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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Merciful. All praise is due to Allah SWT, the Lord of the
worlds, for the extraordinary grace and gift so that I can complete this research report. This research
report entitled “tsunami” was submitted to fulfill one of the requirements in completing the English
Project at SMP 1 Sragi.

First of all, the writer would like to express his gratitude and sincere appreciation to his supervisor, Mrs.
Nur Khaeni S, pd. who have contributed and provided valuable assessments, comments and suggestions
during the completion and completion of this research report.

Other support also came from all my friends.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude and special debt of gratitude to my beloved mother,
Darsiyem and my beloved father, Cayani, who always give love, prayers, support, and enthusiasm for
every path I choose.

Hopefully this report can make a positive contribution to the development of education or for those
who want to do further research.

Pekalongan, March 24, 2022

The writer

Sania Mirza.

FOREWORD......................................................................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................... v

BAB I Natural Phenomena................................................................................................................. 1

A. Vocabulary................................................................................................................................ 2

B. Picture....................................................................................................................................... 3

C. Title........................................................................................................................................... 4

D. Text - General classification.................................................................................................. 5

- Description.................................................................................................................. 6

E. Translations............................................................................................................................. 7

1. Displacement : perpindahan

2. Shallow : dangkal

3. Shoreline : garis pantai

4. Shifing : bergeser

5. Shift : penggeseran

6. Sudden : tiba-tiba

7. Eruptions : letusan

8. Landslides : tanah longsor

9. plates : lapisan

10. Movement : gerak-gerik

11. big waves : gelombang besar

12. sea wave : gelombang laut

13. soil erosion : erosi tanah

14. plate shift : pergeseran lempeng

15. volcanic eruptions : letusan gunung berapi

16. earthquake : gempa bumi

17. earth plate : lempeng bumi


The word “tsunami” comes from the Japanese language meaning Great Waves (Tsu: port and Nami:
wave). Adapan agreed definition many people is a tsunami is a natural disaster caused by rising sea
waves to the mainland at high speeds due to the earthquake centered under the sea. The quake could
have been caused by soil erosion, the plates were shifting, volcanic eruptions and who experienced
meteor that crashed in the ocean. This usually happens when the tsunami earthquakes exceeding
magnitude 7 on the Richter scale. Tsunami is quite dangerous, especially for those who live in Area
beach. With great power, he will sweep everything in its path.

When talking about the tsunami, then we would have to start from the cause, namely the earthquake in
the ocean. Tsunami always preceded a powerful movement that we commonly call the earthquake.
Although it is known that there are various types of this earthquake, but 90% of the tsunami caused by
the movement of the plates in the earth that happened to be located in areas of the oceans. It should be
also mentioned, the history of tsunamis ever recorded due to the eruption of Krakatoa.

An earthquake in the bowels of the earth will result in the emergence of pressure to the vertical
direction so that the bottom of the sea will rise and fall in a short time span. This will then lead to an
imbalance in the ocean water which is then pushed into a large wave that moves reached the mainland.
With great power there in the water waves, naturally if the buildings on the mainland can be washed
away easily. The tsunami waves propagate at speeds unimaginable. He could reach 500 to 1000
kilometers per hour at sea. And when it reaches the shore, the speed is reduced to 50 to 30 kilometers
per hour. Although reduced rapidly, but the pace was able to cause severe damage to humans.

If we look at the tsunami, of course we understand that there is no human intervention in it. Thus, we
do not have control to prevent these causes. However, the preparation and maximum vigilance, we can
minimize the impact of the tsunami itself. A good example has been shown in Japan. Although prone to
tsunamis, but the awareness of people able to reduce the number of victims of the disaster.


Kata “tsunami” berasal dari bahasa Jepang yang berarti Ombak Besar (Tsu: pelabuhan dan Nami:
ombak). Adapan definisi yang disepakati banyak orang adalah tsunami adalah bencana alam yang
disebabkan oleh naiknya gelombang laut ke daratan dengan kecepatan tinggi akibat gempa yang
berpusat di bawah laut. Gempa tersebut bisa saja disebabkan oleh erosi tanah, pergeseran lempeng,
letusan gunung berapi dan yang mengalami meteor yang jatuh di lautan. Ini biasanya terjadi saat gempa
tsunami melebihi magnitudo 7 skala Richter. Tsunami memang cukup berbahaya, terutama bagi mereka
yang tinggal di kawasan pantai. Dengan kekuatan besar, dia akan menyapu semua yang dilaluinya.

Jika berbicara tentang tsunami, maka kita harus mulai dari penyebabnya, yaitu gempa di lautan.
Tsunami selalu mendahului gerakan dahsyat yang biasa kita sebut gempa. Meskipun diketahui ada
berbagai jenis gempa bumi ini, namun 90% tsunami disebabkan oleh pergerakan lempeng di bumi yang
kebetulan berada di wilayah lautan. Perlu juga disebutkan, sejarah tsunami pernah tercatat akibat
letusan Krakatau.

Gempa bumi di perut bumi akan mengakibatkan timbulnya tekanan ke arah vertikal sehingga dasar laut
akan naik turun dalam rentang waktu yang singkat. Hal ini kemudian akan menimbulkan
ketidakseimbangan air laut yang kemudian didorong menjadi gelombang besar yang bergerak mencapai

Dengan kekuatan besar yang ada di gelombang air, wajar jika bangunan di daratan bisa hanyut dengan
mudah. Gelombang tsunami merambat dengan kecepatan yang tak terbayangkan. Dia bisa mencapai
500 hingga 1000 kilometer per jam di laut. Dan saat sampai di bibir pantai, kecepatannya dikurangi
menjadi 50 hingga 30 kilometer per jam. Meski berkurang dengan cepat, namun kecepatannya mampu
menyebabkan kerusakan parah pada manusia.

Jika kita melihat tsunami, tentu kita memahami bahwa tidak ada campur tangan manusia di dalamnya.
Dengan demikian, kita tidak memiliki kendali untuk mencegah penyebab tersebut. Namun dengan
persiapan dan kewaspadaan yang maksimal, dampak tsunami itu sendiri bisa kita minimalisir. Sebuah
contoh yang baik telah ditunjukkan di Jepang. Meski rawan tsunami, namun kesadaran masyarakat
mampu menekan jumlah korban bencana.

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