1508747-t6000 Series

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T6634-TA10҈TE20҈TF20-9JS0 Series Fan Coil Thermostat (ON/OFF) - Installation Instructions
T6634-TA10҈TE20҈TF20-9JS0亨⏄橻㣧䢅䵎㿖㕔⠕ (キ⌠⤸) -ⴶ婲嶡㞻

཮ 1: T6634ᇛੰ༮Ꮝ໮ࠞ঩ധ࣏ၫ૿ධ
Figure 1: T6634 LCD Digital Fan Coil Thermostat

ᆌᆩ Application
T6000ᇛੰ༮Ꮝ໮ࠞ঩ധ࣏ၫ૿ධ T6000 LCD Digital Fan Coil Thermostats

T6000༮Ꮝ໮ࠞ঩ധ࣏ၫ૿ධ໪ቂო٠ၫ‫ޡ‬ହ૿፟ࠞ঩ധ࣏ܿත࿮ˈ໪ቂॖܾܸ༗໻ The T6000 Digital Fan Coil Thermostats feature local temperature control within fan coil
operations. Select the temperature scale and setpoint, the mode, and the differential values
to control the Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system that maintains the
ૼ‫˄ݲ‬HVAC˅Ⴜ࿾ˈ۰ߑၕ‫ڕ‬०੼ܿ୲ჲၫ‫ޡ‬ȃዓৠ቏เ/ႇเ৭૿Ꭷ፜ˈත‫ވ‬቏เ desired room temperature. The optional Occupied/Unoccupied feature saves energy by
/ႇเಠ໮໪ၫ‫ޡ‬ධ኷ႇเ໢ົ‫ށ‬ၫ‫ޡ‬Ꮛ‫੅ڈקވ‬೙ၫ‫ˈޡ‬۰ߑ‫੅ܸ܌‬ኙ೙ኑȃ enlarging the acceptable temperature range.
T6000ၫ૿ධົ቏‫ֶࣕܕ‬ᇛੰმ໯˄LCD˅Ȃᇜࢋಠ໮/໢ৱ˄M/ ˅ᅤዎՙഀˈߗࢋ T6000 features with Backlit Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), one Mode/Timer (M/ ) selection

‫੅ݲ‬ՙഀ˄ɘञ ˅Ȃᇜࢋࠞཨ˄ ˅ᅤዎՙഀञᇜࢋOn/Off˄ ˅ button, two Adjustment buttons (ɘ& ), one Fan Speed ( ) selection button and one On/Off
( ) button.
Retention Screw ೎ᅮ㶎ϱ

཮ 2: T6634Ⴜளၫ૿ධ‫(܄ڞ‬mm)
Hinge Hook Figure 2: T6634 Series Thermostat Dimensions (mm)

Ҿጎ Installation
Install the T6000 where the occupant can read the display and adjust the setpoint easily.
Situate the thermostat where the temperature is representative of the general room
‫߶װܗ‬ৱᏓ࿒०੼ၫ‫ߴݓܿޡ‬ȃ‫ן‬ಁਖၫ૿ධ՗Ꭷ቙୩฽ኑࡒ੧ˈ๜࿳ࠞଁȂৠ฽ conditions. Avoid installing the T6000 near cold or warm air drafts, radiant heat, on an
ධȂ༃ိডᆷࣕጐືܸܿ‫ߴݓ‬ȃ outside wall, or in direct sunlight.

Ҿጎ Mounting
Mount the T6000 Series thermostat to a 75x75x35mm standard electrical wallbox. (See
T6000Ⴜளၫ૿ධົ৓ၓ‫׭‬Ꮃ75x75x 35mmුᎧਾღडՙᎧȃ (ਈ཮3) Figure 3)
ՙጐፑ໯܏૑ॄ࡜‫ݒ‬Ᏸˈնྋ՗Ꭷ኷ුຢ‫؃‬ਾღȃ Follow the instruction in removing the base and then proceed to the wall box Mounting and
ጀᅪ: ྈ቏T6000Ⴜளၫ૿ධᄲखˈᅍᇋ஠ౕMx5՗Ꭷఞ‫( ݽ‬ड፩Ꮛ‫ˈܕ‬๜ᇦ໘ˈᅍ‫ت‬ the Wiring sections.

