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Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 54, No. 5, May 2009, pp.


Thermal Tuning System for PEFP DTL Resonant Frequency Control

Kyung Ryul Kim, Jun Park, Hyung Gyun Kim,
Hee Seob Kim, Woon Ha Hwang, Chong Chul Yoon and En Byul Cho
Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Pohang 790-784

Hyeok Jung Kwon, Han Sung Kim and Yong Sub Cho
PEFP, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Deajeon 305-353

(Received 4 September 2008)

The Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP) has been under development to establish
a 100 MeV proton accelerator complex in Korea. As a front part of the 100-MeV machine,
20-MeV proton accelerator systems were installed and tested at the site of the Korea Atomic
Energy Research Institute (KEARI). The PEFP accelerator structures, such as the drift tube
linac (DTL), require a water-cooling-system-based thermal tuning system to regulate the resonant
frequency (rf) of the drift tube (DT) cavity to 350 MHz. We have designed and fabricated a
prototype water pumping skid that has two water cooling channels of a by-passing cooling water
(primary loop) and a plate heat exchanger (secondary loop). The required operating temperature
can be achieved by mixing the coolants of each channel. The temperature control around the
operating point could be achieved using two independent PI controllers installed in the two loops.
The system set-up and test were conducted for the 20 MeV DTL systems. The results indicate
that the temperature control of the drift tube cavities is available within design range of 27  6
 C with a precision of less than 0.1  C to regulate the resonant frequency of the drift tube cavities.

PACS numbers: 29.17.+w, 47.60.+i, 47.27.Te, 07.20.Dt

Keywords: Drift tube linac, RF resonant frequency, Water pumping skid, Mid-ranging PI Control

I. INTRODUCTION The thermal tuning method has been widely used in

controlling the resonant frequency of the DTL as a com-
pensating function for the environmental temperature
The Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP) 100- variations in the accelerator's inner room conditions. Es-
MeV proton linear accelerator is a facility being designed pecially, the DTL thermal tuning system consists of a
a maximum 8 % beam duty and a proton beam current tank wall water-temperature control loop and a drift
of 20 mA. It is under construction as a user's facility for tube water-temperature control loop to compensate the
scienti c and industrial utilization [1,2]. The PEFP sta- frequency sensitivity, while it depends on each part of
tus has been reported and discussed comprehensively for the DTL components. For the DTL, cooling water with
addressing technical challenges successfully [3{6]. This the temperature of 27  C is supplied to the DTL tank
system is comprised of seven Drift Tube Linac (DTL) body whereas the water temperatures for the more sensi-
tanks for beam acceleration from 20-MeV to 100-MeV tive drift tube cavities, including the electromagnet coils,
and four DTL tanks for beam acceleration from 3-MeV are varied to regulate the resonant frequency. We have
to 20-MeV. Each DTL tank module is made up of three designed the 100-MeV proton accelerator thermal tun-
sections. The unique feature of the 20-MeV DTL systems ing systems and fabricated the prototype water pump-
is that a single rf driver (klystron) feeds the rf power into ing skid to verify the thermal tuning capability of the
four independent DTL tanks simultaneously whereas the drift tube cavity system. The prototype water pumping
rf power is supplied one by one to the remaining tanks skid for the 20-MeV drift tube (DTL21) consisting of two
for the 100-MeV accelerator. Therefore, the rf control loops, for by-passing cooling water and the other for plate
scheme for the 20-MeV DTL systems is very important heat exchanger, has been installed at the PEFP test facil-
to setup an rf control scheme because the four tanks have ity. According to the test result, the water temperature
their own independent rf properties [7,8]. range for the PEFP DTL was within the design range
27  6  C with the precision of less than 0.1  C when
 E-mail:; Fax: +82-54-279-1099 the conditions with drift tube is under electro-magnetic
Thermal Tuning System for PEFP DTL Resonant Frequency Control { Kyung Ryul Kim et al. -1953-
Table 1. Design requirements of the DTL drift tubes for a water cooling system.
Parameter Value Remark
Nominal heat load 1.21 { 1.51 kW (for 20 MeV) Including heat load
per drift tube 2.12 { 3.04 kW (for 100 MeV) of 0.8 kW EQM
Nominal operating
temperature 27  C Average drift tube operating temp.
Nominal water 0.7 { 0.87 m3 /hr (for 20 MeV) Flow rate is adjusted
ow rate per drift tube 1.22 { 1.75 m3 /hr (for 100 MeV) for each drift tube
Flow pressure drop 0.3 { 0.5 kg/cm2 From the standard pipe estimation
Temperature range
of supply water 6  C about mean temperature Resonance control of 30 kHz
accuracy/stability 0 5 0 1  C
: = :

