Jasper Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Applicant Name: Jasper F. Bustamante

Address: Malalag Maitum, Sarangani Province
Strand: TVL – Agri-Fishiries

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define organic agriculture.
b. Appreciate the principles of organic agriculture through information dissemination
in the community.
c. Adapt the organic agriculture practices.


a. TOPIC: Introduction of Organic Agriculture

b. Reference: www.fao.org/organicag/oa-faq.
c. Materials: Laptop, Projector




 Prayer
Requesting everyone to please stand and Ms.
Grace kindly lead us in prayer.
-Our Father in Heaven………Amen
 Greetings
Good morning class?
-Good morning sir!
- You may now take your seats.
- Student do as told.
-How is your day class?
- It’s good sir.
-Okay very good.

 Checking of Attendance
- Who is absent today?
- Nobody’s absent sir.
-it is good to hear class that all of you are

 Review
-Class what was our topic last meeting?
Yes Ms. Jenny!
-Our last topic last meeting was about Organic
Agriculture Production NCII competences sir.
- Very good. Organic Agriculture Production
NCII is One of the specialization of Agri-Fishery
Arts Strand (AFA) under the Technical-
Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track. It covers 320 - Ma’am, a sentence is a word or group of words that
hours taken in two (2) semesters. The students has complete meaning.
are train to produce organic farm products
using organic supplements such as fertilizer,
concoctions and extracts as well as raising
organic chicken, hog and small ruminants.

-We have four (4) core competencies, what are

those class? Yes Mr. Casuga?
- Those are raise organic chicken, produce organic
vegetables, produce organic fertilizer, and produce
organic concoctions and extracts.

- Very good, and we have also two (2) elective - Those are raise organic hogs and raise small
competencies, what are those? Yes Mr. Bucol? ruminants sir.

- Very good! So those are the Organic

Agriculture Productions NC II competencies. It
covers 320 hours taken in two (2) semesters.
The students are train to produce organic farm
products using organic supplements such as
fertilizer, concoctions and extracts as well as
raising organic chicken, hog and small




-I will group you into two groups. Each group will be

given a cardboard and a chalk to be used in writing the
correct answer. I will post the scrambled words on the
board and arrange it to form a correct sentence. And a
count of five you will raise your cardboard. Is that I

1. Basketball brother my plays.

(My brother plays basketball.)
2. Finish test please the.
(Please finish the test.)
3. Is who best friend your?
(Who is your best friend?)
4. My hat love I.
(I love my hat!)
5. Dog the brown is.
(The dog is brown.)


- What did you observe about the activity?

- Okay, great! What else? Yes, Teddy?

- Okay, that’s good! Thank you for your answers. I guess
you already knew what will be our topic for this
morning. Okay! What is our topic for today?

- Yes! that’s great Carla, it has to do with the

punctuation marks.


- And that is our lesson for today which is

Introduction of Organic Agriculture.
- I hope at the end of this lesson each one of
you can:
a. Define organic agriculture
b. Appreciate the principles of organic
agriculture - Yes sir.
c. Adapt the organic agriculture practices.
- is it clear class?
-Student raising their hand
-Alright! Let us now discuss, what is
Agriculture? - Cultivating the soil sir.

- Yes Ms. Cristy?

- producing crops & raising livestock sir.
- Cultivating the soil, yes very good. Anymore?
Yes Mr. Jodel?

-Producing crops & raising livestock. That’s

-Students are listening.
- Agriculture is an art & science of raising plants
& animals that has economic benefits to man.

-In the Philippines, agriculture is one of its

essential industry, were in fact 30 million
hectares of land area of the Philippines, 47% of
which is agricultural land. It consist of forestry,
crop production, livestock farming and -Yes sir!
aquaculture cultivation.
-Is it clear class?

-Alright. In agriculture we have what we called -Nobody answers

Industrial Agriculture. Who can define
Industrial Agriculture?

- Mr. Orodio can you read the definition of

Industrial Agriculture.

-Industrial Agriculture is highly concentrated & - the student read the definition
mechanized relying on chemical inputs like
fertilizer, pesticides and therapeutic antibiotics.

- Thank you, Industrial agriculture, known as

conventional farming, refers to farming systems
which include the use of synthetic chemical
fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other
continual inputs, genetically modified
organisms, concentrated animal feeding
operations, heavy irrigation, intensive tillage, or
concentrated monoculture production. Thus
conventional agriculture is typically highly - Students are listening.
resource and energy intensive, but also highly
productive. - Yes sir.
- did you get it class?

- Very good, now let’s proceed to Organic -Student raising their hands
Agriculture, again what did you observe from
our video clip? -It’s all about agriculture and their natural way of
farming sir.
- Yes Mr. Macabitas?

- That’s right, natural farming is what we called

Organic Agriculture.

- It is a production system that sustains the

health of soils, ecosystem and people. It avoids
using any farm inputs that are made of
synthetic chemicals which are detrimental to -Students are listening
both human and environment.

It combines tradition, innovation and science to

benefit the shared environment and promote
fair relationships and good quality of life for all

-Organic agriculture can be a pathway to

addressing not only hunger and malnutrition
but also other challenges including poverty,
water use, climate change, and unsustainable
production and consumption.

- Our Government create an Organic

Agricultural Act of 2010 (Republic Act no.
10068) An Act providing for the development
and promotion of organic agriculture in the
Philippines and for other purposes. This Act
declares that the policy of the State shall be to
promote, propagate, develop further and
implement the practice of organic agriculture in
the Philippines in order to enrich the fertility of
the soil, increase farm productivity, reduce
pollution and destruction of the environment
and prevent the depletion of natural resources.

(Presenting some examples of Organic


- Our


Each group will construct 2 sentences in each type.

 Declarative sentence
 Interrogative sentence
 Imperative sentence
 Exclamatory sentence


In a ½ sheet of paper, identify each of the sentences as declarative, imperative, interrogative, or

exclamatory. Write your answer on the space before each number.

1. The children are our future.

2. Please give me the key.

3. Do you want to build a snowman?

4. Gosh, this is beautiful!

5. Kindly give me a piece of bread.


Write a short story about your experiences either bad or good using the types of sentences.

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