ELT-01-EC-TS-0006 - Specification For Concrete Works - R1

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Document No. ELT-01-EC-TS-0006

Revision No. 1
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Project Title : Andres LNG Terminal Expansion Project

Location : Punta Caucedo, Boca Chica, Dominican Republic
Contractor : POSCO Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
Discipline : Civil


1 06 Jul 2021 Issue for Final Y.J Yang M.H Lee H.S Yoo J.M Oh

0 17 Jun 2021 Issue for Final Y.J Yang M.H Lee H.S Yoo J.M Oh

D 25 May 2021 Issue for Review Y.J Yang M.H Lee H.S Yoo J.M Oh

C 23 Apr 2021 Issue for Review Y.J Yang M.H Lee H.S Yoo J.M Oh

B 20 Apr 2021 Issue for Review Y.J Yang M.H Lee H.S Yoo J.M Oh

A 03 Mar 2021 Issue for Review Y.J Yang M.H Lee H.S Yoo J.M Oh

Issue Date Revision Text Prepared Checked Reviewed Approved
The contents of this document are the sole property of POSCO E&C. Any rights not expressly
granted herein are reserved. Reproduction, transfer or distribution of part or all of the contents in
any form without the prior written permission of POSCO E&C is prohibited.
Document No. ELT-01-EC-TS-0006
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1 SCOPE................................................................................................................................................................. 3

2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 3

3 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................... 4

4 MATERIALS ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

5 SAMPLING AND TESTING ......................................................................................................................... 8

6 KIND OF CONCRETE, STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS, AND USAGE .................................. 11

7 PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE MIXES...................................................................................... 12

8 BATCHING OF MATERIALS ..................................................................................................................... 13

9 CONCRETE MIXES ..................................................................................................................................... 15

10 FORMS .......................................................................................................................................................... 15

11 PLACING CONCRETE ........................................................................................................................... 19

12 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS .................................................................................................................... 21

13 TEMPERATURE, WIND AND HUMIDITY ....................................................................................... 29

14 HYDRAULIC (LIQUID-TIGHT) STRUCTURES............................................................................. 29

15 OPENING ON SLABS ............................................................................................................................. 30

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1.1 Scope
This specification covers cast in - place structural concrete for use in structure and
appurtenances, foundations of equipment.
The following subjects are considered outside the scope of this specification:
 Precast concrete products
 Heavy weight shielding concrete
 Paving concrete
 Insulating concrete
 Refractory concrete
Grouting of Base Plate under steel structures, piperacks, pipe and electrical supports.
This shall be done by the steel fabricator / installer

2.1 General
The following publications form part of this specification to the extent referenced in this
specification. If there is a discrepancy between the references and this specification, the
more stringent requirement shall govern.

2.2 ACI (American Concrete Institute)

2.2.1 ACI 305, Guide to Hot Weather Concreting
2.2.2 ACI 315, Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement
2.2.3 ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Structural Concrete and
2.2.4 ACI 340, Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transportation and Placing of Concrete
2.2.5 ACI 347, Guide to Formwork for Concrete

2.3 ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)

2.3.1 ASTM A185, Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for
2.3.2 ASTM A370, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel
2.3.3 ASTM A615, Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for
Concrete Reinforcement
2.3.4 ASTM C33, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates
2.3.5 ASTM C39, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete
2.3.6 ASTM C42, Standard Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed
Beams of Concrete
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2.3.7 ASTM C78, Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple
Beam with Third-Point Loading)
2.3.8 ASTM C94, Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete
2.3.9 ASTM C143, Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete
2.3.10 ASTM C150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement
2.3.11 ASTM C171, Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete
2.3.12 ASTM C172, Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete
2.3.13 ASTM C183, Standard Practice for Sampling and the Amount of Testing of Hydraulic
2.3.14 ASTM C233, Standard Test Method for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete
2.3.15 ASTM C260, Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete
2.3.16 ASTM C309, Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for
Curing Concrete
2.3.17 ASTM C494, Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
2.3.18 ASTM C595, Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements
2.3.19 ASTM C618, Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural
Pozzolan for Use in Concrete
2.3.20 ASTM C1012, Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars
Exposed to a Sulfate Solution
2.3.21 ASTM C1157, Standard Performance Specification for Hydraulic Cement
2.3.22 ASTM D1751, Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for
Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and
Resilient Bituminous Types)

