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ER NO 180220131066


Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

Government Engineering College, Patan


“Rolly Vortex Game”

Submitted by:
Patel Kush Er No. 180220131066

Under the Guidance of:

B P Patel
Department of CSE

B P Patel Dr. H. B. Jethva

(Faculty Guide) (Head of Department)

Academic Year

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This is certify that the project work under titled as

“Rolly Vortex Game”
is the bonfire work of
Patel Kush (180220131066)

During the project submission as a partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the system Design project of Bachelor in Computer
& Science Engineering VII semester, of GEC Patan.
This project work has been carried out under my supervision and is
to the satisfaction of department.

-------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

Faculty in charge Internal Examiner Head of

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This project work has been the most practical and exciting part of our
learning experience, which would be an asset for us and for our future
career. It has prepared us to apply our self-better to become a good

No System is created entirely by an individual. Many people have helped to

create this system. And each of their contribution has been valuable. Proper
organization of concept and analysis of the system is due to keen interest
and helping hand of our faculties and classmates. We take this opportunity
to acknowledge their support.


Department” – which has part of seventh semester.

We also would like to thank B P Patel internal project guide at

evaluating our seminars and review our work throughout the Semester

We would like to thank the entire staff for giving us help and
cooperation during our Project Period.

Last, but not the least, we would like to acknowledge our parents for their
moral support through the entire project duration. And to all those people
who have directly or indirectly helped us in completion of the project.

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1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….6
1.1 scope of the project
1.2 expect outcome
2. System analysis ………………………………………………………………….7
2.1. system objectives
2.2. description of present system
2.3. limitations of present system
3.1. User requirements
3.1.1 function requirement
3.1.2 user interface
3.2. system specifications
3.2.1 hardware requirement
3.2.2 software requirement
3.2.3 software process model
4. Project scheduling…………………………………………………………….12
5. Usage scenarios..………………………………………………………………13
5.1 Use case diagram
5.1.1 main use case diagram
5.1.2 client login page after show page
5.2 Activity diagram
5.2.1 Register diagram
5.2.2 Login diagram
6. System design..………………………………………………………………..17
6.1 Login Database
7. Photos website ……………………………………………………………….18
7.1 Home Page
7.2 Register page
7.3 login page
7.4 Login after show page
7.5 engineering book page
7.5.1 computer engineering

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7.6 references book

7.7 other book
8. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………24
9. References ………………………………………………………………………26

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1. The Project Plan of “Rolly Vortex Game”

This chapter covers the project proposal and feasibility of the proposal along with
background study, product and business perspective, the scopes and some preliminary idea
of our game.
1.1 Gaming in the Field of Software Engineering
In the fast growing field of software engineering and development and even more rapidly
growing sector of game development the future is hard to predict. We are working with this
game as our software project lab-II.SPL-II is a 3 credit course and as part of our degree we
choose this type of work for doing better with development cycle, development period,
graphics, scripting, adopting new technology, animation. In general software project is a
project focusing on the creation of software. Consequently, Success can be measured by
taking a look at the resulting software. In a game project, the product is a game. But and
here comes the point: A game is much more than just its software. It has to provide content
to become enjoyable. Just like a web server: without content the server is useless, and the
quality cannot be measured. This has an important effect on the game project as a whole.
The software part of the project is not the only one, and it must be considered in connection
to all other parts: The environment of the game, the story, characters, game plays, the
artwork, and so on.
1.2 About the Project
It’s a complete reflex-based game with different levels. .This is based on ball which running
in tunnel. Some obstacle came in way of ball. In this game you have to avoid obstacle to
pass level. Main motive of this game to improve your reflexes. Game can play by all type of
people. There are several new balls and tunnel colour to make game competitive.
1.4 Scope of Our Game
This Report describes all the requirements for the project. The purpose of this research is to
provide a virtual image for the combination of both structured and unstructured
information of our project “rolly vortex game”. “rolly vortex game” is reflex base game on
the Android platform. The ball will progress through different types obstacle which require
precise manipulation of the environment, though the game Encourages creativity and daring
via branching pathways. We demonstrate the action flow between inputs, script, display
(output). We are working mainly with story, levels, object, animation, graphics, scripts,
game engine facilities.

