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Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

2021 International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems (EEPS2021), August
20–22, 2021, Hangzhou, China

Research on performance evaluation of green supply chain of

automobile enterprises under the background of carbon peak and
carbon neutralization
Baohui Jin
School of Economics & Management, Chengdu Technological University, Chengdu 611730, PR China
Received 6 September 2021; accepted 1 October 2021

Due to the increasing awareness of global warming and climate change, performance evaluation based on green supply
chain management has become a key issue in recent industrial implementation, and carbon management is one of the important
branches. According to the needs of China’s carbon peak and carbon neutralization construction objectives, this paper improves
the enterprise evaluation index system of green supply chain management of China’s automobile enterprises, and selects 21
indexes from four dimensions: green procurement and supplier management, green production, green consumption and green
recycling, carbon peak and carbon neutralization, highlighting the impact of carbon emission. Through the investigation of
experts and the public, this paper determines the weight of the evaluation dimension and index system, as well as the use
criteria of the performance evaluation index system. The optimized green supply chain performance evaluation system of
automobile enterprises considering the objectives of carbon peak and carbon neutralization highlights the needs of green and
low-carbon development, and can better guide the healthy development of automobile enterprises in China.
⃝c 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems, EEPS, 2021.

Keywords: Carbon peak and carbon neutralization; Green supply chain; Performance evaluation; Automobile enterprises

1. Introduction
The global climate report 2020 issued by the World Meteorological Organization points out that the concentration
of major global greenhouse gases will continue to rise in 2020, and the global average temperature is about 1.2
centigrade higher than that before industrialization. Due to global warming, risks such as extreme weather disasters
and the outbreak of global infectious diseases may occur, which will hinder economic development and exacerbate
geopolitical tensions.
In response to global climate change, 175 countries around the world signed the Paris Agreement in April
2016, promising to control the rise of global average temperature within 2 centigrade compared with the pre
industrialization period.
E-mail address:
2352-4847/⃝ c 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems,
EEPS, 2021.
B. Jin Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

In September 2020, after China announced that its carbon dioxide emissions would reach the peak by 2030 and
strive to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060, the global enthusiasm for climate change was rekindled.
Achieving this goal is very important for China’s high-quality economic development, building a beautiful China
and building a community with a shared future for mankind [1].
Automobile manufacturing industry is an important part of traditional manufacturing industry. It brings conve-
nience to people’s travel and creates a lot of wealth and value to the society. However, it has a significant impact
on the environment in the links of resource utilization, production process, product use and scrap disposal [2].
There are many researches on the traditional supply chain evaluation system at home and abroad. The more
classical models include foreign Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model and domestic Supply Chain
Performance Metrics Reference (SCPR) model. The SCOR model was proposed by the Supply Chain Council
(SCC) in 1996. It is the most influential, widely used and authoritative supply chain performance evaluation model
at present. SCOR model comprehensively measures the process performance of plan, source, make, delivery and
return in the supply chain from the perspectives of supply chain reliability, reactivity, flexibility, cost and assets,
and sets corresponding process performance evaluation indicators. The SCPR model was proposed by the Logistics
Committee of China E-Commerce Association in 2013. The main contents of the model include five aspects:
order realization and order completion; Satisfaction, customer satisfaction; Business standard collaboration and
team collaboration ability; Number of enterprises, interactive ability, node network efficiency; Construction mode;
Business adaptability, system adaptability index. This is the first model for evaluating supply chain performance
proposed by the National Association of supply chain organizations in China.
In addition, the Ministry of industry and information technology of China issued the evaluation index system for
green supply chain management enterprises in the automotive industry on January 7, 2019.
With the deterioration of environmental pollution and resource depletion, how to balance the relationship between
environmental benefits, economic benefits and social benefits in combination with China’s development goals of
carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, and study the issue of the green supply chain evaluation of automobile
enterprises has become a very necessary and urgent problem.
On the basis of studying the scientific development connotation of carbon peak and carbon neutralization,
referring to China’s evaluation index system of green supply chain management enterprises in automobile industry,
considering the requirements of carbon peak and carbon neutralization development objectives, this paper re-
establishes the performance evaluation index system of green supply chain of automobile enterprises, and gives
the application criteria of the performance evaluation index system.