2.4 Job Specifications.

2.4.1 ELT-01-EC-RPT-0001, Design Criteria for Civil

3.1 Quality Control
Concrete shall be composed of Portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and
water. The CONTRACTOR may find that an admixture is required for retarding or
accelerating the setting and improving the workability of the concrete. These materials
shall be combined in such proportions as will result in the specified strength and
maximum density and water tightness. The relative proportions of these materials and
the consistency of the mix shall be at all times certified by the CONTRACTOR as
reviewed by OWNER. Tests for strength and material requirements shall have been
completed and coordinated with OWNER before concrete is placed.
3.1.1 Concrete materials and operations will be tested and inspected as the work
progresses to assure compliance to engineering drawings and specifications following
requirements based on ASTM C94 Section 12.5.
3.1.2 Concrete testing will include compressive strength tests and slump tests. Air contents
tests and any other tests will be done when so specified on the drawings or required
3.1.3 The OWNER may adjust the frequency of sampling, and testing based on the size and
type of job, complexity of structure, environmental concerns and contractor’s quality
control program.
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3.2 Submittals
3.2.1 Submit mix design for review at least 5 working days prior to placing of concrete.
3.2.2 The mix design shall include:
 Design strength at 28 Days.
 Required average strength.
 Cement content by source and weight.
 Aggregate type, weights, and source.
 List of admixtures by manufacturer, source, dosage rate, purpose.
 Mix water by weight, source, and consideration of any water in the aggregate.
3.2.3 Prepare shop drawings for reinforcement details (ie rebar schedule, dimensioning,
bending and cutting).

3.3 Safety
The work shall be in accordance with all applicable national, state or local safety
requirements, site specific requirements of the OWNER, and all safety requirements
specified in the contract documents.

Not less than 15 days before the start of the concrete work at the site, the
CONTRACTOR shall furnish the OWNER with a written report showing the source,
producer and intended use of the materials required in the work.
The report shall include a description of the proposed methods and the equipment to be
used by the producer for the production of the materials and a description of the methods
to be used to control and inspect the quality, uniformity, and cleanliness of the product.
4.1 Cement
4.1.1 Portland cement shall comply with specification for Portland cement, ASTM C150,
Type I or Type III with all brands subject to recommendation to OWNER. Type III, for
high early strength concrete, shall be at the CONTRACTOR’s option.
4.1.2 All cement shall be delivered to the site in sealed containers or bulk cement lorries of
suitable design. Provision should be made to protect cement before use and to prevent
accidental mixing of different types.

4.2 Admixtures
4.2.1 Air entraining admixtures shall conform to ASTM C260, or equal.
4.2.2 The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the OWNER certification that the air entraining
agent has been tested in accordance with ASTM C233, or equal.
4.2.3 Retarding admixtures shall conform to ASTM C494, Type B, or equal.
4.2.4 The CONTRACTOR shall present to the OWNER test reports from an accredited
laboratory certifying that the proposed admixture, when used with the cement and
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aggregates to be used for the project produces satisfactory content, slump and
4.2.5 Water reducing admixtures shall conform to ASTM C494, Type A, D, or E, or equal.
4.2.6 The CONTRACTOR shall present to the OWNER test reports by an accredited
laboratory certifying that the proposed admixture when used with the cement and
aggregates to be used for the project, produces satisfactory concrete, having the
desired properties with respect to time of set, water-reduction, slump and strength.
4.2.7 Pozzolans, including Fly Ash: Pozzolanic materials other than fly ash shall conform to
ASTM C618, or equal. Fly ash shall conform to ASTM C618, or equal.
4.2.8 The CONTRACTOR shall present to the OWNER test reports by an accredited
laboratory certifying that the proposed admixtures when used with the cement and
aggregates to be used for the project, produce satisfactory concrete having the desired
properties with respect to workability and plasticity, with no adverse reaction.
4.2.9 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any defective concrete that may result
from the use of such admixtures. All information regarding the admixture(s), such as
certificates, concrete mix trials, test results, etc, shall be made available to the
4.2.10 All admixtures shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Admixtures shall be incorporated through a dispensing system sufficiently accurate to
deliver within +5% of the required dosage.

4.3 Water
4.3.1 Water shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, acids, alkalies, salts,
organic matter, or other deleterious substances.
4.3.2 Quality of water to be used shall follow requirements of ASTM C94. It shall not contain
chlorides in excess of 500 mg/kg nor sulphates in excess of 500 mg/kg.
4.3.3 Wash water from mixer washout operations shall not be used as mixing water.
4.3.4 The pH of the water shall be ≥ 5.0 but not more than 8.0.

