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Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

Topic :-

Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

The construction of the arch of the world's highest railway bridge that soars 359 metres above the bed of the
[A] river in Jammu and Kashmir was completed today, with the Northern Railways zone of Indian Railways
terming the achievement a milestone.

The 1.3-kilometre-long bridge aims to boost connectivity to the Kashmir Valley and it is being constructed at a
cost of ₹1,486 crore as part of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Link (USBRL) project.

The bridge, which is 35-metre higher than the Eiffel Tower in Paris, is expected to be completed within a year,
officials said.

"It is a historic day for the Northern Railways and a milestone in the completion of the USBRL project,
connecting Kashmir with the rest of the country. The project will be completed within two and a half years,"
Northern Railway General Manager Ashutosh Gangal told reporters at the work site here in Reasi district.

Railway Minister Piyush Goyal watched the lowering of the closure segment of the arch by cable crane
through a video link from Delhi. Senior officers, including Gangal and Konkan Railway Chairman and
Managing Director [B], attended the function here.

"The self-supporting arch is an engineering marvel and has brought us closer to our goal of the dream project.
After the completion of the arch, we will move further, and are hopeful of completing the bridge within a
year," Gangal said.

The Railway Ministry said that the 5.6-metre last piece of metal (closure segment) was fitted at the highest
point of the arch on Monday. It joined the two arms of the arch that currently stretch towards each other from
both banks of the [A], it said.

This completed the shape of the arch. After completion of the arch work, removal of the stay cables, filling of
the concrete in the arch rib, erection of the steel trestle, launching of the viaduct and track laying work will be
taken up," the ministry said.

Gangal said that the construction of the bridge involves fabrication of 28,660 metric tonnes of steel, 10 lakh
cubic metres earthwork and 66,000 cubic metres of concrete.

Question 1:- Recently, the Indian Railways has completed the arch closure of the iconic and world's highest
railway bridge over which river (redacted as 'A' in the passage) ?

A) Jhelum
Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

B) Chenab

C) Indus

D) Sutlej

Question 2 :- Who is the current Chairman and Managing Director (MD) of the Konkan Railway (redacted
as 'B' in the passage) ?

A) Sanjay Gupta

B) Deepak Das

C) Rajiv Kumar

D) Suneet Sharma

Question 3 :- The Union Cabinet has recently confirmed its approval for __________ Ratle hydropower
project on Chenab river in Jammu and Kashmir.

A) 550 MW

B) 650 MW

C) 750 MW

D) 850 MW

Question 4 :- China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a bilateral project between Pakistan and China
which connects :

A) Western part of China(Xinjiang) to the Gwadar Port in Balochistan, Pakistan

B) Beijing to Karachi

C) Eastern part of China to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan

D) Beijing to Islamabad

Question 5 :- Who is the present chief justice of Jammu and Kashmir high court ?

A) Justice Gita Mittal

B) Justice Mohammad Rafiq

C) Justice Pankaj Mithal

D) Justice Sanjay Yadav

Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

The Supreme Court on Tuesday unveiled its Artificial Intelligence (AI) portal [A], designed to make research
easier for judges, thereby easing their workload.

A pet project of Chief Justice of India S A Bobde, the [A] is a tool that collects relevant facts and laws and
makes them available to a judge.

Launching the portal, CJI Bobde said though some interpret AI as automated decision making, the Supreme
Court’s system is not designed to take decisions, but only to process facts and to make them available to judges
looking for an input for a decision.

The CJI said that AI is to the intellect, what muscle memory is to the mind.

“This is where we are going to stop using it – after it has given all the information and analysed all the
examples,” Bobde said, adding “We are not going to let it spill over to decision making”.

It is a portal through which the Supreme Court intends to leverage machine learning to deal with the amount
of data received in the filing of cases. SA Bobde described it as a ‘hybrid system’ and ‘a perfect blend of human
intelligence and machine learning’ that does wonder when paired with human intelligence.

Justice L Nageswara Rao is the current chairman of SC's Artificial Intelligence Committee CJI SA Bobde was
the first chairman of the Artificial Intelligence Committee. The AI-driven tool is designed to only process
information and make it available to the Judges to take a decision. It will not take any part in the decision
making. Only the Judges of Delhi and Bombay High Courts dealing with criminal cases would use it on an
experimental basis.

Question 1:- Recently, the Chief Justice of India (CJI) has launched ______________ Artificial Intelligence
(AI) based portal in the judicial system which aims at assisting judges with legal research (redacted as 'A'
in the passage).

