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Gimnasio Campestre Steve Jobs

“Formando los líderes Innovadores del Mundo” VERSIÓN 001

Guía de clase - Planeador

PEI Colegio GESTIÓN PEI N° 1000

Name: ____________________________ Family Name: __________________________Grade: ___

Content N° 2 Grade: 6º Subject: ENGLISH

Content: Questions in present simple

2. Goal and Learning Proficiency: Comprende y comparte con sus compañeros preguntas
sencillas en presente simple

Class sheet:



Description of the skills.

N Skill Proficiency Assessment test

1 Speaking X X
2 Listening X
3 Writing X X
4 Reading
5 Conversation and Monologues

Evaluation Criteria

N° Evaluation Criteria Result % Grade

1 Punctuality tobe in class
2 Taking notes
3 General Participation
4 Letter and order in notebooks
5 Respect in class for teacher and classmates
6 Skill:

Final Grade: __________________________


Problem Question: ____ Pre-Knowledge: __X____ Learning for life: ____

a. General explanation and remember

b. Practice the topic

Present simple questions…………….

Take notes

a. Stretching in the classroom or depending on the weather and the class we will go out to the
green area.


Knowledge: __X___ Product: __X___ Application Exercises: ___X____

WH- Questions Present Simple Tense (May

1.Who…?: People=I/Frank, he, Lilian, etc.
2.What…do?: = study, watch , playing ,reading,eat,etc.
3.What…?: object= a tablet, a pencil , an octopus, cookies, etc
4.Where…? :place= at supermarket, in the park, at school , at the zoo, etc.
5. When…?: always , every day , on Tuesdays, in the afternoon etc.
Brad has breakfast in the kitchen every morning.
1 2 3 4 5

1. Who has breakfast in the kitchen? Brad.

2. What does Brad do? Has(breakfast).
3. What does Brad have ? Breakfast.
4. Where does Brad have breakfast? In the kitchen.
5. When does brad have breakfast in the kitchen? Every morning.

1. The boys play football at school in the afternoon.

2. Angie watches TV in the sitting room in the evening.
3. We drink coffee in the dining room after lunch.
4. Billie eats hot dogs at the club after the tennis match.
5. They make cookies at school on Fridays afternoon.


Answer the questions about you and members of your family.

About your father.

a. What’s your dad’s name? ____ ________________
b. Where does he work? _____________________
c. What does he do? _______________________
d. How does he like his job? __________________________
About your mother.
a. What’s your mom’s name? _______________________
b. Where does she work? _____________________
c. What does she do? _______________________
d. How does she like his job? __________________________
About an uncle. Think about one of them.
a. What’s your uncle’s name? ______________________
b. Where does he work? _____________________
c. What does he do? _______________________
d. How does he like his job? __________________________
About an aunt. Think about one of them.
a. What’s your aunt’s name? ______________________
b. Where does she work? _____________________
c. What does she do? _______________________
d. How does she like his job? __________________________
About you.
a. What’s your name? _________________________
b. What do you do? ___________________________
c. Where do you work/study? ____________________________
d. How do you like it? _________________________________
Organize the words to ask WH Questions.

a. they / do / Where / from / come / ?

b. What / she / does / ? / do

c. do / you / When / ? / eat breakfast

d. study / does / he / Why / ? / English

e. books / read / do / per year / How many / you / ?

f. sugar / he / ? / How much / does / want

g. is / How / ? / your house

h. they / do / play / When / ? / soccer

i. Who / short tales / ? / reads

j. do / When / celebrate / ? / you / your birthday

k. does / she / Where / read / ? / the newspaper

l. How many / do / you / have / brothers / ?

m. does / she / travel / How often / ? / by Europe

n. studies / Who / ? / English

o. go / to school / Where / do / ? / they

p. does / What / your sister / buy / ? / in the store

q. How often / he / does / ? / go / to the movies

r. do / you / get up / When / ?

s. is / it / What / ? / time

t. ? / How much / do / you / need / money


Read and answer the questions please.

This is Nelly. She’s a nurse. She’s tall and thin. She works at the
hospital. She looks after sick people.

She gets up at six o’clock in the morning. She takes a shower and puts
on her clothes. Then she eats breakfast at half past six. At seven o’clock,
she drives her car to the hospital.

Nelly starts work at eight o’clock. She cleans the rooms in the hospital.
Then, she helps the doctors. At twelve o’clock, she has lunch. She goes
home at five o’clock.

At home, she takes a shower and she cooks dinner. She has dinner at half
past six in the evening. Then, she watches TV. At ten o’clock, she goes
to bed.

a. What’s her name? _______________________________________

b. What is she? ___________________________________________

c. Where does she work? ___________________________________

d. Is she fat? ____________________________________________

e. Can she drive a car? _____________________________________

f. Does she get up at six o’clock? _____________________________

g. Does she eat breakfast at seven o’clock? _____________________

h. Does she cook dinner at the hospital? ________________________

i. Does she help the doctors? _______________________________

j. Does she go to bed at night? ______________________________

k. What time does she have lunch? ____________________________

l. What time does she have dinner? ___________________________

m. What time does she go to bed? ____________________________

Speasking moment ( mr Jaider will make some questions in present simple using Wh questions to all


Self-assessment: they evaluated me.

➢ Did I actively participate during the class, according to the criteria?

➢ Do the competition activities?

Co-evaluation: We evaluate ourselves

➢ Have we been attentive and participating in a timely manner?

Hetero-evaluation: My teacher evaluates us

➢ Did you comply with everything established in the evaluation criteria?


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