coil power. Also, the experimental hydraulic dynamics of

pressure balancing and ow distribution were compared
with the calculated results for the performance veri ca-
tion. In this report, the PEFP thermal tuning system
design and the fabrication of the prototype water sys-
tem are described focusing the design basis of resonant
frequency control, including the eld test results for tem-
perature regulation of the thermal tuning system.


The PEFP DTL thermal tuning system removes the

heat dissipated from the copper RF structures and main-
tains the resonance frequency through active temper-
ature control of the drift tubes. In a previous study
[9], the drift tube frequency shift (about 5 kHz/ C)
was 4 to 6 times more sensitive to water temperature
changes than the temperature change of the tank body.
In the resonance control cooling system (RCCS) of the
PEFP DTL, the cooling water temperature in the drift
tubes will be controlled dynamically to maintain the res-
onance frequency whereas constant temperature water is
used for the tank body. It is cooled by using constantly
temperature-controlled utility water. To avoid eld er-
rors and frequency mismatch, the frequency shifts of all
the DTL cells must be the same. Table 1 summarizes
the design requirements of the DTL drift tubes for the
water cooling system.
The rf cavities of the DTL accelerator system require Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of a drift tube in DTL.
precise temperature control in order to tune and main-
tain the cavity frequency over the required range of op-
eration. To meet the operating requirements, the cooling
system must achieve a temperature stability to be better let temperature of the cavities must be controlled over a
than 0.1  C. This system can automatically adjust the wide range to compensate for powers dissipated from the
cooling water supply to keep the temperature of each background electric quadrupole magnet (EQM) power
drift tube cavity in the operating range. As shown in and the maximum rf power. Figure 2 shows the relation
Figure 1, if precise temperature control and stability of of frequency shift, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR),
the drift tube cavities is to be achieved, the required in- as a function of temperature.
-1954- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 54, No. 5, May 2009

Fig. 2. Frequency shift and VSWR as a function of temperature.


1. Design Concept

The water pumping skid should be installed indepen-

dently for the temperature control of each DTL struc-
ture. The closed primary loop for supplying the cooling
water into its DT assembly is designed with a constant
ow concept that depends on rf duty [10].
The pipe line size was calculated based on a ow ve-
locity below 1.5 m/s for the copper tube and below 2.5
m/s for the stainless steel tube to reduce the e ect of
erosion [7]. To minimize the delay time and the distur-
bance, we installed a 3-way control valve on the supply
leg. The remaining portion of the water is diverted into
the drift tubes through a by-pass leg and the cooling wa-
ter is blended to regulate the input water's temperature.
The nominal inlet water's operating temperature is 27
 C and it should be operated in range of 27  6  C. The
electric heater is installed to heat up the cooling water
for the initial operation mode and for proper resonance
control during the normal operation if necessary. The
water puri cation unit is located in front of the supply
leg and monitors the cooling water to preserve the low Fig. 3. Flow diagram of the water pumping skid.
conductivity of the water. A 3-way control valve in the
Thermal Tuning System for PEFP DTL Resonant Frequency Control { Kyung Ryul Kim et al. -1955-

Fig. 4. Network model of the pumping skid.

