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Republic Act of the Philippines

Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

Impig, Sipocot, Camarines, Sur

S/Y 2020– 2021

NAME: Von Edward E. Restum INSTRUCTOR: Rei Pemintel



2. Pre-Competency Checklist (Diagnostic/Pre-Assessment)

`Direction: Answer the following question below. (Good for 10 minutes only)

1. What is literacy?
Literacy is the ability of a person to read and write. In literacy, it also includes the ability of
a person to analyze it and interpret what he reads on the write-up.

2. What are the different kinds of literacy that you know already. Explain each.
The kinds of the literacy that I know already are the digital literacy, visual literacy and
media literacy. Digital literacy typically refers to the navigation, evaluation, and creation of
information using digital technologies. In this kind of literacy, the digital technology that we
used are the mobile phone, computers, laptops and other types of digital technology that can
gather information. Because of this literacy, we are able to learn from the information that we get
from the internet by reading and visiting different websites. Second is visual literacy, visual
literacy is the interpretation of the images in a way that enhances other forms of literacies. The
people who most use this kind of literacy are the photographers who captures different things or
moments that conveys meaning, or maybe, to express or describe themselves in a photo that they
captured. The last one is the media literacy, it is about evaluating and creating media messages.
In this kind of literacy, people have different ways on giving and/or transferring the information
to other people. They could use of the different platforms, one of it is the vlog, where they can
share their knowledge and information to other people which is beneficial to all people.

5. Discussion Board
1. Given the traditional/conventional concept of literacy, how literate are you?

I think I am literate enough for I can read and write and also convey a message in a form of
picture. I can also analyze what I have read and interpret what I see as for the visual literacy. I
can also use the technology, to enhance my learning and help me get the information that I
needed, and through the use of it I can also communicate to other people.

2. How deep is your level of comprehension?

I think my level of comprehension is between 70-80% if I scale for just a 100%.

3. As a pre-service teacher, what kind of written materials should you be able to read and
understand? are you reading these materials? How well can you understand them?

As a pre-service teacher, I should read books and other reference materials to understand it.
Yes, because reading these materials is the only way to understand it. For example, I read a
book, a story from it. I can say that I understand it well if I can share it to others what I have
understand from that story with detailed flow.

4. Which of the new literacies are you knowledgeable in? Which of the new literacies do
you lack knowledge in?

I am knowledgeable in the digital literacy for I am exposed to the technology and I am

aware on how to use the technology so that I could learn things especially the one that I don't
know yet just to add knowledge. And I guess I am lacking of knowledge in Legal literacy and in
the Artistic and Creative literacy.
6. Post-competency Checklist (Formative Assessment)

Direction: Read the questions and instructions carefully. write your answers in the space

1. Compare and contrast the traditional concept of literacy to the modern view of

The traditional literacies are just focused on the ability of the learners on how to read and
write, analyze the context, comprehend and understand what is written in the reading materials
like the books and magazines. While the modern literacy also focuses on the ability of the
learners to read and write but differs on what kind of materials are used in order for them to
analyze it, comprehend and understand what they read from the digital technologies such as
mobile phones, laptop, and computers. Because of the modernization, we are now using the
technology to learn different things.

2. Describe the changes in the 21st century that have led to the rise of new literacies.

Because of the continues improvement in all aspects such as the infrastructures and the
environment, people thirsts for knowledge, that's why in the 21st century we are now
modernized with the used of technologies. Through that modernization, it led us to the new
literacies such as the digital literacy where we learn, understand things and information’s that
we need from the internet, the visual literacy, media literacy, and other literacies that have
been born since the modern technology arises especially in the 21st century.

With a partner or triad, brainstorm online and answer this question: What teaching
strategies and forms of assessment could you use to help develop functional literacy.

According to the google, Functional literacy refers to the practical skill set needed to read,
write and do math for real-life purposes, so people could function in their community
effectively. To assess this functional literacy, I could use of the equations in mathematics for
problem-solving, through that they will learn how to read the equation, how to write and at the
same time do problem-solving in mathematics. In that way, the functional literacy of a person
could be developed and because of that there will be a functional society.

Week 3-5 Globalization and Cultural and Multicultural Literacies

2. Pre-Competency Checklist (Diagnostic/Pre-Assessment)

`Direction: Answer the following question below. (Good for 10 minutes only)
1. What is globalization?
Globalization is the process of the world systems becoming increasingly interlinked.
Advancement in technology has resulted in improved transport and communication systems
which has increased flows of people, capitals and goods between countries globally.