A) ‘SCBA’ Portal

B) ‘SCBA’ Portal

C) ‘SUPACE’ Portal

D) ‘ Sarvochh Nyayalaya Research Portal

Question 2 :- Which state has become the first south-Indian state to have a dedicated children court ?

A) Tamil Nadu

B) Karnataka

C) Telangana

D) Andhra Prades

Question 3 :- Who is the current President of the the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) ?

Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

A) Vikash Singh

B) A.K. Prasad

C) Ashok Kumar Sen

D) Kapil Sible

Question 4 :- The Supreme Court of India exercises its plenary power under _________ to direct all high
courts to frame a mechanism for use of technology during the pandemic.

A) Article 226

B) Article 142

C) Article 148

D) Article 229

Question 5 :- Where was India's first e-court established ?

A) Delhi High Court

B) Bombay High Court

C) Hyderabad High Court

D) Kolkata High Court

Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

This is the virtual media launch of the 2021 edition of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific,
on Tuesday, 30 March 2021, from 9:00 to 10:30 (Bangkok time). Published annually since 1947, the Survey
provides analyses to guide policy discussion on the current and emerging socio-economic issues and policy
challenges to support sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.

The event will feature opening remarks by [A], ESCAP Executive Secretary and keynote address by Professor
Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

The event is open to media, policymakers, civil society, academics, researchers, and all other stakeholders in
the Asia-Pacific region as well as outside of the region. Everyone is encouraged to register for connection

Chapter 2 analyses Asia and the Pacific’s macroeconomic performance, with an economic outlook for
2021/2022 and near-term policy recommendations. The region registered its worst economic performance in
decades in 2020. Despite the relatively quick economic turnaround led by East and North-East Asia, the
recovery remains incomplete, fragile and highly uneven across countries.

Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

Question 1:- According to the recent report of Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2021,
India is estimated to record an economic growth of __________ in 2021-22.

A) 7%

B) 10%

C) 5%

D) 9%

Question 2 :- Who is the current Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) (redacted as'A' in the passage) ?

A) Prof. Jeffery Sachs

B) Amina J. Mohammed

C) Armida Salaish Alisjahbana

D) Vladimir Ivanovich Voronkov

Question 3 :- Which state has highest GDP growth rate in India ?

A) Maharashtra

B) Mizoram

C) Gujarat

D) Assam

Question 4 :- What is 'K-Shaped Recovery' in economics ?

A) Recovery occurs when, Following a recession.

B) Recovery occurs when gap between demand and supply

C) Recovery occurs after a Financial Year with low GDP

D) Recovery occurs after a Financial Emergency

Question 5 :- Which rank did India secured in the Human Capital Index 2020(HCI) among 174 countries ?

A) 131

B) 116

C) 103

D) 142

Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

The National Green Tribunal (NGT), in a landmark judgement, directed [A] State Pollution Control Board on
March 23, 2021 to strengthen its capacity, both in terms of human resource and setting up of modern
laboratories. The order was to ensure better monitoring for improved compliance of environmental norms.

NGT also directed the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to prepare recruitment rules to be followed by
all states, mechanism for annual performance audit of SPCBs or pollution control committees (PCC), among
other things.

The order is the latest among a slew of similar directives from the green court. In February, NGT asked all the
states and Union territories to fill up vacant posts, commission and upgrade laboratories using environmental
compensation funds.

In 2018, a case was filed with NGT’s principal bench for revising existing monitoring mechanism by SPCBs.
This included interval of mandatory inspections of ‘highly polluting 17 category’, ‘red’, ‘orange’ and ‘green’
category industries and policy for auto renewal of consent to operate (CTO) certificate under Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as well as the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,

The plea pointed out that an earlier report of the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) had established
deterioration of the ground water quality in [A]. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India ’s 2016 report
also recorded operation of several projects without valid consent to establish or CTO certificates, showing
ineffectiveness of monitoring mechanism.

In response, the tribunal sought a report from a joint committee of the CPCB, [A] State PCB, Central Ground
Water Authority and District Administration. Their report pointed out that the existing inspection interva ls for
industries in ‘highly polluting 17’, ‘red’ and ‘orange’ categories are three, five and seven years, respectively.

The units also have provisions for auto-renewal of CTO. The report highlighted large-scale violation of
environmental norms. The NGT passed an order for the [A] government to revisit its inspection policy and
make it adequate to ensure effective enforcement of law.

