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Gimnasio Campestre Steve Jobs

“Formando los líderes Innovadores del Mundo” VERSIÓN 002

Guía de clase - Planeador

PEI Colegio GESTIÓN PEI N° 1000

Family Names: ___________________________ Names: ______________________________

Content Nº 4 Grade: 5º Subject: English

2. Date: ________, __________, _____. Week:

Content: Reading and listening comprehension

Goal and Learning Proficiency: Comprende descripciones orales que el docente o sus compañeros
leen acerca de temas que le son familiares

3. Evaluation Criteria:

No Criteria Act Order Process % Gotten

1 Escuchar, comprender y contestar A Superior Comprender 15
y Análisis
2 Lee e interpreta el texto B Superior Análisis 15
3 Responde preguntas de análisis tipo icfes C Superior Análisis 20
4 Escucha y comprende el video PS Superior Comprensión 35
y análisis
5 Competencias ciudadanas NA NA NA 15

(9) Evaluation system - citizenship skills.

No Self-assessment I grade Feedback

1 Punctuality to be in class, Taking notes, Letter Yes/ No
and order in notebooks
2 General Participation, Respect in class for Yes/ No
teacher and classmates
No Co – evaluation I grade Feedback
1 The classmates were attentive and respectful Yes/ No
during the activities

Hetero-evaluation. Final Grade:


Concept: __________________________________________________________________________

Firma del acudiente: _________________________________________

4. Opening To Knowledge: Problem Question:__Pre-Knowledge: __ Learning for life: __

Listen to the teacher, the follow the instructions and complete

Mister Jaider contarà una historia y ustedes haran el resúmen en español.
Gimnasio Campestre Steve Jobs
“Formando los líderes Innovadores del Mundo” VERSIÓN 002
Guía de clase - Planeador

PEI Colegio GESTIÓN PEI N° 1000

5. Teacher Conference.


6. Work Break: Pausa Activa #

7. Skill Development. Knowledge: ___ Product: ____Application Exercises: ___

Activity A – Title: Escuchar, comprender y contestar

Action: Listen then Continue with mister Jaider`s instructions

1. What is about the tale?

2. Who are the characters?

3. What is the moral of the tale?

Activity B – Title: Lee e interpreta el texto

Acyion: Read about Sharon the chef and answer the questions. Write full sentences please.

This is Sharon. She’s a chef. She’s short and pretty. She works in a restaurant. She cooks for people.
Every day she gets up at seven o’clock in the morning. She takes a shower and puts on her clothes.
She doesn’t eat breakfast; she drinks coffee with milk. At eight o’clock, she drives to the market.
At the market, she buys lots of food. She buys fruit, vegetables and meat. Then she goes to the
restaurant. She cooks lunch from twelve o’clock to three o’clock. Then she takes a break. At five
o’clock, she starts to cook dinner. She cooks pasta, pizza and steak for lots of people.
She finishes work at nine o’clock. She’s very tired. She drives home and takes a shower. She plays
computer games for an hour and then she goes to bed.
1. What’s her name?

2. Where does she work?

3. Is she tall?

4. Does she have breakfast in the morning?

5. Does she walk to the market?

6. Does she buy pizza?

7. What does she buy?

8. Does she cook lunch at home?

9. What does she cook in the evening?

11. Where does she buy food?

12. What time does she have a break?

Gimnasio Campestre Steve Jobs
“Formando los líderes Innovadores del Mundo” VERSIÓN 002
Guía de clase - Planeador

PEI Colegio GESTIÓN PEI N° 1000

13. What time does she go to bed?

Activity C – Title: Responde preguntas de análisis tipo icfes

Action: Read the answer the questions according to Icfes explanation

One of the things I like best about school is my art class. We have a great teacher named Mrs. Hilbert.

She is a wonderful artist. I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us how to mix paint to make

just the right colors for our paintings. She plays good music while we draw and paint. We draw and

paint almost everyday in class. Some days we look at pictures of other artists. It is interesting to do

this. It helps me to think of things that I want to paint or draw. We have an art exhibit in May this

year. Our work will be in one of the banks in our town. We are inviting people from the community to

our exhibit. Our parents are invited to go with us. I have three paintings I am working on now. I hope

one of them will be chosen to be in the exhibit. I like having a goal to work toward.


1. What is one of the favorite classes of this student?
a. math
b. reading
c. art
d. music

2. The author describes Mrs. Hilbert as a _______________.

a. nice lady
b. wonderful artist
c. sweet person
d. beautiful person

3. What did Mrs. Hilbert teach the class to do?

a. bake chocolate cake
b. write great stories
c. mix paint
d. do long division

4. Why does it help this student to see the works of other artists?
a. to learn to draw
b. mix paint
c. to think about what she wants to paint
d. none of these

5. Where will the art exhibit be?

a. at the library
b. at one of the banks
c. at the school
d. at one of the churches

6. What does this student hope will happen with her paintings?
a. one of them will be sold
b. one of them will be chosen for the exhibit
c. one of them will be of her younger sister
Gimnasio Campestre Steve Jobs
“Formando los líderes Innovadores del Mundo” VERSIÓN 002
Guía de clase - Planeador

PEI Colegio GESTIÓN PEI N° 1000

d. one of them will be lost

8. Assessment Test.

a. Listening test, look at the video then complete with teacher Jaider help

b. Which food did they put in the shopping cart?

9. Assessment System (at the beginning)

10. Complementary Activity– Thanks and Farewell (n/a)

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