Narrative, Report, Advertisement and Song

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  Raden Begawan will not die

NARRATIVE , REPORT , D.  Teja Nirmala will stay in the Kahyangan
E.  Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s
4.  So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. 
Soal Teks Narrative Legend 1 (Paragraph 2) The word her in the sentence refers
Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to…
to mingle in the affairs of mortals, there was a small A.  The wicked fairy
kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West B.  The nice fairy
Java.  The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise C.  Princess Nirmala
man.  He had an only daughter, called Princess Teja D.  Prince Teja
E.  The prince of Blambangan
Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she
5.  The similarity between fairy and human
was not married.  One day Sang Prabu made up his
according to the text.
mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
A.  The place they live
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden B.  The jealousy that they posses
Begawan had won the competition.  Unfortunately, C.  The way they don’t feel a love
the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with D.  The strength they have
Raden Begawan and used magic power to render E.  Their life that is immortal
him unconscious and he forgot his wedding.  When
Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw Soal Teks Narrative Legend 2
A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a
him and soon realized that he had been enchanted
giant-like creature named Kbo Iwo.  The people of
by the wicked fairy.  The fairy could not accept this,
Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a
so she killed Raden Begawan.  When Princess Teja
destroyer as well as a creator.  He was satisfied with
Nirmala heard this, she was very sad.  So a nice the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people
fairy took her to the Kahyangan. enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns
1.  Which one of the following statements is false
were almost empty and the new harvest was still a
about Sang Prabu?
long way off.  This made Kbo Iwo wild with great
A.  Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter
anger.  In his hunger, he destroyed all the houses
B.  Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West
and even all the temples.  It made the Balinese turn
to rage.
C.  Sang Prabu was  taken to Kahyangan by a
So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this
wicked fairy
powerful giant by using his stupidity.  They asked
D.  Sang Prabu was a wise man
Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild
E.  Sang Prabu didn’t have a son
all the houses and temples he had destroyed.  After
2.  Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to
they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole.
make Raden Begawan unconscious?
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the
A.  She didn’t like Raden Begawan
hole.  The oldest man in the village gave a sign, and
B.  She didn’t want Raden Prabu marry the princess
the villagers began to throw the limestone they had
C.  She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her
collected before into the hole.  The limestone made
the water inside the hole boiling .  Kbo Iwo was
D.  She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan
buried alive.  Then the water in the well rose higher
marry the princess
and higher until at last it overflowed and formed
E.  She didn’t want the prince of Blambangan feel
Lake Batur.  The mound of earth dug from the well
love with her
by Kbo Iwo is known as Mount Batur.
3.  What do you think will happen if gods or
goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of people in 6.  Which the following fact is true about Kbo Iwo?
the earth at that time? A.  Kebo Iwo ate a little amount of meat
A.  Princess Segara will have married with Raden B.  Kebo Iwo is a destroyer that cannot make
Begawan anything
B.  Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition C.  Kebo Iwo was angry because his food was
stolen by Balinese people once the wolves caught him.  The young woman
D.  Kebo Iwo destroyed all the house but not the cried to the wolves, “ please eat my own son
temple instead.” Then, she put her baby son on the ground
E.  Kebo eat food was equal for food of thousand in front of the wolves and took her nephew away. 
people Everyone understood that this was because the
7.  Why did Kbo Iwo feel angry to the Balinese woman was very good and kind.  She had offered
people? her own son’s life to save her nephew.
A.  Because Balinese people ate his meal They ran back to the house and called for help.  All
B.  Because Balinese people took his food so his men in the village fetched thick sticks and went
barns was empty back with her into the forest.  When they got there,
C.  Because Balinese people didn’t give him food they saw something very strange.  Instead of eating
D.  Because Balinese people were in hunger the woman’s baby the wolves were playing with
E.  Because Balinese people turned to rage him.
8.  According to the story, if Kbo Iwa is never
11. What separated between one village to another a
existed in Bali island, what do you think will
long time ago in the New Territories ?
