖E, in the outskirts of Kolhapur city and is at
altitude of 607 m above mean sea level. The obtained land cover map easily shows
that majority of the land is under vegetation. It is due to availability of the water
through small tributaries.
This work is concerned with various maps of Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
These maps are prepared by using toposheets of Kolhapur city and the software’s like
Erdas 9.1 and Arc GIS 9.1. The prepared maps include the drainage pattern, contour
map, elevation map and land use/ land cover map. Depending upon these maps, three
suitable sites for watershed management plan are proposed in Shivaji University,


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

2.1.4 Dr. Sharada S. Tanavade Vol. 04 Issue 6,June (2015):

Sangola is a small city in Solapur district of state of Maharashtra in the India ,it is
situated near the borders of satara, sangli district and solapur district. It is located at
the intersection of state highway SH-161,SG-3,and SH-71. It lies between North
Latitude 170 26’16‖ and East Longitude 75011’38‖. It is facing acute water scarcity
problem due to insufficient rainfall every year. Watershed development techniques
like rain water harvesting, check dam, vanarai bandhara, farm pond etc. are suggested
to make the city self-sufficient in case of water demand.
For development of agriculture and drinking water resources the basic elements
required are land and water. Because of tremendous rise in population, urbanization,
industrialization and agriculture area, resulting in steep incline water demand line,
Indian agriculture sector is lot more dependent upon the monsoon. But from last 3-4
years, due to inadequate rainfall, people are looking towards the underground water as
alternative sources without regarding to its recharge resulting in deepening of ground
water table 100-200m below the ground surface.

2.1.5 Mr. Baravkar Amit,Vol.05 Issue 02, feb (2018):

Percentage of earth covered by water is 71 percentages but water scarcity is
main problem in front of the whole world. Watershed management plays important
role in reducing soil erosion and water conservation. Naikbombwadi is a village
located at distance 14 kms from Phaltantashil city of state of lise
between latitude17.93519 & longitude 74.55579. This village suffering from water
scarcity. In Maharashtra there are many villages to the government is supplying water
by tanker naikbombwadi village is one of the.
From this paper the author concluded that, after the rainy season around
month of February up-to month may of each year the water scarcity starts in the study
area and water demand increases. As large amount of ground water is drawn out from
under ground, reduction of ground water table which in turn reduces water level in
wells. To cater this problem of water storage in study area, the technique of watershed
management is best suited. By implementing this method the ground water table is
increased thus providing sufficient water to the farmers during drought season and
reducing the call of tankers on which crores of rupees were spent by the government.
This method is cheap and also provides employment to villagers.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

2.1.6 Apipala chanya, Bouphan Prachaak , Tang Keow Ngang, Vol-136, (2014):
This study was an action research of conflict management on use of watershed
resources. The research action was conducted in three phases consisting of studying
current situation, problems and needs of community then followed by analyzing
stakeholders of the pong watershed and the factors affecting to community conflict on
the use of water resources by focus group discussions, and finally developing
community participation on conflict resolution of water resources by community
dialogue. The samples were representatives of 335 households.
From this paper author results from the three phases revealed that conflict
management could be made through community participation process, this process is
the important mean to get through the information of the community. The meeting of
direct and indirect stakeholders had provided the platform to discuss about the
problems and planning conflict management on use of water.

2.1.7. Kelly Gunnell, Mark Mulligan ,Robert A. Francis, Vol-670 (2019):

Cities are depending on their upstream watersheds for storage and gradual
release of water into river system. These watersheds act as important flood mitigation
infrastructure providing an essential ecosystem service .In this paper use metrics from
the water world model to examine the flood management-relevant natural
infrastructure of the upstream watersheds of the global cities. These matrices enable
the characterization of different types, magnitude and geographical distributions of
potential natural flood storage.
The aim of these metrics is to highlight areas where there is more runoff than
storage capacity and thus where the maintenance or restoration of further natural
infrastructure could aid in storing more water and thus better alleviate flood risks.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020


In our methodology, consists of following points:

1. Site Selection
2. Study of Topographical Map
3. Data Collection
4. Analysis

3.1. Site selection:

After having a meeting with Sarpanch, Grampanchayat, Alkuti, We have come
to know the people from the Alkuti were facing water shortage problems throughout
the year, especially in summer season.
Even though the soil condition was good due to water shortage people
cultivated only one season crop during the rainy season. On the hill top due to rain
erosion of the soil is taking place is too high thus reducing the soil cover on the hill
surface. Few problems which are understand by us while making meetings and
discussion with the people of study area are listed below.
 The lack water availability has also resulted in low agriculture production.
 Supply of water through tankers becomes essential.
 Low income level with low living standard.
 High percentage of barren, cultivable waste land.
 The average rainfall is very less and also having high fluctuation i.e. average
annual rainfall of 450mm.
 Silting of existing water harvesting structures like percolation tank and Nala
bunds etc.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Figure No.3.1 Site of Alkuti

3.2. Study of Topographical map:

Study area lies in Junnar tehsil, in the Indian State of Maharashtra. It is located
at 45 km. away from Junnar tehsil city. It lies between North latitude 19ˈ05" and East
longitude 74’23", covering an area of 1851 hector. The average rainfall ranging is
516mm. The Alkuti village is situated in the Ahmadnagar district with district code
number 522. Parner is the subdistrict (tehsil / mandal), is a low-level administrative
division of a district, of this village, having the sub district code is 04211. Parner is
the Community Development Block (C.D. Block) of this village with C.D. Block
code number 0262. Parner is the Sub-district headquarter of this village and it is
situated 25 kilometres away from this village. The district headquarters' name is
Ahmadnagar and as per distance concern it is 70 kilometres from the Alkuti village.
The total number of households in Alkuti village are 951. It rely on the total
population of 4614 people. As far as male population concern the number of
population is 2311 of the village Alkuti and the total female population number is
2303. The reference taken to publish these data is of year 2009. The source of data is
Census of India.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Figure No. 3.2. Map of India

Figure No. 3.3. Map of Maharashtra state.