ቂPWT2.5X5X5.5ఞ‫)ݽ‬ȃ Note: All T6000 Series models require two No. Mx5 mounting screws (Included in the box,
screw PWT2.5X5X5.5 is required if missing).

Wall Box

Retention Screw




Field Cabling

Wall Box 2 MX5

Mounting Screw
๭㺙᥹㒓Ⲧ, ϸᵮMX5

ĀWaferā Connector with 12cm 20AWG PVC Cable

ᏺ᳝12cm㒓䭓, ᦦᢨᓣ"Wafer"᥹㒓, 20AWG PVCᓣ⬉㒓

཮ 3: ّ૑ဇ
Figure 3: Exploded View

‫ٶ‬ਸ‫ڹ‬ӱ Removing the Base

Loosen (Do Not Remove) the single Phillips-Head retaining screw at the top of the case to
swing the thermostat slightly away from the base. By gently sliding it forward, the thermostat
Ꭷ‫ݒ‬Ᏸ‫ܿؠݒ‬ᇈठ‫ؼ‬လ୰ˈ໪ܾ՗Ꭷञਾღ߾٢ߴ‫צ‬ȃሠ፟‫˄֊௸ݢ‬PCB˅ࢿ‫ށ‬኷ළ hinge hooks come away from the hinge slots at the bottom of the mounting base to provide
࡜ܿ୴ಅˈॄಅ፩‫ؠ‬ၓஏਾ‫ݽ‬ȃ easy access for mounting and wiring. The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is attached inside the
cover with connection pin near the middle of the mounting base.

601V-B01A-NB Rev 2-Issue Date 09 2012 This document is subject to change without notice 㣙㜴㨐⬯㢶▅Ⓝ的㈂Ὰ▓姹懇䦒 1
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
T6634-TA10҈TE20҈TF20-9JS0 Series Fan Coil Thermostat (ON/OFF) - Installation Instructions
T6634-TA10҈TE20҈TF20-9JS0亨⏄橻㣧䢅䵎㿖㕔⠕ (キ⌠⤸) -ⴶ婲嶡㞻

഻ጎ࢈Ҿጎ Wallbox Mounting

To mount the T6000 Series Thermostat:
Pull the external field wiring from the wall through the rectangular opening in the base.
նိ‫ؠ‬ਾღ۰ු୴ଲ‫؃ڵ‬࿳ࣰ܏૑ܿߴᄳ‫ݒ‬Ᏸȃ Fasten the base to the wallbox using the appropriate two holes and two Mx5 screws, as
࿳ࣰ஠ࢋ՗Ꭷ૾ቪ஠ౕMx5ఞ‫ˈݽ‬ն‫ݒ‬Ᏸࢿ‫ށ‬኷՗Ꭷडຢˈ๜཮2ྈ໯ȃ shown in Figure 2.
ࢎદሥቂٛ൰ܿᇋช੣ᄵጸฬܿਾღȃ Proceed to the Wiring section for the correct configuration for the application and units.

থ၍ Wiring
Wire the unit according to the instructions for the appropriate model.
Note: When wiring the T6000 Series Digital Fan Coil Thermostat, use wire nuts to finish and
ጀᅪǖࢍT6000Ⴜள༮Ꮝ໮ࠞ঩ധ࣏ၫ૿ධਾღ໢ˈ໪ቂਾღఞ౐ဵ‫ڈ‬ञુኒ౞ࢋਾ isolate each connection.
ღ‫ޤ‬ȃ When the wiring is Completed:
‫ړ‬থ၍ྜ‫ࢫׯ‬: Push the connected wiring through the rectangular hole in the base into the wallbox space.
Hook the thermostat to the hinge at the bottom of the base and gently slide the thermostat
down into position on the mounting base.
኷‫ݒ‬Ᏸᇈठ‫ۃ‬նၫ૿ධࢦ᎘‫؃‬෸෸ထ‫ވ‬ၫ૿ධፚ՗Ꭷ‫ݒ‬Ᏸຢಅȃ Tighten the retention screw.
ࢿ‫ށ‬མ੟ఞཎȃ Proceed to the Setup and Adjustment section to establish the desired settings.
ՙົ‫੅ݲށ‬ਉົ‫ށ‬ჲᇋܿ‫د‬༮ȃ Wiring terminal designations and connections for typical applications appeared in Figure
ࢎદ཮4-6ܿ‫ݟ‬ᄲሥቂˈࢍፑ‫ށ‬ਾღ‫ޤ‬ਾღȃ 4-6.