A.  Another village
A.  There will be no Bali island
B.  Mountains
B.  Bali People will never be angry
C.  Forests
C.  All Bali people will live in a prosperous way
D.  Hills
D.  We are not able see the beauty of Lake Batur
E.  Towers and logs
E.  Mount Batur will not be a sacred place now
12. Who was Ah Tim ?
9.  “So, they came together to plan steps to oppose
A.  The young woman’s brother
this powerful giant……”(Paragraph 3). The
B.  The young woman’s son
antonym of the word “oppose “ is….
C.  The young woman’s brother and nephew
A.  Support
D.  The young woman’s brother’s son
B.  Defeat
E.  One of the men who fetched a stick
C.  Turn Against
D.  Beat
13. Who walked in front when they were in the
E.  Change
forest ?
10. What is mount batur?
A.  Ah Tm
A.  A lake build by Kbo Iwa
B.  The woman
B.  A well dug by Kbo iwa
C.  The woman’s son
C.  The mountain build by Kbo Iwa
D.  Her brother’s nephew
D.  A mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo iwa
E.  The baby and his mother
E.  A home build by Balinese people to Kbo Iwa
14. How could the wolves catch Ah Tim ?
Soal Teks Narrative Legend 3 A.  He was afraid
A long time ago, very few people lived in the New B.  He was stumbled by a stone
Territories.  There were only a few villages.  If the C.  He ran slowly
people wanted to go from one village to another, D.  The woman cried
they often had to pass through wild and unsafe E.  The wolves were good runners
forest. 15. The woman gave her son to the wolves because
One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next A.  She loved her nephew than her son.
village to visit her own mother and brother.  She B.  She thought about how her brother would be
brought along her baby son.  When it was time for C.  She wanted her son was eaten by the wolves
her to leave, her brother said “ it is getting dark.  D.  She was crazy
Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.” E.  She kept a grudge on his brother
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman 16. What did the villagers bring sticks for ?
followed behind, carrying her baby.  When they A.  For the weapon to beat the wolves
were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of B.  To bring the woman’s nephew
wolves.  They began to run to avoid the danger, but C.  For the fire woods.
Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down.  At
D.  For play Timur ke Australia Utara, termasuk Tazmania. Ini
E.  For building a house for the woman. adalah salah satu dari lima spesies ekstrim mono-
17. “ all men in the village fetched thick stick … “ mimpi. Satu-satunya mamalia yang bertelur
The word “ fetched” has a similar meaning to : bukannya melahirkan hidup muda. Tubuh dan ekor
A.  Received datar yang luas dari hewan-hewan ini ditutupi
B.  Caught dengan bulu coklat yang tebal, yang menjebak
C.  Got awam termasuk telinga untuk menjaga agar hewan
D.  Hit tetap hangat. Ini menggunakan ekornya untuk fakta
E.  Lifted cerita sukacita. Ini memiliki kaki berselaput dan
18. From the passage we learn that the villages were jaring perampokan besar. Ini adalah spesies yang
…. lebih dekat dengan itik, kemudian ke mamalia yang
A.  Located in one huge area dikenal ini. Berat bervariasi dari 0,7 hingga 2,4 kg
B.  Situated in a large district dengan laki-laki lebih besar dari perempuan. Dan
C.  Separated by untamed jungles. rata-rata laki-laki 50 cm panjang total sedangkan
D.  Wild and unsafe perempuan sekitar 45 cm. Platypus memiliki suhu
E.  Dark and very dangerous rata-rata 32 derajat Celcius daripada 37 derajat
19. The brother let her son go with his aunt as she Celcius yang merupakan ciri khas dari mamalia
left home because …. plasental.
A.  Ah Tim wanted to see the wolves
B.  His aunt wanted him to come long 1. What animal is being described in the
C.  Ah Tim was bored to live with his parents monologue?
D.  The baby was too cute to be alone A. Octopus.
E.  Ah Tim would be a guardian for them B. Rhinoceros.
20. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the C. Platypus
story above ? D. Mosquitos.
