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The Lorax

Dr. Suess’s Parable The Lorax depicts what can happen to an ecosystem
when natural resources are harvested unsustainably. Economics must be
balanced with equity and the environment to realize sustainability. In this
case the balanced interdependent ecosystem that initially attracted the
Once-ler becomes less valuable than money and the “thneed we all need.”
The Once-ler learns too late that without the Truffula Tress, without the
Swomee Swans, the Brown Bar-ba loots, and without the Lorax that the far
end of town is a grim and sour place.
As the Once-ler says
“UNLESS someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing is going to get better it’s not.”

This parable teaches many lessons about the complex relationships

between humans, the environment, the economy, and issues of equity.
Humans are very good at turning natural resources into enticing products,
and one of our challenges is learning how not to take or use too much so that
the needs of the present and future generations can be met.

1. Analyze the story for examples of economics, equity and the


2. Explain the relationship between the economy, environment and


3. Propose an alternative to the Once-ler and the Lorax so both of

their needs can be met.

Some questions to consider:

1. What is the message of the story?

2. How does this story connect to our lives?

3. What is the difference between need and want?

4. When out shopping do you have the ability to identify the difference

between need and want when faced with a thneed?

5. Have you ever decided to not buy something you really want? How did

you feel both at the moment? Later?

6. How do our choices affect future generations ability to meet their


7. How do we maintain a balance between protecting the environment and

harvesting natural resources used to manufacture products?

8. How is a degraded environment an issue for the population living there?

9. How do consumer choices affect others in positive and negative ways?

Give an example.

10. Should we protect the environment at the cost of a strong,

healthy economy?

11. Should we build the economy at the cost of the environment and

TASK: At the end of the story the Once-ler gives a child the last Truffula

seed and the responsibility of planting and caring for a new generation of

Truffula trees. Your assignment is to write an essay detailing two things

that you could do to make your world/town/environment a more sustainable

place. Consider issues of equity, and economy in addition to our beloved

environment. What is the “Truffalu seed” you can plant in our community?

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