Question 1:- The National Green Tribunal has recently directed which of the following boards to
strengthen its capacity and the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to form a uniform recruitment
criteria (redacted as 'A' in the passage) ?

A) Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB)

B) Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board (MSPCB)

C) Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB)

D) Punjab State Pollution Control Board (PSPCB)

Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

Question 2 :- Who is the current Chairman of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) ?

A) Justice Lokeshwar Singh Panta

B) Justice Swatantra Kumar

C) Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel

D) Justice U.U. Lalit

Question 3 :- According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), there are _______ sites in India
contaminated by toxic and hazardous substances and ________ is leading the list with 27 sites.

A) 110, Bihar

B) 122, Maharashtra

C) 128, West Bengal

D) 130, Delhi

Question 4 :- When was the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) constituted ?

A) 2010

B) 1990

C) 1986

D) 1974

Question 5 :- Which of the following landmark judgements of the NGT directed states to implement Solid
Waste Management Rules and prohibited open burning of waste on lands ?

A) Almitra H Patel Vs Union of India case

B) Save Mon Federation Vs Union of India case

C) A.P. Pollution Control Board Vs Prof. M.V. Nayudu case

D) M.C. Mehta & Anr. Etc Vs Union of India & Ors. Etc case

Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the following questions

The Rajya Sabha cleared the legislation to establish the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and
Development (NBFID), which was announced in the Budget speech by Finance Minister (A) as the principal
development financial institution (DFIs) for infrastructure financing. Opposition members argued
unsuccessfully for sending the Bill to a select committee, saying that in its present form there was no scope for
“external oversight or surveillance”. (A), however, said all safeguards had been provided for and an audited
report would be placed in Parliament every year.
Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

Senior Congress leader Jairam Ramesh opened the debate, saying the concept of DFIs had already been tried,
tested and rejected. The first such institution was set up in 1948. In 1991, Manmohan Singh, as Finance
Minister, had set up the Narsimham committee, which came to the conclusion that the era of DFIs was over.
“Thirty years after Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Budget, the clock has turned back and we are going back to the DFI
era,” Mr. Ramesh said. He asked the Finance Minister to explain what prompted this reversal of path.

He said that despite the government having 26 per cent stake in this bank, the Bill did not provide for an
oversight mechanism. “The Act empowers the government to extend sovereign guarantee in case of a default.
No external oversight, no surveillance, no CAG, no monitoring, but the government will extend sovereign
guarantee. Sir, I fail to understand the logic behind this. Today, it is your government, tomorrow it could be
any other government. You are creating an Act in perpetuity,” he said.

Question 1 :- Who is the current Finance secretary of India ?

A) Ajay Bhushan Pandey

B) T.V. Somanathan

C) G. C. Murmu

D) Rajiv Kumar

Question 2 :- National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development would be set up as which kind
of body?

A) Corporate body

B) Extra-constitutional body

C) Quasi-judicial body

D) None of the above

Question 3 :- What is true with respect to Reserve Bank of India?

A) The RBI is a regulatory body

B) It is under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Finance, Government of India

C) It is responsible for regulation of the Indian banking system

D) All of the above

Question 4 :- Which article of the Constitution of India deals with the powers of the Governor with regard
to assent given to bills passed by the State legislature?

A) Article 368

B) Article 200

Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

C) Article 212

D) Article 110

Question 5 :- Consider the following statements:

I. National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development was announced in the Budget 2021;

II. The Chairperson of NBFID will be appointed by the central government in consultation with RBI.

III. NBFID will be set up as a corporate body.

Which of the following statement/statements is/are correct?

A) Only I

B) Only III

C) Both II & III

D) All are correct

Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

India, the world’s most populous democracy, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi has dropped from a ‘Free’
to a ‘Partly Free’ status, according to the ‘Freedom in the World 2021’ report by Freedom House, a [A]. With
this downgrade, the report noted that less than 20% of the world's population now lives in a ‘Free’ country, the
smallest proportion since 1995. This also marked the 15th consecutive year of decline in global freedom.

The ‘Freedom in the World 2021’ report noted the distress caused to several lakh interstate migrant workers,
who were grossly affected by the “ham-fisted” lockdown. The report also mentioned that the ruling Hindu
nationalist movement ‘encouraged the scapegoating of Muslims’, who were disproportionately blamed for the
spread of the coronavirus and faced attacks by vigilante mobs.