A.  To describe the danger of the villages E. Hippopotamus.
B.  To entertain the readers of the story 2. How much does the Platypus weigh?
C.  To tell the villagers’ relationship A. 0.7 to 2.4 kg
D.  To explain how important a relative is B. 0.7 to 2.5 kg.
E.  To narrate how the wolves were playing with C. 0.7 to 2.6 kg.
the baby. D. 0.7 to 2.7 kg.
E. 0.7 to 2.8 kg.
Contoh Report Text dan Soal 1
The platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to Contoh Report Text dan Soal 2
East to North Australia, including Tazmania. It is The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean
one of the five extreme species of mono-dreams. and its surrounding seas. An adult male weighs
The only mammal that lays eggs instead of giving about four hundred to six hundred and eighty
birth to live young. The body and the broad flat tail kilograms, while an adult female is about half that
of these animals are covered with dense brown fur, size. Although it is closely related to the brown
that traps a lay including ear to keep the animals bear, it has paws to occupy a narrow ecological
warm. It uses its tail for story joy fact. It has niche with many bony characteristics adapted to for
webbed feet and the large robbery’s net. These are cold temperatures, for moving across the snow, ice,
species that are be closer to those of ducks, then to open water, and for hunting seals which make up
these any known mammals. Weight varies most of its diets. Although most of polar bears are
considerably from 0.7 to 2.4 kg with males being born on land, it spends most of its time at sea, hence
larger than females. And male averages 50 cm total its name meaning maritime bear and can hunt
length whiles the female major approximately 45 consistently only from sea ice. It spends much of
cm. The platypus has an average temperature of 32 the year on frozen sea.
degrees Celsius rather than 37 degrees Celsius that Artinya
is typical of the placental mammals. Beruang kutub adalah beruang asli ke Samudera
Artinya Arktik dan laut sekitarnya. Seorang pria dewasa
Platipus adalah mamalia semi-akuatik endemik beratnya sekitar empat ratus hingga enam ratus
delapan puluh kilogram, sementara seorang wanita Artinya
dewasa sekitar setengah dari ukuran itu. Meskipun Ular adalah reptil (makhluk berdarah dingin).
terkait erat dengan beruang coklat, ia memiliki kaki Mereka termasuk kelompok yang sama dengan
untuk menempati niche ekologi sempit dengan kadal (kelompok berskala, Squamata) tetapi dari
banyak karakteristik tulang yang disesuaikan untuk sub-kelompok mereka sendiri (Serpentes).
suhu dingin, untuk bergerak melintasi salju, es, air Ular memiliki dua kaki tetapi sejak dulu mereka
terbuka, dan untuk berburu anjing laut yang memiliki cakar untuk membantu mereka merayap.
membuat sebagian besar diet. Meskipun sebagian Ular tidak berlendir. Mereka ditutupi sisik yang
besar beruang kutub lahir di darat, ia menghabiskan hanya gundukan di kulit. Kulit mereka keras dan
sebagian besar waktunya di laut, maka namanya berkilau untuk mengurangi gesekan saat ular melata
berarti beruang maritim dan dapat berburu secara di tanah.
konsisten hanya dari es laut. Ini menghabiskan Ular sering berjemur di batu dalam cuaca hangat.
