Pyhsics ch-6 MCQ

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Electromagnetic Induction

Class Xll


Lenz's law

Michael Faraday Rectangular loop The direction

Lenz's law
current is
In 1831, Faraday discovered of
such that it opposes
electromagneticinduction. R1 change that producedit.
law of EMI Selfinductance
o f long solenoid
(1) Whenever magnetic flux
through an area bounded
EMF induced L 40N?tr:l
by a closed conducting e Bvl 4ONItr2
loop changes, a n emf is Bvl
induced in the loop. R
Magnetic force
(2) EMF E= FBv

B.ds R
Thermal power

Induced current

Eddy current

Eddy current is produced -Mdi
EMF when magnetic flux linked
dE dt (5
E do with the conductor varies. M2 oNN2 Azi
dT M21 = uN,N2 Azl
= NBA sin wt (6
Mutual Induction Self-Induction Electromotive Force

Motional emf = vBL

.Flux linked to a coil,
Flux linked to a coil,
No No =LI In vector, E= (. B} x
No =MI
of where L is the coefficient of
where M is the self- inductance.
Metallic rod of length I rotating
mutualinductance. about one of its end in a plan
inductance Self-Induction for a solenoid,
Coefficient of mutual perpendicular to the magne
betweentwolongsolenoids L A field
EMF, e = BA
Electronmagnetic Induction
(1) Magnetic Flux: It is the number of magnetic field lines passing normal to that surface.
I t is denoted by .
I t is a scalar quantity.
BA cos 0
Unit is Weber or Tesla metre.
(2) Electromagnetic Induction: It is the phenomenon of production of an emf due to change in magnetic
fux which is linked with a coil.
) Faraday's laws of Electromagnetic induction:
1Law: Itstatesthat whenever the magnetic fux linked a coil or a circuit changes, an emf is produced
and it lasts till the flux changes.
II Law: It states that the rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil or the circuit is equal to the
magnitude of induced emf in the coil. If there are N turns in the coil, then
= -N
4) Lenz's law: It states thatthe polarity of induced emf is such that it produces a current which opposes
the change in magnetic flux that produces it.
5) Eddy Currents: In changing magnetic field, current loop set up in near by metal body is called Eddy
(9 Fleming'sright handrule: Ifwe stretchthethumb, the forefinger and the central finger of ight hand
in such a way that all three are perpendicular to each other If the thumb represents the direction of
motion, the forefinger represents the direction of magnetic field then the central finger will represents
the direction of induced current.
Mutual Induction: It is the phenomenonofproductionofinduced emf in secondary coil when current
linked with the primary coil varies.
N202= MI
N242flux linked with the secondary coil,
current in the primary coil, and
M>mutual inductance.
Also induced emf, &
SI unit is Henry (H)
Mutual inductance of closely bound solenoids,
1ere Nj and N2 > number of turns in primary and secondary solenoids.
A >area of solenoid
1 length of solenoid.
VIDYA m a K m a r k s

110 Pscs| cLASS 12 c u r r e n t

when aa
of induced emf in a
coil w hen
of production
(Self-Inductatcol changes
tance It is the phenomenon

through the
Fu lankrd with each

self inductancr
Induced em, E

S unit is Henry (H

Self inductance of a ong solenoid


where N number of turns,

Aarea ofsolenoid,
and,I length of the
stored in an inductor
(9Magnetc energy

Working Ladder lying in the

same plane where-
and 2
current in metal rings 1
1. Predictthe direction of induced
current in the wire
is increasing continuously.

Lenz's law, ring I will be a pole)

(6) Cockwise in
1 {By
Lenz's law, ring 2 will
be a south pole
Anti-cdockwise in 2 (By of self-inductance L=
stored in a solenoid
for the energy U = L?,
2 Starting from the expression terms of the magnetic fie
for the magnetic energy in
build up the current 1,
obtain the expression
of turns per unit length.
Hence show t
of the solenoid having n number
B, a r e a A and lengthl
the energy density is given by B/244

Self inductance of
solenoid, L HorLA

B Honl
Magnetic field,
1 2 AI

B u22

From eqns (1), (2) and (3), we get

U2BV B y

Energy density =

V 240
Eectromagnetic Induction

Competency Based Questions

Multiple Choice Questions 1Mak

1. A conducting rod of length I is kept parallel (A) 2 Henry (B) 4 Henry
to a uniform magnetic field B. It is moved (D) 8 Henry
C) 6 Henry
akong the magnetk fied with a velocity t.What
Ans. (A) 2 Henry
is the value of emf induced in
the conductor?
A Zero B One Explanation :
4 Zero
(D) Three
L 7 001
H] =

Explanation: Emfis tnduced when there is

a change in the rate of the flux but here velocity A)Enhance your Answer
t constant and magnetic field is uniform, so Write all the things gven in the question in the starting
no change In ftux takes place and the induced
5. A 1.0m metallic rod is rotated with an
emt s zETO
2 Two identical coils, one of copper and the angular velocity of 400 rad/s about an
normal to the rod passing through its one
other of aluminium are rotated with the
end. The other end of the rod is in contact
a m e angular speed in an external
magnetic with a circular metallic ring. A constant and
field. In which of the two coils will the uniform magnetic field of 0.5 T parallel to
induced current be more ? the axis exists everywhere.
(A Aluminium B) Copper Calculate the emf developed between the
CBoth (A) and (B) centre and the ring
D) None of these (A) 99 V B) 100 V

Ans. (B Copper (C)102V (D) 105 V

Explanation : The induced emf in both Ans. (B) 100 V

the loops will be same, as it depends only
upon the magnetic fñeld and angular velocity.
But resistivity of aluminium is greater than EME E = Bo
copper So, induced current ill be more in
Given: B = 0.5 T, o = 400 rad/s, I = 1 m
3 The number of turns of a solenoid are
doubled without changing its length and
-x0.5 x 400 x(1)
area of cross-section. The self-inductance of = 0.5x 2 0
the solenoid will become times. = 100 V

