Assessment 2 - Language Program and Policy

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Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

Coloy-Coloy, Sipocot, Camarines Sur

S/Y 2020-2021, 2nd Semester

Language Programs and Policy

Assessment 2
Language Repository
(Compilation of Outputs)

Von Edward E. Restum

BSED English 2A

Mrs. Ma. Aileen P. De Leon


Answer the following questions in 1-2 sentences only. Output shall be submitted in hardcopy.

1. What is Bilingual Education Policy (BEP) about?

Bilingual Education Policy is about the use of both English and Filipino language as a media
of instruction in specific subjects at all levels. This aims to achieve competence with the use
of both languages at national level.

2. What is its main purpose?

The main purpose of Bilingual Education Policy is to teach students to learn English
language as soon as possible while maintaining the native language and culture of the

3. Why is it important to understand the researches on the effectiveness of the

implementation of BEP?

It is important because it will give us the knowledge in order to support the implementation
Bilingual Education Policy. And according to researches about it, it shows that because of
bilingual education students are able to use two languages at the same time, switching it
consistently where it develops their skills especially when they have a conversation with

4. As future teachers, how can we support bilingual education?

As future teachers, we can support bilingual education by engaging our students in reading,
writing, and listening based on their second language. We can also engage them to practice
their speaking skill using their second language while they are conversing with other people.


Answer the following questions in 1-2 sentences only. Output shall be submitted in hardcopy.

1. What is translanguaging?

Translanguaging is the extension of the concept of language, but with the additional features
of using multiple languages. It can be controlled by both the student and the teacher in
educational setting where it allows the student to use different languages in the classroom.

2. What is Bilingual Education Policy (BEP) about?

Bilingual Education Policy is about the use of both English and Filipino language as a media
of instruction in specific subjects at all levels. This aims to achieve competence with the use
of both languages at national level.

3. What is its main purpose?

The main purpose of Bilingual Education Policy is to teach students to learn English
language as soon as possible while maintaining the native language and culture of the

4. Why is it important to understand the researches on the effectiveness of the

implementation of BEP?

It is important because it will give us the knowledge in order to support the implementation
Bilingual Education Policy. And according to researches about it, it shows that because of
bilingual education students are able to use two languages at the same time, switching it
consistently where it develops their skills especially when they have a conversation with

5. How can we support bilingual education?

We can support bilingual education by engaging our students in reading, writing, and
listening based on their second language. We can also engage them to practice their speaking
skill using their second language while they are conversing with other people.


Answer the following questions in 1-2 sentences only. Output shall be submitted in hardcopy.

1. What is MTB-MLE about?

MTB-MLE is about the implementation of local mother tongues as the language of

instruction in Kindergarten to grade three (K-3), with the use of official languages, Filipino
and English, that are introduced after grade three as the language of instruction.

2. How is MTB-MLE implemented in the classroom: Legal Bases

MTB-MLE was implemented in two reason: first, as learning or subject area and second, as
medium of instruction. And according to DepEd, the students' first language or the language
where they are with is used as a media of instruction so that the students can easily grasp
basic concepts or understand what is being taught and asked of them.

3. Gaps, Issues and Concerns in the MTB-MLE implementation

The three gaps, issues and concern in MTB-MLE are lack of instructional materials, lack of
training to teachers, and multilingual environment that hinder the enhancement of the
reading, listening, speaking and writing skills of the learners and the implementation of

4. In the context of MTB-MLE, describe a teacher in a multi-lingual classroom.

In a multi-lingual classroom, a teacher can develop a lesson plan and activities using the
English language for the discussion but when it comes to giving an instruction, he/she uses
the native language or the language that his/her students are familiar with. This will allow the
students to use both languages. It will be easier for them to grasp knowledge and add it with
the knowledge that they already know to answer questions when they are asked by their


Perform the following tasks. Output shall be submitted in hardcopy.


1. List down 3 issues and challenges in the MDG implementation taken/sourced out from
researches or studies.

2. Below the list of issues, list down the a) title, author and year; b) major findings of each
of the three researches where you have taken the three issues and challenges.

A. Poverty, Health Care, Lack of Education.

“Challenges and Prospects of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria”.

Donatus E. Okon and Joseph Kinuabeye Ukwayi, 2012.

The progress in the realization of the MDGs in the country has been significantly slow, and
some of the goals has been significantly achieved. In connection with other development
models adopted in the country in past years, one cannot expect the full attainment of all the
goals and targets of the Millennium declaration, given the peculiar socio-cultural, economic
and political terrain of the country. It is also important to appreciate that the MDGs are not
discrete, stand-alone goals, but are inter-linked so that failure to meet one is likely to have
knock-on effects for some of the other goals. Most of the MDGs intervention initiatives have
only worked in small scale, which do not reach the millions of people required by the MDGs.
Meeting all the MDGs by 2015 remains challenging because progress has failed to reach the
most vulnerable – the poor. Governments at all levels in the country have not shown much
commitment in expending funds budgeted for the MDGs program. Funds meant for MDGs
have either been misappropriated or mis-applied. Many of the NGOs involved in the MDGs
program are only interested in the money they get from donor organizations. There is no
transparency and accountability in the approval and disbursement of funds for MDGs

B. Poor Starting Conditions, Weak Governance and Institutions, and Environmental


“The Millennium Goals: Facing Down Challenges”. Eric Muñoz, 2008.