4.4 Aggregate
4.4.1 Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C33,
or equal.
4.4.2 The nominal maximum size of the aggregate shall not be larger than one fifth of the
narrowest dimension between sides of forms; one-third of the depth of slabs, or three
fourths of the minimum clear spacing between reinforcing bars, whichever is least.
4.4.3 Aggregate shall be graded in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C33, or equal.
4.4.4 Aggregates shall be taken for a source as accepted & certified by CONTRACTOR and
shall consist of naturally occurring sand and crushed granite. Aggregates shall be
obtained from a single source.
4.4.5 Aggregates having a water absorption greater than 2% by weight shall not be used in
watertight construction.
4.4.6 They shall not contain water soluble sulphur trioxide (SO3) in excess of 0.1%.
4.5 Reinforcement
4.5.1 Reinforcing steel shall be deformed high yield conforming to ASTM A615 or equal.
Welded wire fabric (mesh) shall conform to ASTM A185, or equal.
4.5.2 Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, all reinforcing bars shall be
4.5.3 Plain round bars shall not be used.
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4.6 Curing Materials

4.6.1 Curing paper shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C171, or equal.
4.6.2 Polyethylene sheets shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C171, or equal.
4.6.3 Cotton mats shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M324, or equal.
4.6.4 Burlap shall consist of either two layers weighting 10 to 18 ounces each per 10 square
feet, or four layers of six (6) to seven (7) ounces each.
4.6.5 Burlap that is being used for the first time shall be thoroughly washed in order to
remove starches used in sizing the materials.
4.6.6 Burlap shall be furnished in strips of at least three (3) feet and not more than six (6)
feet in width and shall be at least three (3) feet longer than the width of surface to be
4.6.7 Liquid curing compound shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C309, or equal.

4.7 Test Cylinder Molds

The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a sufficient quantity of re-usable test cylinders molds
for adequate sampling.

4.8 Delivery of Materials

4.8.1 Railway cars, barges, or trucks used for transporting Portland cement, water,
aggregates and reinforcing steel, shall be clean when any of these materials are
placed therein. Trucks and other vehicles used to transport materials must be kept
clean and free from foreign matter.
4.8.2 They must be in proper working condition and have strong, substantial bodies which
will prevent the loss of materials during transportation

4.9 Storage
4.9.1 Cement
 Cement shall be stored in a dry, weather tight, properly vented structure with a
wooden floor raised not less than 12 inches above the ground and having adequate
provision for prevention of absorption of moisture.
 Different brands of cement shall be stored separately and shall not be mixed.
 Notwithstanding and previous acceptance, any bag of cement containing material
which has hardened or otherwise deteriorated shall be rejected and any cement
rejected for any cause shall be removed from the site immediately. Cement which
have been stored on the site for more than six months shall not be used in the works
and shall be removed from the site.
4.9.2 Aggregate
 Aggregates shall be stored on hard paved self-draining areas or in properly designed
hoppers or containers. Separate storage facilities should be provided for each
different size of aggregate used.
 All aggregate deliveries should be inspected and at least a proportion of them should
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undergo regular testing. Aggregates should be handled and stored so as to minimize

segregation and contamination.
 The grading of each size of aggregate from each pit, quarry or other source of supply
shall be determined at least once weekly. The results of such tests shall be used to
check whether the gradings are similar to those of the samples used in the
establishment of batch weights.
4.9.3 Reinforcing Steel
 Reinforcement shall be stored clear off the ground and shall be protected from
contamination and excessive rusting.
 Reinforcement shall be properly labeled and segregated according to marks.
 Contaminated or rusty reinforcement shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the
Principal prior to use.
 Steel fabric shall be delivered and stored in flat sheets clear off the ground.
4.9.4 Others
Other concrete materials shall be stored to provide protection from the weather.


The CONTRACTOR shall submit samples and test reports to the OWNER. Materials
shall conform to the requirements as specified by this document.
5.1 Cement Sampling
Cement shall be sampled at the mill and at the site of the work or at the direction of the
OWNER, and the method of sampling shall conform to that outlined in he ASTM C183
for "Sampling Hydraulic Cement" or equal. Test reports to establish compliance with the
specifications for each type of cement shall be submitted.

5.2 Aggregates Sampling

Aggregates shall be sampled at their source and at the site of the work when directed by
the OWNER and test reports to establish compliance with the specifications for each
type of aggregate shall be submitted.
Moisture content of fine aggregate on the site shall be determined daily before concrete
mixing is commenced. The amount of water to be added to each batch shall be adjusted
at the direction of the OWNER to allow for the moisture content of the fine aggregate.
This test shall be repeated whenever there is reason to believe that the moisture content
of the fine aggregate has changed since the previous test was made.
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5.3 Reinforcing Steel Sampling

Reinforcing steel shall be sampled at the mill, and test reports to establish compliance
with the specifications for each type of reinforcing steel shall be submitted.