A) 3 times (B) 4 times A pair of adjacent coils has a mutual

C) 5 times (D) 6 times inductance of 1.5 H. If the current in one coil
changes from 0 to 20 A in 0.5 s, what is the
AesB) 4 times change of magnetic flux linkage with the
Explanation: As selí inductance of a long other coils?
solenoid, (A) 20 Wb
(B) 25 Wb
C) 30 Wb
(D) 35 WNb
Ans. (C) 30 Wb
4.The magnetic flux linked with a coil changes
by 2x 102 wb when the current changes Explanation: Magnetic flux, 2 =

by 0.01 A. The self-inductance of the coil is Change
in magnetic flux, Ad- MAl
It is given : M =1.5 H, Alj =
20-0 =
20 A
A2= 1.5 x 20 = 30 Wb.
VIDYA (man
in B is
i n d u c e d


as per
Lenz's 1

when A
d i r e c t i o n

7. There are two coils A and B separated stoP

distance. If a current of 2A flows
c l o c k w i s e

in B
by some c u r r e n t

through A, a magnetic flux of 102 Wb passes moving.
s u s c e p t i b i l i t y

If no he temperatur wh
through B (no current through B).
magnetic Th e
The 105,
1A 9. 1.2 x
current passes through A and

at 300 K is s u s c e p t i b i l i t y

passes through B, what
A. 1.44 x 10 is: (B) 275 K

(A) 3 m Wb (B) 4 m Wb (A) 250 K (D) None of these

(C) 5 m Wb (D) 6 m Wb C) 175 K

Ans. (C)5 m Wb 250 K

Ans. (A)
Explanation: Mutual inductance of coil B Explanation:

due to coil A,
T2 mLxT1
M21 10=5
mH 1.2x10
1.44 x 10
x 300 = 250 K

L of a
solenoid oflen
Also, Mi2 = 10. The
s e l f - i n d u c t a n c e

c r o s S - s e c t i o n A, with a
2 area
I and increases

5 x1 number of
Nio1 =
M122 increases

l and A
= 5 m Wb. both
(A) current in A
there is a
(B) current in A
Mistakes to Avoid (C) there no

current in the coun
coil A. there is a
inductance of coil B due to (D) in A
Here, M21 is mutual clockwise

current in A
A Enhance your Answer Ans. (B)
there is a varying

Write the correct units involved. As induced emf is wheni

the coil changes.
two coils A and
B as shown in flux linked
induced emf can be fou
8. There are
B direction of
flowing in
A current starts 11. The
figure. B and towards
shown, when A
is m o v e s by
The current in Kirchhoffs voltage law
A stops moving. (A)
stops when law
clockwise. B is kept stationary
A is counter that:
c a n infer
when A m o v e s . We (C) Lenz's law
hand rule
(D) Fleming's Right
Ans. (C) Lenz's law
Explanation: Lenz's law namedaftr
who formulatedi
in the physicist Emil Lenz
direction of the ek
constant current
1834, states that the
there is a
(A) in A
clockwise direction induced in a condud
current which is
current in A field is such that
there is a varying
(B) a changing magnetic
in A the induced
magnetic field created by
(C) there is no

in the counter
there is a
opposes changesmagnetic in the initial
(D) in A 12. Which of the following is the
clockwise direction
in the counter
a constant
current inductance ?
Ans. (D) there is
direction in A. (A) ohm (B) Henry

carrying (D) Weber/metre

Explanation : Coil A must beclockwise (C) Ampere-turns
current in Ans. (B) Henry
a when moves

Because of that,
Electromagnetic Induction

dExplanation Henry, unit of either self

: 18. Which of the following is based on the law

inductance mutual
inductance abbreviated of conservation of energy ?
Hand named tor the American physicist (A) Lenz's law (B) Faraday's law

Joseph Henry. One lHenry is the value of self- (C) Ampere's law (D) Biot Savart law
inductance in a closed circuit or coil in which Ans. (A) 1Lenz's law
one volt is
produced by a variation of the 19. The induced emf cannot be produced by
inducing current of one
ampere per second. (A) moving a magnet near a circuit
Scan Yourself* (B) moving a circuit near a magnet
Which circuit
13, one of the
following scientists is (C) changing the current in one

not connected with the placed near the other

induction? electromagnetic but constant current
(D) maintaining large
(A) Faraday (B) Lenz in a circuit
(C) Henry (D) Ohm Ans. (D) maintaining large but constant current in
Ans. (D) Ohm a circuit
14. The unit of magnetic flux in SI is: 20. Two coils are placed close to each other
(A) Weber (B) Gauss as shown in the figure. When the key K is
(C) Oersted pressed a current flows in the secondary
(D) Tesla
coil ABCD. What happens on breaking the
Ans. (A) Weber
15. The magnetic flux through a coil is
proportional to: inversely
(A) number of turns (B) area
(C) magnetic field (D) none of these
Ans. (D) none of these
16. The expression for the induced emf contains
negative sign| E = -.What is the B

(A) No current flows in the coil S

significance of the negative sign? (B) A current greater in magnitude but same
(A) The induced emf is produced only when in direction flows through the coil
the magnetic flux decreases
(C) The magnitude of the current is
(B) The induced emf opposes the changes in but direction is reversed
the magnetic flux
(D) The magnitude of the current is lower
(C) The induced emf is
opposite to the and direction is reversed
direction of the flux
Ans. (C) The
(D) none of these magnitude of the current is
but direction is reversed
Ans. (B) The induced emf 21.
opposes the changes in Dynamo is designed on the principle of
the magnetic flux
17. Which of the
(A) Electromagnetic induction
use of
following phenomena makes (B) Self induction
electromagnetic induction ? (C) Mutual induction
(A) Charging a storage battery
(D) None of these
(B) Magnetising an iron piece with a bar
Ans. (A)
magnet Electromagnetic induction
22. What does a
(C) Generation of hydroelectricity dynamo generate ?
(D) Magnetising a soft iron piece by (A) Electrons (B) Charge
inside a current carrying solenoid
placing (C) emf (D) None of these
Ans. Ans. (C) emf
(C) Generation of hydroelectricity

For Detailed Solutions Scan

VIDYA Ma(mark
114 PHYSIcs| CLASS 12 second
one ampere per
(A) Less than
23. What is motional emf ? It is the induced second
(B) One ampere per
emf: second

of wire moving in a (C) Two ampere per second

across the ends
a per
(A) two ampere

magnetic field More than

(D) second

due to the motion of the magnet (B) One ampere per is NOT
a factor to
(B) in a coil Ans.
Which of the inductance
of the two
near it 30. mutual
in its own determine

(C) in a circuit due to variation

coils? turns of each
current number of
due to the variation of (A)
in a circuit each coil
(D) The shape of
in the neighbouring
circuit (B) each coil
Current through
in a (C)
across the ends
of a wire moving the coils
Ans. (A) Separation

magnetic field (D) each coil

current carrying Current through the function
two (C)
24. The force between Ans. is NOT
Which of
the following
parallel wires is due
to: 31.
(A) Electrostatic interaction of transformer? into electric
effect of electric current (A)
(B) Magnetic field energy from one part
(C) Electric effect magnetic
of electrical energy
(D) Electromagnetic induction (B) circuit to

of the voltage
electric current down the
effect of step
Ans. (B) Magnetic (C) Step up
the alternating
of the commercial
The frequency (in Hz)
25. in India is:
current generated
alternating current
into electric
(B) 60
(A) 50 Transform
magnetic energy
D) 220 Ans. (A)
(C)110 energy instruments do not
Ans. (A) 50 determine 32. Which of the following
is used to currents

