What Makes A Negative Employee

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Six Examples of Workplace Rudeness

Small Business | Business & Workplace Regulations | Workplace Safety

By Chris Joseph

Regardless of where you work or have worked in the past, you've probably encountered some form
of rude behavior at one time or another. What constitutes rudeness may be governed by the rules of
the particular workplace or simply be based on what is considered to be common courtesy in a
"polite" society. Examples of rudeness range from the relatively minor to the more severe.

Disrupting Others
Any activity that disrupts the workplace and distracts individuals from doing their jobs can constitute
rude behavior. Common examples include constantly poking your head over a cubicle wall to ask
your neighbor a question or make a comment, talking too loudly on the telephone, or even
continuously forwarding jokes and other non-business-related messages to busy colleagues via

Poor Manners
Displaying poor manners can be a sign of rudeness in the workplace. Failing to thank a colleague
for her assistance on a project or not saying please when asking for a favor or help with a task will
not cast you in a favorable light. If teamwork is essential to completing a particular task, poor
manners may make it more difficult for team members to work together.

Failure to Greet or Acknowledge

In work environments where workers are in close proximity, failure to properly acknowledge the
other's presence is usually considered a sign of rudeness. While you don't have to treat the person
as a long-lost friend, you should at least make eye contact and give a smile, along with a polite
"Hello" or "Good morning."

Failure to Refill
Some employees have a tendency to "forget" to make a new pot of coffee when finishing one off, fail
to refill the copier when using the last of the paper or neglect to place an order for new supplies
after using up the last of an item. Not only does this behavior create more work for your coworkers,
it shows a lack of regard for others. If this behavior applies to you, you're guilty of rude workplace
Crude Language
In many work environments, the use of curse words or telling of crude jokes constitutes rude
behavior. It may also be regarded as offensive by some employees, which could lead to the need for
disciplinary action. A better course of action is to avoid using crude language in the workplace
altogether, even if you believe nobody present would be offended.

Crossing the Line

In some cases, rude behavior can cross the line and become something much more serious.
Examples include verbal abuse, which can involve the making of disparaging remarks to another
employee; sexual harassment, which includes actions such as making unwelcome sexual advances
or comments; and the delivery of threats, where a worker indicates he intends to cause physical
harm to another worker. These situations may create the need for an internal investigation to
prevent escalation. If the occurrences are severe enough, it may be necessary to terminate the
offender or even seek the involvement of law enforcement.

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