banyak tahun di laut beku. Ini karena ular berdarah dingin; mereka
membutuhkan kehangatan matahari untuk
3. What does the adult male bear weigh? menghangatkan tubuh mereka.
A. 400 – 480 kg Sebagian besar ular hidup di negara ini. Beberapa
B. 400 – 680 kg jenis ular hidup di pohon, sebagian hidup di air,
C. 480 – 600 kg tetapi sebagian besar hidup di tanah di liang kelinci
D. 680 – 880 kg yang sepi, di rumput tebal, panjang dan di batang
E. 880 – 1500 kg pohon tua.
4. Where did the animal live? Diet ular biasanya terdiri dari katak, kadal, dan
A. In the Arctic Ocean tikus dan ular lainnya. Anaconda bisa makan buaya
B. In the Indian Ocean. kecil dan bahkan beruang. Banyak ular melindungi
C. In the Pacific Ocean. diri dengan taring mereka. Beberapa ular dilindungi
D. In the North Atlantic Ocean. dengan menakut-nakuti musuh mereka seperti
E. In the South Atlantic Ocean. Cobra. Ular terbang meluncur menjauh dari bahaya.
Contoh Report Text dan Soal 3 Tulang rusuk mereka terbuka dan kulit
Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They membentang. Tekniknya sama seperti sugar glider.
belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled
5. Since the snakes are cold-blooded, they…
group, Squamata) but from a sub-group of their
A. like sucking the cool blood
own (Serpentes).
B. avoid sun-bathing to their skins
Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had
C. never sun bathe in the warm weather
claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not
D. live on the ground in deserted burrows
slimy. They are covered in scales which are just
E. require the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies
bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to
6. We know from the text that snakes…
reduce friction as the snake slithers along the
A. do not have claws
B. do not like sunlight
Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm
C. have two legs and claws
weather. This is because snakes are cold-blooded;
D. use their legs to climb the tree
they need the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up.
E. use their claws to slither along the ground
Most snakes live in the country. Some types of
7. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in
snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most
water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit
live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in
burrows,…(paragraph 4).The word “burrows “ has
thick, long grass and in old logs.
the similar meaning with…
A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and
A. foster
mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can eat small
B. dig
crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect
C. plough
themselves with their fangs. Some snakes are
D. nurture
protected by scaring their enemies away like the
E. cultivate
Cobra. The flying snakes glide away from danger.
8. How do flying snakes protect themselves.
Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its
A. They fly away
technique is just like the sugar gliders.
B. They use their fangs they scare their enemies. Jantan berkisar dari biru listrik terang ke hijau atau
C. They stretch out their skin, biru keunguan. Pria dewasa mengembangkan garis
D. They eat the other animals. hitam di sepanjang sisi, bintik biru di sisik tubuh
E. sun bathe on rocks mereka, dan coretan biru di kepala. Remaja dapat
diidentifikasi dengan warna kehijauan pucat dan
Contoh Report Text dan Soal 4
dua garis hitam di belakang mata. Wanita, baik tua
Napoleon is a favorite fish for divers in many
maupun muda, berwarna merah jingga di bagian
regions of the world. The fish can instantly be
atas tubuh mereka dan berwarna merah-jingga ke
recognized by its size, color and shape. It is one of
kuning putih.
the largest reef fish in the world. They can grow up
Ikan Napoleon adalah karnivora dan makan di siang
to 230 cm and weigh 190 kg. They have fleshy lips
hari. Mereka dapat dilihat berpesta dengan kerang,
and a hump over the head that is similar to a
ikan lain, bintang laut, bulu babi dan kepiting,
napoleon hat. The Hump becomes more prominent
menghancurkan kulit untuk mendapatkan hewan di
with age.
dalamnya. Mereka juga menghancurkan potongan-
Colors vary with age and sex. Males range from a
potongan besar puing-puing karang mati dengan
bright electric blue to green or purplish blue.
gigi peg-seperti untuk memberi makan pada remis
Mature males develop a black stripe along the sides,
dan cacing menggali.
blue spots on their body scales, and blue scribbles
Pasangan bertelur bersama sebagai bagian dari
on the head. Juveniles can be identified by their
kelompok kawin yang lebih besar yang dapat terdiri
pale greenish color and two black lines running
dari lebih dari 100 individu. Telur plankton
behind the eye. Females, both old and young, are
dilepaskan ke dalam air, dan setelah larva menetas
red-orange on the upper parts of their bodies and
mereka akan menetap di substrat. Betina dewasa
red-orange to white yellow.
mampu mengubah jenis kelamin tetapi pemicu
Napoleon fish are carnivorous and eat during the
untuk perkembangan ini belum diketahui.