A survey number is a unique number given to an unambiguous piece of Alkuti
village land in order to maintain a record of the location, size, shape and
proprietorship information of the property. The land survey number works as a record
of information relating to a specific plot of Alkuti property in Maharashtra state. It is
beneficial when registering plots, selling plots, resolving legal disputes, for planning
the development of neighboring areas and so on.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Figure No. 3.4. Map of Tal- Junnar

Figure No. 3.5. Map of Alkuti Village.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Figure No. 3.6. Topographical map of Alkuti village\(taken by google Earth pro.)

3.3. Data collection:

a) We are visited to our site location & from there we collect soil sample,
rock, cropping type and ground water level of the region.
b) Marking level of water inside the well we get the ground water level of the
c) We are visited to ―Irrigation Department‖ from there we got the last 19
years rainfall data. The rainfall data is in average form.
3.3.1. Land use pattern in study area
Table No. 3.1. Land use pattern
Sr no Land use pattern Area (hector)
1 Total area 1851.44 Ha
2 Area under agriculture 1508.47 Ha
3 Nonagricultural area 40.53 Ha
4 Irrigated area 57.76 Ha
5 Non irrigated area 145.09 Ha
6 Area under lake -
7 Road area -


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Crop ranking and crop pattern of study area 2016-17Ranking of the crop is the
real picture of the study area. The Ranking of the crop show the tendency of farmer or
cultivator weather the farmer is traditional or market this method that
crops occupy the highest percentage of the total cultivated area, is chosen as first rank

3.3.2. Data taken from Gram-panchayt-

Khadedar Total=1314
Bhumihin Farmer total=114
Karagir total=16
Total area under Agriculture=1528.47hecter
Kharip cultivated area =462.13hectre
Rabi cultivated area=1046.34
Akrushik Land area=40hecter
Government padit land area=-
Padit land area=40.53 hectre
Potkharab land area=97.72hectre
Gavthanche area=12.23hectre
Non irrigated area=145.09 hectre
Main crop=kharip=Bajra=482.13Ha
Other crop =315.38ha
Sources of water= Well=43, Borewell=56
Irrigated area=57.76
Total pet animal=1300
Education tax=795


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Table No. 3.2. Existing Ground water structures

Particulars wells Borewells

No of structures 43 56

Use limit Private Private

Use for drinking purpose Yes Yes

Availability of water for drinking Till Till

Jun- Jan July-Feb

Availability of water for Irrigation Till (Jan) Till (Feb)


Table No.3.3 Details of crop

Sr. Location Crop Area for crop Area available for

No. sown (ha) sown (ha)

Bajara 482.13

Jawar 38.82

1 Alkuti Wheat 50.34 638.05

Groundnut 3.75

Other crop 315.38

3.4. Analysis
3.4.1. Demand and Supply Analysis
In microeconomics, supply and demand is an economic model of price
determination in a market. It postulates that, holding all else equal, in a competitive
market, the unit price for a particular good, or other traded item such as labor or liquid
financial assets, will vary until it settles at a point where the quantity demanded (at the


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

current price) will equal the quantity supplied (at the current price), resulting in an
economic equilibrium for price and quantity transacted. Water supply systems get
water from a variety of locations after appropriate treatment, including groundwater
(aquifers), surface water (lakes and rivers), and the sea through desalination. The
water treatment steps include, in most cases, purification, disinfection through
chlorination and sometimes fluoridation. Treated water then either flows by gravity or
is pumped to reservoirs, which can be elevated such as water towers or on the ground
(for indicators related to the efficiency of drinking water distribution see non-revenue
water). Once water is used, wastewater is typically discharged in a sewer system and
treated in a sewage treatment plant before being discharged into a river, lake or the
sea or reused for landscaping, irrigation or industrial use Water supply policies and
regulation are usually defined by one or several Ministries, in consultation with the
legislative branch. In the United States the United States Environmental Protection
Agency, whose administrator reports directly to the President, is responsible for water
and sanitation policy and standard setting within the executive branch. In other
countries responsibility for sector policy is entrusted to a Ministry of Environment
(such as in Mexico and Colombia), to a Ministry of Health (such as in Panama,
Honduras and Uruguay), a Ministry of Public Works (such as in Ecuador and Haiti), a
Ministry of Economy (such as in German states) or a Ministry of Energy (such as in
Iran). A few countries, such as Jordan and Bolivia, even have a Ministry of Water.
Often several Ministries share responsibilities for water supply.
The water in the supply network is maintained at positive pressure to ensure
that water reaches all parts of the network, that a sufficient flow is available at every
take-off point and to ensure that untreated water in the ground cannot enter the
network. The water is typically pressurized by pumping the water into storage tanks
constructed at the highest local point in the network. One network may have several
such service reservoirs.
In small domestic systems, the water may be pressurized by a pressure vessel
or even by an underground cistern (the latter however does need additional
pressurizing). This eliminates the need of a water-tower or any other heightened water
reserve to supply the water pressure.
These systems are usually owned and maintained by local governments, such
as cities, or other public entities, but are occasionally operated by a commercial
enterprise (see water privatization). Water supply networks are part of the master