5.4 Fresh Concrete Sampling

Fresh concrete to be placed in stationary form work shall be sampled as described in
ASTM C172, "Sampling for Fresh Concrete", or equal.

5.5 Slump Tests

Slump tests shall be made frequently to control the fresh concrete before its final
placement and these tests shall be made in accordance with the ASTM C143 for "Test
for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete", or equal.

5.6 Concrete Strength Tests

5.6.1 Concrete testing shall reference ASTM C39 Standard Test Method for Compressive
Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens .
5.6.2 Sampling and testing for flexural strength of concrete shall reference ASTM C78-02
Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam w/ Third-
Point Loading).
5.6.3 Test samples for compressive strength testing shall be prepared in sets of three for
each test. Specimens for each set shall be obtained from the same batch of concrete,
after about one half of the batch has been placed in the forms. The rate of sampling
shall be as follows:
 At least once a day
 At least once for each 110m3 of concrete
 At least once for each 460m3 of surface area for slabs or walls
5.6.4 Molded Concrete Test Specimens
One set of four specimens shall be made and tested from each 100 cubic meters of
concrete or fraction thereof, or each day's pour, whichever is less.
5.6.5 Concrete Specimen Test
 The standard age of tests shall be 28 days; however, seven-day and even three day
test may be required additionally by the OWNER.
 Test specimens for determining when a structure may be placed in service and test
specimens for acceptance of concrete shall be tested in accordance with the
procedure in ASTM C39 for "Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete
Specimens" or equal.
 The test result shall be the average of the strengths of two 28-day tests, except that
if one specimen in a set of four shows evidence of improper sampling, molding or
testing, the test result of that specimen shall be discarded and the resulting test of
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another specimen of the same set shall be inserted in its place.

 If two specimens in a set off four show such defects, the result of the tests shall be
discarded and the average strength shall be determined from test results of the
remaining two specimens.
 If the average of the strength tests of the specimens for any portion of the work falls
below the minimum allowable compressive strength at 28 days required for the class
of concrete used in that portion, the OWNER shall order a change in the proportions
of the cement and aggregates or the water content of the concrete, or both, for the
remaining portions of the work.
 If cube specimens are made and tested instead of cylinders, the cube strength shall
be 25 percent higher than the cylinder strengths specified in subparagraph 4, "Kind
of Concrete, Strength Requirements, and Usage".
5.6.6 Hardened Concrete Tests
 Hardened concrete shall be tested, when the results of tests of the control specimens
indicate the concrete as placed does not meet specification requirements or when
there is other evidence that the quality of concrete is below specification
 One or all of the following tests may be required.
 Concrete test hammers may be used for testing; however, if test results fall
consistently below the required compressive strengths for the concrete, core shall
be drilled from the hardened concrete in the questionable area and shall be tested
to determine whether the concrete remains in place or is to be removed.
 The hammer shall be calibrated and testing shall be conducted on surfaces that are
smooth and uniform without rough spots, honeycomb or porous area. The tests shall
not be made on sections less than 4 inches in thickness unless it is backed up by a
heavy mass placed against the back side.
 If the surface is rough a carborundum stone or grinder shall be used to prepare a
smooth surface for testing.
 Cores, when required by the OWNER, shall be drilled and tested in accordance with
ASTM C42 for "Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete",
or equal.
 Where core drilled test results indicate that the in place concrete does not meet
specification requirements, a load test shall be conducted in accordance with the
applicable section of the ACI 318, or equal.

5.7 Reinforcing Steel Testing

CONTRACTOR to provide testing of reinforcment as required under ASTM 615 Standard
Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon Steel Bars for Concrete and ASTM A370
Standard Testing Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products and
ASTM E8 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials.
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5.8 Materials not Mentioned

The sampling and testing of all materials not specifically mentioned shall be done by
generally accepted methods and standards of ASTM or equal.


6.1 Structural Concrete
 Structural concrete shall be all concrete, unless otherwise specified herein and
shall have a minimum compressive strength at 28 days as follows:

Type of Structural Member
Strength (MPa)
Foundations, water retaining structures and
underground structure

Beams, columns, walls, and any other above

grade structural members including precast fck=28MPa

Slabs on grade(building floors and


Plain(Lean) Concrete and duct banks, including

Settling Pit and Box Culvert (Exposed to

6.2 Lean Concrete

Lean concrete shall be concrete used for fill material when required by the OWNER or
relevant drawings for leveling beds. Lean concrete shall attain a minimum compressive
strength of 8MPa at 28 days.
6.3 Grout
Non-shrink grout shall be used at locations shown or specified and shall attain a minimum
compressive strength of 50MPa at 28 days.
6.4 Control
The strength quality of the concrete proposed for use shall be established by tests made
in advance of the beginning of operations, using the consistencies suitable for the work.
Trial mix design and testing shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
The CONTRACTOR shall make trial mixes in the presence of the OWNER. Test
specimens shall be made of each trial mix and shall be tested at 28 days. If the trial mix
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shall fail to attain the strength and workability required, the OWNER may order further
trial mixes to be made until an acceptable mix is obtained.