26. Which of the following current in a make use of eddy

the direction of (A) Electrical brakes
generator? (B) Induction motor
left hand rule
(A) Fleming's (C) Transformer
hand rule
(B) Fleming's right Dead beat
Maxwell's cork
screw rule D)
(C) rule Ans. (C) Transformer
swimming the principle
(D) Ampere's transformer is devised on
hand rule 33. The
Ans. (B) Fleming's right which of the following of
current from (B) mutual induction
27. The magnitude? (A) self induction
does not vary in
(C) eddy currents (D) none of these
(A) Transformers
(B) Dynamo
(D) Induction coil induction
(C) Cell Ans. (B) mutual
ballistic galvanometer-
Ans. (C) Cell 34. The coil of the
equal to
is not oscillates due to:
28. Which of the following induction
Henry ? (A) Self induction (B) Mutual
(B) Volt-second (D) none of these
(A) volt-second
(B) coulomb
ampere Ans. (D) none of these
joule - second 35. The coupling coefficient of the pertet
volt -second
(D) coulomb coupled coils is:
(C) coulomb
(A) zero
volt - second 1
Ans. (C) coulomb
(C)slightlymore than1
of current in a
be the rate (D) infinite
29. What should
1 Henry to generate
circuit of volt ? Ans. (B) 1
to one

duced emf equal

Electromagnetic Induction
6. The motional emt
produced across a wire
moving through a
magnetic field does not
depend on its: velocity of the rod
(A) Velocit (1B) Length
(C) Dianmeter (D) Orientation magnitude of the magnetic field
Ans. ( ) DianmeteT
Ans. (B) rate of change of magnetic flux
37. Which ot the tollowing is
the direction of the current
independent of 42. What determines the charge that flows
A) Mutual induction
a circuit ? through a circuit due to the induced emf ?
(A) The rate of change of magnetic flux
(B) loule's heating
(B) The total change in magnetic flux
(C) Electrolvsis
(C) The initial magnetic flux
(D) None ot these flux
(D) The final magnetic
Ans. (B) loule's heating
Ans. (B) The total change in magnetic flux
38. The north pole of bar 43. The magnetic flux (6) linked with a coil due
magnet is rapidly
introduced into a solenoid at the end A. field is related to the
to its own magnetic
Which of the following statements correctly number of turns (») of the coil as:
depicts the phenomenon taking place ? (B) d n 2
(A) n 2
(A) No induced emf is developed
(B) The end A of the solenoid behaves like a
(C)n (D)on
Ans. (A) ¢« n*
south pole
44. The magnetic flux (6) linked with a coil is
(C) The end A of the solenoid behaves like a related to the area (A) of the coil as:
north pole (A) o oc A-1/2 (B) r A 2
(D) The end A of the solenoid acquires (D) A 1
(C) A
positive potential Ans. (C) d « A
Ans. (C) The end A of the solenoid behaves like a
45. What is the minimum value of inductance
north pole that can be obtained with the help of three
39. In which of the following cases with a bar inductances of 2 H, 3 H and 6 H ?
magnet and the solenoid, no induced emf is
produced? (A)H
(A) When magnet is inserted
C) 1H (D) 11 H
(B) When magnet is withdrawn
Ans. (C) 1H
(C) When coil is moved towards or away 46. No current is drawn from the secondary coil
from the magnet of an ideal transformer. What is the power
(D) When the relative velocity of the coil w.rt factor of the primary coil ?
the magnet is zero (A) 1/2 (B) 1
Ans. (D) When the relative velocity of the coil w.r.t (C) (D) Zero
the magnet is zero. Ans. (D) Zero
40. A copper rod moves parallel to the horizontal 47. In the circuit shown below, what will be
direction. The induced emf developed the reading of the ammeter long time after
across its ends due to earth's magnetic field closing the key ?
will be maximum at the: 52 K 52
w wwww
(A) equator (B) latitude 30°
(C) latitude 60° (D) poles 10V 50 10H
Ans. (D) poles
41. A copper rod is moved in a magnetic field.
The charge developed across its ends will be (A) 1A (B) 2A
proportional to: (C) (4/3) A (D) (34) A
(A) magnetic flux
Ans. (C) (4/3) A
(B) rate of change of magnetic flux
12 ampere per secon
23. What is motional emf ? (A) second
It is the induced One ampere
emf: (B) per

(A) across the ends of a wire moving in a (C) two ampere
per secon
magnetic field More
D) second
(B) in a coil due to the motion of the magnet Ans. (B) One a m p e r e
is NOTa .

near it
of the
the mutual inductance of the h
(C) in a circuit due to variation in its own
current coils?
t u r n s of each coil
number of
(D) in a circuit due to the variation of current (A) The
each coil
in the neighbouring circuit shape of
(B) The each coil
Ans. (A) across the ends of a wire moving in a Current through
(C) between the coils
magnetic field (D) Separation each coil
24. The force between two current carrying Current through
Ans. (C) is NOT the
parallel wires is due to:
31. Which of
the following inct
(A) Electrostatic interaction of transformer ?
(B) Magnetic effect of electric current (A) Transform
magnetic energy into elerh
(C) Electric effect of magnetic field energy
electrical energy from one
D) Electromagnetic induction (B) Transfer another
Ans. (B) Magnetic effect of electric current of the circuit to
down the voltage
25. The frequency (in Hz) of the commercial (C) Step up or step
alternating current generated in India is:
(D) Decrease
or increase the alternab
(A) 50 B) 60 current