཮ 4: T6634-TA10-9JS0ਾღဇ ཮5: T6634-TE20-9JS0ਾღဇ ཮6: T6634-TF20-9JS0ਾღဇ

Figure 4: Wiring Diagram for T6634-TA10-9JS0 Figure5: Wiring Diagram for T6634-TE20-9JS0 Figure6: Wiring Diagram for T6634-TF20-9JS0

ॠֱօየ Check-Out Procedure

After the installation, observe the complete operation cycles for cooling and heating control.
This is to make sure that all control devices are functioning correctly. If the device is not
ྈ቏૿፟ົֻ࢙೙ጸ٢ȃ๜࣮ਾღጸฬˈߑົֻቕ‫؜‬೙ጸ٢ࢗᏮˈขખ੧஍Ⴜ working properly and the wiring is correct, the thermostat should be replaced by contacting
JohnsonControls®֑໳‫ۃ‬ହ࿓४ၫ૿ධȃ your nearest Johnson Controls® Representative.

ยዃࢅۙব Setup and Adjustments

Turn ON/OFF the T6000 Thermostat by pressing the On/Off ( ) button. After turning on
ՙOn/Off ( ) ՙഀˈ૑තञ࣋‫ט‬T6000ၫ૿ධȃT6000ၫ૿ධ૑঩ᇵॄˈၫ૿ධმ໯ the T6000 Thermostat, ambient temperature will be displayed. LCD displays the icons. (see
०੼ၫ‫ޡ‬ȃLCDმ໯ဇ‫˄ˈ׭‬๜཮7˅ȃ Figure 7).
‫װૣد‬2ˈT6000Ⴜளၫ૿ධ‫ڵ‬٦ົ‫ށ‬ፎ The T6000 Series Thermostat comes with the default settings specified in Table 2.

཮ 7: T6000 LCDმ໯
Figure 7: T6000 LCD Display Pattern

֡ፕ - M/ Ӏ౧ Operation - M/ Button
Mode Operation
On the T6634 series, three modes are available as shown in Table 1 . Short press of the M/
T6634ၫ૿ධˈ቏๲፯ಠ໮ᅤዎ๜‫װ‬1ȃՙM/ ՙഀ‫غ‬Ꮾၫ૿ධˈൺಸຢঐՙགᅗ‫ڵ‬ო button switches through the sequence of Cooling ( ), Heating ( ), Fan only ( ) modes
፟୩ ( )Ȃ፟฽ ( )Ȃ੡ࠞ঩ ( )˄T6634-TA10-9JS0ႇ፟฽ಠ໮˅ȃ‫־‬ᅤܿಠ໮ဇ‫׭‬ followed by operation (No Heating mode for T6634-TA10-9JS0). The selected icon will
ດཇˈ3SॄᏋ‫ވ‬ฬไဇ‫־׭‬ᅤ‫ށ‬ȃᅤ‫ॄށ‬ဇ‫׭‬ਖ‫؜‬኶ດཇˈጸ٢მ໯኷ൺಸຢȃ flash, the icon is selected after 3 seconds. The selected icon appears highlighted on the
๜՗Ꭷம቏เ/ႇเ৭૿Ꭷ፜ˈ቏เ/ႇเಠ໮ ( ) ਖঐත‫ވ‬ȃ
Unoccupied mode ( ), will only be activated when the Occupied/Unoccupied contact is wired.
้क़ࠀీਸഔࢅ้क़ࠀీ࠲Կ֡ፕ Time-On and Time-Off Operation
ՙ჉M/ 3ಊ੣๠‫ށ‬໢૑঩࢙೙ົ፜ȃۨ໢TIMEONဇ‫ڵ׭‬ოˈ‫؃‬ດཇˈ໪ቂɘञ ਉ Holding down the M/ button for 3 seconds will enter the Timer On-Off setting. When the
ົ‫ށށ‬໢૑঩໢ৱ˄0~24ᄆ໢߭ၐ˅ՙ ਉ੣ᄵฬไȃ TIMEON icon appear and flash, use ɘ and keys to set the time duration (0 ~24 -Hours
Range). Press key to confirm the settings.
኶۫ՙ჉M/ ਉ੣๠‫ށ‬໢࣋঩ಠ໮ົ‫ۨˈށ‬໢TIMEOFFဇ‫ڵ׭‬ოˈ‫؃‬ດཇˈ໪ቂɘञ
ਉົ‫ށށ‬໢࣋঩໢ৱ˄0~24ᄆ໢߭ၐ˅ՙ ਉ੣ᄵฬไȃ Holding down the M/ button for seconds will enter the Timer On-Off setting, additional one
press to enter Time-On setting. When TIMEOFF icon appears, use ɘ and keys to set the
๜࣮኷3-5ಊ೗ౚ቏༕๠ˈൺಸਖ߬ইმ໯०੼ၫ‫ޡ‬ȃ time duration (0 ~ 24-Hours Range). Press key to confirm the settings.
Note: The thermostat returns to the default screen if no entry occurs within 3 -5seconds.