7.1 General Requirements
7.1.1 The CONTRACTOR is responsible for completing the mix design according to the
requirements of this specification. Requirement for concrete mixes shall comply with
7.1.3. All admixtures shall be added at the batch plant.
7.1.2 Proportions of concrete shall be established based on the class of concrete (Type of
Exposure), 28 days compressive strength (using cylinder strength), and maximum
water cement ratio.
7.1.3 Requirement for reinforcement concrete mix design shall be as follows:

Exposure Maximum Minimum Additional requirements

class w/cm f’c, MPa ASTM C150M ASTM C595M ASTM C1157M
No type No type No type
S0 N/A 17
restriction restriction restriction
Types IP, IS or
S1 0.50 28 Ⅱ(1) (2) IT with (MS) MS
Types IP, IS or
S2 0.45 31 Ⅴ(2) IT with (HS) HS
Types IP, IS or
IT with (HS)
Ⅴplus pozzolan
S3 0.45 31 designation plus HS
or slag cement(3) pozzolan or slag
Maximum water-soluble chloride
ion(CL-) content in concrete,
percent by weight of cement Additional
Nonprestresse Prestressed
d concrete concrete
C0 N/A 17 1.00 0.06 None
C1 N/A 17 0.30 0.06
C2 0.40 35 0.15 0.06 Concrete Cover
For seawater exposure, other types of portland cements with tricalcium aluminate
(C3A) contents up to 10 percent are permitted if the w/cm does not exceed 0.40.
Other available types of cement such as TypeⅠor TypeⅢ are permitted in Exposure
Classes S1 or S2 if the C3A contents are less than 8 percent for Exposure Classes
S1 or less than 5 percent for Exposure Class S2.
The amount of the specific source of the pozzolan or slag cement to be used shall
be at least the amount that has been determined by service record to improve sulfate
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resistance when used in concrete containing TypeⅤcement. Alternatively, the

amount of the specific source of the pozzolan or slag cement to be used shall be at
least the amount tested in accordance with ASTM C1012M and meeting the criteria
in ACI 318-16

7.1.4 Any exception to the requirements for mix design or proportioning are noted on the
7.1.5 Minimum compressive strength shall be based on cube strength at 28 days.
7.1.6 The concrete shall be proportioned and produced to have a slump of 100mm or less,
maintaining the maximum water/cement ratio, unless otherwise noted on drawings.
7.1.7 Concrete shall be ready mixed. Mix-design, mixing and transportation shall be done
by certified mixing plant.
7.1.8 Maximum water penetration is 30mm for all exterior slabs.
7.1.9 Job-mixed concrete shall not be permitted.

7.2 Measurement
7.2.1 Measurement of concrete materials shall be weighted by weighing equipment and
scales as certified, calibrated and accepted by the CONTRACTOR.
7.2.2 Measuring devices shall be as nearly automatic as practicable and shall be so
calibrated that the contents of any setting may be readily determined. When measuring
devices are not available, the proportions of fine and coarse aggregates shall be
measured separately.

7.3 Structural Concrete

7.3.1 Structural concrete shall be mixed in such proportions as will result in a workable mix
having a minimum cement content of 300 kg per cubic meter of concrete.

7.4 Lean Concrete

7.4.1 Lean concrete shall be mixed in such proportions as will result in a workable mix
having a minimum cement content of 100 kg per cubic meter of concrete.
7.4.2 Aggregate shall be clean, well graded sand and gravel or crushed stone.