(C) 110 (D) 220 Ans. (A) Transform magnetic energy

into elett
Ans. (A) 50 energy
26. Which of the following is used to determine 32. Which of the following instruments do
the direction of induced current in a make use of eddy currents?
generator? (A) Electrical brakes
(A) Fleming's left hand rule B) Induction motor
(B) Fleming's right hand rule (C) Transformer
(C) Maxwell's cork screw rule
(D) Dead beat galvanometer
(D) Ampere's swimming rule
Ans. (C) Transformer
Ans. (B) Fleming's right hand rule
33. The transformer is devised on the prind
27. The current from which of the following
devices does not vary in magnitude?
(A) self induction (B) mutual inductin
(A) Transformers (B) Dynamo
(D) Induction coil () eddy currents (D) none of these
(C) Cell
Ans. (B) mutual induction
Ans. (C) Cell
34. The coil of the
28. Which of the following is not equal to ballistic galvanom
Henry? oscillates due to:
(A) Volt-second (B) Volt second2 (A) Self induction (B) Mutual inductio
ampere coulomb (C) Eddy currents (D) none of these
Ans. (D) none of these
volt- second (D) 1oule-second2
35. The
C) coulomb coulomb2 coupling coefficient of the pe
coupled coils is:
volt second (A) zero
Ans. (C)coulomb (B) 1
29. What should be the rate of current in a (C) slightly more than 1
circuit of self inductance 1 Henry to generate (D) infinite
induced emf equal to one volt ? Ans. (B) 1
Electromagnetic Induction 4115
36. The motional emf produced across a wire 1
moving through a magnetic field does not velocity of the rod
depend on its:
(A) Velocity B) Length
(C) Diameter (D) magnitude of the magnetic field
(D) Orientation
Ans. (C) Diameter
Ans. (B) of change of magnetic flux
37. Which of the following is independent of the charge that flows
42. What determines
the direction of the current in a circuit ? the induced emf?
through a circuit due to
(A) Mutual induction The rate of of magnetic flux
(B) Joule's heating flux
(B) The total change in magnetic
(C) Electrolysis (C) The initial magnetic flux
(D) None of these
(D) The final magnetic flux
Ans. (B) Joule's heating flux
Ans. (B) The total change in magnetic
38. The north pole of a bar magnet is rapidly 43. The magnetic flux (6) linked with a coil
introduced into a solenoid at the end A. o w n magnetic field is
to its related to the
Which of the following statements correctly number of turns (n) of the coil as
depicts the phenomenon taking place? (A) n (B) ocn2
(A) No induced emf is developed (C) o a nl (D) n
B) The end A of the solenoid behaves like a Ans. (A) d oc n*
south pole
44. The magnetic flux (Ù) linked with a coil is
C) The end A of the solenoid behaves like a related to the area (A) of the coil as:
north pole
(A) o A-12
c (B) o c A12
D) The end A of the solenoid acquires
(C) ocA (D) o c A
positive potential Ans. (C) «A
Ans. (C) The end A of the solenoid behaves like a 45. What is the minimum value of inductance
north pole that can be obtained with the help of three
39. In which of the following cases with a bar inductances of 2 H, 3 H and 6 H?
magnet and the solenoid, no induced emf is
produced? (A)H B)H
(A) When magnet is inserted (C) 1H D) 11 H
(B) When magnet is withdrawn Ans. (C) 1 H
(C) When coil is moved towards or away 46. No current is drawn from the secondary coil
from the magnet of an ideal transformer. What is the power
D) When the relative velocity of the coil w.rt factor of the primary coil ?
the magnet is zero (A) 1/2 (B) 1
Ans. (D) When the relative velocity of the coil w.rt (C) (D) Zero
the magnet is zero. Ans. (D) Zero
40. A copper rod moves parallel to the horizontal 47. In the circuit shown below, what will be
direction. The induced emf developed the reading of the ammeter long time after
across its ends due to earth's magnetic field closingthe key?
will be maximum at the: 52 K 52
(B) latitude 30° ww
(A) equator
(C) latitude 60° (D) poles 10V 52 10H
Ans. (D) poles
41. A copper rod is moved in a magnetic field.
The charge developed across its ends will be (A) 1A (B) 2A
proportional to: (C) (4/3) A (D) (3/4) A
(A) magnetic flux Ans. (C) (4/3) A
(B) rate of change of magnetic flux
VIDYA MaKmarks
116 PHYSIcs| CLASS 12 (C) good conductor

48. A long straight wire lies along the axis a (D) bad conductor

long straight solenoid. The wire conductor

induced emf may is dropped

(C) good magnet
current I Io sin ot. The
= Ans. when a
two ends are
What happens
beexpressed as: 56.
W h i l e crossing
(A) E = Eg sin ot into a other.
connected to a c c e l e r a t i o n .

(B) E = Eo cos ot it will fall
(C) E = constant to g
(A) equal
(D) E = zero less than g
than g more than
Ans. (D) E = zero coil and
(C) above the
to the
49. The Lenz's law is the consequence (D) less than g
conservation of g below it
(B) momentum motor is
(A) charge less than g of dc
Ans. (B) armature

(D) none of these in the

(C) ener8y 57. The
when the
And.(C) energy
induced emf in coil is independent
of (A) switched off
50. The (B) switched on
resistance of the coil
(A) at full speed
number of turns (C) running
(B) intermediate speed
rate of change of flux (D) running
(C) on
switched transfomer of
(D) none of these Ans. (B) on a
the coil A coil is
If all the
Ans. (A) resistance of coil
58. cross-section.
flux linked with
a rectangular are
51. If the magnetic of rA is set up,
is dimensions of the
of turns per unit
a current
through which and the number
of s e l f - i n d u c t a n c e by a factor 2
remains unchanged,
then the coefficient
y Wb, length of the coil increased
will be
of the coil is: inductance of the coil
(B) Henry by a factor
(A) (-y) Henry y (B) 8
(A) 16
D) 2
C) 4
D) xy Henry.
()Henry Ans. (B) 8 in
Ldldt is analogous
induced emf
59. The
Ans. (C) Henry mechanics to
B) work
of turns of a coil is (A) force
52. When the (D) impulse
doubled, its self inductance: (C) power
(B) is halved
(A) is doubled Ans. (A) force
in electrodynamics is
becomes one quarter 60. Which of the following
(C) the m o m e n t u m in
analogous to
becomes four times
D) dynamics ?
becomes four times
Ans. (D) B) qV
currents do not
cause: (A) VI
53. Eddy D) Lal/dt
(B) heating (C) LI
(A) damping
(D) loss of energy Ans. (C) LI
61. A straight line conductor of length 0.4 m is
Ans. (C) sparking moved with a speed of 7 m/s perpendicular
is equivalent to
54. The role ofinductance to a magnetic field of intensity 0.9 Wb/m*.
(B) force
(A) momentum The induced e.m.f. across the conductoris
(D) inertia
C) energy (A) 5.04 V (B) 1.26 V
Ans. (D) inertia (C) 2.52 Vv (D) 25.2 V
beat galvanometer, the
coil is
55. In the dead Ans. (C) 2.52 V
wound on a frame made of:
(A) magnetic material
62. The induced emf of 2V is generated wn
(B) non-magnetic material
the current in the circuit changes from
Electromagnetic Induction 117

to 5A in one millisecond. What is the self (A) 3 volt (B) 7.5 volt
inductance of the circuit ? (D) 30 volt.
(C) 15 volt
(A) 8H (B) 10H
Ans. (A) 3 volt
(C) 8011 (D) None of these 70. The equation of A.C. is represented by
(D) None of these time the e.m.f. will
Ans. e eo sin »t. In what
3. The magnetic flux linked with a coil varies be half of its maximum value starting from
with time as: - 32+ 4t 9 Weber. What Is zero?
the induced emf at t = 2s 7
(A) 3V (B) 4V (A) (B) T (C) (D)
(C) 9V (D) 16 V
Ans. (D) 16 V Ans. (C) T
64. What voltage is developed across the axle 71. 1 Henry =
of the wheels of a train, when it moves
(A) Weber + Ampere
with a speed of 72 kmh ?The horizontal
component of the earth's magnetic field is (B) Weber + Volt
0.40 10 T and the angle of dip is 30°. The (C) Weber - Ampere
length of the axle is 1.5 m. (D) Weber - Volt
(A) 0.2 m (B) 0.4 mV Ans. (A) Weber Ampere