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

planning of communities, counties, and municipalities. Their planning and design

requires the expertise of city planners and civil engineers, who must consider many
factors, such as location, current demand, future growth, leakage, pressure, pipe size,
pressure loss, fire fighting flows, etc. using pipe network analysis and other tools. As
water passes through the distribution system, the water quality can degrade by
chemical reactions and biological processes. Corrosion of metal pipe materials in the
distribution system can cause the release of metals into the water with undesirable
aesthetic and health effects. Release of iron from unlined iron pipes can result in
customer reports of "red water" at the tap. Release of copper from copper pipes can
result in customer reports of "blue water" and/or a metallic taste. Release of lead can
occur from the solder used to join copper pipe together or from brass fixtures. Copper
and lead levels at the consumer's tap are regulated to protect consumer health.
Utilities will often adjust the chemistry of the water before distribution to
minimize its corrosiveness. The simplest adjustment involves control of pH and
alkalinity to produce a water that tends to passivate corrosion by depositing a layer of
calcium carbonate. Corrosion inhibitors are often added to reduce release of metals
into the water. Common corrosion inhibitors added to the water are phosphates and
silicates. Maintenance of a biologically safe drinking water is another goal in water
distribution. Typically, a chlorine based disinfectant, such as sodium hypochlorite or
mono-chloramine is added to the water as it leaves the treatment plant. Booster
stations can be placed within the distribution system to ensure that all areas of the
distribution system have adequate sustained levels of disinfection. The following are
the various demands of water :
 Domestic demand
It includes the quantity of water required in the houses for drinking, bathing,
cooking, washing etc. The quantity of water required for domestic use mainly depends
on the habits, social status, climatic conditions and customs of the people. In India on
an average, the domestic consumption of water under normal condition is about 135
litres/day/capita as per IS In developed countries this figure may be as high as 350
litres/day/ capita. The increase in water consumption in developed countries is mainly
due to use of air coolers, air conditioners, maintenance of lawns, automatic household
appliances such as home laundries, disc washers etc.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Table No 3.4. Domestic demand of water

Sr No Purpose Water Consumption
1 Drinking 5 lit/capita/day
2 Cooking 5 lit/capita/day
3 Bathroom 55 lit/capita/day
4 Washing clothes 20 lit/capita/day
5 Housewashing 10lit/capita/day
6 Toilet flushing 30 lit/capita/day

 Fire demand:
Fires generally break in thickly populated localities and the industrial area, and
cause serious damages of properties and sometimes lives of the people arc lost.
Fire may take place due to faulty electric wires by short circuiting, fire catching
materials, explosions, bad intention of criminal people or any other unforeseen mis-
happenings. If fires are not properly controlled and extinguished in minimum possible
time, they lead to serious damages and may burn the cities. All the big cities have full
fire-fighting squads.
As during fire-breakdowns large quantity of water is required for throwing it
over the fire to extinguish it, therefore provision is made in the water works to supply
the cities fire-hydrants are provided on the water mains at 100 to 150 m apart. Fire
brigade men immediately connect these fire-hydrants with their engines and start
throwing water at very high rate on the fire. The minimum water pressure available at
fire hydrants should be of the order of 1.0 to 1.5 kg/cm2 and should be maintained
even after 4 to 5 hours of constant use of fire hydrant. Thus fire demand is generally
calculated based on following empirical formulae.
a) Kuichlings formula = Q = 3182 √P
b) Freemans formula = Q = 1136.50 [ P/5+10]
c) Government of india recommendation = Q = 100√P
d) Bustons formula = Q = 5663√P
e) National board of fire under writers formula = Q = 4637 √P (1- 0.01√P)
 Public demand:
Quantity of water required for public utility purposes such as for washing and
sprinkling of roads cleaning of sewers, watering of public parks, gardens, public


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

fountains etc., comes under public demand. To meet the water demand for public use,
provision of 5% of the total consumption is made while designing the water works for
a city.
Table No. 3.5. Water Consumption
Sr. No. Purpose Water Consumption
1. Public parks 2.5 lit/sq.m/day
2. Road washing 1 to 1.5 lit/sq.m/day
3. Sewer flushing 4.5 lit/hour/day
4. Road side trees 28,150 lit/km/day

 Industrial, commercial and institutional demand

Commercial building and commercial centres include office building,
warehouse, stores, hotels, shopping centres, health centres, schools, temples, cinema
houses, railway and bus stations etc. The water requirements of commercial and
public places may be up to 45 litres/day/capita. Table 5.1 (a) gives the water demand
for buildings other than residences as per IS. The water required in the industries
mainly depends on the type and size of industries which are existing in the city. The
quantity of water required by industries is also expressed in terms of per capita
demand. The water required by factories, paper mills, clothe mills, cotton mills,
breweries, sugar refineries etc. comes under industrial use. The quantity of water
demand for industrial purposes is around 20 to 25% of the total demand of the city.

Table no. 3.6. Industrial demand

Sr. No. Type of Unit of production Water requirement in
Industry km/unit
1. Sugar One bag of 100 kg 0.1 to 0.2
2. Textile 100 kg 8 to 14
3. Paper Tonne 200 to 400
4. Fertilizer Tonne 80 to 200
5. Automobile Per vehicle 40
6. Leather 100 kg 4
7. Glass Tonne 68
8. Artificial silk Tonne 2000
9. Wool Tonne 150 to 500


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

10. Gold tonne of ore 1 to 1.5

11. Iron tonne of ore 4to 5

Compensate water demand:

All the water which goes in the distribution pipe does not reach the consumers.
Some portion of this is wasted in the pipe lines due to defective pipe-joints, cracked
and broken pipes, faulty valves and fittings. Sometimes consumers keep open their
taps or public taps even when they are not using the water and allow continuous
wastage of water.
In some way, some quantity of water is lost due to unauthorized and illegal
connections. While estimating the total requirement of water of a town, allowance for
these losses and wastages should also be done. Generally allowance of 15% of the
total quantity of water is made to compensate for losses, thefts and wastage of water.