2. Review on the research status of green supply chain performance evaluation

Green supply chain management of automobile enterprises is a modern management mode integrating the
idea of environmental protection. In the whole process from product design to raw materials, parts procurement,
automobile manufacturing, automobile product transportation and distributor delivery to end users, it can reduce the
impact on the environment, improve resource utilization and realize social benefits through optimized management.
The performance evaluation of green supply chain of automobile enterprises is a means of its implementation

2.1. Research status in China

Compared with the basic items of foreign research, the domestic evaluation of green supply chain performance
of automobile enterprises also focuses on the evaluation index system and evaluation model, but it is macro and
less practical on the whole.
Wang [3] mainly studied the establishment of supplier evaluation index system for Chinese automobile manu-
facturers in green supply chain management. Through the analysis of the characteristics of supplier management
and its environmental protection pressure in China’s automobile manufacturing industry, this paper finds out the
factors affecting the supplier evaluation index system, and establishes the index system from the five modules of
cost, production, quality, service and innovation. Environmental protection indicators are not listed separately, but
integrated into relevant modules.
Zeng [2] constructed the green performance evaluation index system and evaluation model of automobile
manufacturing enterprises by analyzing the internal variables of its green supply chain operation process and
B. Jin Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

enterprise green economic behavior. The index system includes green manufacturing capability, green innovative
technology, supply chain coordination, financial support, employees’ awareness of environmental protection, etc.
Finally, it makes an empirical analysis on Guangxi automobile manufacturing enterprises.
Wang et al. [4] constructed an automobile green supply chain risk evaluation system based on the study of
automobile green supply chain management risk, which mainly includes five parts: external risk, green technology
level, green cooperation risk, enterprise environmental protection awareness and internal risk, with a total of 18
evaluation indicators. Then the risk index is quantified and analyzed by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.
Liu [5] conducted an empirical study on the performance evaluation of automobile green supply chain manage-
ment based on lean management, and established the evaluation index system of automobile industry green supply
chain management based on lean management by using the modular design principle. The system includes green
design, supplier management, green production, green logistics, green marketing, green recycling and management
mechanism, and 15 secondary indicators include green degree and business process. The quantitative evaluation
model is established by using analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The model
is applied to L-automobile company for empirical analysis.
Sun et al. [6] analyzed the environmental problems existing in performance evaluation on the basis of fully
investigating the environmental costs and environmental risks of green supply chain of typical enterprises in
the automobile industry, constructed a total of 22 evaluation indexes including system construction, management
strategy and information disclosure, and gave the corresponding weight coefficients.
Liao and Ding [7] studied the green degree evaluation of automobile manufacturing supply chain. Based on SCOR
model and entropy method, they set up an index system suitable for evaluating the green degree of automobile
manufacturing supply chain from a qualitative and quantitative point of view, mainly including 20 evaluation
indexes in four aspects: business process, finance, innovation and development and environment. They also made
an empirical analysis on BAIC Foton Automobile Co., Ltd.

2.2. Research status abroad

In order to meet the green development and demand, many foreign scholars have studied the performance
evaluation of green supply chain of automobile enterprises.
Ezutah and Kuan [8] used a set of measurement criteria to evaluate the green supply chain practice level of
major automotive companies in Malaysia. The evaluation is based on the green supply chain level and performance
of major suppliers and customers involved in the supply chain of each major automotive company.
Rakesh et al. [9] studied the implementation of green supply chain management strategy, selected the best green
supply chain management strategy by using fuzzy analysis network method (ANP), and found that resource-based
strategic factors had the greatest impact through the analysis of a case of an Indian Automobile Company.
Chen et al. [10] proposed a single valued neutral language (SVNL) ranking technology based on ordered weighted
average (OWA) distance, which was calculated and evaluated through a green supplier selection problem in a
low-carbon supply chain.
Javad and Alireza [11] studied the efficiency of green supply chain by using data envelopment analysis (DEA)
based on Malmquist productivity index (MPI) according to the input and output indicators of Balanced Scorecard
(BSC) model, gave the corresponding decision tree rules, and evaluated the efficiency of 15 auto-parts manufacturers
in Iran. Finally, the implicit rules in the data are extracted by decision tree.
Pulansari and Putri [12] used the green supply chain operation reference (Green-SCOR) method to evaluate
the green supply chain performance of iron and steel enterprises. Key performance indicators are divided into five
categories, namely plan, source, formulation, delivery and return. Through calculation and analysis, suggestions are
put forward for the improvement of relevant indicators.
Alireza et al. [13] selected four dimensions and twelve indicators as the performance evaluation index system,
and combined a new fuzzy modification of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) known as Fuzzy Preference
Programming (FPP) with Fuzzy VlseKriterijumska Optimizecija I Kompromisno Resenje (FVIKOR) to assess
suppliers’ performance with respect to carbon management standards. This paper makes an empirical analysis on a
textile enterprise.
B. Jin Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