(C) 0.6 mV (D) 0.8 mV 72. The induced emf in a coil rotating inn a
Ans. (C) 0.6 mV magnetic field is maximum when the
65. What is the energy stored in a 50 mH angle between the plane of the coil and the
inductor carrying a current of 4A ? direction of field is :
(A) 0.4J (B) 0.2J (A) zero
(C)0.1 (D) 0.05 J
Ans. (A) 0.4J
66. A transformer is used to
light a 100W and
110 V lamp from a 220 V mains. If the
main current is 0.5 A. The of the
efficiency (D) some angle other that those mentioned
transformer is above
(A) 11% (B) 50%
(C) 80% Ans. (A) zero
(D) 90%
Ans. (D) 90% 73. A horizontal telegraph wire 0.5 kilometre
67. When the long running east and west is a part of a
current changes from
+2A to 2A -

circuit whose resistance is 2.5 ohm. The wire

in 0.05 second, an e.m.f. of 8 volt is induced
falls to the ground from a
in a coil. The coefficient of self induction of
heightof 5metres. If
thecoil is g 10.0 m/s2 and B 2 x 10- Weber
(A) 0.1 H B) 0.2H metre, then the current induced in the
C) 0.4 H (D) 0.8 H circuitis
Ans. (A) 0.1 H (A) 0.7 ampere (B) 0.02 ampere
68. Two coils X andYare (C) 0.01 ampere (D) 0.04 ampere
placed in a circuit such
that a current changes by 3 Ampere in coil X Ans. (B) 0.02 ampere
and the magnetic flux changes of 1.2 weber 74. An electron moves on a
occurs in Y. The value of mutual inductance as shown in
straight line path XY
of the coils is:
fig. The abcd is a coil adjacent
to the path of electron. What
will be the
(A) 0.2 Henry (B) 0.4 Henry direction of current if any current induced
C) 0.6 Henry (D) 3.6 Henry in the coil?
Ans. (B) 04
. The current passing through a choke coil
of 15
Henry is decreasing at the rate of 0.2
ampere per second. The e.m.f. developed X ***

across the coil: ELECTRON

circuit varies fromn
current in a
(A) No current is induced 78. The time interval of
2A in a

(B) ahd
+2A to coil of
r e s i s t a n c e 20 Q and
10s. Another n e a r it.
What will
(C) adcb i n d u c t a n c e 2H
is placed coil ?
the s e c o n d
c u r r e n t in

(D) The current will reverse direction as the be the

(B) 8A
clecton goes past the coil (A) 4 A
(D) 40 A
(C) 20 A
Ans. (B) adi
wire placed between
75. Fig. shows a straight Ans. (D) 40 A a
surface varies
Induced emf flux through
the pole pieces of a magnet. 79. The magnetic
the ends of the as follows:
will be developed across with time
wire, when it is moved
towards: 12+7t +3 seconds.
and t is in
WIRE Here is in 5s ?
i n d u c e d emf
at t =

What will be (B) 127 mV
(A) 338 mV
None of these
(C) 105 mV
(B) Ans. (B) 127 stored in a coil of selIf
(A) N energy
80. What is of 10A is set
(C)P (D) inductance 2H when a

it ?
C)P up through (B) 50J
of side L and
76. A conducting square loop uniform
(A) 10J
(D) 500J
within a plane
resistance R moves
C) 100J
to one of its sides.
velocity v perpendicular constant in time Ans. (C) 100J 10A to
A magnetic induction B,
incoil changes
and into 81. The current
emf in the
and space, pointing perpendicular What is the induced
See fig. 2A in 3 m s . is 2 mH.
the plane of loop exists everywhere. coil

inductance of the
the loop is coil? The self
The current induced in (B) 4 V
(A) 8V
(D) 0.4 V
(C) 0.8 V
Ans. (A) 8V
transformer raises the voltage
82. A step-up
V. If the number of turns
from 220V to 11000
what is the number
of the secondary be 1000,
of turns of the primary?
(A) 2 (B) 20
(A) BL clockwise
(C) 200
(D) 2000

Ans. (B) 20
through the primary coil
(B) BL anticlockwise
83. What is the current
ofthe transformer shown
C ) 2BL anticlockwise

230v 23V1152
(D) zero

Ans. (D) zero

its area of
77. The length of a solenoid is 20 cm, (A) 0.08 A (B) 0.04 A
cross-section is 10 cm, and the
turns is (C) 0.02 A (D) 0.01 A
turns are 1000. Another coil of 500
the Their coefficient of
middle. Ans. (C) 0.02 A
wound in
mutual induction will be nearestto: 84. The distance between the ends of the wing
of an aeroplane is 20m. The aeroplan
(B) T
(A)2 is descending with a speed of 20 ms
the horizontal component of the eari
(D) 2
C) 2 magnetic field be 0.5 Gs, then what will »
the induced emf across the wings ?
Ans. (B) T
Electromagnetlc Induction
coil is given
linked with the
(A) 40 mV (B) 20 mV 91. The magnetic flux 5t+ 5t + 10. At
(D) 5 mV
as a tme 10+
of =

(C) 10 mV
time t 1s, what is the
induced emfin the
20 mV (DIksha)
Ans. (B) coil?
5. What will be the self inductance of a coil of
100 turns if a current of 5 Ampere produces
(A) 30
(B) 40

(C) 4 5
(D) 45
a magnetic flux of 5 x 10 wb ?
Ans. (C) - 45
A) I mH (B) 10 mH
minimised by using
(C) 1 uH (D) 10 uH 92. Eddy current can be (Diksha)