601V-B01A-NB Rev 2-Issue Date 09 2012 2

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T6634-TA10҈TE20҈TF20-9JS0 Series Fan Coil Thermostat (ON/OFF) - Installation Instructions
T6634-TA10҈TE20҈TF20-9JS0亨⏄橻㣧䢅䵎㿖㕔⠕ (キ⌠⤸) -ⴶ婲嶡㞻

ฉ/ူ (Řࢅ ) ۙবӀ౧ Up/Down (Ř& ) Adjustment Button

To adjust the temperature setpoint, simply pressing the ɘ and button, allows 3-seconds
‫੅ݲ‬ၫ‫ˈݞށົޡ‬੡ᅍՙɘञ ՙഀˈ3ಊॄົ፜቏ᄌȃ3ಊॄ२ౚ቏༕๠‫ˈ੅ݲ‬ൺಸ
for setting to take effect. After 3-seconds without further adjustment, the screen returns by
ਖ߬ইმ໯०੼ၫ‫ޡ‬ȃ displaying the ambient temperature.

‫ޅ‬ऐ ( ) ໏‫܈‬Ӏ౧ Fan ( ) Speed Button

዆ૐĂ዆ඤఇ๕֡ፕ Cooling or Heating Mode Operation

T6634ၫ૿ධ቏4፯ࠞ঩ཨ‫ˈޡ‬Ꮛ‫( ވ‬ ), ࡴ ( ), ፩ ( ), ݈ ( ) ࠞཨȃՙ ( ) ՙ T6634 has 4 speeds fan control (No Fan Stop); Auto ( ), High ( ), Middle ( ),
Low ( ) fan. Short press the ( ) button switches through the sequence. The selected icon
ഀˈਖᅰ०მ໯ȃ‫־‬ᅤܿಠ໮ဇ‫׭‬ດཇˈ3SॄᏋ‫ވ‬ฬไဇ‫־׭‬ᅤ‫ށ‬ȃᅤ‫ॄށ‬ဇ‫׭‬ਖ‫؜‬ flashes, the icon is confirmed after 3 seconds. The icon will be displayed on the screen after
኶ດཇˈጸ٢მ໯኷ൺಸຢȃ confirmed.
ৈ‫ޅ‬ऐ֡ፕ Fan only Operation
T6634ၫ૿ධ቏3፯ࠞ঩ཨ‫( ࡴˈޡ‬ ), ፩ ( ), ݈ ( ) ࠞཨȃՙ ( ) ՙഀˈਖᅰ T6634 has 3 speeds fan control; High ( ), Middle ( ), Low ( ) fan. Short press the
( ) button switches through the sequence. The selected icon flashes, the icon is confirmed
after 3 seconds. The icon will be displayed on the screen after confirmed.
Note: Every time switch On the T6000 Series thermostat, the low speed fan will be initiated.
ጀᅪ: ౞ᇜ۫૑࣋T6000Ⴜளၫ૿ධˈ૑໭໢‫ޕ‬ਖත‫݈ވ‬ཨࠞ঩ȃጝᇜ๢ත‫ވ‬࿅‫߷ݞ‬ These soft-start feature prevent high startup current, while provides energy saving to
ፒࣰࡴත‫ݢވ‬௚ˈ࿷໢੅ኙமቂ‫ˈݢ‬2ಊᇵॄˈࠞ঩ՙົ‫ށ‬ከᎡȃ electricity consumption. After 2 -seconds, the required fan speed will be started.