liquid lines was installed at the downstream of centrifu- system while maintaining the size and the ow balance
gal pump because the pump NPSH (net positive suction of the water pumping skid [11]. It is comprised of ow
head) requirements would not be met for the case of high paths that are joined at each node with major compo-
pressure drop in a closed loop and it used only one con- nents of pump, heat exchanger, heater, control valve and
trol valve in each liquid loop. Finally, a PID temperature DTL structures.
controller with nonlinear gain (via gain scheduling) was The results of the network model including pipe siz-
designed using mid-ranging control to avoid saturation ing, ow rate, velocity and pressure drop are summarized
limits and nonlinear valve characteristics. A fast PID in Table 2. The volume for the selection of the expan-
controller is designed for the hot-side control valve (CV1) sion/reservoir tank means the inner volume of the piping
while the slower controller is designed for the combined leg in each section. From the calculation results for the
dynamics of the cold-side control valve (CV2) and the heater line, the values of velocity and the pressure drop
heat exchanger to elongate the time constant. Figure 3 were rather high and were highly dependent on the pipe
shows a simpli ed ow diagram of the water pumping size. Therefore, the heater by-pass valve is always open
skid. more than 50 %. We also calculated the heat load, ow
rate, design volume of the tank and pressure drop for
DTL21 to DTL107, for the radio frequency quadrupole
2. Numerical Network Model
(RFQ) and medium energy beam transfer (MEBT). The
calculation predicts that di erent types of water pump-
ing skids are needed depending on the ow rate and the
As shown in Figure 4, a numerical network model has pressure drop requirements.
been used to calculate the pressure drop, ow rate, ve-
locity and thermal dynamics in the DTL water cooling
-1956- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 54, No. 5, May 2009
Table 2. Calculated results of the network modeling for DTL21.
Description Pipe Length Volume Flow Rate Velocity P
Size [m] [m3 ] [m3 /hr] [m/sec] [kg/cm2 ]
1 Pump 65A 54 4.01
2 Pump Discharge 80A 2 0.01 54 2.98 0.20
3 3-Way CV1 80A 54 2.98 0.62
4 By-pass 80A 2 0.01
5 PHE inlet 80A 1 0.005 54 2.98 0.01
6 PHE 65A 54 2.98 0.49
7 PHE Out 80A 1 0.005 54 2.98 0.01
8 Heater 40A 54 11.9 0.45
9 Mixed Out 80A 5 0.026 54 2.98 0.20
10 Skid Out 80A 25 0.129 54 2.98 0.24
11 DTL In 80A 25 0.129 54 2.98 0.24
12 DTL Manifold 80A 8.86 0.046 54 2.98 0.65
13 DTL Out 80A 25 0.129 54 2.98 0.24
14 Skid In 80A 25 0.129 54 2.98 0.24
15 Pump Suction 80A 6 0.031 54 2.98 0.39
16 LCW/Tank line 25A 6
Total 128.86 0.648

Table 3. Calculated design parameters of the water cooling

system under various PEFP DTL heat loads.
DTL No. Heat Load Flow Rate Volume P
[kW] [m3 /hr] [m3 ] [kg/cm2 ]
DTL21 94 54 0.6 3.6
DTL22 76 44 0.4 3.4
DTL23 67 38 0.4 3.4
DTL24 61 35 0.4 2.9
DTL101 49 28 0.3 3.9
DTL102 46 26 0.3 3.4
DTL103 45 26 0.3 3.4
DTL104 43 25 0.3 3.1
DTL105 42 24 0.3 2.9
DTL106 42 24 0.3 2.9
Fig. 5. Fabricated water pumping skid installed in PEFP DTL107 42 24 0.3 2.9
test facility. RFQ 48 28 0.3 3.9
MEBT 21 12 0.2 3.7
3. Fabrication of the Prototype

