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Civil Engineering UG Program is Provisionally NBA accredited (Tier I) up to 2023

Experimental study on
Transparent/Translucent Concrete

Presented by :
• Introduction
• Principle
• Methodology
• Compression test comparison
• Advantages & disadvantages
• Conclusion
• Compression test
• References

• In 2001 the transparent concrete was founded by Hungarian

architect Aaron Lossonzi.
• By research and innovation,newly developed concrete has
been created which is more resistant, lighter, white or colored
• The first transparent concrete block was successfully produced
by mixing large amount of glass fiber into concrete in 2003,
named as “LiTraCon”.
• Optical fibers are arranged side by side on a concrete base
leaving the light to pass from one side to other side
• Due to small thickness of fiber that the fibers are combined to
transmit light
• Transparent concrete or translucent concrete is work Based on
• Optical fibres passes as much light when tiny slits are placed
directly on top of each other as when they are staggered.
• Principal can carry because optical fibres in the concrete act
like the slits and carry the light across throughout the
• The manufacturing process of transparent concrete is almost
same as regular concrete.Only optical fibers are spread
throughout the aggregate and cement mix.
• The concrete mixture is made from fine materials only it does
not contain coarse aggregate.Thickness of the optical fibers
can be varied between 1 to 5 mm to suit the particular
requirements of light transmission.
• While manufacturing transparent concrete IS 10262-2009 is
used for concrete mix ratio and proportion of mixture.
• Set optical fiber at desired shape.
• Concrete is poured slowly and carefully so that the position of
optical fiber is not disturbed or displaced from its desired
• Set to dry and allow for curing
Casting process
Comparison between conventional concrete and
transparent concrete

Source:IJEDR vol7, Kumar D

Conclusion from compaction test
• All the mix fresh properties values are within the range of IS specifications.
• The compressive strength of transparent concrete is slightly higher than the normal
• The efficiency of the application of optical fibre is studied by comparing with the
normal M20 grade concrete and
• the test results proved that the efficiency is more in all aspects.
• Due to small size of the fibers, they blend into concrete becoming a component of
the material like small pieces of aggregate.
• The compressive strength of the concrete is determined by the cube size of 150 x
150 x 150 mm and then applying the load gradually without the shock and
continuously at the rate of 140 kg/cm2/minute
• Translucent concrete combines with fluid potential of concrete with glass ability to
admit light.
• Translucent concrete blocks can be used in many ways and implemented into many
forms .
• Transparent concrete can transmit light or say it allows light to
pass through it whereas the function of conventional concrete
is different.
• Reduction of light energy consumption.
• As it transmit light from one side to other, natural or artificial,
allows building to have its own light source.
• Can be used in cold countries as fine architecture façade, to
transmit heat with sunlight to the inner end. It gives the
visibility of texture of large scale object.
• Good appearance of transparent concrete gives an additional
benefit as architectural point of view for good aesthetical
view of building.
• Casting of transparent concrete block is difficult for the labor
so special skilled person is required.
• This type of concrete is very costly because of the optical
• Available only in the form of ready, it can't be made on the
building site.
• Light transmitting concrete is an innovative construction
material which transmits light through the concrete and
improves the lighting effect inside the building.
• It can reduce the light energy consumptions and carbon
footprint produced, which promotes green building
construction especially in urban area.
• The transmittance obtained for the various translucent
concrete specimens was seen to increase with the amount of
optical fibers used.
• But it came at a price, as the compressive strength started
decreasing at a steady rate once the percentage of optical
fibers by volume was increased within the concrete samples.
Examples of applications of light-transmitting

Location: Tokyo, Japan Completion: Location: Plaquemine, USA

2001 Completion: 2008
Area: 6000 m2

Location: Shanghai, China Location: Berlin, Germany

Completion: 2010 Area: 1887 m2 Completion: 2014 Area: 60 m2

Source: IJERD ,vol 4 Yadav

Compressive strength of concrete

To determine the compressive strength of concrete
• All materials shall be brought to room temperature, preferably 27 ±
3 oC before commencing the test.
• Clean the moulds properly and apply oil inside the cube frame
• The concrete shall be mixed by hand, or preferably, in a laboratory
batch mixer.
• Place the prepared concrete mix in the steel cube mould for casting.
• Compact each layer with not less than 35 strokes per layer using a
tamping rod (steel bar 16mm diameter and 600 mm long, )
• After 24 hours remove the concrete cube from the mould. Keep the
test specimens submerged underwater for curing .
• The specimen must be kept in water for 7 or 14 or 28 days
• The concrete cubes are placed on bearing plate and aligned
properly with the center of thrust in the testing machine
plates. The loading must be applied axially on specimen
without any shock and increased at the rate of 140kg/sq
cm/min. till the specimen collapse.
• Due to the constant application of load, the specimen starts
cracking at a point & final breakdown of the specimen must be
Result :
The average 3 Days Compressive Strength of given cement sample is found to be …..…..N/sq
The average 7 Days Compressive Strength of given cement sample is found to be …..….. N/sq
The average 28 Days Compressive Strength of given cement sample is found to be …..….. N/sq

• Yadav.A.,Shekar.S.,Anand.A.,;An Investigating Study on a new Innovative Material: Transparent

Concrete International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Development ,Volume
4, Issue 01, DIP: 18.03.06/20180401
• Kumar.D.,Venkatalakshmi.E,.Shravya.CH,.; Evaluation Of Strength Characteristics Of
• Transparent Concrete ,IJEDR 2019 | Volume 7, Issue 1 | ISSN: 2321-9939
• Kandan.O,.;Translucent Concrete,IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-
JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 14, Issue 3 Ver. III (May. - June. 2017), PP
• Priyadarshi.S,.Singh.R,.;Transparent Concrete,. International Journal of Research in
Engineering, Science and Management Volume-2, Issue-1, January-2019 ISSN (Online): 2581-
5792 +
PROPERTIES 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882
• Karthika.k,.Gayatri.RK,.Hemapriya.S,.;Experimental Investigation on Translucent
Concrete,.March 2019 | IJIRT | Volume 5 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2349-6002

• Ganapathi.B,.Vinoth.P,.Rakshitish.s,.Gayatri.M,.;Experimental Analysis of Translucent

Concrete,. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) ISSN (Online):
2320-9364, ISSN (Print): 2320-9356
• Sasidran.J,.Teja.N,.Sakthivek.K,.;Translucent Concrete,. IJERTV6IS040596 Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-
2017 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
• Ravivarman.S,.Mangeshwari.M,.Kanagalakshmi.AK;Experimental study of LiTraCon ,.IOSR
Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-
334X, Volume 12, Issue 6 Ver. I (Nov. - Dec. 2015),
Thank You

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