Ans. (A) 1 mtH (A) thick wires

s6. There is a window 50 cm x 100 cm in a wall (B) thin sheets of metal
which is parallel to the magnetic meridian.
(C) thick sheets
The resistance of the window is 0.07 . What
is the induced charge when the window is (D) laminated sheets
opened through 90°. Given that horizontal1 Ans. (D) 1laminated sheets
component of earth's magnetic field is 0.35 of
93. The self inductance is independent
(A) 2.5 uC (B) 25 C medium
(A) number of turns (B)
(C) 250 uC (D) 2500 uC (D) current
(C) length
Ans. (C) 250 uC Ans. (D) current
87. A square loop is rotating with angular speed of the coil is
94. When the number of turns
o about one of the diagonals as axis. At t=0, increased twice and the length is
the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the inductance of the
by 4, what will be the self (Diksha)
magnetic field B. If the number of turns of coil?
the loop be N, then what is the instantaneous
(A) increased by 4
flux through the coil ?
(B) decreased by 4
(A) BAN (B) BAN sin ot
(C) remains the same
(C) BAN cos ot (D) BAN wt
(D) increased by 2
Ans. (C) BAN cos ot Ans. (C) remains the same
88. A square loop of 10 turns has each side 95. A rectangular coil of area 100 cm having
10 cm. It rotates in a magnetic field of 0.25 500 turns rotates in a uniform magnetic field
T and the maximum induced emf is 20 mV
of 0.5 T. The coil completes 500 rotation per
What is the angular speed of rotation?
minute, calculate the instantaneous emf
(A) 4 rad/s (B) 0.4 rad/s when the plane of the coil is perpendicular
(C) 8 rad/s (D) 0.8 rad/s to the magnetic field. (Diksha)
Ans. D) 0.8 rad/s (A) 25000 V (B) 2500 v
89. A circular loop of area 0.05 mis kept parallel (C) OV (D) 500 V
to a uniform magnetic field of 2 T. What is
Ans. (C) 0v
the flux linked with the loop? (Diksha)
96. In a three phase AC generator, between the
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.05
coils which is not the same? (Diksha)
(C) 1 (D) zero (A) phase difference between the voltages
Ans. (D) zero (B) frequency of AC
90. The area of the coil is given as (C) number of turns
A = 3i +3j +3k. This coil is kept in a (D) speed of rotation
uniform magnetic field of B = 4i +5j + 6k. Ans. (A) phase difference between the voltages
What is the flux associated with the coil? 97. In a transformer, what cannot be stepped up
(Diksha) or down? (Diksha)
(A) 24 (B) 12 (A) voltage (B) current

(C) 45 (D) zero

C) charge (D) power
Ans. (D) power
Ans. (B) 12
118 PHYSICS| CLASS 12 VIDYA (marks
circuit varies e.

(A) No current is induced 78. The electric

current in
in a

timne interval of
(B) abd + 2A to - resistance
102s. Another
inductance coil
2H is of near it. What dwi
(C) adcb
(D) The current will reverse direction c u r r e n t in cond coil ?
the seco
as the be the
(B) 8A
electron goes past the coil (A) 4A
(D) 40 A
Ans. (B) abed C) 20 A
75. Fig. shows a straight wire placed between
Ans. (D) 40 A a surface varie
the pole pieces of a magnet. Induced emf flux through
will be developed across the ends of the 79. The magnetic follows:

wire, when it is moved towards:

with time as
1 2 + 7t +3
t is in seconds
Here is in milliweber and
emf at t =
5s ?
the induced
What wil1 be
(B) 127 mV
(A) 338 mV
(D) None of these
(C) 105 mV

(A) N (B) S Ans. (B) 127 mV

stored in a coil of self
C)P (D) 80. What is the energy 10A is set
when a current of
inductance 2H
Ans. (C)P
up through it?
76. A conducting square loop of side L and (B) 50J
resistance R moves in a plane with uniform
(A) 10J
(C) 100J
(D) 500J
velocity v perpendicular to one of its sides.
A magnetic induction B, constant in time Ans. (C) 100 J
from + 10A to
81. The current in a coil changes
and space, pointing perpendicular and into
the plane of loop exists everywhere. See fig. - 2A in 3 ms. What is the induced emf in the
the coil is 2 mH
The current induced in the loop is coil? The self inductance of
(A) 8V B) 4 V
(D) 0.4 V
(C) 0.8 V
Ans. (A) 8V
82. A step-up transformer raises the voltage
from 220V to 11000 V If the number of turns
of the secondary be 1000, what is the number
of turns of the primary ?
(A) 2 (B) 20
(A) BLclockwise
(C)200 (D) 2000
Ans. (B) 20
(B) BLanticlockwise
83. What is the current through the primary coil
of the transformer shown below?
C) 2BLanticlockwise
D) zero 230v 23V1152
Ans. (D) zero
77. The length ofa solenoid is 20 cm, its area
and the number of (A) 0.08 A (B) 0.04 A
cross-section is 10 cm,
turns are 1000. Another coil of 500 turns is (C) 0.02 A (D) 0.01 A
wound in the middle. Their coefficient of Ans. (C) 0.02 A
mutual induction will be nearest to: 84. The distance between the ends of the wings
of an aeroplane is 20m. The aeroplane
(A) (B) T
is descending with a
speed of 20 m/s. "
the horizontal component of the earths
C) 2 n (D) 2
0.5 Gs, then what will be
magnetic field be
the induced emf across the
Ans. (B) T wings?
Electromagnetic Induction 119
(A) 40 m (B) 20 mV 91. The magnetic flux linked with the coil is given
(C) 10 mVV 5t 5t 10. At
(D) 5 mV oftime 102 + +
function +
as a
in the
Ans.() 0m time t 18, what is the induced emf
5. What will be the self inductance of a coil of coil?
100 turns it a current ot 5 (A) 30 (B) 40
a magnetic tlux of 5 10 Wb ? produces (C) 45 (D) 45
(A) I m (B) 10 mH Ans. (C) - 45
)1ut (D) 10 uH 92. Eddy current can be minimised by using
Ans. A) 1 mB (Diksha)
$6. There is a window 50 cm 100 cm in a wall (A) thick wires
which is parallel to the magnetic meridian. (B) thin sheets of metal
The resistance of the window is 0.07 2. What (C) thick sheets
is the induced charge when the window is
(D) laminated sheets
opened through 90°. Given that horizontal
component of earth's magnetic field is 0.35 Ans. (D) laminated sheets
93. The self inductance is independent of
A) 25 uC (B) 25 uC
(A) number of turns (B) medium
C) 250 uC (D) 2500 uC (D) current
AnS. (C) 250 uC
(C) length
Ans. (D) current
87. A square loop is rotating with angular speed 94. When the number of turns of the coil is
about the diagonals as axis. At t= 0,
one of
the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the
increased twice and the length is reduced

magnetic field B. If the number of turns of by 4, what will be the self inductance of the
coil? (Diksha)
the loop be N, then what is the instantaneous
(A) increased by 4
flux through the coil1?
(B) decreased by 4
(B) BAN sin ot
(C) remains the same
C) BAN cos ot (D) BAN ot
(D) increased by 2
Ans. (C) BAN cos øt
Ans. (C) remains the same
88. A square loop of 10 turns has each side
10 cm. It rotates in a magnetic field of 0.25
95. A rectangular coil of area 100 cm having
T and the maximum induced emf is 20 mV.
500 turns rotates in a uniform magnetic field
of 0.5 T. The coil completes 500 rotation per
What is the angular speed of rotation?
minute, calculate the instantaneous emf
(A) 4 rad/s (B) 0.4 rad/s
when the plane of the coil is perpendicular
C) 8 rad/s (D) 0.8 rad/s to the magnetic field. (Diksha)
Ans. (D) 0.8 rad/s (A) 25000 V (B) 2500 V
89. A circular loop of area 0.05 m2is kept parallel (C) 0v (D) 500 V
to a uniform magnetic field of 2 T What is
Ans. (C) 0v
the flux linked with the loop? (Diksha)
96. In a three phase AC generator, between the
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.05 coils which is not the same? (Diksha)
(C) 1 (D) zero (A) phase difference between the voltages
Ans. (D) zero (B) frequency of AC
90. The area of the coil is given (C) number of turns
A 3i +3j +3k. This coil is kept in a (D) speed of rotation
field of B 4+ 5j + 6k. Ans. (A) phase difference between the voltages
uniform magnetic