3.4.2. Forecasting of population

Population is one of the most important factors for design of the water
systems, so it should be estimated, so as to know the increasing demand and ensure
continuous supply to them. Population data is obtained by previous records and the
rate of increase is found out and this used for further analysis, which may be by using
the methods described below
 Arithmetic Increase Method: It is based on the assumption that the rate of growth
of population is constant. It means that the each year population increase by the same
increment. From the previous census data, the increase in population between
consecutive decades is found from this average increase per decades is work out.
from this method future population is calculated by using formula
Pn= P+ nd
Pn = Future population.
P = Present population.
d = average increase per decades.
n = number of decades.
 Geometric Increase Method
This method is based on the assumption that percentage growth rate is
constant .This method must be used with caution, for when applied it may produce too


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

large results for rapidly grown cities in comparatively short time. This would apply to
cities with unlimited scope of expansion. As cities grow large, there is a tendency to
decrease in the rate of growth. The future population by using this method is
calculated by using formula
Pn = P x [ 1+ r / 100 ]n
Pn = Future population.
P = Present population
n = number of decades.
r = average increase in percentage per decades.
 Incremental Increase Method
Growth rate is assumed to be progressively increasing or decreasing,
depending upon whether the average of the incremental increases in the past is
positive or negative. The population for a future decade is worked out by adding the
mean arithmetic increase to the last known population as in the arithmetic increase
method and to this is added the average of incremental increases, once for first
decade, twice for second and so on.
P n = P+nd + (n (n+1)/2)*t
Pn = Future population.
P = Present population
n = number of decades.
d = average increase per decades.
t = average incremental increase.
 Decreasing Rate Method
Decreased Rate of Growth Method or Logistic curve Method Rate of
population increase is never constant Population of city grows until saturation point
and it is established by limit of economic opportunity. All population grow according
to logistic or S curve. This method is suitable for the town whose rate of increase in
population is decreasing.
 Curvilinear Method
In this it is assumed that the population of a city will grow, in the same
manner as in other cities in the past. This similarity between the cities includes


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

geographical proximity, similarity of economic base, access to similar transportation

system etc. In practice it is difficult to findsimilar cities.
 Logistic Method
When the growth rate of population due to birth, death and migration are
under normal situation and not subjected to extraordinary changes due to unusual
situation like war, epidemics earth quakes and refugees etc.
 Decline Growth Method
This method like, logistic, assumes that the city has some limiting saturation
population and that its rate of growth is a function of population deficit.
 Ratio Growth
Ratio method of fore casting is based on the assumption that the population of
a certain area or a city will increase in the same manner to a larger entity like a
province, or a country. It requires calculation of ratio of locals to required population
in a series of census years Projection of the trend line using any of the technique and
application of projected ratio to the estimated required population of projected ratio to
the estimated required population in the year of interest. This method of forecasting
does not take into account some special calculations in certain area but have the
following advantages.

 Population of Alkuti Village 4248…. (According to Grampanchayat Record)

Female 2118 and Male 2130
After3 decades population of Alkuti village according to arithmetical increase
P0 = P+nX
= 4248+3*874
= 6870.
After 30 years population will be 6870 number.

3.4.3. Rain Gauge

A rain gauge is an instrument used by meteorologists and hydrologists to
measure precipitation (e.g. rain, snow, hail or sleet) in a certain amount of time. It is
usually measured in millimeters. Rain gauge is a meteorological instrument for
determining the depth of precipitation (usually in mm) that occurs over a unit area
(usually one meter squared) and thus measuring rainfall amount. One millimeter of


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

measured precipitation is the equivalent of one liter of rainfall per metre squared.
Usually a tapering funnel of copper or polyester of standard dimension allows the rain
water to collect in an enclosed bottle or cylinder for subsequent measurement. The
gauge is set in open ground with the funnel rim up to 30 cm above the ground surface.
Some gauges are calibrated to allow the amount of rainfall to be read directly; with
others it must be calculated from the depth of water in the container and the
dimensions of the funnel.
The second type of rain gauge is the autographic gauge which can be either of
the tilting-siphon type or the tipping-bucket type. The recording chart on an
autographic rain gauge is mounted on a drum which is driven by clockwork and
typically rotates round a vertical axis once per day. For a tilting-siphon rain gauge, the
rainwater in a collector displaces a float so that a marking pen attached to the float
makes a continuous trace on the paper. The two buckets in a tipping-bucket rain
gauge rest on a pivot so that when one bucket has received 0.2 (or 0.5 mm) of rain it
tips by gravity, empties the rainwater and allows the other bucket to start collection.
During the tip, an electrical switch is closed and triggers a nearby autographic
recorder to register each 'tilt', thus giving a fairly continuous record of precipitation
and, in a more sophisticated form, even rainfall intensity. Rain gauges must be sited in
as representative a location as possible, but the choice of location is difficult, since
many precipitation events are highly aggregate. King Sejong the Great was the man
who introduced rain gauge to the world. There are advantages and disadvantages of
this instrument.
 Types of Rain gauge
 Symons Rain Gauge
Non-recording type rain gauge is most common type of rain gauge used by
meteorological department. It consists of a cylindrical vessel 127mm in diameter with
a base enlarged to 210mm diameter.At its top section, funnel is provided with circular
brass rim which is 127mm exactly so that it can fit into vessel well. This funnel shank
is inserted in the neck of a receiving bottle which is 75 to 100mm high from the base
section and thinner than the cylinder, placed into it to receive rainfall.

