D E A C: 55-64 Years Over 65 Years Clients Make New Friends Clients Learn About A Different Culture

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A. Section 1: Listening (2 pts) (IELTS CAM 12-TEST 7- Section 2)

I. Choose the correct answers to the questions
1. Which TWO age groups are taking increasing numbers of holidays with BC Travel?
A 16-30 years
B 31-42 years
C 43-54 years
D 55-64 years
E over 65 years
2. Which TWO are the main reasons given for the popularity of activity holidays?
A Clients make new friends
B Clients learn a useful skill
C Clients learn about a different culture
D Clients are excited by the risk involved
E Clients find them good value for money
3. How does BC Travel plan to expand the painting holidays?
A. By adding to the number of locations
B. By increasing the range of levels
C. By employing more teachers
4. Why are BC Travel’s cooking holidays unusual?
A. They only use organic foods
B. They have an international focus
C. They mainly involve in vegetarian dishes
5. What does the speaker say about the photography holidays?
A. Clients receive individual tuition
B. The tutors are also trained guides
C. Advice is given on selling photographs
* Complete the table by writing ONLY ONE WORD for each answer
Location Main focus Other comments
Ireland and Italy general fitness  personal designed program
 also reduces 6 stress
Greece 7 weight control  include exercise on the beach
Morocco mountain biking  wide variety of levels
 one holiday that is specially designed for
8 families
B. Section 2: Phonetics
II. Pronunciation (0.6 pt)
1. A. savour B. devour C. favour D. flavour
- savour = enjoy : thưởng thức
- devour: ăn ngấu nghiến
2. A. example B. feed C. ink D. inhumane
3. A. hall B. doll C. chalk D. forecast
III. Word stress (0.4 pt)
4. A. survival B. condition C. pollutant D. animal
5. A. particular B. advertisement C. entertainment D. environment
C. Section 3: Lexico – Grammar
IV. Multiple choice: (6.0 pts)
1. You can always _____Ann to give you sound advice
A. bank of B. bank for C. bank at D. bank on = depend on
2. His emotional problems _____from the attitudes he encountered as a child, I think
A. stem B. flourish C. root D. sprout: nảy mầm
3. There should be an international law encouraging_____
A. afforestation B. deforestation C. forestry D. reforestation
- afforestation: trồng cây rừng
4. Unfortunately, the company closed down because it couldn’t keep___ with rapidly changing technology
A. speed B. time C. fast D. pace
5. He is not under arrest, nor have the police placed any _____ on his movements
A. obstacle B. veto C. restriction D. regulation
- be under arrest: bị bắt
- place restriction on: áp đặt sự kiểm soát lên
- veto: quyền bác bỏ, phủ quyết
6. He was very taken ___ by her aggressive attitude
A. about B. aside C. apart D. aback
- take aback: surprise sb
7. Most crimes that are committed are no more than ____theft
A. slight B. small C. unimportant D. petty
- petty theft: trộm vặt
8. John was asked to _____ before the judge
A. wit B. testify C. execute D. prejudice
- testify: chứng thực
- wit: the ability to say/write that is clever and humourous
- execute: xử tử
- prejudice: thành kiến
9. She is extremely competent and ______.
A. industrial B. industrious C. industry D. industrialized
- industrious = hard working = diligent
10. What university will you take an ____ examination into?
A. entrance B. attendance C. entry D. admission
11. Mary cannot afford tuition ____ for studying abroad.
A. fine B. fee C. finance D. Pension
12. _______ they offer him a partnership will the young architect stay with this firm.
A. Even if B. Unless C. Only if D. In case
13. In my _______, freedom of the press must be maintained.
A. sight B. thought C. view D. mind
14. “Have you read that book that just came out about UFOs?” – “_______”
A. Sure, of course. B. Oh, I guess I did. C. Yeah, what a waste of time! D. I haven’t either.
15. It’s surprising that ex-smokers are less _______ smokers than non-smokers.
A. tolerant of B. intolerant C. tolerance towards D. tolerable to
- (in)tolerant = forgiving (of/towards sb): khoan dung, độ lượng
- tolerable: có thể chịu đựng
16. The play was _______ than I had expected.
A. far better B. more better C. good better D. very better
17. They say that _______ two out of three students from this school go on to university.
A. roughly B. crudely C. previously D. fairly
18. Researchers at the University of Illinois have found out ________ .
A. an old Chinese amazing little cup B. a little amazing old Chinese cup
C. an old amazing Chinese little cup D. an amazing little old Chinese cup
19. I don’t really _______ winter sports very much.
A. deal with B. face up to C. go in for D. get round to
- get round to doing sth: thu xếp thời gian để làm gì
20. “Do you have a minute please?” – “_______.”