97. In a transformer, what cannot be stepped up

What is the flux associated with the coil? or down?
(Diksha) (Diksha)
(A) voltage (B) current
(A) 24 (B) 12
(D) zero
(C) charge (D) power
(C) 45
Ans. (D) power
Ans. (B) 12
120 PHYSIcs| CLASs 12 t


emf is

iced currer induced

Assertion-Reas oning Type 1Mark both the

as its
stance will
in copper
to that of e aluminiun
O For below questions, two statements are lesser as

given- one labelled Assertion and the other emf is

labelled Reason. Select the correct answer to Assertion

withdrav awn from generat

these questions from the codes (A), (B), (C) 4. magnet
and (D) as given below:
noid. motion betwe
(A) Both Assertion and Reason are true and en ma
Reason: The relative induces emf.
Reason is correct explanation of the net and

and Reason are tra true a

assertion. Both

(B) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Ans. (A) is
correct explanatic tion of

Reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

the assertion. induced when the.

Emfis therej
(C) Assertion is true but Reason is false. magnetic
in the
(D) Assertion is false but Reason is true. Assertion: In the phenomenon of ut
1. Assertion : Faraday's laws are consequence induction of each of the
induction, self
of conservation of energy.
Reason: In a purely resistive AC circuit, the persists.
arises due to chana
current lags behind the emf in phase. Reason: Selfinduction In mutual ind
in current in
the itself.
in both the individ
Ans. (B) Both Assertion and Reason are true
Reason is not the correct explanation of
but tion,current changes
the assertion. and Reason are true and
Ans. (A) Both Assertion
Reason is correct explanation
of t
Explanation: Faraday's law is based on
the conversion of mechanical energy into assertion.
electrical energy. This is in accordance with
Explanation: The self inductance of col
the law of conservation of energy. It is also
clearly known that in pure resistance, the emf
given by M = un°1A
is in phase with the current.
2. Assertion: Lenz's law violates the principle
Assertion: Produced emf will always ocu
of conservation of energy.
Reason : Induced emf always opposes the whenever there is change in magnetic flux
flux responsible for its Reason: Current always induces wheneve
change magnetic
production. there is change in magnetic flux.
Ans. (D) Assertion is false but Reason is true. Ans. (C) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
Explanation : Lenz's law is based on c o n - Explanation: Emf will be induced ont
servation of energy and induced emf oppos-
when, there is change in magnetic flux. An
es of it i.e., change in magnetic flux.
the cause
the current is inducade in closed loops.
one of
3. Assertion: Two identical loops,
of aluminium are rotat- 7. Assertion: When number of turns in a col
copper and another
ed with the same speed in the same magnetic doubled, coefficient of self inductance of t
field. The emf induced in both the loop will coil becomes 4 times.
be same.
Reason: The magnitude of induced emf is Reason:AsLaN2
Ans. (A) Both Assertion and Reason are true
directly proportional to the rate of change of
flux linked with the circuit. Reason is correct explanation o D
are true and assertion.
Ans. (A) Both Asertion and Reason
Reason is correct explanation of the
Explanation: As L= HoNT
Explanation: Since both the loops are

and number of turns) L'HoT(2N)*

= 4 x HgNT-42
identical (same area

same speed in same mag- 2

and moving with a
ioctromagnetic Induction 121
8. Assertion
:When two coils are wound
The laws of electromagnetic induction have
each other the mutual induction between the
been used in the construction of a
coils is maximum.
(B) voltmeter
(A) galvanometer
Reason: Mutual induction does not depend
(C) electric motor (D) generator
on the orientation of the coils.
Ans. (D) generator
AS. A) Both Assertion and Reason are true and coil while
Reason is correct explanation of the
( ) What happens to the current in a
assertion. accelarating a magnet inside it ?
(A) increases
Explanation: The inductance coils made of (B) decreases
copper will have very small ohmic resistance.
Due to change in (C) remains constant
magnetic flux
large a
induced current will be produced in that (D) reverses
inductor which will oppose to the flow of Ans. (A) increases

9. Assertion : Inductance coils are made of

Explanation : A charge in the magnetic
field induces an emf. When there is an emf.
So there, has to be current. Hence, when the
Reason: Induced current is more in wire magnet is moved inside a coil, the current in
having less resistance. it increases.
Aes. (B) Both Assertion and Reason are true but (iv) Emf can be induced by.
Reason is not the correct explanation of (A) Change in the magnetic field only
the assertion. (B) Change in the area of cross-section only
Explanation Self inductance is the (C) Change in angle between the magnetic
property of virtue of which the coil opposes field and area only.
the change in current flowing (D) Change in the magnetic field, area or
angle between them.
Case/Source Based Type 1 Mark Ans. (D) Change in the magnetic field, area or
1. An ATM card is angle between them.
payment card or
dedicated payment card issued by a financial
institution which enables a customer to
access their financial accounts via its
Explanation : emf =- do
We know that
others automated teller machines. When the flux is the dot product of magnetic field
card is moved vector and area vector.
through a card reader, then a
change in magnetic flux is produced in one BA cos 0, hence if either of the three, ie.,
direction, which induces emf or potential. magnetic field, area or angle changes, the
The current received emf will change, flux
by the pickup coil goes
emf can be induced.
changes due to which
through signal amplification and translated
binary code. So that it is read by 2. Induction cooking heats
Computer. This is how it works. electrical induction, instead
cooking vessel by
of by thermal
conduction from a flame, or anelectrical
VisaGold heating element. The
cooking vessel must
be made of orcontain a
such as
ferromagnetic metal
cast iron or stainless
steel. Heat is
OOD 323 5513 5010 coming from within the
method of cooking a
lot more
making this
VISA an induction cook
efficient. In
top or "induction stove",
a coil of copper wire is
Faraday's laws are consequences of the placed under the
cooking vessel and an alternating
Conservation of: current is passed electric
(A) charge through it. This oscillating
(B) energy magnetic field wirelessly induces
(C) magnetic field (D) Both (A) and (B) current vessel. This large
in electrical

As. (B) energy eddy

flowing results in the heating of the current
122 PHYSICS| CLASS 12 Answer

oy step
(A) answer

with c o r r e c t units.