“The fall of India from the upper ranks of free nations could have a particularly damaging impact on global
democratic standards. Political rights and civil liberties in the country have deteriorated since Narendra Modi
became Prime Minister in 2014, with increased pressure on human rights organisations, rising intimidation of
academics and journalists, and a spate of bigoted attacks, including lynchings, aimed at Muslims. The decline
only accelerated after Modi’s re-election in 2019. Last year, the government intensified its crackdown on
protesters opposed to a discriminatory citizenship law and arrested dozens of journalists who aired criticism
of the official pandemic response,” the report said.

“Judicial independence has also come under strain. In one case, a judge was transferred immediately after
reprimanding the police for taking no action during riots in New Delhi that left over 50 people, mostly
Muslims, dead. In December, Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, approved a law that prohibits forced
religious conversion through interfaith marriage, which critics fear will effectively restrict interfaith marriage
in general. Authorities have already arrested a number of Muslim men for allegedly forcing Hindu women to
convert to Islam,” the report added.
Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

Published annually since 1972, ‘Freedom in the World’ reports on 195 countries and 15 related and disputed
territories used by policymakers, the media, international corporations, civic activists, and human rights

Question 1 :- The 'Freedom in the World 2021' report has downgraded India’s status from ‘Free’ to ‘Partly
Free’. This report is published by _____________ human rights watchdog Freedom House (redacted as 'A' in
the passage).

A) Canada


C) Russia

D) Germany

Question 2 :- According to the Freedom in the World 2021 report, which of the following pairs of countries
has secured the 'most free countries in the world, with a score of 100' and 'the least free with a score of 1'
respectively ?

A) Finland, Tibet

B) Thailand, Syria

C) Syria, Tibet

D) Singapore, Syria

Question 3 :- Which of the following is/are incorrect regarding the Uttar Pradesh Unlawful Religious
Conversion Prohibition Ordinance, 2020 ?

A) It makes religious conversion for marriage a non bailable offence and the onus will be on the defendant to
prove that conversion was not for marriage.

B) In case of conversion done by a woman for the sole purpose of marriage, the marriage would be declared
null and void.

C) Violation of the provisions of the law would invite a jail term of not less than five year extendable to ten
years with a fine of Rs. 25,000.

D) If a minor woman or a woman from the Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) converts, the jail
term would be a minimum of three years and could be extended to 10 years with a fine of Rs. 25,000.

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Question 4 :- In which of the following landmark judgements, it was held that the right to choose a partner
or live with a person of choice is a part of a citizen’s fundamental right to life and liberty enshrined under
Article 21 of the Constitution of India ?

A) Salamat Ansari- Priyanka Kharwar case, 2020

B) Soni Gerry case, 2018

C) Lata Singh case, 1994

D) Hadiya Judgement, 2017

Question 5 :- Which of the following Constitutional Amendments amended the Preamble and changed the
description of India from "sovereign democratic republic" to a "sovereign, socialist secular democratic
republic" ?

A) 44th Constitutional Amendment

B) 42nd Constitutional Amendment

C) 73rd Constitutional Amendment

D) 61st Constitutional Amendment

Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

The [A] joint military exercise “DUSTLIK II” is underway in Foreign Training Node Chaubatia, Ranikhet
(Uttarakhand). This is the Second Edition of the annual bilateral joint exercise of both armies. It will continue
till March 19, 2021. The first edition of the exercise was held at [A] in November 2019 .

As many as 45 soldiers each from [A] and the Indian Army are participating in the exercise. Both contingents
will be sharing their expertise and skills in the field of counter-terrorism operations in
mountainous/rural/urban scenarios under UN mandate.

The exercise will culminate into a 36-hour joint validation exercise scheduled from March 17 to March 18, 2021

The validation exercise will be a testbed for the soldiers of both armies as they would be undergoing the
challenges of actual operations in such scenarios.

This joint exercise will definitely provide impetus to the ever-growing military and diplomatic ties between
the two nations and also reflects the strong resolve of both nations to counter-terrorism.

The validation exercise will be a test bed for the soldiers of both armies as they would be undergoing the
challenges of actual operations in such scenarios.

The joint military exercise will enhance the level of defence cooperation between both armies which will also
foster the bilateral relations between both nations and reiterate India's key role as a key partner in the Indo -
Pacific region, he said in a release.

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Law Prep Tutorial/GA/CLAT 2021

Question 1 :- Recently, the second edition of ______________ joint military exercise "DUSTLIK II" started in
Chaubatia, Uttarakhand (redacted as 'A' in the passage).