2. What do you think are the effects of globalization to the life of human and to the
Globalization can be so much helpful to all country it and its people, but because of it
there were lots of negative effects that it brought to us. As a person, I can sense how we are
being globalized. We are globalized by the technologies, other countries merchandise and
products, the food, clothing, songs, and even the language. Because of the increasing products
and modern technologies, we tend to forget our own culture because we are adapting other
country’s culture. We can adapt their language by just searching and watching it online, as well
as their songs. And also their clothing and the food, because of the quality of clothes and the
taste of the food, we tend to buy those things which is why we are deeply globalized by now.
Another negative effect of the globalization is that, there are more foreign people here in our
country that are in the business industry where Filipino’s are the one who works for them.
Because of the increasing technologies, infrastructure, and the products that are made and
consuming by us, our environment suffers. One of the effect of the technology and infrastructure
is the pollution both in air and in water where it pollutes the air and the water, which is why there
are fishes that died. And because of the increased in technology, its tendency is to increase the
heat on earth resulting to the greenhouse gases that were trapped in the Earth that melts the ice in
both north and south poles and because of those greenhouse gases, climate change occurs.

4. Explore (Tasks/Activities) refer to your syllabus

Direction: Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers on the space

1. What makes a person Filipino? If a person has Filipino parents but it is born in another
country, is he/she still a Filipino? What about if a person with foreign parents is born and
raised in the Philippines, is he/she Filipino? Explain your reasoning?

The culture, practices, customs and beliefs, and the characteristics are the things that makes
a person a Filipino. If a person has Filipino parents but born in the other country, he is still a
Filipino by blood. And if a person is born and his parents were parents, he can still be a Filipino
for he adapts our culture and practices, language, and characteristic’s that we Filipinos have.

2. Have you interacted with people who have a different culture from yours? How was your
interaction with them? was it clear? Was it productive? Was it respectful? What could you
have done for a better interaction.

Yes, I got a chance to talk with a foreigner when I was applying for work, we talk during
the interview and when I was hired he sometimes talked to me when he has an available time.
During the interview, it goes well and although he was the boss, he respects me. And that time
because we have a difference in pronouncing English words and he was used to talk English,
there are times that I can’t clearly understand what he is saying because of his accent and he talks
fast that’s why I ask him with respect to repeat it in order to understand and catch up to what he
is saying. And after that it goes well, and we both understand each other.
3. What is your attitude toward people who have a different culture from yours? Do you
celebrate how they are different from you? Do you look down on them?

I’m going to respect him even though he has different culture from me because he deserves
that. And even tough we have that kind of difference I still look up on them. Maybe I celebrate
that kind of difference for the reason that it makes us unique form each other and I think they
think the same and don’t look down on me.

4. Consider regional discrimination in the Philippines: If a woman speaks Cebuano or

bisaya in manila, she is often assumed to be a maid or yaya; if a man speaks Tagalog with a
heavy, provincial accent, he is often assumed to be a laborer, driver, or involved in some
form of manual service labor. What are your own discriminatory practices?

My own discriminatory practice is that whenever I see person with bad attitude and bad
habit like smoking, I already consider him as addict.

5. Discussion Board

1. What skills and knowledge do you need to improve in order to become multi-culturally
In order to become a multi-cultural literate, I need to enhance my communication skill as
well as study about their language, culture and practices.

2. Why should you as an individual respect and value people who are different from you?
I should respect the person who are different from me for he deserves that just like what I
need to be respected by others despite of differences physically, in language, or even in the
culture and practices that we have.

3. With a partner or triad, share answers to the following question: How can you teach
multi-cultural literacy in the classroom?
I can teach multi-cultural literacy in classroom showing and helping them to learn the other
culture and practices in different country where they could possibly learn on how to respect the
foreign people and their culture despite of the differences that we have.

4. Explain to a peer what multi-cultural literacy is?

Multi-cultural literacy is the literacy where a person literate enough where he was able to
adapt, apply and use other country’s cultures and practices, language the likes.

6. Post-competency Checklist (Formative Assessment)

Direction: Make a collage about Globalization. Make use of raw materials which are available in
your home. Make sure that the advantages and dis advantages of Globalization are seen in your

Criteria Percentage

1. Originality or Uniqueness 1- Use only one concept

to make the output.

2- The ideas are made of

a lot of concepts but not
from own idea.

3- The output is made

from a wholesome idea
and own concept.

