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Schools all over the world include a foreign language as a compulsory component in the

teaching curriculum. However, I don’t believe that students should be obliged to learn a foreign

Apparently, the first important benefit learners can gain from mastering a brand new dialect is
that they can comprehend more about the culture of other countries due to the fact that
language defines the characteristic of one nation’s culture.For example,when my brother learns
Japanese, he will have opportunities to access to some materials originated from Japan;
therefore, he can acquire a deeper understanding about Japan’s history, geography and
festivals. What’s more is that language is of great indispensability to one’s life seeing that it’s a
means of communication so the more languages you can speak, the more professions you can
get. From the cinders of war, the word makes an enormous change abruptly, more and more
enterprises are inclined to expand their business to some Asian areas where the workers
perform tasks effectively with a low price.Admittedly,they will recruit a global person who can
speak not only one dialect.Finally, each person has a desire for learning different languages for
distinguish purposes; therefore, a students may be bad at studying this dialect but can be good
at another.For example, these days, a plenty of learners are fed up with cramming English
knowledge because their scores are too low. They want to try something new like Japanese or

In a nutshell, communication is the key to success so people should know as many dialects as

All education (primary, secondary and further education)

should be free to all people and paid and managed by the
government. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Learning plays an essential role in each life so it’s pitiful if you

have to stop your studying regardless of any reasons. It is widely
believed that rather than residents pay for their education, goverment
will do that. I’m totally in favor of this statement because of some
following reasons. 
To begin with,  society is increasingly advancing, which requires
people have comprehensive knowledge in many aspects; therefore, more
and more people have tendency to continue to futher education, whereas 
the educated fees are considerably high and there are lots of destitute
people. If the government takes responsibility for paying for residents
money, more people will have opportunities to learn necessary
knowledge so the percentage of illiteracy will be reduced. More people
will be employed so fewer people have to live in slum as well as the life
standards are improved. What’s more, not having to pay for children’s
tuition helps people save a large amount of money. They can spend it on
food and clothes which are quite  necessary for life.  Finally, investing in
studying also means that the government is nurturing potential doctors,
scientists and specialists who will not only work for their own life but
also bring benefit to the nations. Nothing seems to be more
advantageous to a country’s economy than an educated and intelligent
On the other side, some people debate that the government
should’t pay for studying fees seeing that education is just one of the
priorities. Improtance of education is undeniable but some other fields
such as health care, infrastructure, security and law enforcement should
be taken care of. 
In conclusion, giving free courses for students is quiet
unaffordable but worth. 

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