2.3. Literature review summary

According to the literature at home and abroad, the research mainly focuses on the establishment of evaluation
index system and the analysis of evaluation model. The evaluation index system mainly evaluates each link of
automobile enterprise supply chain based on its process, or integrates each link to analyze its operation status
and green level. The evaluation models are mainly semi-quantitative models, most of which are analytic hierarchy
process models, which calculate the weight through questionnaire survey or expert scoring method, and a few
models use fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and neural network to determine the weight. In addition, some studies
have conducted empirical research on the performance level of green supply chain of automobile enterprises, and
put forward corresponding implementation and improvement suggestions.
Generally speaking, the evaluation index system and evaluation model are relatively comprehensive, not closely
related to the stage of economic development, insufficient consideration of factors such as green, low-carbon and
new energy, and insufficient discussion on the application of the evaluation model.

3. Scientific connotation of carbon peak and carbon neutralization construction

3.1. Overview of carbon peak and carbon neutralization construction objectives

Climate change is an environmental problem in appearance and a development problem in essence. Different
countries or regions have different total greenhouse gas emissions and laws due to different development stages,
different development paths, different development objectives and different development modes. In recent years,
the adverse impact of global climate change on human production and life has become more and more prominent.
Coping with climate change has become one of the most severe challenges faced by human society.
In September 22, 2020, President Xi Jinping announced that in the general debate of the seventy-fifth UN General
Assembly, China will adopt more effective policies and measures. Carbon dioxide emissions will strive to peak
before 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutralization before 2060 [14].
The proposal of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization means that China will achieve carbon peak in
less than 10 years and complete the transition from carbon peak to carbon neutralization in less than 30 years. From
carbon peak to carbon neutralization, it will take about 60 years for the EU and 45 years for the United States.
China will strive to achieve it before 2060, facing great difficulties and challenges [15].

3.2. Scientific connotation of carbon peak and carbon neutralization construction

Under the new development pattern, the peak of carbon emissions before 2030 involves the systematic and
coordinated planning of sustainable development issues such as economy, society, environment, energy, employment
and security. It is consistent with the logic of coping with climate change and promoting high-quality economic
development, which is of great strategic significance at home and abroad.
In the new development stage, in order to achieve the goal of peaking carbon emissions by 2030, we must
implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, development and sharing, and promote the
construction of a new development pattern Zhuang and Dou [16].
To achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, we should fundamentally rely on the comprehensive
green transformation of economic and social development and promote the economy to embark on the road of green
and low-carbon circular development. This is not only the basic policy to solve China’s resources, environment and
ecological problems, but also the primary way to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization.
Secondly, we need to build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system. Carbon dioxide emissions
from energy consumption account for nearly 90% of China’s total carbon dioxide emissions and nearly 80% of net
greenhouse gas emissions. The green transformation of energy production and consumption system plays a vital
role in achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization.
Thirdly, accelerating scientific and technological innovation and policy innovation are the catalyst and accelerator
to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutralization. We should encourage the research and development of green and
low-carbon technologies, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and improve
the relevant laws, regulations and policy system [14].
B. Jin Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

