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Th is is to certify that

(i{P,JI JI qJI (i{WJI£

has completed the GLOBAL ART INDIA course of

founcfation Leve[I
at our 6anjara li,i[fs Centre
with results deemed to reach the requirements,

thus awarded this certificate .

Date : July'l 1
Student Code : GAAP0611 234
Certificate No : 1

Mohair Goh
Dinesh Victor Managing Director
Managing Director Global Art and Creative, Malaysia

JP~ -.-n1
Cr••llng lnt•lllg•nc•

Corporate Office: 63, Temple View, No. 31 & 32, Thyagoraya Street, Off North Usman Road, T. Nagar, Chennai -600 017. INDIA .

Annual Art Exploration 2015-16

Certificate of Particiyation
This is to certifY that _ ___:~ ~~ ~ " ' " "
---- --
participated in the Annual Art Exploration 2015-16, organised bY

In &

Lalit Kala Akademi Sir J.J. Institute of Applied Art

Powered By

r.1,.1~ ~-~IND.U
~ Director
Small Hand "Big Art

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------ tbfnlf
Think Creative

fJ(w ~ ta wtiih tfud _ _:Jl£a

_ _ ~ ~ I ~_ _____:

~ pwtlicijJaml in Jwlwteliamp'12 Pteld in

~ o.n 2Z"' J,anua,ty,, 2012.

GAAP06A04 3

Authorised Signatory
creating /nte//lgenc•

Corporall Offica: 63, Temple View, No. 31 &32, Thyagoraya Street, Off North Usman Road, T. Nagar, Chennai -600 017. INDIA. I
a : ~ ~ ..... ~


%is certificate is 6eing awarded to

.......... ~ - . - ~ .... .. ... .. ......... of crass .. .P.P.. u.C; ... for

Outstanding flcfiievement in ...... .M ...~ .. C.Mj-t.......... .

for tlie acatfemic year .... 'J.QJ.0.;.. W./.1......... .

(])ate: !.QJ :. I.I.~

This is to certify that


has completed the GLOBAL ART INDIA course of


(Basic Leve{ II
at our {}3anjara J-[i{[s Centre

with results deemed to reach the requirements,

thus awarded this certificate.

Dote : Dec'l 4
Student Code :GAAP006 l 4234
Certificate No : 7233

Mohair Goh
Di4 Victor
Ma. . Diredor
Managing Director
Global Art and Creative, Malaysia

filj)t:rflfG' idJ
pie View, No. 31 & 32, Thyogoroyo Street, Off North Usmon Rood, l Nogor, Chennoi - 600 017. INDIA.
t 'KOLOR 12

11 CHAMP ;J 7 th National Competition

fjfii., ~
to. wdi/'I tftat ~ ~

~ 6un auuvulul 3,ul 9uuuwt up L

in ~ 9J oJ Jwfwtduunp'13 IWd in
clwuuu on 9 A f ~ , 2013.

Managing Director

c:,.,u] ,.,.1111••••
~ .

Corporote Office: G3, Temple View, No. 31 &32, Thyogaraya Street, f,1 n d, T. Nngar, Chennai • 600 017. INDIA. I
Oakridge acknowledges the participation of Miss/Master

and rewards his/her extraordinary accomplishments at the

'Paint for Mother Earth' Contest 2012.

• ,,_f_
Date: Signature:
k6~in 1,:U~ ~ ' ' w n w d " ~

on / 2- 01-20I l/ atGlohal .d'c.t, ~°1 Q-'ca., ~

~Po+-.. 21o,s 1~ ; 6to.9 y~1101o 13 ~ I 11;, to 16 1 e<l/Jf4

Authorised Signatory Authorised s ~

. . ~At~ \· ro.r\f1 •~e.<Arf:':

.. ,:~ "-

2/Jtk ~2011J at 9Je ~ YOwm ~~ ~

. ,: ~

. ....
,~""' .... Age groups:

,-' 2 to-5 Je<Mt4/ 6to-,.9ye(Mtd,I 1oto. 13 ~ / 11;, to- 1 6 ~
... , ~

Authorised Signatory

Think Creative
,~,-~ KOLOR ,
- ~

g~ M ta ceJttif.q, tfuu jkn,. Acyi,u,WJJ.

fia6 &een awwuled w_ ----,ii~~eul
_ _ __
in (J,u,up A of, ~e/uunp'1 2 frdd in

~ o-n 2Z"'- Jmma,u,,, 2012.

Authorised Signatory

Creating Intelligence

Corporate Office: 63, Temple View, No. 31 &32, Thyagaraya Street, Off North Usman Road,! Nagar, Chennai - 600 017. INDIA. I

KOlOR 15
\I' , ;. C~AMP 1

This is to certify that

Rea Agarwal
I •

ted in the 3 rd Regional Competition held in Hyderabad

on the 5th April 2015

Managing Dirl or
Cer No : C-360
SIP Academy
Creating lnte/1/r,ence


7 1h National Competition

5/u;., ~ ro- ~ tfud 9l£a lli;wtroaf

~ pwdidpated in Jwfwtefuunp'13 licfd in

elietUUU cm 9 N ~ , 2013.

e« .Na : B-533
Managing Director
C.rttfkote Spon,or

..___Ii ~ !?,~~~~~,~~-.~-~v~--~-.~
Off North Usman Rood~
nnai - 600 017. INDIA. I

... ~,-o
This is to certify that
<R§a )1.garwa{

has completed the GLOBAL ART INDIA course of

(J3asic £eve{ I
at our (J3anjara :J[i/Is Centre
with results deemed to reach the requirements,

thus awarded this certificate.

Date . Apr' 1 4
Student Code : GAAP006 l 3234
Certificate No : 267 1

Mohair Goh
Mana ging Director
Global Art and Creative, Malaysia

T. N gar Chennai . 600 017. INDIA.

h U R d
o 31 & 32, Thyagaraya Street, Off Nort sman oa , . a ,

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