A. Well it is not as good as I think B. Sorry. I left my watch home
C. That’s just fantastic. Thanks D. Yes, but you should be brief
21._______ learning a foreign language, John is smarter than Tim although they are twins.
A. As far as B. Instead of C. In terms of D. Comparing
22. When there are small children around, it is better to put breakable ornaments out of _______.
A. reach B. hold C. hand D. place
23. It should be easy for Peter to find more time to spend with his children _______ he no longer
has to work in the evenings and on weekends.
A. but B. due to C. now that D. even though
- now that = seeing that = on the grounds that
24. The number of learners _______ not large; therefore, a number of headphones _______
available to them in the lab.
A. is – is B. are – are C. are – is D. is – are
25. _______ that we have to leave the building.
A. We have been informed B. It has been informed us
C. We have informed D. It has been informed
26. _______ pack can have as big an impact on your holiday as your destination.
A. How did you B. However you C. How do you D. How you
27. - Do you like pop music or jazz? - I don’t like _______of them. I prefer classical music.
A. any B. both C. either D. neither
28. If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop _______lunch.
A. for having B. having had C. having D. to have
29. The discovery was a major _______ for research workers.
A. break-in B. breakout C. breakthrough D. breakdown
- breakout: sự vượt ngục/rào
30. As the two teams left the football ground, the 100,000 _______ gave them a standing ovation.
A. bystanders B. spectators C. viewers D. audiences
- bystander: onlooker (accidents, crash)
- audience: watch a concert/theatre/speech
V. Error identification and correct it (1.0 pt)
1. A smaller percentage of British students go on to farther or higher education than any other European
A B C D.
 further
2. There is a rumor that the army is about taking power though this has been denied by the government
 to take
3. After writing it , the essay must be duplicated by the student himself and handed into the department
A  After being written B C
before the end of the month .
4. It was obvious that he was thorough interested in the subject.
 thoroughly
5. The purpose of traveller’s checks is to protect travellers from theft and accidential lost of money .
A B C D loss
D. Section 4: Reading
VI. Read the text below and write one word in each space to complete it. (2.0 pts)
“ China said today that there was heavy loss of life in the earthquake which struck Tangshan city yesterday.
Survivors said that Tangshan, an industrial city of one million people 160 kilometers east of Beijing, was (1)
completely destroyed. Observers living in Beijing said it appeared that only a small part of the one million
inhabitants (2) escaped death or injury. Many of the men of Tangshan were (3) working in the mines deep
under the earth surface when the earthquake (4) occurred. Unfortunately, few of these miners (5) have
survived. A lot of people were also working in the city’s (6) offices. Regrettably, most were (7) killed under
falling concrete when the building (8) collapsed. The Chinese authorities have not yet given any information
about the actual (9) number of casualties, but it is thought that tens of thousands of people have been killed.
Hardly a house has been left (10) standing .”
VII. Choose A, B, C, D to fill in the blank (2.0 pts)
The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you in being an
employee? The schools teach a (1)____many things of value to the future accountant, doctor or electrician.
Do they also teach anything of value to the future employee? Yes, they teach the one thing that it is perhaps
most valuable for the future employee to know. But very few students bother (2)____ it. This basic is the
skill ability to organize and express ideas in writing and in speaking. This means that your success as an
employee will depend on your ability to communicate with people and to (3)____ your own thoughts and
ideas to them so they will (4)____ understand what you are driving at and be persuaded.
Of course, skill in expression is not enough (5)____ itself. You must have something to say in the first
place. The effectiveness of your job depends (6) ___ your ability to make other people understand your work
as they do on the quality of the work itself.
Expressing one's thoughts is one skill that the school can (7)___ teach. The foundations for skill in
expression have to be (8)____ early: an interest in and an ear (9)____ language; experience in organizing
ideas and data, in brushing aside the irrelevant, and above all the habit of verbal expression. If you do not lay
these foundations (10) ____ your school years, you may never have an opportunity again.
1. A. large B. great C. far D. lots
- A great many + N(s): nhiều
2. A. learning B. to learn C. with learning D. learn
- bother + to V: bận tâm làm việc cụ thể
- bother + V-ing: bận tâm làm việc (thói quen)
3. A. interpret B. give out C. transfer D. present
4. A. both B. not C. as well D. either
5. A. on B. for C. by D. in
6. A. on most B. most on C. much on D. on much
7. A. quite B. hardly C. truly D. really
8. A. lied B. laid C. lain D. lay
- lie: nằm - lay - lain
- lie: nói dối - lied - lied
- lay - laid - laid: đặt
9. A. by B. in C. for D. of
10. A. during B. of C. for D. when
VIII. Read the passage then choose the correct answer (2.0 pts)
As Christmas evolved in the United States, new customs were adopted and many old ones were
reworked. The legend of Santa Claus, for example, had origins in Europe and was brought by Dutch settlers
to New York in the early 18th century. Traditionally, Santa Claus – from the Dutch Sinter Klaas – was
depicted as a tall, dignified, religious figure riding a white horse through the air. Known as Saint Nicholas in
Germany, he was usually accompanied by Black Peter, an elf who punished disobedient children. In North
America he eventually developed into a fat, jolly old gentleman who had neither the religious attributes of
Saint Nicholas nor the strict disciplinarian character of Black Peter.