4. Performance evaluation index system of green supply chain of automobile enterprises under the
background of carbon peak and carbon neutralization
4.1. Evaluation index system of green supply chain management enterprises in automobile industry in China

On January 7, 2019, the Ministry of industry and information technology of China announced the evaluation
index system of green supply chain management enterprises in the automotive industry with document No. 4 of
2019. This index system is applicable to the evaluation of green supply chain management, implementation and
improvement of green supply chain organization, performance evaluation of green supply chain management, etc.
of manufacturing enterprises focusing on automobile products or assembly parts.
The index system specifies the technical requirements of green supply chain management in the automotive
industry. The evaluation indexes of green supply chain management enterprises in the automotive industry are
divided into five aspects: management strategy index, green procurement and supplier management index, green
production index, green consumption and collection index, green information platform construction and information
disclosure index. See Fig. 1 for detailed indicators and weights.
The index system selects the index according to the characteristics of green supply chain in automobile industry,
the requirements of laws and standards and the measurability of the index. According to the nature of evaluation
indicators, they are divided into quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators.
Quantitative indicators select representative indicators that can reflect the objectives of green supply chain
management such as “environmental protection” and “resource conservation”, and comprehensively evaluate the
status and degree of green supply chain management implemented by enterprises. Qualitative indicators are selected
according to relevant national policy documents, resources and environmental protection policies and regulations
and industrial development plans to evaluate the compliance of enterprises with relevant policies and regulations
and the implementation of green supply chain management.
After evaluation, the automobile industry production enterprise with a green supply chain management index
greater than 90 points (including equal to) is recognized as a “five-star green supply chain management enterprise
in the automobile industry”. Enterprises with scores greater than 85 (inclusive) and less than 90 are recognized as
“four-star green supply chain management enterprises in the automotive industry”. Enterprises with scores greater
than 80 (inclusive) and less than 85 are recognized as “three-star green supply chain management enterprises in the
automotive industry”. Enterprises with more than 75 points (inclusive) and less than 80 points are recognized as

Fig. 1. Evaluation indexes of green supply chain management enterprises in automobile industry.

B. Jin Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

“two-star green supply chain management enterprises in the automotive industry”. Enterprises with scores greater
than 70 (including or equal to) and less than 75 are recognized as “one star green supply chain management
enterprises in the automotive industry”.

4.2. Optimization of green supply chain performance evaluation system of automobile enterprises considering
carbon peaking and carbon neutralization objectives

The green supply chain performance evaluation index system of automobile enterprises is the basis and standard
for evaluating the green supply chain performance. When designing the evaluation index system, the following
principles shall be followed:
(1) Scientific principle. Combining theory with practice, the construction of performance evaluation index system
should be guided by scientific theory to make it rigorous and reasonable in logical structure. Objective and real data
shall be provided to avoid the interference of subjective factors as far as possible.
(2) Principle of operability. The qualitative indicators are quantified by mathematical methods, and the quantita-
tive indicators can directly reflect the change and trend of performance level.
(3) Integrity principle. All secondary indicators of performance evaluation should exist in the whole system
according to the logical unity, that is, these indicators can reflect the overall evaluation objectives.
(4) Hierarchy principle. The performance evaluation system can be decomposed into a series of subsystems with
a certain hierarchical structure, and the evaluation indicators should be independent of each other.
(5) Guiding principle. Performance evaluation should reflect the purpose of establishing the green supply chain
performance evaluation system of automobile enterprises, that is, to guide enterprises to green and low-carbon
According to the analysis of China’s “evaluation index system of green supply chain management enterprises in
automobile industry”, its primary evaluation index involves five aspects: management strategy, green procurement
and supplier management, green production, green consumption and recycling, green information platform con-
struction and information disclosure. Overall, the index system is systematic, but the target of green supply chain
performance evaluation for automobile enterprises is not targeted. Management strategy, green information platform
construction and information disclosure are basic requirements, but they account for 40% of the weight. Therefore,
it is difficult to judge the green supply chain performance level of enterprises through other three indicators.
The green supply chain performance evaluation of automobile enterprises is mainly the evaluation of its green
supply chain performance level, and the evaluation of system and mechanism. System and mechanism belong to
means. Here we should pay attention to the conclusion of performance level.
The green supply chain performance evaluation of automobile enterprises is mainly the evaluation of their green
supply chain performance level, and the system and mechanism belong to the evaluation means. Here we should
pay attention to the conclusion of performance level.
Based on the design principle of green supply chain performance evaluation index system of automobile
enterprises, combined with the construction objectives of carbon peak and carbon neutralization in China, energy
conservation and emission reduction indicators should be included in the evaluation system. Here, two secondary
indicators are selected, namely, the decline level of carbon emission reduction and the level and degree of new
energy utilization. The adjusted index system is shown in Table 1, Figs. 2 and 3.
Table 1 performance evaluation indicators of green supply chain of automobile enterprises considering carbon
peak and carbon neutralization objectives
Generally, the performance evaluation index system can adopt the questionnaire method based on expert and
enterprise survey, as well as the analytic hierarchy process, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and neural
network algorithm. Since the indexes and their weights in China’s evaluation index system for green supply chain
management enterprises in the automotive industry have been investigated and demonstrated for many rounds, and
officially released and recommended by the Ministry of industry and information technology of China, it has a
certain authority.
Here, considering the impact of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, two new indicators are added. The weight
of the new indicators is investigated, and the opinions of five experts in the industry and three automobile enterprises
are solicited. Finally, the weight of the two indicators of the decline level of carbon emission reduction and the level
and degree of new energy utilization are determined as 20% respectively. Due to the lack of experience of experts and
B. Jin Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