day. They can be seen feasting on shellfish, other
Napoleon terutama ditemukan di tepi terumbu
fish, sea stars, sea urchins and crabs, crushing the
karang dan drop-off. Mereka pindah ke teluk
shells to get the animal within. They also crush
dangkal selama hari untuk memberi makan, dan
large chunks of dead coral rubble with peg-like
cenderung bergerak ke perairan yang lebih dalam
teeth to feed on the burrowing mussels and worms.
saat mereka tumbuh dewasa dan besar. Orang
Pairs spawn together as part of a larger mating
dewasa, oleh karena itu, lebih umum di lepas pantai
group that may consist of over 100 individuals. The
daripada di pantai.
planktonic eggs are released into the water, and
once the larvae have hatched they will settle out on 9. What is the text about?
the substrate. Adult females are able to change sex A. The description of Napoleon fish
but the triggers for this development are not yet B. The physical characteristics of carnivorous fish
known. C. The divers’ favorite animals
The Napoleon is mainly found on coral reef edges D. Napoleon’s family
and drop-offs. They move into shallow bays during E. The development of Napoleon fish
the day to feed, and tend to move into deeper waters 10. Where do Napoleon fish move during the day to
as they grow older and large. Adults, therefore, are feed?
more common offshore than inshore. A. Offshore
Artinya B. Onshore
Napoleon adalah ikan favorit bagi para penyelam di C. Deeper water
banyak wilayah di dunia. Ikan dapat langsung D. Shallow bays
dikenali dari ukuran, warna dan bentuknya. Ini E. Coral reef edges
11. Which of the following statements is mentioned
adalah salah satu ikan karang terbesar di dunia.
Mereka bisa tumbuh hingga 230 cm dan berat 190 in the text?
kg. Mereka memiliki bibir yang berdaging dan A. Napoleon fish tend to move into shallow waters
punuk di atas kepala yang mirip dengan topi as they grow older and large
napoleon. The Hump menjadi lebih menonjol B. Napoleon fish move into deep bays during the
seiring bertambahnya usia. day to feed
Warna bervariasi dengan usia dan jenis kelamin. C. Adult females are not able to change sex
D. Napoleon fish are not carnivorous D.     refrigerators
E. The male has more attractive colours than the  
females 5.     What is the purpose of the text?
A.    To let readers know about the discounts.
The following text is for question 1 to 5. B.     To persuade readers to buy the items.
C.     To thank customers for their loyalty.
D.     To make readers happy.
The following text is for questions 6 to 8.

1.     What items are sold with 20% off?

A.    Household appliances.  
B.     Stationery. 6.    From the advertisement, we know that the
C.     All items. shop sells . . .
D.     Fashion. A.     reptilian and bird food
  B.     animal diet and pets
2.     The price of a skirt is Rp. 50,OOO. How C.     dalmatians and goat
much should a customer pay during the D.     reptiles and grass
discount period?  
A.     Rp 25,000. 7.      How long does the shop open daily?
B.     Rp 35,OOO. A.    10 hours.
C.     Rp 40,OOO. B.     11 hours.
D.     Rp 50,OOO. C.     12 hours.
D.     13 hours.
8.      “. . . at a reasonable price."
3.     How long does the offer last?
The synonym of the underlined word
A.     Two weeks.
A.    understandable
B.     Thirty days.
B.     affordable
C.     Fifteen days.
C.     available
D.     Thirty six days.
D.     practical
The following text is for questions 9 to 11.
4.     The following items are not available in the
store. They are . . .
A.     T-shirts
B.     magazines
C.    newspapers
I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
And for everybody trying to save it
These songs are for you, too.
Is anyone out there?
1. What kind of planet are we living now?
A. Dying Planet
B. good planet
C. beautiful planet
D. nice planet
E. lovely planet
2. Who are people who deny that they have killed
living things?