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1.5 Project Scheduling

Start Date End Date Project states and Objective

May 25 May 31 Planning , thinking about game , levels and

Learning Technology

June 1 June 3 choose tools, and environment

June 4 June 8 Start designing and implementation of game

June 9 June 13 Developing, Testing and enhancement


June 14 June 15 Testing game

June 16 Game complete

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This report describes the process involved in making a rolly vortex game, rolly vortex game
with Unity3D. This game is for both PC Standalone and Android devices. This chapter
discusses the game overview including the synopsis, target audience, description, then
focuses on the game design, describing how the game is implemented.
2.1 Game Overview
The primary objective of the ball is to avoid obstacle and make high score. You can collect
coin to buy new ball and tunnel skins.If you pass one obstacle you will get one point . so
like this you have to pass to obstacle to score high. I am going to build this game in unity
platform. I am going to use c# as scripting language. This section elaborates the synopsis,
target audience, software used and finally game description.
2.1.1 Synopsis
This is based on ball which running in tunnel. Some obstacle came in way of ball. In this
game you have to avoid obstacle to pass level.
2.1.2 Target Audience
Arcade games are extremely popular especially in mobile devices. Rolly vortex game by
voodoo has over 10,000,000+ installs on google play. This shows that a large base of players
are actively interested in this genre and gives me a good opportunity to tap into that market
by following the traditions that have already set for this genre. But I’m mainly targeting to
casual gamers aged from 13-50.
2.1.3 Game Description
This is based on ball which running in tunnel. Some obstacle came in way of ball. In this
game you have to avoid obstacle to pass level. If you pass one obstacle you will get one
point . so like this you have to pass to obstacle to score high. I am going to build this game
in unity platform. I am going to use c# as scripting language. This is game is just for fun. You
can play this game to improve reflexes and hand eye coordination.

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2.2 Game Objectives

The major objectives of this game project are:
 Main player ball, which running in tunnel.
 Tube as tunnel, in which player ball running.

 Cube as object to create obstacle.

 Rule, which is use to make obstacle.

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 Coin, which is collect by player during gameplay and use to buy new skin of ball and

2.3 Why game as a project?
Video games are not just any computer software which are made to benefit user’s daily life,
games are rather made for user’s entertainment purpose, so more than anything we need
to pay attention to what the user wants from the game, how to make it more entertaining,
just making any game will not do, that is why it’s more challenging because I always have to
carefully consider if I’m making developing it correctly to entertain users. I also have to
invest a lot of time on the proper game designing to make it visually accepted. And to add
that game requires a lot of scripts. The scripts are like pieces of a puzzle which you need to
put all of them together to make it work. Thus I think game is a perfect project to prove
myself as a CSE student.
2.4 Methodology
The software methodology I have used to develop this game is Agile methodology which is
an approach for developing products (in this case: games) using short iterations. The main
idea is not making the whole project from start to finish, but making small features for the
current project in small periods of time. In this way the results of each iteration are used to
adjust the project plan. Each iteration is like a short project in itself Uses “inspect and
adapt” practices to adjust the goals and measure progress

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3.System Specification
3.1 Hardware Requirements:
 In hardware requirement we require all those components which will provide us the
platform for the development of this project is as follows:
RAM- Minimum : 4 GB
Storage size : minimum 10 GB
Processor : intel i5 any gen
 These all are the minimum hardware requirements required for our project. We
want to make our project to be used in any type of windows therefore we have
taken minimum configuration to a large extent. 4 GB ram is used so that we can
Execute our project in a least possible RAM 10 GB storage is used because project
takes less space to be executed or stored. Therefore, minimum storage space is

3.2 Software Requirements:

 Software can be defined as program which is run in act as a petrol in
 It provide the relationship between human and computer. Its very important to run
software to function the computer. Various software is needed in this project for its
 Which are as follows:
Operating system: windows 10
IDE : visual studio
Platform : Unity3D studio

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4. List of Scripts

number Script name decription

1 GameManager To manager the gameplay

2 PlayerMove Provide player movement

3 Rule Create obstacle using cube objects

4 RuleManager To manage the rule

5 ScoreManager Manage score

6 CamarafollowContoller Follow camera with player ball

7 AudioManager Manage audio of game

8 BuyPanel Provide functionality to buy panel

9 GamePanel Provide functionality to game panel

10 SkinPanel Provide functionality to skin panel

11 StartPanel To manage start panel of game

12 TubePanel To manage tube colour panel

13 UIManager Manage all UI like buy panel, skinpanel. Resultpanel


14 ResultPanel To show result on screen

15 Spawner Spawner to spawn new tube

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5. Game UI

Unity platform has same inbuilt UI elements like text, button, panel,image,scrollbar, etc.
We create UI use that elements for this game like result panel,scorepanel, skin panel,
tubepanel, buypanel, gamepanel etc. All UI elements is under the canvas.

5.1 start panel

Start panel is shown when game start. Start panel has text and two buttons(skin ,tube). start
pane’s functionality is provided by StartPanel script.

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5.2 Skin panel

Skin panel is appeared when we touch on skin button on start panel. Skin panel has
different types of skin of ball where we can buy ball skins. Skin panel has script SkinPanel.

5.3 tube panel

Tube panel appeared when we touch on tube button on start panel. Tube panel has
different colours of tube. We can buy colour of tube by coin.

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5.4 buy panel

buy panel appeared when we touch on any ball skin or tube colour. Buy panel has 2 buttons,
one is for buy and other is for cancel. Buy panel has BuyPanel script.