Table 1. Performance evaluation indicators of green supply chain of automobile enterprises considering carbon peak and carbon neutralization
Primary index Secondary index
Indicator name Score Indicator name Score Indicator type
The existing supplier access standards and 6 Qualitative index
Green management shall specify the requirements
procurement and for material data provision, and issue and
supplier effectively implement the green procurement
management guide
Proportion of suppliers certified by ISO 3 Quantitative index
14001 or GB/t 24001
Proportion of suppliers using energy-saving 4 Quantitative index
and environmental protection
It has an upstream supplier performance 6 Quantitative index
evaluation mechanism, comprehensively
considers the environment, quality, cost,
service and other aspects, establishes a
green supplier selection system, grants green
suppliers to suppliers whose evaluation
results meet certain standards, and carries
out environmental performance improvement
for suppliers with poor evaluation results
Regular supplier audit 2 Qualitative index
Organize green supply chain training for 4 Qualitative index
Automotive green design requirements 4 Qualitative index
Use advanced technology and intelligent 2 Qualitative index
Green production 15 equipment
Requirements for use of toxic and 3 Quantitative index
hazardous substances
Pass cleaner production audit 2 Qualitative index
Proportion of recycled materials 2 Quantitative index
Promote green logistics 2 Qualitative index
Green marketing 1 Qualitative index
Recovery rate of packaging materials 1 Quantitative index
consumption 20 Construction of recycling system 8 Quantitative
and recycling index/Qualitative
Standard recovery rate of end-of-life 4 Quantitative index
Guide downstream enterprises to recycle and 2 Qualitative index
Carry out automobile Remanufacturing 2 Qualitative index
Actual recycling rate of automobile or parts 2 Quantitative index
Carbon peak and Declining level of carbon emission reduction 20 Quantitative index
carbon neutralization
Level and degree of new energy utilization 20 Quantitative index

enterprises in carbon peak and carbon neutralization, the index is still rough. Therefore, in the actual implementation,
the evaluation index and weight should be further refined in combination with the objectives of China’s carbon peak
and carbon neutralization construction and the requirements of green development of automobile enterprises.
B. Jin Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

Fig. 2. The primary performance evaluation indicators of green supply chain of automobile enterprises considering carbon peak and carbon
neutralization objectives.

Fig. 3. The secondary performance evaluation indicators of green supply chain of automobile enterprises considering carbon peak and carbon
neutralization objectives.