֖ຕఁ ⑌努ࡤᅭ
Function Setting range
㗱㶼⓻㶼愙㔏 ͞/͜ A C F: ͞皓C: ͜
͞/͜ Changeover
嵫ⵇ㿖こᾷ柽⇩ b 30͜ 嵫ⵇ咰⢡
Max.Temp setpoint Setting Range 2盖49͜
嵫ⵇ㿖こᾸ柽⇩ C 05͜ 嵫ⵇ咰⢡
Min.Temp setpoint Setting Range 0盖47͜
⫞䛢捺◜ d 0 0皒 ⌠枚 OFF皓
Restart when Power failure 1皒 キ◜ ON
ⷼ。㟫䫧 E 0 0皒 㟫䫧ⵑ⌲㿖こ Room Temp皓
Screen Display 1皒 㟫䫧嵫ⵇ㿖こ Setting Temp
㞍⁧㯎ゼ〟宓䉦䑣ㆮ F 1 0皒 〟宓䉦䦚㕒㞣ₐ娕㢶⁧䑣ㆮ皓㝚キ㞣ₐ
Unoccupied Mode contact status 娕㞍⁧䑣ㆮ
(Ὰ憯䛕※T6634-TA10-9JS0) Short connect contact for occupied
(Not available for T6634-TA10-9JS0) status, vice versa, unoccupied status
1皒 〟宓䉦㝚キ㞣ₐ娕㢶⁧䑣ㆮ皓䦚㕒㞣ₐ
Short connect contact for unoccupied
status, vice versa occupied status
Function / ࠀీ Icon / ཮ႚ
㞍⁧㯎ゼ⏣⍤㿖こ g 28͜ 23盖30͜҉
Unoccupied Temp Setpoint cooling
Cool Mode / ⏣⍤㯎ゼ (Ὰ憯䛕※T6634-TA10-9JS0)
(Not available for T6634-TA10-9JS0)
㞍⁧㯎ゼ⏣䊚㿖こ H 18͜ 16盖23͜҉
Heat Mode / ⑍䊚㯎ゼ Unoccupied Temp Setpoint heating
(Not available for T6634-TA10-9JS0)
Fan only Mode / ⁲橻㣧
厗⑕㏃㏸⑕㯎ゼ愙㔏 I 0 0皒㏸⑕㯎ゼ愙㔏皓1皒厗⑕㯎ゼ愙㔏
Auto/Manual changeover 0: Manual changeover; 1: Auto changeover
Unoccupied / 㢶⁧/㞍⁧㯎ゼ (⁲憯䛕※T6634-TF20-9JS0)
(Only for T6634-TF20-9JS0)

՗1/Table1 ՗2/Table2

ยֶۨኵ Setting Parameter

To enable the operation mode, press the M/ and ɘ until icon appears. When the thermostat
኷࣋঩Ꭻྙ჉ՙM/ ঽɘਉ‫࠲ ܚ‬ख‫ڵ‬ოˈ੣๠ከᄵ‫د‬༮ົ፜ᎫྙȃՙM/ ਉ෧४࢙ is turned off. Press M/ to switch functions between, press or ɘ to adjust the parameter. See
೙ˈ ডɘ‫ݲ‬ጶყޭሥ࢙೙ܿ‫د‬༮ˈ࢙೙ࣽሆਈ՗2ȃ Table 2 for the functions.

Քۨ Calibration
Do not calibrate the T6000 Series thermostat in the field.

ࠤቱॠႪ Troubleshooting
After a power outage, the thermostat mode and all settings return as most recently used or

ྼႪࢅ༺࣑ Repair and Replacement

Do not attempt to repair the T6000 Series thermostat. In case of an improperly functioning
‫؜‬ᇋ༅ဇო٠ၕᅃT6000Ⴜளၫ૿ධȃ๜࣮ၫ૿ධ‫؜‬೙ጸ٢ࢗᏮˈขቪࡒ੧Johnson control, contact the nearest Johnson Controls® representative, and specify the desired product
Controls® ֑໳‫ۃ‬஍Ⴜȃ‫ܬ‬஍Ⴜ֑໳‫࢑ۃ‬४ٛ൰ܿ໢ृˈขངಖိ‫׭ؠ‬වড‫د‬༮‫װ‬ຢሠ code number. When contacting the supplier for a replacement please state the type/model
቏ܿ୥ᄲ/ᄲखȃ number of the control located on the data plate or cover label.

