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NURSE'S DUTY IN WARDS NURSE'S DUTY Once you have completed Module 3, you'll be able to ‘¢ make expressions, reports related to nursing activities done for clients. « describe your activity related to nursing interventions. write a care plan to a certain patient. LANGUAGE COMPETENCY Scanned with CamScanner RU om eye) COT COR Tenney the patient to a wheelchair. ‘the patient and breaking a fall. # TASK 2. Expressions. Study verb list and discuss the meaning. NURSE'S OUTY IN WARS SED Nemo LS) pa to care to listen to my instructions to move right/left leg ahead/forward right/left crutch ahead/forward both crutches/legs ahead. ahead the walker. to swing leg ahead to lift someone to roll yourself to lie your face downwards to stay sideways to write the report to make a progress report to move the patient to a wheelchair 10 assist patient to walk to go around with (crutches, cane, walker) to give injection to inject. to apply infusion to inject. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 6. Kita harus segera melakukan resusitasi 7. Apakah anda sudah menulis dokumentasi keperawatan untuk Mr. Catcheart? 10. Kita harus memberi dia suntikan anestesi lokal. 11. Saya sudah memeriksa yndisi Mr, Johnson. 12. Suster, apakah sudah membuat laporan mengenai Ms. Lolita 13. Saya mau mengecek tekanan darah anda. 14, Sudahkah anda mengirim pispot. untuk Mrs. Johnson? 15. Kita harus memindahkan Mrs. Johnson ke tempat tur secara.bersama-sama GEE Pronunciation brit EI/ dag Scanned with CamScanner Action to be taken @ Monitoring blood sugar levels, give insulin “injections. -« Dietician to discuss diet. @ Patient to be shown how to self-monitoring blood Glucose (SMBG) * Demonstrate to patient how to read SMBG stripe. 2 Link SMBG to diet. | Emphasize importance of monitoring blood | sugar levels‘every morning and keeping record of results to take to GP. | Instruction: Retell in your group what action you have to take for Mr. Peter Cathchart. to the Care plan above. ®@ TASK 2. © Take one case in your nursing practice. ‘© Report your Care plan to your class. ie gsgk ssBore work. be your daily activity as a nurse. e the case you have ever assessed. r nursing care plan. condition and nursing interventions that has been done for se of (Mr. Mrs. Ms) Then (continue with your Scanned with CamScanner

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