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Background of the Study

Teachers play a crucial role in students’ growth and development. As teachers,

they have multiple roles which include facilitator, mentor, creator, innovator to name a

few. However, teachers cannot perform effectively their roles and tasks to their

students unless they possess the technical and professional competence. These

qualities complement and supplement each other in order to realize what they want to

achieve for their students.

In context, teachers’ technical competence include instructional delivery ,

assessment and classroom management. The function of the teachers to sequentially

present relevant concepts to their students is a measure of instructional delivery.

Assessment is the function of the measuring learning and achievement of the students;

on the other hand, classroom management refers to the function of teachers which

promotes and maintain discipline and order in the classroom and eventually redound to

student’ learning outcomes.

On the other hand, professional competence encompasses collaborative

network, planning at school , assessment and counseling. These professional

qualities of teachers enable them to become effective in their pedagogical tasks. They

engage in interactive activities which enrich their preparations for teachers.

Furthermore, they can effectively plan for their educational activities for the students

and carry out meaningful evaluation on students’ performance.

The public elementary school teachers theoretically must possess the technical

and the professional competence to make them effective in the development and

growth of students. The level of their competence in these two domains can enhance

their ability to maximize the use of resources and transform them into meaningful

learning outcomes. Furthermore, these can establish favorable atmosphere in the

classroom where students can essentially develop their whole being, that is, cognitive,

affective and skill development.

However, the reality that happens on the field is not in congruence with what

the Department of Education officials, parents and other stakeholders expect to

achieve. The technical and professional competence of teachers fall short in the

promotion of learning outcomes among students. This is evident in the performance of

the students in the national examinations, attitudes, values and skills of the students.

The National Achievement results of 2018 shows that pupils and students were far

below the desired competencies and in the 2018 Performance International Students’

Assessment (PISA) where the Philippines was ranked second to the last in Science and

Math and last in the reading comprehension test among 79 participating countries. In

addition, the deterioration of values among students and their readiness for work are

manifestations of the quality of the pedagogical services.

With the gap at hand, this study is conceived to find out the impact of the

technical and professional competence of teachers on the learning outcomes of the

students. Through this study, the researcher can identify the most needed technical and

professional competence that promotes optimal learning outcomes among students.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to determine the impact of technical and professional

competence of public elementary school teachers to pupils outcomes in Zamboanga

City Division in school year 2019 – 2020.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the technical competence of elementary school teachers?

2. What is the professional competence of elementary teachers?:

3. how do technical and professional competencies of elementary teachers

impact the learner outcome?

4.what recommendation and suggestions to improve teachers technical and

professional competencies?

Significance of the Study

This study, its implications and applications will benefit the following:

School Administrators. This study can provide insights to school administrators

on their teachers’ technical and professional competence which lead to pupils’

outcomes. School administrators can take courses of action to strengthen teachers’

technical and professional competence and eventually contribute to student

Teachers. Teachers can ascertain the level of their technical and professional

competencies which are instrumental to their pupils’ learning outcomes. Through these

results, teachers can exert efforts to enhance their competencies that will make

effective in pupils’ learning outcomes.

Pupils. This study will benefit the pupils since technical and professional

competence of teachers will be addressed and enhanced to make it functional for

pupils’ learning outcomes.

Researchers. The study could provide researchers who intend to work along this

field with information that will enrich their knowledge and better understand their

studies. At the same time, this study can lend support to some findings of their studies.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is delimited to the impact of technical and professional competence of

teachers on pupils’ learning outcomes. Technical competence include instructional

delivery , formative assessment and classroom management. On the other hand,

professional competence is measured in terms of instructional delivery, formative

assessment , and classroom management. Pupils learning outcomes are cognitive,

affective and skills development.

The study will be conducted in selected public elementary schools in Manicahan

District in school year 2019 – 2020.

Guide Questions:

a. As teacher what is your technical competence to handle elementary

school pupils?

b. How does your competencies help you in teaching grade 1 teachers?

c. What is your professional competence in teaching elementary pupils?

d. how do technical and professional competencies of elementary

teachers impact the learner outcome?

e. What can you recommend and suggest to improve you technical and

professional competencies?

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