Eight years later, as we have crossed the halfway mark before the 2015 deadline, it is crucial
to focus on the challenges that developing countries face. The challenges described above
must be addressed—not ignored because they are too difficult—or we risk putting the MDGs
beyond the reach of too many countries. Developing countries must take the lead in
overcoming these barriers—without committed governments, progress toward human
development is much more difficult—but developed countries also have a key role to play.
The good news is developing countries are increasingly taking charge of their own
development agendas. It is the responsibility of developed countries to stand as partners for
development. Working together, developed and developing countries are proving that the
MDGs are an ambitious but achievable agenda for human development.

C. 3 issues and challenges: Gender, income and regional disparities exist domestically. The
reduction of the maternal mortality ratio has made slow progress. Access to improved
sanitary facilities is insufficient.

“Achievements and Challenges in the Implementation of the MDGs”. White Paper on

Development Cooperation, 2015.

Because of the efforts by Japan and the concerted efforts of the international community,
some advancements were made in achieving the MDGs by the 2015 deadline. However, thus
doesn't mean that all of the goals have been achieved. There were goals that were not
achieved by 2015 as well as uneven progress between the regions. In this regard, there are
challenges still remaining. These circumstances are summarized in The Millennium

II. Refection Paper:

In 5 sentences for 5 points, write a reflection on the insights learned from the literature
review on how language is important in MDG and how MDG is implemented.

Language is important in every aspect of our lives because it allows people to communicate
in a manner that enables the sharing of common ideas. Language plays an important role in
MDG as a tool that can help build a communication bridge between local and global
communities. As we all know, MDG are eight goals with measurable targets and clear
deadlines for improving the lives of the world's poorest people. In order to meet these goals
and eradicate poverty, all people need to be included. And when effectively happen it will
end poverty and its many results which are hunger, disease, gender inequality, lack of
education and access to basic infrastructure.


“If you are not willing to learn, no one will help you. If you are determined to learn,
no one can stop you.” As a student or as a person who’s eager to learn something, we always
need to do something to achieve our goal. And if we are a person who lacks with action then
everything will be impossible. “Every child has a different learning style and pace. Every
child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding”. Robert John

While doing the activities there are things that I learned. The first lesson is all about
Bilingual Education Policy, how it was implemented, its importance, and on what sort of
things that we can do in order to support the program. Bilingual Education Policy is all about
the use of both English and Filipino language as a media of instruction in specific subjects at
all levels just like in the K-12 curriculum that we have in our country. In early childhood
education, it was implemented to help children slowly adjust to formal schooling. Those are
the children who entered Kindergarten. In primary grades, the students are the elementary
students where the educators are teaching them the Filipino and English to achieve oral
fluency in order to prepare them on their junior and senior high school level. And lastly is on
college level, with the learning of the two language at an early age they are expected to have
an advantage in the real world in which they are more equipped as they enter college. With
this learning, they can choose to continue their education to higher forms which will be
another journey for new learning developments. This program aims to achieve competence
with the use of both languages at national level. The main purpose of Bilingual Education
Policy is to teach students to learn English language as soon as possible while maintaining
the native language and culture of the students. It is important because it will give us the
knowledge in order to support the implementation Bilingual Education Policy. As a person
and as a student, we can support bilingual education by engaging ourselves in reading,
writing, and listening based on our second language. We can also engage ourselves to
practice our speaking skill using our second language while conversing with other people.
and in connection to this scene, when conversing with other people, here will enter the term
translanguaging in which the two people can use the resources or what they know to the two
languages they know in order to exchange their thoughts and have an effective
communication. As I go along with the flow in learning the lessons, here comes another
connected topic in terms of Bilingual Education Policy, the MTB-MLE. MTB-MLE is about
the implantation of mother tongue of children-their Lingua Franca. This was implemented to
use the children’s first language as a medium of instruction so that the students can easily
grasp basic concepts or understand what is being taught and asked of them. However, there
are major problems or issues that the educators encounter with the MTB-MLE and this are
lack of instructional materials, lack of training to teachers, and multilingual environment that
hinder the learning of every student. And the last topic is all about the MDG. MDG are eight
goals with measurable targets and clear deadlines for improving the lives of the world's
poorest people. In order to meet these goals and eradicate poverty, all people need to be

In the end, I noticed that it was all about the language itself. On how the language
plays a vital role in part of our lives and in other aspect. Language serves as an instrument to
connect us all, to communicate with each other, to achieve unity, and learn different things.
Language is the reason why we have this sort of knowledge. Language is the reason why we
are eager to learn and learn more. And most of all, language is the serves as the way towards
our succession.

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