Santa’s transformation began in 1823, when a New York newspaper published the poem A Visit from
Saint Nicholas, which Clement Clark Moore had written to amuse his daughter. The poem introduced many
Americans to the story of a kindly saint who flew over housetops in a reindeer-drawn sleigh. Portraits and
drawings of Santa Claus by American illustrator Thomas Nast further strengthened the legend during the
second half of the 19th century. Living at the North Pole and assisted by elves, the modern Santa produced
and delivered toys to all good children. By the late 19th century he had become such a prominent figure of
American folklore that in 1897, when Virginia O’Hanlon wrote to the New York Sun newspaper asking if
Santa was real, she received a direct answer: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”.
1. Who brought the legend of Santa Claus to the USA according to the passage?
A. Sinter Klaas      B. Saint Nicholas      C. A German     D. Dutch settlers
2. Santa Claus was traditionally described as a                         
A. tall man who could walk through the air      B. fat, jolly, old man
C. religious figure      D. fat man riding a white horse
3. Santa Claus in North America was depicted as                         
A. a man with the strict disciplinarian character of Black Peter
B. a jolly man on horseback
C. a good old man with less religious character
D. one with religious attributes of Saint Nicholas
4. Who was Black Peter?
A. an elf accompanying Saint Nicholas      B. an elf who rode a white horse
C. one of the disobedient children      D. a popular traditional figure
- elf: yêu tinh, người lùn
5. What word is closest in meaning to attributes?
A. outer appearance     B. natural qualities      C. effects      D. symbols of a person
6. Where did the legend of Santa Claus come from?
A. the North Pole      B. Europe      C. North America     D. the City of New York
7. 1823 was mentioned as a year when                         
A. Clement Clark Moore wrote his first poem      B. Clement Clark Moore’s poem made him popular
C. Saint Nicholas visited New York      D. the image of Santa Claus was transformed
8. According to Clement Clark Moore’s poem                         
A. Santa Claus had nothing different in appearance from the traditional one
B. Santa Claus had wings and could fly
C. Santa Claus liked poetry
D. Santa Claus was a kindly saint who flew over housetops in a sleigh
9. The answer Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus is an illustration for the fact that…
A. the New York Sun was popular with children.
B. Santa Claus was a prominent figure at that time.
C. newspapers are unreliable
D. Virginia O’Hanlon was a reader of the New York Sun.
- prominent: chính, chiếm ưu thế
10. Which of the following statements is TRUE
A. Santa Claus was an imaginary old man created by artists based on traditional figures
B. Living in the North Pole, Santa Claus visited children at Christmas
C. Santa Claus was a real figure living in northern America
D. Sant Claus was a story based on Saint Nicholas and Black Peter
E. Writing
IX. Sentence transformation (2.0 pts)
1. It was an impressive building but it wasn’t to my taste.
Impressive as the building was, it wasn’t to my taste.
2. They only reimbursed us because we took legal advice.
We wouldn’t have been reimbursed if we hadn’t taken legal advice.
- reimburse: bồi thường, hoàn trả
3. My parents think that I shouldn go to university rather than start a job immediately.
My parents would prefer me to go to university rather than start a job immediately.
- would prefer + to V ... rather than V(bare)
- prefer + V-ing/to V
- prefer doing sth to doing sth
4. Regarding payment, most major credit cards are acceptable.
As far as payment is concerned, most major credit cards are acceptable.
5. It’s a waste of time to try to explain anything to Tony.
It is not worth trying to explain anything to Tony
6. Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel. VIEW
- Alison bought the big house with a view to opening a hotel.
7. The writer’s terse writing style contrasted sharply with his spoken language. CONTRAST
- There is a sharp contrast between the writer’s spoken language and his terse style.
- terse: ngắn gọn, súc tích
8. When I started work I was so inexperienced that I couldn’t send a fax. CLUE
- I didn’t have a/any clue about how to send a fax when I started work.
- not have a/any clue: know nothing about
9. It took several months for George to recover completely from his accident. MAKE
- Only after several months dis George make a complete recovery from his accident.
10. Many people believe that all cats have tails, but they are wrong. POPULAR
- Contrary to a/the popular belief, not all cats have tails.
X. WRITING: Write a paragraph (150 words) about negative effects of tourism on a region or a
country.(2.0 pts)

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