the phenon-
i n d u c t a n c e

in a coil
e m t is n e i g h b o u r i n o
in its
m u t u a l

change ofcurrent
i n d u c t a n c e p h e n o m e n o n

coils, their J P
of 2
the position
Induction furnances are based on the on
(i) relative
place, as
principle of: and will
induction of emt neighboui coil
(A) Lenz law in the
the flux changs
(B) Conduction
(C) Electromagnetic Induction
(D) All of these
Ans. (C) Electromagnetic Induction
inductance is:
Explanation : By use of eddy currents
() The SI unit ofmutual(B) mho
heating is done in the induction (A) ohm
(D) none ot these
(ii) What does emf stand for? (C) Henry
(A) Electronic magnetic Ans. (C) Henry
(B) Electromotive force inductance oft two coils can
(C) Electromagnetic force (i)
increased by:
(D) Electromagnet force the number of turns in
(A) decreasing
Ans. (B) Electromotive force coils
the number of turns in
Explanation :It is a voltage developed by (B) increasing
any source of electrical energy.
coils on wooden cores
(itl) Lenz law is a consequence of
the law of (C) winding the
conservation of: (D) n o n e of the above
ot turns int
(A) charge Ans. (B) increasing the number
(B) energy coils
(C) induced emf Explanation : Mutual inductance of
(D) induced current system is

Ans. (B) energy M= Ho"1n2 na-L

changes coil (ti) If the current in one coil becomes steady,"
The magnetic flux threading
(iv) Wb in 0.01 s. current in neighbouring coil is
from 12 x 10- Wb to 6.0 x 10-
Calculate the induced emf: (A) zero (B) infinity
(A) 0.6 Wb/s (B) 0.12 Wb/s (C) doubles (D) halves
(C) 0.18 Wb/s (D) 0.3 Wb/s Ans. (A) zero
Ans. (A) 0.6 Wb/s Explanation : Current is induced ws
their is a changing magnetic flux.
Explanation: (iv) Practical application of mutual induc
-do_ (6.0x10)-(12.0x 10-3 is:

0.01 (A) DC generator (B) AC generator
= 0.6 Wb/s = 0.6 V (C) Transformer (D) Capacitor
Ans. (C) Transformer

Explanation: It is advice, made ooftw

Mistakes to Avoid turns in per meter (stan-
inductors, one of which is
AC, inducing an AC voltage acrosspoWe
Here, convert the number of
dard unit)
netic Induction
the flux linkage in coil 1 is 3Wb and it (n)'X' set up in the drum exert a torque on the
ha 500 turns and the current in coil 2 is 2A,
drum to stop the train. Identify:
calculate the mutual inductance
(A) 750 H (B) 500 H (A) Induction
(C) 450 H (D) 900 H (B) Eddy currents
(C) Electromagnetic oscillations
Ans. (A) 750H

Explanation: M = 3 x 500/2 = 750 H (D) Air pressure

Eddy currents are loops of electrical current Ans. (B) Eddy currents
induced within conductors by a changing Explanation : A strong magnetic field is

magnetic field in the conductor according applied to the rotating drumn attached to the
wheel. The eddy currents set up in the drum
Faraday's law of induction.
Eddy currents flow in closed loops within exert a torque on the drum to stop the
That is the reason eddy currents are set up in
conductors, in planes perpendicular to the
the drum of the train wheel.
magnetic field.
(Iv) Identify the law which is used to find out
Eddy currents are useful in induction
the direction of eddy currents.
heating, levitating, electromagnetic damping
and electromagnetic braking. They can be (A) Lenz's law
minimized by adding slots in the conductor (B) Faraday's law
surface and laminating. (C) Ampere Circuital law
What is the heat generated in eddy current (D) Maxwell's law
Ans. (A) Lenz's law
(A) VI (B) VIR
Explanation : Eddy currents also appose
C)PRt (D) PR the change in magnetic flux, so their direction
As (D) PR is given by Lenz's law.
Explanation: The heat generated by this (v) Eddy currents may not be suitable for
method can be given by 1'R, I is current and electrostatic shielding.
Ris the resistance. (A) True (B) False
Which of the following is not Ans. (B) False
of eddy currents?
Explanation: Electrostatic shielding is the
(A) Ammeter practice of reducing the electromagnetic field
B) Dead beat in space by blocking the field with barriers
galvanometer a

made of conductive oil magnetic materials.

() Speedometer
The higher the conductivity of the sheet
(D) Energy meters used, the better the shielding of the transient
s. (A) Ammeter
magnetic field.
VIDYA marks
124 PHYSIcs| cLASS 12

Type 1Ma
refer Pg-16
Multiple Choice Questions 1 Mark For
and code

Estimated Average Time

Estimated Average Time question
1 min. for each question each
2 min. for
magnetic f .
a change in
1. The cause of induced emf is Assertion : Only in the coil
6. induced
(A) magnetic flux maintain
will magnetic flu
of large
(B) magnetic field Reason: The presence current in the co
maintain a
a coil
(C) area through continuous.

flux circuit is
(D) change in magnetic induced
of the
induction, the Based Type 1 Mart
2. In electromagnetic
charge isindependent of:
resistance of the coil
(A) Estimated Average Time
of flux
B) change each question
3 min. for
(C) time
of these
(D) none
coil due work out
machines use ed
linked with a
3. The magnetic flux ($) smooth transiti:
field is related to the currents to create a
to its o w n magnetic and made for lo
coil as: resistance levels
number () of turns of the between
(B) N 1 maintenance machinery. Its u s e
(A) oc NZ in pace whir
(D) c N-2 harmful and abrupt changes
(C) N the direction allow a more enjoyable work out experien:
Which of the following gives machine
induction emf? as well as producing high quality
of the
(A) Faraday's laws

B) Lenz's law
(C) Ampere's theorem

(D) Biot Savart L
inductors each of inductance
5. Two pure well separated
are connected
in parallel but
The equivalent
from each other.
c o m b i n a t i o n is:
(A) (B)

(D) 4L
(C) 2L

to help you understand the amount of maximum time that you neea
E.A.T type Average Time) is given
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**ForDetailed Solutions Scan

sheet provided at the end of the
use OMR
Note: For answers,
Eectromagnetic Induction 125
1. Which the following is not
of eddy currents?
application (A) voltage
(B) emf
(A) Ammeter
(C) magnetic flux
(B) Dead Beat galvanometer (D) magnetic flux density
(C)Speedometer 10. According to Faraday's lawofelectromagnetic
(D) Energy meters
& ldentify the law which is used to find out (A) Electric field is produced by time varying
the direction of eddy currents. magnetic flux.
(A) Lenz's law (B) Magnetic field is produced by time
(B) Faraday's law varying electric flux.
(C) Ampere circuital law C) Magnetic field is associated with a
(D) Maxwell's law moving charge.
9. The total number of magnetic field lines (D) None of these.
passing through an area is termed as ?

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