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A Restaurant Management System works as a desktop application. The main goal of this
project is to create such a restaurant management system which will save time of both
customers and restaurant management. On the other hand it will help to run business with
much more efficiency than past. With this system customers can order food easily. The
purpose of the Restaurant Management System is to reach to wider range of customers and to
educate them about existing and new packages and discount offered by Restaurant. This
system reduces the time consumption. This system has different users like admin and
customer. Only admin has rights to access the full system. The system provides user friendly
environment so user interact with system easily.

The main objective of this 4-week project is to develop a client/server model, which deals
with “Online Restaurant Meal Reservation System”. The system has two parts first for the
Super Admin (Back End) and the other for the Restaurant management side (Front End).

The Super Admin side allows the Admin to Manage menu list according to the availability,
Employee Management with Attendance and Salary, and at the Restaurant management side
the staff is allowed to print bill add the order to table, send Order to kitchen and maintain
information regarding the orders placed, etc.


Restaurant Management System is wide-range software suite incorporate of integrated
modules for various features of Restaurant Management. In this management System, we will
provide an app that can be used by the customers to order food. Restaurant Management
System has all the features required to restaurant business. Restaurant Management System
offers an operational integration between reservations, guest, history, reception/front desk,
sales Ledger, Accounting and Reporting modules. Restaurant Management System is a
system designed to simplify the booking process and allow you to get on with running your
business. You can analyze the booking, reservation, check in & checkout trends and work
towards your forthcoming future requirements. Managing replication of customer records and
record their comments on hospitality. Make food allergy notes, record special events and
birth dates. Make your customers feel unique and special by recording personal notes. This
will ultimately lead to hire less waiters and create an opportunity to appoint more chefs and
better kitchen place to serve food faster.

We are greatly constrained by “Time limitations” as only 4 weeks are given to complete the
project. So we limited our scope of project to “Meal Reservation” only.
The sole purpose of the project is to learn the web application development in PHP, how
databases work for the web application and how to co-ordinate PHP with databases to
produce more commercial web applications for daily business.

We will try our best to make better usage of PHP (CodeIgniter), MySql and surely all in a
better team work.

Problem Area

Restaurant is a kind of business that serves people all over world. Currently this industry is
going on with lot of flare. People feel more comfortable with lot of variations in the selection
and consumption of their food in their busy life.

One can see lot more restaurant in the world. Even in Pune one can see thousands of
restaurants with dishes from all over the world like from India, spain, Mexican, etc fulfilling
the needs of people with nourishments and enjoyments.

There are lots of areas to be solved for current restaurants using modern IT World. Many
areas come like human resource management, accounts management, etc. But our problem
lies within domain of end customer and restaurant “Meal Reservation”.

Problem Analysis

As discussed earlier our main problem area focuses on the “Human Resource and Ordering
System”, there are lot of problems in that area which are associated with both the customer
and the restaurant staff.

A System Requirements Specification is a structured collection of information that
embodies the requirements of a system. It is a basis for subsequent design and
implementation. It identifies functional requirements, non-functional requirements, hardware
requirements and software requirements. It is the complete description of the behavior of the
system that is to be developed.

The functions of the system and the interactions of the system with the users are its
focal points. It provides clear and concise documentation especially for reference and
guidance to all parties, to ensure that the correct system is being developed. A clear
understanding of how analyzers and all the end users (includes technician, clients and
researchers) interact with the system is the main purpose of the system requirements
specification document. It acts as a reference for validation of the final product. It helps to
check if the product has met the specific requirements.

2.1.1 Hardware Specifications:

 PROCESSOR: 64-Bit Processor
 HARD DISK: 10GB(Minimum)
 MONITOR: 1024x768(Resolutions)
2.1.2 Software Specifications:


This is an advanced Restaurant Management System developed using PHP and MYSQL.

Main features are :

1.Master Entry

Restaurant Information

Kitchen/Section Master

Invetory Type

Items Category

Menu Item Entry

Tables Entry

Notes Entry

POS Printer Settings

Menu Item Import/Export (For items price update in bulk)

Home Delivery/Takeaway Rate Settings

2.Billing Form

In Billing Form You Can Do Billing Using Item Code.

Dine In/Home Delivery/Take Away From One Screen.

On Billing form you can use shortcuts for every buttons.

Table Transfer Easily.

Multiple Table Merge Option

KOT Edit Option

Bill Edit Option

Item Note Add Option


User Registration

Employee Section

Employee Attendance

Employee Salary

Employee Leaves


Overall Reports

KOT Billing Report

Takeaway Billing Report

Express Billing Report

Home Delivery Billing Report

Bill Wise Sales Report

1. The project entitled” Restaurant Management System” has been proposed to be
implementing to replace the manual system.

2. The developed system accomplishes all the objectives stated for the change of all the

3. The outputs produced seem to satisfy all the users but it will definitely take to look forward
for the real consequences the new system could produce.

4. The project was made user friendly by the use of visual basic enabling the user to interact
easily with the database.

5. It has also enabled the platform to serve the needs of merging information technology
trends and needs.

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