6. level design

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6.1 How the ball move.

When the finger swiped, The ball will rotate at a radius of R meters.

Rotate Speed:the speed the ball rotate.

Z Speed : the speed the ball move on the Z Axie.
R: the radius of the ball rotate.
Player Animation: the animation attach to the ball.

6.2 How the Spawner work.

Each time the ball passed CellZ meters. The spwaner will check whether to
generate the tube, cube, or coin.
Looking at picture

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CellZ: CellZ is the basic unit.For example, When the ball passes CellZ *CubeCellCount meters,
the spwaner will generate barrage.
Window Bottom Offset : the Bottom of the Window.
Window Top Offset: the Top of the Window.
Cube Cell Count: The distance between two barrages = CubeCellCount * CellZ.
Tube Cell Count: The distance between two barrages = TubeCellCount * CellZ.
Coin Probability: The probability of the coin to generated.
Begin Distance: The begin distance of the spawner to generate the barrage.
Cube Color: The Color of the Barrage.

6.3 How to design the barrage.

The screen are spilt by so many pieces, Look at picture1. Then put the cube
into the piece.You can design your barrage by putting the cube into the different

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There are many rules in the project.Ctrl + D to create your rule.

Active:Whether use this rule.

Cube Id: Choose which cube to generate can design your cube on
path Resource/Cube.

Barrage type: There are two Barrage Type, Custom and Random.

Custom :You can set the cube pos by yourself. For example, set the cube pos
list (7,8,9,10, 16,17,0,1) will generate the barrage like the following picture.

Random: set the cube number ,it will generate a random cube pos list.

B Rotate: whether the barrage rotate.

Dir : there are three type of dir: left, right, random.

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Rotate Speed: the speed of the barrage rotate.

Type: there are two type of the barrage rotate, Loop and Target.

Loop : You can set the Left Angle and Right Angle .For example , if the Dir is
Left, the barrage will rotate left angle then rotate Right Angle and loop.
Target : You can set the Target Angle, the barrage will rotate to Target
Angle ,then stop rotate.

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7. Design ball and tube skin

7.1 How to design the ball skin.

Step1:Looking at Resource/BallSkin, there are many skins.Ctrl + D to copy it, then
named it by number.You can change the “Sphere” to your model.

Step2:Looking at Canvas / SkinPanel / SkinScroll / Panel / Skin1

Skin script attached to the Skin1 Game Object.

Type : there are three type : Player Times, Total Score , Best Score.

Player Times : When the Player has played this game ‘Target Value’ times , the
player can unlock this skin.Total Score : When the Player has got ‘Target Value’ score , the
player can unlock this skin.

Best Score : When the Player’ best score bigger than the ‘Target Value’ the
player can unlock this skin.

Skin Index : the name of the skin. It must the same as the game object’s name on
the path ‘Resource / BallSkin’.

Step 3: Ctrl + D to copy Skin1 object, then set the properties of the Skin Script to
design your ball skin.

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7.2 How to design the tube skin.

Step 1: put your tube texture on the path ‘Resource / TubeTexture’, and named it
by number.

Step 2:Looking at ‘Canvas / TubePanel / TubeScroll / Panel / Tube1.

Tube Texture script attached to the Skin1 Game Object.

Skin Index : the name of the tube skin. It must the same as the game object’s
name on the path ‘Resource / TubeTexture’.

Price: How much does it cost to buy the tube skin?Step 3: Ctrl + D to copy Tube1 object,
then set the properties of the ‘Tube Texture
Script’ to design your tube skin.

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This is the timeline chart , in which all the schedule was prepared and try to work with that
as per time.

Usage scenarios
 Main use case diagram

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 Client login page after show page

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Activity Diagram

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 Register diagram

 Login diagram

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System Design

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Database Design

Login table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
Datatime Datetime - NOT NULL

Show to Website

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Home Page

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Register Page

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Login Page

Login After Home Page Show the User Name

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Engineering Book

Computer Engineering click to

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Refence Book

Other Book

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I have created online study matrial website using HTML, CSS , JS, PHP and Mysql database
and it is considerably working good In the when you open on the browser there are show in
home page than you have login the user you have not the account the website create the
account and after the login the website and using the website function
On this page you can see the many type of the book and PPT show the home page the many
type of the category book are in the website ex engineering book, refernce book, comics
book, story book and cartoon book etc the many type of engineering PPT and GTU paper are
the download and show the all book
Once you log out, you can again login and with your email and password that you used to
when signing up for the form. If you entered the correct credentials then you’ll be
redirected to the home page and all other users will immediately know that you’ve logged
on and now active.
Also there is an option of feeling in which they can express their feeling with every book are
easy to free download

At the end it is concluded that we have made effort on following points..

1) Created good Responsive page
2) Easy to find book
3) Free download book
4) Authentication

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