Kelly Cols 1980

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assertive Behavior: Reactions to Assertive Versus Unassert Dillerential Effects for Matos and Females and Implications for Assertiveness Training Seavey M. Kee yf is Mei Come Tenesce M. Kean sn Mel Cr ant Us of Sf sah mln th ee el of tn esearch is Ben ect toward teeing sn it SE i een isan to bev aservely, However, few investizations ave examined the impat of retusa assertiveness of bier Inerpertoral eautons of sreravenn would appear to | {/__Aaitionally while many studies have examined techniques for taining | aserive respnses. few have investigated Toetors which might be te! ate ee Rais Steet cea Ronee bowski-Speetor, 1973; Kelly & Worell, 1977; Spence & Helmreich, 1972), { menmnce of acer sew he moralistic ensivonment goa apig 4 Samcraer ons tome Coon € Was wy Mee peas 8S to bea comequnes of traion soe tetiyes which Have { lea dvatedcrtve, frend src behav a | is ot ae ave retafrced sch ler in ales i | \T™ai aa Serweder (199) examined the tspnses of males and fe || miles trating tring vole ptm a Tema confederate who Be fived eer nervy, nnaenvcys or seresiely: These ives Fonte acne thar ppney a at wen he ete yi cS: Seed inl hewn ve i anc zeta aso ‘Statist! x ifrences song subjected stad dd a ary he 4 Sees thing snc or ans bo oe Seay fe ulin an Glass (Note 1) sn Woah and Dever (1979) ave also ‘xumine te interpersonal perception of asrtive ante. an ere Site tehioor. Mulia apd Galas prone subets wih suited fot plas of iaes tomas baving neath ese tes, We ‘Woot and Dever 190) wtized bah muita and ype nests ates. Mull and Gali found hat agree be {Say aes inn io Sen rnc si got dl st {ht eieacons but he st moe igo, amsatting, al hse then ‘onsen, Whe the simulgs speakers assetve responses were “ompered with ple, Inendly fommcns, subject etslated the speaker with ore pst descriptors, Intestin tte stl fund ‘fc intractone between the fe f exhib elaine th rex ‘ofthe nimolu person Boviog Mat mer othe sx hese ithe preset sty, aujeuts were asked to eval un ind whom thy observed Meotge hang four erent stuatians de ‘ved om sberveuainag research, Both mae and fre stimu Ice were presente onthe viesties, an the models heaved tier an tserve rues asin cn handing te vreaonabe fnhavor of anther eran: Horae mode aaa wan matched we ‘tale an fen ecerive or enoesrie mode Deaving ina ena ‘shad o valte the effet of interaetons between aertieness ad these ofthe person ebbing or obser¥in MeTHOD Subjeers ISB “Tworhandrilyght wndrradute sade (88 mon ad 1 mals, ean age ~ 253 yes) fom 2 aferent chaser and? wren Uhiveraesprcpated ithe stay. Classes wee select to fade ‘sy of dere! dips Stindus Meets Assertive apd unatictve stile meri consisted of videotapes which showed ether n mu ort ferme model hunding four dle Siuitons Ie wich anther pean behaves unreasonably toward the fl For diferent macs and four fren fray served doo: "ope madi, wi ach enol making both a set ns a Tr - mensuanmge fa ecw) pare an ass UUmUpn POOL aah ae mcrae mene 4 with the same males behaving un a ‘assertively. and 4 wil the Sime fener Pobuving ea face ating. i ee sage il ami wi te ata had beards sad the presence of thasses In Iwo male so ra font Ele th Ear. aie. ‘& Hmens 373) moses they conteyed vera oncamplance with ike fans oct toad ions eatin eget ye Cnc! Uae he rasa fees ecmarneea casted ae ae ae ehomey eda ope con Maa ana a we ee ‘ppcoted on the ape wat mace sich that sre aa uous) maa ances ‘he single model interving ether aserincy or eases Sean et si i atime re 4 eshiic overcharging the mel fr nit opus work oe tastes E631, I, Tach setne nay iduced ia sone eae ae scrinon of ie siuaton an vite Totnes appropri we ect tao. The stations ws veled he aay Fim! porn dtverd wo prope whieh the roel made is. irises or umgerive response The 3x of the yromot voce Wa Fay comtrtanoed across condos. "AC lye cance inh whic eds hee mrracct etal anes neve oly 2 eerste ur cy ton al wel en shores tte idl telson eet seer tt of nat woe aed ome -sulyect consisted tae personality items, and subjects deseribed the stim- Ses eter rai ty watson oa {anyon vation tena wer slectves whch hd been elas suka Tad arse tn ele spend crete gaurd, hones hei, client Sama eae id pte ots ee Seen ere epic ad meter RESULTS, Marva Cet of Sate Vibes _ sce aan an ecu ofthe models rpeeth dton tency 12 ‘ron owing ero ora val cont Te ‘Towincs ny evaluated sing sh anchored pont sale. Verbal content chased dics a nerve or moc, ersten cere sere 4 ‘To compre onsen ele ol ith eerie fae modes and cfc ne oc serie ele mae ee Canale onthe stove menae” No ie eee eS {ton tae ne Paria Cato eee rel ete Sth sms scopes cored ta ome a fence seed teicc mae unica ean, te esl ate oa Ime anemone mote tapes wee Money enced te anteaters ibis us marco poe {he Cation tehned congaryAvexetehovven hc 3 ‘model spoke Tande,with shore ano, wit onger dation, and Mth Ter eceve vet comen tanec sti meeps 5 fhe gtr hn a en te ded saat ctr Sucre of lnerpersanal Atracton Questionaire Data : co Tree to Str sumarae un ncret te interpersonal tation sotto dat al soot esprses oe 26 questonnaye es were a tend in

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