2. Craftsmanship 1- The output is totally

made up of light

2- Uses light materials

that results to weak

3- The output is durable

enough for display

3. Neatness 1- It is not clean.

2- Materials are not

pasted that results to
unfixed parts.

3- Each materials used are

neat and properly pasted.

4. Organization 1- The ideas are difficult

to understand.

2- Some of ideas are

presented clearly but not

3- The idea of the collage

was conveyed effectively
and clearly.


2. Pre-Competency Checklist (Diagnostic/Pre-Assessment)

`Direction: Answer the following question below. (Good for 10 minutes only)
1. Are you more of a listener or a talker? Which social skills do you think you need to
develop? In what ways you can develop it/them?
I am more of a listener than a talker. I need to improved my skills in expressing myself
through oral. In order to develop it I should start to think strategies that will help me to achieve
this goal. First, i should start practicing myself specially in school, i should start to get along with
other people and participating in class recitation would be the best in expressing my idea and
thought about a particular topic.

2. If you were an employer, what would you look for in aspirants or applicants to your
If I were an employer, I would look for someone who is capable to do the job and handle
the clients with respect. And also, I want a pleasing personality for someone who would apply to
my company.

Direction: Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers on the space

1. If you are a parent at this time, what would you teach your children on social literacy?
How would you teach them?
If I were a parent now I will teach my child to practice and show respect to other people,
like other children because in that way he could develop his socialization skills with
other children. In order to help my child to learn that, I, as a parent must lead my child in
to socialization with other people, like bringing my child to socialize with other children
at his age, and being a role model to him when I am conversing with anyone because in
that way he will have an idea about socialization, on how to socialize with other people
that makes that skill to develop.

2. How do teachers educate children of social literacy nowadays? What specific

content and learning experiences are there in the curriculum that develop social

Teachers are one of the big part why our socialization skills are being developed. I think
teachers nowadays are not teaching anymore on how to socialize with other people,
instead they help the children to engage in class activities and recitations. By doing that,
the children will then learn how to socialize with their classmates and at the same time
they are enjoying to the activity amd enhancing their learnings. Teachers are also the
guide of the students. They ensure that they will give enough attention to the students to
avoid the bad behavior of the student towards otgers, like bullying and embarrasing
other student or even his classmate.

3. What is your attitude toward people who have a different culture from yours? Do you
celebrate how they are different from you? Do you look down on them?
I’m going to respect him even though he has different culture from me because he deserves
that, kust like the saying "respect others just like how you want to be respected". And even
tough we have that kind of difference I still look up on them. Maybe I celebrate that kind of
difference for the reason that it makes us unique form each other and I think they think the same
and don’t look down on me.

5. Discussion Board

1. What is social literacy?
Social literacy focuses on the ability of an individual to read and write, and more than
mastering skills like the communication skills. Social literacy could be learned through social
interaction between themselves or with other people.

2. What are the roles of the parents and teachers in teaching social skills to children?
The parents and teachers and teachers are expected to motivate and guide the children
socialize with other children to develop their social skill. Parents should be the one to teach and
guide their child with the basics in socializing to other people. Bringing them to playgrounds is
the best way that they could interact to other children and make friends with them. While
teachers are the ones who will enhance those knowledge of the children in interaction and/or
socialization in a form of the group activities where they could interact with each other while
doing the task and at the same enjoying from it.

3. What are the issues in social literacy and what contribution can you share to solve this
One of the issues in Social Literacy is the illiteracy. Illiteracy affects all the areas of life.
those with low literacy skills are far more like to live in poverty, face health problems because
they can’t read prescriptions or instructions, and grow isolated in a world increasingly dependent
on computers. The contribution that can make in order to solve this issue is to help those people
who can’t read to read and understand whatever they are reading, in that way maybe I could help
them to avoid the effect of this issue to happen to them.

6. Post-competency Checklist (Formative Assessment)

Direction: Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space

1. How do computer technology and social media affect your social skills that of your peers?
Cite positive and negative impacts of digital technology to communication?

Computer, technology, and social media affects my socialization skill in a way that I am more
focused on using the technology to communicate than communicating with them personally that
results to lacking in confidence to talk with other people. Through using the digital technology, we
benefit from it in terms of the fastest way to get information’s that we need and that we can talk to
our friends easily through the use of social media and text messaging. Its negative impact is that
we forget to socialize with other people, our communication skill is affected due to relying so
much time in technology.

2. Make a do’s and don’ts in the school and the workplace in relation to social literacy. Present
it creatively through an infographic.

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