4.3. Application criteria of performance evaluation index system

In the application of green supply chain performance evaluation of automobile enterprises, it is suggested to
adopt the following three implementation criteria:
Firstly, judge whether the enterprise has the development strategy and corresponding system, organization and
personnel for green supply chain management, as well as whether it has established a green information platform
and made green information disclosure. The second step can be entered only when these conditions are met.
Secondly, after the optimized green supply chain performance evaluation index system of automobile enterprises
considering carbon peak and carbon neutralization objectives is applied to evaluate the enterprises, the enterprises
with a score greater than 70 can be rated.
Thirdly, with reference to the grade evaluation standard of China’s “evaluation index system of green supply
chain management enterprises in automobile industry”, it can be further refined in practice, and give improvement
suggestions for the shortcomings of enterprises.
B. Jin Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

4.4. Case analysis of green supply chain performance evaluation of V Automobile Company

Based on the above evaluation index system, this paper evaluates and analyzes the green supply chain
performance level of V automobile company in China.
The main data sources are the public data released by the enterprise, the enterprise website and the corporate
social responsibility report. The quantitative data can be directly analyzed and calculated, and the non quantitative
data can be determined according to the opinions of the enterprise, experts and the public. Fig. 4 shows the score of
green supply chain performance level of V automobile company. Fig. 5 shows the radar chart after the corresponding
score is converted into percentage.
From the score of V automobile enterprise, the overall performance level of the company’s green supply chain is
57 points, which is not up to the standard, including just passing in green procurement and supplier management,
just passing in green production, and there is a large gap in green consumption and recycling, especially in the
recycling rate of packaging materials and guiding downstream enterprises to recycle and disassemble, which are 0
point. Moreover, carbon peaking and carbon neutralization are close to passing, mainly due to the application of
new technologies. It is expected that it will take one to two years to make better use of new technologies, reduce
carbon emissions and strengthen the utilization of new energy.
From the score point of view, it is basically in line with the overall situation of China’s automobile enterprises.
Enterprises pay more attention to procurement and production, but lack a sense of social responsibility for recycling.

Fig. 4. The score of green supply chain performance level of V automobile company.

Fig. 5. The radar chart after the corresponding score is converted into percentage.

B. Jin Energy Reports 7 (2021) 594–604

With the deepening of carbon peak and carbon neutralization construction and the refinement of evaluation
indicators, V enterprises need to make great efforts to meet the requirements of green supply chain performance
evaluation of Chinese automobile enterprises, and it is possible to evaluate the corresponding level.

5. Conclusions
According to the demand of China’s carbon peak and carbon neutralization construction goal, and referring
to China’s evaluation index system of green supply chain management enterprises in automobile industry, this
paper constructs a perfect performance evaluation index system of green supply chain of automobile enterprises,
highlighting the impact of carbon emission. At the same time, the paper gives the application criteria of performance
evaluation index system.
With the gradual deepening of the development strategy of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, more and
more automobile enterprises are willing to participate in and implement the construction objectives and actions of
carbon peak and carbon neutralization, and actively carry out green supply chain performance evaluation. In the
future, the prospects for the healthy development and green transformation and upgrading of China’s automobile
enterprises are expected.
Due to the limitations of relevant theories of analytic hierarchy process and questionnaire survey, the surveyed
experts also have some subjectivity in answering questions, and the rapid development of new energy, green, low-
carbon and other related new technologies, it is necessary to further explore in the follow-up research and expand
the number of surveyed experts and enterprises in order to make the survey data universal and representative. At
the same time, the research conclusion should be in line with the future development trend.
In addition, when evaluating the performance level of green supply chain of automobile enterprises, we should
also pay attention to the risk of implementing green supply chain, which are two aspects of the development of
one thing. There are certain uncertainties in the development of new technology, the policy has certain brand of
time, and there are many uncertainties in the cooperation of green supply chain. For example, the global COVID-
19, which started to develop in 2019, causes the unstable supply of auto parts and automobile chips, which
affects the performance level of green supply chain in automobile enterprises. Therefore, it is suggested that in
the follow-up research, the supply chain risk index can be considered to be included in the green supply chain
performance evaluation of automobile enterprises, and sustainable development itself is also a representation of
green performance.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could
have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

This work was funded by the science and technology R & D plan of Chengdu Technological University of China

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