 Weighing Bucket Rain Gauge

Weighing bucket type rain gauge is most common self-recording rain gauge. It
consists of a receiver bucket supported by a spring or lever balance or some other


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

weighing mechanism. The movement of bucket due to its increasing weight is

transmitted to a pen which traces record or some marking on a clock driven chart.
Weighing bucket type rain gauge instrument gives a plot of the accumulated
(increased) rainfall values against the elapsed time and the curve so formed is called
the mass curve.

 Tipping Bucket Type Rain Gauge

Tipping bucket type rain gauge is a 30cm sized circular rain gauge adopted for
use by US weather bureau. It has 30cm diameter sharp edged receiver and at the end
of the receiver is provided a funnel. Pair of buckets are pivoted under this funnel in
such a manner that when one bucket receives 0.25mm of precipitation (rainfall),it tips
discharging its rainfall into the container, bringing the other bucket under the funnel.
tipping of bucket completes an electric circuit causing the movement of pen to mark
on clock driven receiving drum which carries a recorded sheet. These electric pulses
generated are recorded at the control room far away from the rain gauge station. This
instrument is further suited for digitalizing the output signal.

 Floating or Natural Syphon Type Rain Gauge

The working of this type of rain gauge is similar to weighing bucket rain
gauge. A funnel receives the water which is collected in a rectangular container. A
float is provided at the bottom of container, and this float raises as the water level
rises in the container. Its movement being recorded by a pen moving on a recording
drum actuated by a clock work.When water rises, this float reaches to the top floating
in water, then syphon comes into operation and releases the water outwards through
the connecting pipe, thus all water in box is drained out. This rain gauge is adopted as
the standard recording rain gauge in India and the curve drawn using this data is
known as mass curve of rain fall.
Record of rainfall taken from Irrigation Colony, Sub-divisional office
Table No. 3.7. Rainfall data
Sr. No. Year Rainfall (June to November)
1. 2002 351
2. 2003 239
3. 2004 489


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

4. 2005 625
5. 2006 803
6. 2007 648
7. 2008 381
8. 2009. 532
9. 2010 531
10 2011 400
11 2012 303
12 2013 533
13. 2014 386
14. 2015 322
15. 2016 430
16. 2017 606
17. 2018 250
18. 2019 230 (June to September)

3.4.4. Runoff
Surface runoff (also known as overland flow) is the flow of water that occurs
when excess storm water, melt water, or other sources flow over the Earth's surface.
This can occur when the soil is saturated to full capacity, and rain arrives more
quickly than soil can absorb it. Surface runoff often occurs because impervious areas
(such as roofs and pavement) do not allow water to soak into the ground. Surface
runoff is a major component of the water cycle. It is the primary agent of soil erosion
by water. The land area producing runoff that drains to a common point is called a
drainage basin.
Runoff that occurs on the ground surface before reaching a channel can be a
nonpoint source of pollution, as it can carry man-made contaminants or natural forms
of pollution (such as rotting leaves). Man-made contaminants in runoff include
petroleum, pesticides, fertilizers and others.
In addition to causing water erosion and pollution, surface runoff in urban
areas is a primary cause of urban flooding, which can result in property damage, damp
and mold in basements, and street flooding.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

 Methods of calculation of runoff

Rational Method
This is a most common method used to compute the peak runoff rate from the
small watershed. The peak runoff is defined as the maximum runoff to be used as
capacity for design of a given structure that must carry the runoff.
Kinematic Wave Method
Based on the kinematic wave theory, which is shown to be generally
applicable to road drainage situations, a method has been developed for the
determination of road drainage inlet spacing under the continuous grade condition.
The input data required are the allowable maximum flood width, the physical
characteristics of the roadway, the empirical relationship between the maximum
discharge and the intercepted flow, and the rainfall intensity—duration curve.
Application of the method to the Singapore inlet condition shows that for a given
maximum flood width, the inlet spacing varies with the cross and longitudinal slopes
of the roadway. The spacing of inlets is wider for roads with steeper slopes.

SCS Unit Hydrograph Method

Soil Conservation Service (SCS), now Natural Resources Conservation
Service (NRCS) developed a Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph (DUH) based on the
analysis of large number of watersheds. The X-axis consists of dimensionless time
units and Y-axis consists of dimensionless discharge units. The DUH is very useful
for constructing a synthetic unit hydrograph for a wide variety of watersheds.
The SCS DUH consists of 37.5% of the total runoff volume before the peak discharge
and remaining volume after the peak discharge occurs. The total base of the DUH is 5
times the time to peak .

Inglis Formula
For ghat areas
R(cm) = 0.84P- 30.54 Where P is more than 200 cm
= 0.84 x 516 – 30.54
Run-off = 402.9 cm
For non ghat areas
R (cm) = P(P-17.74)/254 Where P is less than 200 cm


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

 Result-
2017 Runoff, P=606mm
R= 606(606-17.74)/254= 1403.48 mm
2018 Runoff, p= 250mm
R= 250(250-17.74)/254= 228.60mm

3.4.5. Different methods of Rainwater Harvesting are use in future:

a) Farm pond =
To fulfill the demand of irrigation potential in agriculture as supplementary
irrigation water management plays an important role because rainfall in drought prone
areas is highly erratic, storage must be an integral part of rainwater harvesting.
It is therefore necessary to harvest water from any water sources e.g.
precipitation, perennial sources, roof water etc. in ponds and reservoirs for varies
domestic, agriculture and industrial purpose over a period of time to stretch its usage
to the maximum.
In addition to the above following factors are considered while constructing
farm pond
a. Area selected for farm have gentle ground slope.
b. Water released into the pond is sediment-free
c. Rate of inflow into the pond is slightly more than the infiltration capacity of
the entire pond.
d. Effective size of the square pond is 15m x 15m x 3m. It is decided on
available Space & topographic conditions of land Design