A) India-Kazakhstan

B) India- Tajikistan

C) India-Uzbekistan

D) India-Turkmenistan

Question 2 :- "Bold Kurukshetra" is a Joint Military Exercises of India with which of the following counter
countries ?

A) Maldives

B) Singapore

C) Indonesia

D) Thailand

Question 3 :- The government of India is set to procure 21 _______ and 12 _________ fighter aircraft from
Russia, days after the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) approved the purchase of 83 Light Combat
Aircraft Tejas from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).

A) MiG-30s, Sukhoi-30s

B) MiG-29, Sukhoi-30MKI

C) Sukhoi-30MKI, MiG-30s

D) Sukhoi-30II, MiG-29

Question 4 :- Who was the 1st Defence Minister of India ?

A) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

B) John Mathai

C) R.K. Shanmukham Chetty

D) Baldev Singh

Question 5 :- Which of the following major operations was carried out by Indian Military, to remove
separatist religious leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his armed followers from the buildings of the
Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) complex in Amritsar, Punjab ?

A) Operation Vanilla

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B) Operation Vijay

C) Operation Blue Star

D) Operation Polo

Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below:

At the time India is taking initiatives to decrease dependence of the Indian military on foreign made arms and
equipment an independent international research institute has found that while international arms transfer has
remained same in a decade’s time, a major decline in Indian imports of the same. The Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in its new data on global arms transfers published on Monday has mentioned
that Indian import declined by about one-third in 2016-2020. SIPRI is dedicated to research into conflict,
armaments, arms control and disarmament.

The report has factored a decade of import data and mentions, “Arms imports by India decreased by [A] per
cent between 2011–15 and 2016–20.” and added, “The drop in Indian arms imports seems to have been mainly
due to its complex procurement processes, combined with an attempt to reduce its dependence on Russian
arms. India is planning large-scale arms imports in the coming years from several suppliers.”

As per SIPRI, Russia was the most affected supplier, although India’s imports of US arms also fell, by 46 per

"Asia and Oceania was the largest importing region for major arms, receiving 42 per cent of global arms
transfers in 2016–20. India, Australia, China, South Korea and Pakistan were the biggest importers in the
region.", the report says.

Japan’s arms imports increased by 124 per cent between 2011–15 and 2016–20. Although Taiwan’s arms
imports in 2016–20 were lower than in 2011–15, it placed several large arms procurement orders with the USA
in 2019, including for combat aircraft.

According to the Report, “International transfers of major arms stayed at the same level between 2011–15 and
2016–20. Substantial increases in transfers by three of the top five arms exporters—the USA, France and
Germany—were largely offset by declining Russian and Chinese arms exports.”

The United States remains the largest arms exporter, increasing its global share of arms exports from 32 to 37
per cent between 2011–15 and 2016–20. Russia is the second largest arms exporter.

The biggest growth in arms imports was seen in the Middle East. SIPRI found Middle Eastern states imported
25 per cent more major arms in 2016–20 than they did in 2011–15. This reflected regional strategic competition
among several states in the Gulf region. [B]—the world’s largest arms importer—increased its arms imports by
61 per cent.

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Question 1 :- According to a recent report by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI),
India’s arms imports came down by what percentage between 2011-2015 and 2016-2020 (redacted as 'A' in
the passage) ?

A) 33%

B) 30%

C) 35%

D) 40%

Question 2 :- According to the recent report by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI),
which of the following Middle Eastern countries is the world's largest arms importer during the 2016-20
period (redacted as 'B' in the passage) ?


B) Egypt

C) Saudi Arabia

D) Kuwait

Question 3 :- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) is an independent international

institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament, was established in
which year ?

A) 1960

B) 1994

C) 1976

D) 1966

Question 4 :- Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty was signed by the __________ and the
____________ in 1987 to eliminate and permanently forgo all of their nuclear and conventional ground-
launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500 kilometers.

A) USA, China

B) Russia, Japan

C) USA, Russia

D) Russia, Germany

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Question 5 :- Nuclear power is the fifth-largest source of electricity in India after coal, gas, hydroelectricity
and wind power. As of November 2020 data, how many nuclear reactors-in-operation in India ?

A) 28 nuclear reactors in operation

B) 22 nuclear reactors in operation

C) 30 nuclear reactors in operation

D) 24 nuclear reactors in operation

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