7.5 Slump
7.5.1 The proportions shall be such as to produce a mixture which will work readily into the
corners and angles of the forms and around reinforcing with the method of placing
employed on the work, but without permitting the materials to segregate or excess free
water to collect on the surface. The amount of water shall be the minimum necessary
to produce concrete of the workability as required.
7.5.2 Slumps shall range 15±3 cm.
8.1 General
8.1.1 Batching of materials may be done in either a manual or a semiautomatic
plant .Manually operated plant is one in which batch weights are set manually and
materials are batched manually. A semiautomatic plant is one in which batching are
set manually, mixes are changed manually, and materials are batched automatically.
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8.1.2 Separate bins of compartments shall be provided for fine aggregate, for the different
size of coarse aggregate and for bulk cement when used. The Compartments shall be
of ample size and so constructed that the materials will remain separated under all
working conditions.
8.1.3 Aggregates may be weighed cumulatively in one weigh batcher on one scale in a
manual plant and in a semiautomatic plant may be weighed cumulatively in one weigh
batchers on one scale or in separate weigh batchers with individual scales.
8.1.4 In a semiautomatic plant, bulk cement shall be weighed on a separate scale in a
separate weigh batcher.
8.1.5 In a manual plant, bulk cement shall be weighed in a separate hopper which may be
attached to a separate scale for individual weighing, or may be attached to the
aggregate hopper for cumulative weighing, provided there are separate beams or dials
for cement and aggregates.
8.1.6 If cement is weighed on the same scale as the aggregates, the cement shall be
weighed first and an interlock shall be provided to insure that all hoppers are empty
and that the scale is in balance before the weighing of the cement is begun.
8.1.7 In a semiautomatic plant, the batching controls shall be so interlocked that a new
batching cycle cannot be started until all catches are completely empty.
8.1.8 The plant shall be so arranged as to facilitate the inspection of all operations at all
times. Suitable facilities shall be provided for obtaining representative samples of
concrete for uniformity tests.
8.1.9 Delivery of materials from the batching equipment shall be within one percent for
cement, water and admixture, and two percent for aggregates

8.2 Equipment
8.2.1 Equipment for batching water and admixture shall be provided at the batching plant,
or included with the mixer, as required for the type of plant used. A suitable water
measuring device shall be provided that will be capable of measuring the mixing water
within the specified requirements for each batch.
8.2.2 The mechanism for delivering water to the mixers shall be such that leakage will not
occur when the valves are closed.
8.2.3 The filling and discharge valves for the water batcher shall be so interlocked that the
discharge valve cannot be opened before the filling valve is fully closed.
8.2.4 Where admixtures are added to the water, a suitable device for measuring and
dispensing the admixtures shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR. The devise shall
be calibrated and certified by CONTRACTOR.

8.3 Scales
8.3.1 Adequate facilities shall be provided for the accurate measurement and control of each
of the materials entering each batch of concrete. The CONTRACTOR shall provide
standard test weights and any other auxiliary equipment required for the operation of
each scale or other measuring device.
8.3.2 Periodic tests shall be made in the presence of the OWNER and at its direction.
8.3.3 Upon completion of each check test and before further use of indicating, recording or
control devices, the CONTRACTOR shall make such adjustments, repaired to secure
satisfactory performance. The weighing equipment shall be arranged so that the plant
operator can conveniently observe all dials or indicators.
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9.1 Concrete Mixers
9.1.1 Concrete mixers shall only be transit type.
 All mixers shall be maintained in a satisfactory operating condition and mixer drums
shall be kept free of hardened concrete.
 Mixer blades shall be replaced when worn down more than 10 percent of their depth.
 The use of any mixer that at any time produces unsatisfactory results shall be
promptly discontinued until the mixer is repaired.
9.1.2 The mixer shall be equipped with adequate water storage, a device for accurately
measuring the amount of water stored and a device for accurately measuring the
amount of water in each batch.
 It shall be equipped with a batch meter or other device for accurately recording the
number of revolutions for each batch and an attachment for automatically locking the
discharging device so as to prevent the emptying of the mixer until the materials have
been mixed the specified minimum time.
 Upon cessation of mixing for more than 30 minutes, the mixer shall be thoroughly
 Transit mixers shall be operated within the limits of capacity and speed of rotation
designated by their manufacturers.
9.1.3 Delivery of concrete to the site of work and its discharge from the truck mixer shall be
completed within 1/2 hour after the introduction of the mixing water to the cement and
aggregates, or the cement to the aggregates, unless otherwise authorized by the

9.2 Mixing Concrete

9.2.1 Mixing concrete shall be done in a batch mixer of an acceptable type and size, and
one so designed as to positively insure a uniform distribution mixed, after all materials
and water are in the mixer, for a period of not less than 90 seconds for mixers with a
capacity of one cubic yard or less, and not less than two minutes for larger mixers.
9.2.2 The mixing time shall be increased when such increase is necessary to secure the
required uniformity and consistency of the concrete and shall be at the direction of the
CONTRACTOR. Excessive over mixing requiring additions of water will not be
9.2.3 Remixing, re-tempering, or placing concrete or mortar which has partially hardened or
has begun its initial set, will not be permitted under any circumstances.