The fabricated prototype water pumping skid is shown to remove the dissipated heat. The cold side of the heat
in Figure 5. A horizontal multi-stage water pump, with exchanger is cooled with chilled service water at a ow
a total ow rate of 54 m3 /hr and discharge pressure of rate of 13.5 m3 /hr and at 10  C. The valves, anges and
5 kg/cm2 , was installed to supply the ow to the DTL other components were installed to match the pressure
structure. The inline electrical heater of the closed-loop drop requirements. The low-conductivity water system
needs to warm up the system in order to achieve an with by-pass of about 1  5 % of the total ow rate is
initial operating condition downstream of the hot-side composed of 5 m lters, carbon lter, ultraviolet lamp
mixed loop. The expansion tank was lled with N2 gas and 1 m lter. The dimension of the water pumping
to control the pressure in the closed-loop. A counter- skid is about 2.0  2.8  2.0 m3 . The pipe size of the
ow-type compact plate heat exchanger was assembled primary loop and that of the secondary loop are 80 and
Thermal Tuning System for PEFP DTL Resonant Frequency Control { Kyung Ryul Kim et al. -1957-

Fig. 6. DTL water supply temperature behavior during no load performance test.

Fig. 7. Pressure balancing with valve opening through the heat exchanger loop.

50 , being made of the STS 316 pipe, respectively. The to supply cooled water at ambient temperature (about
supporting structures and the electrical wiring have been 15  C) to the heat exchanger and hot-side control valve
constructed considering space allowance, as well as main- was controlled by manual adjustment. In parallel with
tenance and replacement of equipment in the pumping the load performance test, the control valve position de-
skid. pendence of the pressure variations was checked, as indi-
cated in Figure 7. As a result, we estimated that water
temperature was well regulated with the installed water
pumping skid. Especially, the ows through the heat
IV. PERFORMANCE TEST RESULTS exchanger loop and the by-passing leg increased linearly
with the control valve position in the 20  80 % range.
The prototype water pumping skid has been connected Therefore, the 3-way control valve for the primary loop
to the DTL21 structure. Figure 6 displays temperature was identi ed as being stable in the designed opening
variation with changing control valve position. The cold- ranges. However, this test cannot identify the charac-
side centrifugal pump with a 1.5-kW power was operated ter of the temperature control due to the absence of the
-1958- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 54, No. 5, May 2009

Fig. 8. Mid-ranging control algorithm for DTL water temperature control.

Fig. 9. Step up in the cooling water temperature.

chiller system. or mid-range U1 to its desired value, Ur . The e ects

of the nonlinear valve characteristics may be reduced
with mid-ranging control because it allows the control
valve U1 to operate around its linear range at 50 %. Un-
less the controllers GP I 1 and GP I 2 are well separated
in bandwidth, disturbances may actually cause instabil-
The RCCS water cooling system has the function of ities. During controller tuning of GP I 1 and GP I 2 , the
removing the heat generated from the rf power loss in- controllers were tuned for the nominal, i.e., GP I 2 has
side a DTL cavity, maintaining fast, accurate and exible the role of putting valve U1 to be in the mid-range to
temperature control. The mid-ranging idea is adopted, its set-point value Ur . To avoid exciting cross-couplings
as indicated in Figure 8 [12], which is to have the fast in this decentralized control structure, the dynamic re-
input U1 controlling the process output temperature and sponse of GP I 2 is tuned slower than the response of GP I 1 .
to use the e ect of the slower input U2 gradually reset
Thermal Tuning System for PEFP DTL Resonant Frequency Control { Kyung Ryul Kim et al. -1959-

Fig. 10. Step down in the cooling water temperature.

Fig. 11. Dependence of the transient response of frequency shift on the inlet temperature variation.
Furthermore, we assume that the signal sent from GP I 1 mid-ranging control of the cooling water temperatures.
to GP I 2 is the unsaturated signal U1 . Especially, the temperature behaviors of the step-up and
Figures 9 and 10 show the step response features for step-down set points are stabilized with the primary con-
-1960- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 54, No. 5, May 2009
trol valve opening position of 50 %. The secondary con- ogy, Republic of Korea.
trol valve opening position was regulated to control the
ow rate. As indicated in Figure 11, the transient re-
sponse of the frequency shift variation was in less than
1 kHz for 20 % to 65 % of the hot side ow rate in the REFERENCES
heat exchanger loop during a 65 % cold-side ow rate.

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