Figure No. 3.7 Farm pond


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

b) Roof top Rainwater harvesting=

The site includes four types of home i.e. Mangalore tile home, Slab type home,
Flat roof soil type home, Shed type home, Hence it is proposed to have roof top
rainwater harvesting from the roofs of all the buildings.
Rooftop rainwater Harvesting is the technology used for collecting and storing
rainwater from rooftops, the land surface or rock catchment using simple techniques
such as jars and pots as well as more complex techniques such as underground check
dams Rooftop rainwater harvesting is the technique through which rainwater is
captured from the roof catchment and stored in reservoirs. This technology are simple
to install and operate. local people can be easily trained to implement these
technology and reduces the cost of pumping ground water. Improve the quality of
ground water through dilution when recharged to the ground.

Figure No 3.8 Roof top rainwater harvesting.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

c) Check dam-

Figure No.3.9. Check Dam

Salient features-
 A low weir normally constructed across the gullies
 Constructed on small streams and long gullies formed by erosive activity of
flood water
 It cuts the velocity and reduces erosive activity
 The stored water improves soil moisture of the adjoining area and allows
percolation to recharge the aquifers
 Spacing between the check dams water spread of one should be beyond the
water spread of the other
 Height depends on the bank height, varies from a meter to 3 meter and length
varies from less than 3m to 10m

d) Contour Bund

Figure No.3.10 Contour Bonding Dimension


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

To intercept the run off flowing down the slope by an embankment.

Figure No.3.11 Contour Bonding

 General Information-
It helps to control run off velocity. The embankment may be closed or open, surplus
arrangements are provided wherever necessary.

e) Bench Terracing
It helps to bring sloping land into different level strips to enable cultivation.

Figure No. 3.12. Bench Terraces


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

f) Stone Barriers-

Figure No. 3.13 Stone barriers

g) Micro catchments For Sloping Lands

Figure No. 3.14. Micro-catchment

It is useful for in situ moisture conservation and erosion control for tree crops.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

General Information-
It consists of construction of step like fields along contours by half cutting and
half filling. Original slope is converted into level fields. The vertical & horizontal
intervals are decided based on level slope.
Salient Features-
 Suitable for hilly regions.
 The benches may be inward sloping to drain off excess water.
 The outward sloping benches will help to reduce the existing steep slope to
mild one.
 It is adopted in soils with slopes greater than 6%

h) Percolation ponds-
To augment the ground water recharge
Salient features-
 Shallow depression created at lower portions in a natural or diverted stream
course preferable under gentle sloping stream where narrow valley exists
 Located in soils of permeable nature
 Adaptable where 20-30 ground water wells for irrigation exist within the zone
of influence about 800 – 900m
 Minimum capacity may be around 5000 m3 for the sack of economy
 Also act as silt detention reservoir

Figure No.3.15. Percolation Tank


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

3.4.6. Soil test:

After collecting the soil samples, soil testing will be taken including water
absorption test, Liquid limit test, Plastic limit test, Particle size distribution test
,Shrinkage limit test, Permeability test ,Direct Shear test etc By obtaining such
information the properties of soil can be obtained.

a) Water content or absorption test-

Purpose of water absorption test= This test is used to determine moisture content
As well as percentage of its dry weight.

Weight of container (W1) =44gm
Weight of initial soil sample (W2 ) =280gm
Weight of oven dry soil sample (W3) = 236gm
Water content = (W2-W3)/(W3-W1)
= (280-236)/(236-44)
= 22.9 percent

Figure No. 3.16. Water content test.

2) Liquid Limit test and Plastic limit test=

Purpose of liquid limit test-This test is used to specify fine grained soil and
gives information about consistency state of soil on site. This test is beneficial for to
know consolidation properties and bearing capacity of soil.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Figure No. 3.17. Casagrande’s Apparatus. Figure No. 3.18. Plastic limit test.

Purpose of Plastic limit Test-This test gives a particular limit at which soil
starts to behave as plastic and from this determines moisture content or water content.
Observation –
Table No. 3.8. Observation table for liquid limit test
Sr. No. Description Liquid limit Plastic limit
1 Container no 1 2
2 No of blows 31 -
3 Weight of container W1 15.60gm 44gm
4 Weight of container + weight of 44.08gm 72gm
5 Weight of container + Oven dry 30.42gm 64gm
6 Weight Of Water (w2-w3)=w4 13.66gm 8 gm
7 Weight of Oven dry soil(w3-w1)=w5 14.82gm 20gm
8 Moisture percentage(w4/w5)*100 92.17% 40%
9 Liquid limit - Plastic Limit = Plasticity

3) Sieve Analysis test=

Purpose of sieve analysis – This test classify soil into sand silt clay and used
for the classification of soil.

Observation –
Weight of soil Sample =1000gm.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Percentage retained on any sieve =(mass/total mass)*100

Table No. 3.9. Observation table for sieve analysis

Sr. Sieve Mass of soil Percentage Cumulative Percentage
No Size mm retained(gm) retained percentage retained Retained

1 4.75 148 14.8 14.8 85.2

2 2.36 94 9.4 24.2 75.8
3 1.7 116 11.6 35.8 64.2
4 0.6 266 26.6 62.4 37.2
5 0.3 138 13.8 76.2 23.8
6 0.15 150 15.0 91.2 8.8
7 0.075 68 6.8 98 2
8 Pan 18 1.8 99.8 0.2

Figure No. 3.19. Apparatus for sieve test.