10.1 Generals
10.1.1 CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the design and construction of
formwork, taking due account of the surface finish specified on drawings.
10.1.2 The formwork shall be sufficiently rigid and tight to prevent loss of grout or mortar from
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the concrete at all stages and for the appropriate method of placing and compacting.
10.1.3 Formworks (including supports) shall be sufficiently rigid to maintain the forms in their
correct positions and to correct shape and profile so that the final concrete structure is
within the limits of the dimensional tolerances specified.
10.1.4 The supports shall be designed to withstand the worst combination of self weight,
formwork weight, formwork forces, reinforcement weight, wet concrete weight,
construction and wind loads, together with all incidental dynamic effects caused by
placing, vibrating and compacting the concrete.
10.1.5 Forms shall be nailed, bolted, or tied securely together with all required bracing and
10.1.6 Opening with closure panels shall be provided at the bottoms of forms for walls, beams,
girders, grade beams, piers and columns and shall be properly spaced to facilitate
inspection and cleaning out of forms.
10.1.7 All forms shall be of sufficient strength to support construction loads and the weight of
plastic concrete together with moving loads of men and materials.
10.1.8 Design, erection, maintenance and removal of all concrete for work including bracing
and shoring, shall conform to the requirements of the "Guide to Formwork for
Concrete" (ACI-347), or equal, unless specified otherwise herein.

10.2 Stationary Forms

10.2.1 Stationary forms for all exposed finished surfaces shall be built of metal, plywood,
pressed wood, or dressed tongue and grooved lumber, shall be built so that when
removed, the concrete will be left with a smooth surface, free from offsets, fins, ridges,
or other invisible defects.
10.2.2 Forms shall conform accurately to the shape, lines, and dimensions shown on the
10.2.3 All interior and exterior exposed concrete shall be formed with material that will
produce surface finishes equal to surfaces produced by new, tight, clean, plastic
surfaced plywood.
10.2.4 Forms for unexposed concrete may be of sound plank material or sound salvaged
10.2.5 All forms shall be tight to prevent leakage of mortar and shall be constructed and held
plumb and true to line.
10.2.6 Forms for securely braced, tied, clamped and shored shall be so constructed as to
insure proper and complete filling and placement, especially in locations of minimum
coverage. One half inch visual check holes shall be provided.
10.2.7 A coat of no staining oil or lacquer shall be applied to protect the form surface material
and to facilitate stripping. Form coatings shall be applied to the forms in accordance
with the directions of the manufacturer. Where concrete surfaces are to be painted and
where other material is to be applied with adhesive directly to concrete (such as soffits
and ceilings that are to be plastered), contact surfaces of forms shall be coated with
lacquer type sealing coating.
10.2.8 All screeds shall be so constructed as to produce continuous plane surfaces. Screeds
shall be set sufficiently ahead of placement of concrete so as to cause no interruption
of placing operations and shall be sturdy and so designed as to leave no undesirable
marks prior to placing concrete permanently in the forms.
10.2.9 All forms shall be cleaned of wood, shavings, trash, mud, water and foreign
substances and shall be dampened. All forms shall be thoroughly cleaned before
reusing. Studs shall be placed close enough to prevent deflection of form material and
consequent variation in the surface of the concrete.
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10.2.10 Slots, chases, recesses and openings in concrete for other work shall be provided. All
wall ties, fixtures, frames, sleeves, weld plates, anchors, dowels, nailing blocks and
similar items, shall be built into the form construction. Built in items shall be in their
correct locations and securely anchored to the forms.
10.2.11 Concrete shall be blocked out or sleeves shall be installed when pipe or conduit run
through the webs of beams or girders. The type of installation and the location shall
be coordinated to the OWNER.
10.2.12 Beam and girder forms shall be built so that the sides may be removed without
disturbing the bottoms and the centering shall be crowned at least 6 mm for each 305
10.2.13 Forms shall not be erected on concrete footings until the concrete in the footings has
cured 36 hours. Shoring under beam, girder and slab construction shall be done with
properly designed shorings which are properly braced to support required loads. All
column forms shall be properly braced. Forms shall be inspected and certified by
CONTRACTOR prior to each concreting operation.
10.2.14 External corners of columns, girders, beams, foundations, walls projecting beyond
overlying masonry and other external corners not protected by structural steel shall be
chamfered by 19 mm moldings placed in the forms, unless otherwise shown on the

