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Orientation Ceremony Script

QAU Islamabad Dep Of Biotechnology

A very good morning to the all respected dignitaries, and students here.
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to the orientation
ceremony by QAU Islamabad, Dep of Biotechnology.

1. For the Recitation of Holy Quran.... (


As you all know that the reason why we have gathered here is to
welcome the new students to our University (QAU Islamabad).

Today is the day of the students to get to know about their new journey
and build their future from here. It is the day to start a new journey and
put all their efforts to approach their goals and have a successful life
ahead. All the staff members, our honorable Head of Department,
respected chief & honor guests, I (Abdul Kabir Azizi), and I (...................)
are really glad to welcome all you and the new students suppose to the
Orientation Ceremony. We know that this day is very special and a
much-awaited event in every students’ life and it is the celebration of
their new journey.

As it is widely known that QAU Islamabad, due to its innovationism,

dynamism and persistence for seeking and adopting innovative
methods to improve the quality of higher education, has now
established itself as one of the leading, and Top universities of Pakistan.

You all will witness a very great, good quality and innovative methods
of learning in this university. I guarantee you all that you will build your
future from this university, and will never regret it. And I must say that
our Department has the best professors, and teachers available who
always work for the betterment of the students & university. If you all
want to enjoy this day, then please make sure that your mobile phones
Abdul Kabir Azizi
Orientation Ceremony Script

QAU Islamabad Dep Of Biotechnology

are silent. This is your day, I request from you all to appreciate your
efforts for coming to this peak. I must hear a loud clap conning. Please
everyone clap for yourselves.

2. University Experience

Now I would like to call upon Mr/Ms.


We are the supreme creatures of ALLAH but again we destroy what we

are blessed with. We are the ones who can either make this world
beautiful and peaceful place or the worst place. So why should not we
get united and work for the betterment of this beautiful world? So let’s
pray for the betterment and hope for the best academic year. May
Allah give us the strength to learn and serve the people.

Abdul Kabir Azizi

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