रຍ֖ຕ Specifications
Refer to Product Catalog for Details.

601V-B01A-NB Rev 2-Issue Date 09 2012 3

All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
T6634-TA10҈TE20҈TF20-9JS0 Series Fan Coil Thermostat (ON/OFF) - Installation Instructions
T6634-TA10҈TE20҈TF20-9JS0亨⏄橻㣧䢅䵎㿖㕔⠕ (キ⌠⤸) -ⴶ婲嶡㞻

Use this T6000 Series Line Voltage Fan Coil Thermostat only as an operating
control. Where failure of malfunction of the T6000 Series Thermostat could
lead to personal injury or property damage to the controlled equipment or other
‫܈‬໚ˈ๜٢໪ቂ৭૿ঽ֫੸Ⴜ࿾Ȃ‫ݢ‬ᅼ֦॓૑࣋݃ˈ኷՗ᎧႼ࿾፩ȃହৠූۨ property, additional precautions must be designed into the system. Incorporate
ၫ‫੅ݲޡ‬Ꭷ፜ܿ঩೙໘٢ञ໘ᄌ໢֦ܿ॓ȃ and maintain other devices such as supervisory or alarm systems or safety or
limit controls intended to warn of, or protect against, failure or malfunction of the
T6000 Series Thermostat.
‫؜‬ᇋն࠙๠෇࡜ܿPCB֊ᇧ‫ˈڵ‬۰෇࡜፩ն࠙๠ܿPCB֊ّᄛᇧ‫ڵ‬ਖ‫؜‬኶ჴ቏፣ Do not install this thermostat in condensing, wet, or damp environments. Moisture
֦࠵ႚȃ may cause damage to the thermostat.
໪ྈ቏ਾღ࠲ठ࣭য়Ȃ‫ݓ‬ฏञ‫ށࣙܿݓܬ‬ȃ‫؜‬ᇋ٫ࣰT6000Ⴜளၫ૿ධ‫ݢ‬௚ Do not remove PCB from the enclosure cover. Removing the PCB from the
๒஢ȃ enclosure cover voids the product warranty.

Make all wiring connections in accordance with local, nation, and regional
regulations. Do not exceed the T6000 Series thermostat's electrical ratings.


኷੣ᄵ‫ݢ‬ධਾღ໢ฬ֦‫ݢ‬ኑި૑ȃ኷‫ݢܕ‬໢ஏਾࢌ‫ؠ‬਋૰೙ሞඩ‫ݢ‬দˈ۰ߑܷ፛ Disconnect power supply before making electrical connections. Contact with
เ኎།ພ່ፚཏ၁ȃ components carrying hazardous voltages can cause electrical shock and may result
in severe personal injury or death.
Risk of Electrical Shock
Ground the thermostat according to local, national, and regional regulations.
່ፚཏ၁ȃ Failure to ground the thermostat may result in electrical shock and severe personal
injury and death.
Risk of Electrical Shock and Property Damage
ુኒञ֦॓૰೙ܷ፛‫ا‬ٛཿ।ˈ‫ݢ‬দञเ኎ພ၁່ፚཏ၁ȃ Insulate and secure each unused wire lead before applying power to the
thermostat. Failure to insulate and secure each unused wire lead may result
property damage, electrical shock, and severe personal injury or death.


኷ྈᇵܿਾღၝ৹‫ي‬औፇ෇ˈ‫؜‬ᇋࢍႼ࿾࿳‫ݢ‬ȃ‫௸ޥ‬ড‫؜‬ጸฬܿਾღ૰೙ܷ፛ົֻ Do not apply power to the system before checking all wiring connections. Short
ሿઌᄹܿཿ।ȃ circuited or improperly connected wires may result in permanent damage to the

601V-B01A-NB Rev 2-Issue Date 09 2012 4

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