A. People who wear a tie and get paid to lie
B. People who listen that song
C. People who live near the singer
D. people who work in the town
E. people who sell tie and T-shirt
3. “And gets paid to lie”. The word “gets paid”
A. Receive money for work completed
  B. Pay someone
9.      What does FROGGO provide? C. buy with money
A.    CDs, cassettes, clothing, and toys. D. sell with low prices
B.     CD players, clothing, and toys. E. promote completely
C.     Clothing, CD, and cassettes. 4. For whom does the singers wrote that song?
D.     Clothing, toys, and TVs. A. For the dying planet
B. For people out there
  C. For people who work hard
10. A customer wants to buy two Jazz cassettes. D. for people who study hard
Each cassette costs  Rp. 25.000. How much E. for everything that is a live
should he pay? 5. Why does the singer feel sorry?
A.     Fifty thousand rupiah. A. Because he tells the truth
B.     Forty thousand rupiah. B. Because he does not tell the truth
C.     Thirty thousand rupiah.
C. Because he lies
D.     Twenty thousand rupiah.
D. Because he can not speak
11. The clothing at FROGGO is intended for . . . E. Because he works on the planet
A.    teenagers Contoh Soal Song 2
B.     children Demis Roussos: RAIN AND TEARS
C.     infants
Rain and tears all the same
D.     adults
But in the sun you’ve to play the game
Songs for A Dying Planet
When you cry in winter time
Song by: Joe Walsh
You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain
Is anyone out there? How many times I’ve seen
Does anybody listen or care anymore? Tears coming from your blue eyes
We are living on a dying planet, Rain and tears all the same
We’re killing everything that’s alive, But in the sun you’ve got to play the game
And anyone who tries to deny it Give an answer of love I need an answer of love
Wears a tie Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart you feel the rain the waves
And gets paid to lie
Rain and tears both for shown
So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
For in my heart there’ll never be a sun
Rain and tears all the same Promise made, every memory saved
But in the sun you’ve play the game Has reflections in my mind
6. Which one of the following statements is implied Hasta Manana,
in this song? Always be mine
A. The writer’s lover treats him well.
B. The writer’s lover often expresses her sadness
Back where I belong now,
C. The writer has got his expectation from his lover
Was it just a dream
D. The writer of the song feels sure with his love.
Feelings unfold, they will never be sold
E. The writer feels that his love story will have a
And the secret’s safe with me
happy ending.
7. “Rain and tears both for shown. For in my heart Hasta manana,
there’ll never be a sun”. The phrase “my heart Always be mine
there’ll never be a sun” means that the writer…. [Chorus x2]
A. will feel sure in his heart
9. What is theme of the song above?
B. will always feel sad
A. Viva Forever
C. will have his heart be with bright life
B. Dream
D. will feel so faithless all the time
C. Belonging
E. will get very tired all his life
D. Feeling
8. The word “rain” in this song refers to …..
E. Greeting
A. autumn time
10. What does “Hasta Manana” means?
B. spring time
A. See you tomorrow
C. winter time
B. Good bye
D. summer time
C. Good morning
E. rainy season time
D. Good afternoon
Contoh Soal Song 3
E. Good luck
Viva Forever
11. What was still remembered by the singer?
Song by: Spice Girls
A. The words whispered to her
Do you still remember B. The words in the writing
How we used to be C. The words in the letter
Felling together, believe in whatever D. The words that make the singer happy
My love has said to me E. The words which belong to the singer
Both of us were dreamers 12. Does the writer think that the feeling is a
Young love in the sun dream?
Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave ya A. Yes, she does
We’d only just begun B. Yes, she does not
C. No, she does not
Hasta Manana,
D. No, she does
Always be mine
E. No comments
13. What is represented by the sand of time?
Viva forever, I’ll be waiting
A. Promise that have been made >>>>
Everlasting, like the sun
B. Dream that he wants
Live forever,
C. Goal which he want to reach
For the moment
D. Target which he tries to get
Ever searching for the one
E. Patch where he is on the way
Yes I still remember,
Every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song that I’d heard
Slipping through out fingers,
Like the sands of time

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