4) Direct Shear test=

Purpose of the test- This test is used to determine shear strength properties of soil.

Observations –
1) Specimen dimensions=60mmx6ommx25mm
2) Specimen thickness=25mm
3) Area of specimen=6x6=36m2
4) Volume of specimen=90cm2
5) Proving ring constant =0.515


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

6) Initial wet weight of specimen=128gm

7) Final wet weight of specimen=309gm

Figure No.3.20. Apparatus of Direct shear Test.


Table No. 3.10. Observation table of Direct shear test.

displacement Area of Corrected Proving Normal Shear Shear
dial reading in correction area mm2 ring Stress force stress
mm d/3mm reading Kg/cm2
0.74 0.2467 2712 1 0 0.515 0.014
0.59 0.197 2892 12 0.5 6.18 0.171
0.12 0.04 3456 18 1 9.27 0.2575
0.1 0.033 3480 27 1.5 13.905 0.386

3.4.7. Design example of Check dam:

Catchment area = 15.68 sq. km (6.127 sq. miles)
Nature of Catchment = Good
Average annual rainfall = 443 mm
75 percent dependable rainfall = 332 mm


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Gauge-Discharge Table
Discharge Water Level
50 89.98
60 91.59
70 93.21
80 94.83
90 96.45
110 99.69
115 100.50

From Strange's Table Yield/sq. km for 717 mm rainfall is 26.08 percent of

rainfall = 0.187 MCM Yield from the catchment = 15.68 × 0.187 = 2.93 MCM

Design Flood
Where a formula applicable to a given situation is available viz. Dicken’s or
Ryve’s formula. Assuming that following Dicken’s formula is available
Q = 1000 A¾
Q = 1000 (6.127)¾
= 3894 cusecs
= 110.37 cumecs
Design of Sharp Crested Weir
Discharge, Q = 1.84 (L − KnH) H3/2
L = Length of weir
K = Coefficient of end contraction (adopted 0.1) n = Number of end
contractions (in this case = 2)
H = Total head over spillway crest
Q = Discharge

Providing a total head (including velocity head of 0.05) = 1.05 m

110.37 = 1.84 (L − 0.1 × 2 × 1.05) 1.053/2 = 1.84 (L − 0.21) × 1.076
L = 55.95 m
Say 56 m


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Discharge intensity,
q = 56 37.110 = 1.97 cumecs
Normal Scour depth, R = 1.35 (f q2) 1/3
= 1.35 (f 97.1 2)1/3
R = 2.12 m below the maximum flood level
Computed flood level at weir site corresponding to the design discharge of
110.37 cumecs is 99.75 m
Keeping the crest level = 99.00 m
Maximum water level = 99.00 + 1.05 = 100.05 m
Thus, there will be a net flood lift of (100.05 – 99.75) i.e. 0.3 m at the weir site
Depth of downstream cutoff = 1.5 R = 1.5 × 2.12 = 3.18 m
Desired R.L. of cut off = 100.05 − 3.18 = 96.87 m
Average bed level of deep channel is 97.30 m

Providing a minimum depth of 1 m for cutoff

Actual R.L. of cutoff = 97.30 − 1.00 = 96.30
(against the desired level of 96.87)

Design of Weir Floor

Design flood = 110.37 cumecs
Length of weir = 56 m
Height of weir above the bed = 99.00 − 97.30 = 1.7 m
Bottom width of weir = 1.6 m
Total maximum head, H = 1.7 m
Total creep length required, L = C × H
Adopting C = 4
L = 4 × 1.7 = 7.22 m Say 7.25 m
Length of downstream floor, Ld = = 3.19 m Say 3.20 m
Provide a length of 6.0 m and provide wearing coat for 3.20 m.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Figure No 3.21 Diagram of check dam.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020


4.1. Socio – economic and ecological survey questionnaires for Alkuti

1) Name of Village –Alkuti village.
2) Population=4248

3) Source of Livelihood
Private jobs Laboure Labour outside village
Yes Available Yes Available

5) Family Income –Below 1 Lakh-105, Above 1 Lakh-07

6) Available Job in Village –Nil
7) Own Agricultural Land-1528.47Hector.
8) Bio-Gas/Solar Plant– Nil

9) Own House
Slab Manglore title Shed Huts Flat roof soil
43 31 13 8 Nil

10) Source of domestic and agricultural water

Well Borewell Stream
43 56 Nil

11) What types of crops:

Kharif Rabbi Perennial
Bajra Jwari, Wheat, Groundnut Nil

12) Main Sources of income

Agriculture Own Business Other
Yes Yes No


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

13) Method of irrigation for applying water to crops

Furrow irrigation Basin Irrigation Sprinkler Irrigation Drip Irrigation
Yes No No Yes

14) Total number of animals- 1300 No.

15) Migration of Members in family- 18 No. (Reason for migration- For the
purpose of government and private job.)

4.2. Demand of water.

1) Domestic water demand

Total population:
= population- Migrant
= 4248-18
= 4230
Standard demand of water= 135 lit/day
For drought area requirement per capita = 70lit/day
Water required per day per capita= 70*4230= 296100 lit/day
Annual water required for domestic= 296100*365= 108076.5 cu. M

2) Water demand for animals

Total number of Cow= 317
Total number of Cow below 1 year= 133
Total number of buffalo= 273
Total number of goat= 423
Total number of hens = 118
Total number of dog = 36
Water demand for animals= Total Number of animals * standard demand

a) Cow Standard Water demand=115 lit/day

Demand =115x317= 36455 lit/day= 36455x365= 13306075 lit/day
= 13306.075 cu.m

b) Standard demand for cows below 1 year = 9 lit/day

Demand =133x25=3325 lit/day=3325x365=1213625lit/day=1213.625cu.m


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

c) Standard demand of water for buffalo=115lit/day


d) Standard demand of water for goat=10lit/day

Demand of water=10 x 423= 4230 lit/day= 4230 x 365= 1543950 lit/day
= 1543.950 cu. m

e) Standard demand of water for Hens

=118/1000x105 =12.39 lit/day =12.39x365 = 4522.35 lit/day=4.52lcum

f) Standard demand of water for dog :

