Apple Swot Hardik

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An Overview of Apple:

Apple, Inc. is one of the world's most successful corporations. The firm has a long history of
producing high-quality technology goods and providing outstanding software services. Steve
Jobs created Apple, which is located in Cupertino, California. In 1976, Apple released its first
device, the 'Apple 1 computer.' Apple has grown in terms of products and services
significantly since then.
The 'iPhone' is one of Apple's most successful devices today. iPhone sales of $191 billion
will account for more than half (52 percent) of Apple's total revenue of $365 billion in fiscal
year 2021. The company's current CEO is Tim Cook.

Apple's SWOT analysis:

This report examines Apple's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in depth.

Apple’s Strengths:
1. Most Valuable Brand-
Interbrand has placed Apple in first place for the 9th year in a row, with such a brand worth
of $408 billion. When it comes to customizing complex computers and smart technology
equipment, it is one of the most dependable organizations. It was the first to market with
some of the most cutting-edge products.
2. Top Technology-
Apple was the first company to introduce some of the world's most groundbreaking items
(iPhones, iPads, Air Pods). Apple is still on a mission to create better, more capable
technology devices. Every year, their new products improve on their predecessors in terms of
design, usefulness, and ease of use. It's one of the reasons why, despite their expensive
pricing, their brand succeeds to gain market share.
3. Brand of Choice-
It's no wonder that Apple is a popular brand in corporate settings, particularly among creative
people. Apple provides high-quality technological solutions to meet the needs of every
business. For visual design, graphics, video creation, and other creative activities,
professionals prefer high-performance technology such as Mac Pro or iMacs.

4. High profit Margin-

When it comes to profit, Apple is one of the most successful firms. It features a diverse
product line that is sold all over the world. People all around the world enjoy their products,
so whenever a new one is released, they hurry to buy it. 
5. Expansion in services-
For many years, Apple has been diversifying its service offerings. For example, Apple's
services accounted for about a quarter of its yearly sales ($68 billion out of $365 billion in
FY 21), making them the company's second-largest income generator behind the iPhone (52
percent of its revenue). Digital content shops, streaming services, iCloud, AppleCare, and
payment systems, among other things, are all available through Apple.
6. Global Reach-
Apple is a multinational company with operations all over the world. It has operations in over
160 countries throughout the world. As a result, it has a significant global footprint. This
makes it more identifiable to the general public and aids in its public relations efforts.

1. Expensive Products

The price of Apple products is Apple's biggest weakness. Consumers have the option of
choosing cheaper products of comparable quality to their top-priced products. It creates a
vulnerability for the company. Due to their high prices, Apple products are considered luxury
products. Apple products aim at consumers with middle- and high incomes. People with low
incomes cannot afford Apple products. Their premium prices make their products affordable
only to individuals with high incomes.
2. Violation of the patient’s rights

As a result of Apple's patent violations and trials losses, it is often accused of violating other
companies' patents and being damaged financially.
3. The network is limited

Because it sells its products directly to clients, Apple Inc. has a tiny distribution network,
with only a few shops worldwide. Apple products are scarce, compared to other smartphone
goods simply by walking into a phone store. It also makes it more challenging to receive
after-sale services, as can trust only Apple stores to provide trustworthy servicing for their
devices. Their website is where the majority of their clients make purchases. The most
significant negative is that it restricts market access.
4. Compatibility issues

People have struggled to switch to iOS-based devices due to their operating systems'
incompatibility with other devices and because these devices are not user-friendly and take
time to adjust.
5. Tracking allegations

When users get tracked, their privacy is jeopardized. Apple has been accused of installing
spying software on its devices that expose the exact position of its consumers. Even though
customers can opt-out of tracking on newer Apple phones, it is difficult to regain confidence
once it has been lost.
6. Meeting the expectations of customers

Because Apple has been the market leader since the 1980s, consumer expectations have risen.
Apple's customers anticipate amazing things from the firm every year, and delivering those
expectations is a difficult task. When a corporation focuses on minor requirements, its market
decreases. In this scenario, Apple does not have a significant market share compared to a
rival smartphone or computer firms. Corporate clients are almost exclusively upper-class,
ignoring a sizable middle-class sector.


1. The absence of green technologies

Apple has not yet launched products using green technology. The company has yet to
implement or participate in creating eco-friendly technology.
2. Increasing customer base

For years, Apple has dominated the technology industry. They offer top-notch service that
transforms the consumer experience. Their 92 percent customer retention rate is incredible.
For prospects to recruit new clients and build new alliances, Apple will always rely on the
strength of the internet.
3. Cloud services are in high demand

With the advancement of data connectivity and speeds, many people turn to cloud services to
complete their work. The cloud-based services market is expanding, and Apple can develop
its iCloud services and applications.
4. An Apple watch with fitness features

While the Apple Watch's activity rings help track your workout regimen and regularity, many
believe it's past time for Apple to include a readiness score function like the Oura and Fitbit.
The ability to prioritize when you need to rest and recuperate is one of the most beneficial
features of a readiness score. This is a function that Fitbit and Oura have had for a long time,
Apple has yet to add it, and users must rely on third-party apps like AutoSleep to access it.

5. Apple’s driverless car to be built by Kia motors

Apple has partnered with Kia Motors (Hyundai's parent company) to manufacture self-
driving electric vehicles in Georgia. Kia will begin manufacturing in 2024. The Wall Street
Journal reports making 100,000 vehicles in the first year.

1- Coronavirus Outbreak Aftermath’s-

Apple's manufacturing and supply chain are heavily reliant on China. Its operations have
been considerably impacted and disrupted as a result of recent events. Furthermore, China
accounted for 18% of the company's $365 billion in revenue (a big market for Apple). The
pandemic has had a huge impact on Apple's company, and it is likely to persist to do so in the
coming years.
2- Increasing Competition-
Despite the fact that Apple has established itself as a brand, it is still vulnerable to
competition. Apple is under stiff competition from firms such as Samsung, Google, and Dell,
thanks to technological advancements.
Apple must either develop new technologies or modify its price approach to keep ahead of
the market as the rivalry grows stronger.
3- China Tariffs-
The US government has raised tariffs on Chinese imports, raising the overall cost of the
goods. As a result, the gross margin on the products suffers, and the product will become
more costly for buyers.
4- Market Penetration-
In the smartphone market, there has been a major shift in market penetration by other brands.
Android software is being used by companies such as Samsung, HTC, and Lenovo to produce
new handsets.
Android currently has 72.23 percent of the global market share, while Apple has only 24.55
5- Lawsuits-
Apple has been sued in 60 class-action lawsuits. When Apple acknowledged that it
intentionally throttles CPU performance on iPhone models with older and degraded batteries,
customers were outraged and confused.
The tech giant stated that it done so to avoid unplanned outages. Consumers felt cheated
despite the clarification because Apple does not trust in transparency. As a result, some
people have filed lawsuits against the corporation.
That concludes our report on Apple's SWOT analysis. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats are the four parts of SWOT analysis that we've gone over. The procedure begins
with a detailed investigation of the company in question.

We observed what made Apple such a popular brand here! Apple's strengths include
innovative goods and technological prowess, while its shortcomings include a poor
distribution network and expensive prices (premium product). Along with potential such as
brand loyalty and product line expansion, there are also concerns such as the Corona Virus
outbreak, lawsuits, and so on. And, Even in the face of a pandemic that led demand to dip and
growth to decelerate in the first quarter of 2020, Apple's financial performance was excellent.

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