=36x5 =180 lit/day =180x365 =67500 lit/day= 65.7cum

Total water demand of animal

= 13306.075 + 1213.625 + 11459.175 + 1543.950 +4.521 + 65.7

3). Water requirement for different crops

Area under agriculture = 1508.47 hect.
Crop taking in this area Jawar , Bajara
Kharif: Bajara
Rabi: Jawar , wheat, Vegetables ,groundnut

Demand for Kharif season

Average delta in mm
Jawar = 300 mm Bajara = 300 mm
Demand for Kharif crop = Delta × Area
= 1562850cu.m

Demand for Rabi

Wheat= 375mm Groundnut= 450mm ,Vegetables=450mm
For wheat=0.375×50.34x104 = 188775 cu.m
For groundnut =0.45x3.75x104=16875cum
For vegetables=0.45x31.53x104=141885


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Total demand
= Domestic requirement +Animal requirement + Agri.requirement
= 108076.5+27588+(1562850+188775+16875+141885)
= 2046049.5cu.m

4.3. Runoff Calculation

Average yearly rainfall in Alkuti = 44.7 cm.

A) Runoff by Inglis formula :

[P (P-17.78)] /254 = [44.7 (44.7-17.78)]/254 = 4.82cm

B) Total available water = Area of watershed (Sq.m) x Rainfall

=1851.44 x 104x0.447
1) Ground water recharge:
=Area of watershed (Sq.m) x Average fluctuation x Specific yield
= 1851.44x104 x 1.5 x 0.15
= 4165740Cu.m.
2) Evapotranspiration:
=(30%) of Precipitation
= 0.3 x 8275936=2482780.8Cu.m.

C) Run off by using basic formula:

= Precipitation – basin recharge
=(8275936- 4165740) Cu.m.
= 4110196Cu.m.

D) Water available for artificial recharge for watershed development

= Runoff – Evapotranspiration
=4110196Cu.m - 2482780.8Cu.m.
= 1627416Cu.m.

E) If structures were constructed

1) There would have water recharge by farm pond
= [(15x15) + (10x10)]/2 x 3
= 487.50Cu.m.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

(Assuming it is recharged 4 times)

= 4 x 487.50Cu.m. = 1950.00Cu.m.

2) Artificial recharge due to roof top rain water harvesting

Slab= No. of homes * 36= 43*36 = 1548 cu. 3
Shed = No. of Shed * 13 =18*13 = 234 cu.m
Mangalore tiles = 31* 20= 620 cu.m
Total water available in one mansoon= 1548+234+620= 2402 cu.m.

3) There would have water recharge by check dam:

Assume 10% of water available for artificial recharge for water shed
= 1627416Cu.m. *10/100
= 162741.6 cu.m.
If small check dams constructing 2 No. then 20% of water stored in
ground water as well as use for argriculture.
= 162741.6*0.2= 325448.32 cu.m
Total water stored by constructing artificial structures.
= 1950+2402+162741.6
= 167093.6 cu.m.
After two check dams= 199641.92 cu. M.
F) Relation of demand and supply of water
Present demand of water for village= 2046049.5 cu.m
Present supply of water for village = 1770583.00 cu.m
Total stored water by constructing artificial structure = 167093.6 cu.m
Total extra water required to village = 2046049.5 – 1770583 = 275466.5 cu.m
Total % of water need fulfill by constructing artificial structure
= (167093.6/275466.5) * 100
= 60.65 % .
Total % of water need fulfill by constructing artificial structure 2 check dams
= (199641.92/275466.5)*100 = 72.47%


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020


1. The water required for agricultural purpose excluding Rainy season for a
longer period. To fulfill this demand watershed management technique need to
be implemented for increasing ground water table where living standard of
people is perennial and source of is not available.
2. Watershed management project can effectively solve problem of drinking.
3. Various techniques like rain water harvesting, farm pond, check dam
constructed in village to fight against drought conditions.
4. If watershed development project implemented then it will result in increased
the economic condition as well as income source in Alkuti village.
5. From sieve analysis of soil and other test of soil we conclude that water
percolate within a ground high after constructing a check dams.
6. Total stored water by constructing artificial structure like rain water
harvesting, farm pond, check dam = 167093.6 cu.m
7. Total stored water by constructing artificial structure like rain water
harvesting, farm pond, Two check dam = 199641.92 cu.m
8. Total % of water need fulfill by constructing artificial structure like farm
pond, rainwater harvesting and one check dam- 60.65 %
9. Total % of water need fulfill by constructing artificial structure like farm
pond, rainwater harvesting and 2 check dams= 72.47 %
10. Due to GIS software it is possible to find out stream lines on which structure
are to be planned, sloped direction hills is very crucial factor is to make
analysis of the water shed also helps to find out suitable watershed structure
demand will be fulfill.
11. For successful implementation of this project participation of local people
funding agencies is must. As these techniques are eco-friendly this
development of the watershed structure will be helpful in future.


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020


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 Journal Magazine/ Periodical

1. Aher S. B. and Pawar J. R., ―Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact
of Participatory Watershed Management Programme: A Case Study of


Watershed management of Alkuti village 2019-2020

Sundarwadi Watershed in Maharashtra‖ .November 2012 –January 2013,

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