10.3 Form Design

10.3.1 The anticipated deflection in the forms due to weight of fresh concrete shall be
accurately figured and taken into account in the design of the forms, so that finished
concrete members will have true surfaces conforming accurately to desired lines,
planes and elevations shown on the drawings.
10.3.2 Forms shall be constructed so that they can be removed without injury to the concrete.
Joints shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of grout during placing and shall be
arranged vertically or horizontally to conform to the pattern of the design.
10.3.3 Forms placed on successive units for continuous surfaces shall be fitted to accurate
alignment to assure a smooth completed surface free from irregularities. If adequate
foundation for shores cannot be secured, trussed supports shall be provided.
10.4 Form Ties
10.4.1 Form ties shall be either pull-through type or snap ties which will break back at least
3/4 inch from surfaces.
10.4.2 Wire ties passing through the concrete and wood spreaders may be used.
10.4.3 Bolts and tie-rods that are to be completely withdrawn shall be coated with grease.
10.4.4 Tie rod clamps to be entirely removed from the wall shall be loosened.

10.5 Filling Tie-Rod and Bolt Holes

10.5.1 Holes left by bolts or tie-rods shall be filled solid within 12 hours after removal of forms,
with cement mortar blended to match the adjacent surface.
10.5.2 Holes passing entirely through wall shall be filled from the inside face with a device
that will force the mortar through to the outside face, using a stop held at the outside
wall surface to insure complete filling.
10.5.3 Excess mortar at face of filled holes shall be struck off flush.
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10.6 Release Agents

10.6.1 Release agents for formwork shall be carefully chosen for the particular conditions
they are required to fulfill.
10.6.2 Release agents shall be applied so as to provide a thin uniform coating to the formwork
without contaminating the reinforcement and previously placed concrete at a
construction joint against which fresh concrete will be placed.
10.6.3 Where a concrete surface is to be permanently exposed, only one agent shall be used
throughout the entire area and the agent shall be colourless, nonstaining and have no
deleterious effect upon the concrete surfaces.
10.6.4 Where the surface is to receive an applied finish, care shall be taken by the Supplier
to ensure that the bonding of subsequent paint or finishing materials are not adversely
10.6.5 Release agents shall be stored and used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
10.6.6 Form-release agents shall not be applied if concrete surfaces shall receive special
finishes or where the agent may affect applied coverings.
10.6.7 Alternately, inside surfaces of untreated formwork shall be soaked with clean water
and kept moist before placing concrete.

10.7 Repair of Formwork

10.7.1 Damaged form shall not be reused if in the opinion of the OWNER, fixing would impair
the surface appearance of the concrete.

10.8 Formwork Props

10.8.1 If formwork props are to be left in place when soffit forms are removed, they shall not
be disturbed during the removal process.
10.8.2 Formwork props shall be positioned between permanent supports so that all structural
members are supported at no more than 3 meter-centers in both directions.

10.9 Removal of False work

10.9.1 The responsibility for the safe removal of any part of the false work shall rest with the
10.9.2 Forms shall be removed in such as manner as not to impair safety and serviceability
of the structure. All concrete to be exposed by form removal shall have sufficient
strength not to be damaged thereby.
10.9.3 Formwork and supports shall remain in place for not less than the following periods of
 Slabs on grade 24 hours
 Walls 48 hours
 Columns 48 hours
 Forms supporting beams, elevated slabs and soffits 14 Days
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11.1 General
11.1.1 Concrete shall be placed as near its final position as practicable.
11.1.2 Concrete that has attained its initial set or has contained mixing water for more than
30 minutes shall not be placed in the work.
11.1.3 Placing will not be permitted when the sun, heat, cold wind or limitation of facilities
furnished by the CONTRACTOR prevent proper finishing and curing of the concrete.
11.1.4 Concrete placing and finishing operations shall be done as quickly as possible.
11.1.5 Concrete unless otherwise directed by the OWNER, shall be placed in the forms in
horizontal layers not exceeding 61 cm in depth for ordinary walls, and shall be poured
full depth for beams and girders and for slabs, allowing the concrete to take its natural
angle of repose along the pouring line.
11.1.6 Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by rodding, spading and by mechanical
internal vibration and shall be thoroughly worked around reinforcement, embedded
fixtures, into corners and spaces to be filled.

11.2 Preparation for Placing Concrete

11.2.1 Water shall be removed from excavations before concrete is deposited. Any flow of
water shall be diverted through proper side drains and shall be removed without
washing over freshly deposited concrete.
11.2.2 Hardened concrete, debris and foreign materials, shall be removed from interior of the
forms and from inner surfaces of mixing and conveying equipment.
11.2.3 Reinforcement, joint material and embedded items shall be secured in position,
inspected and certified by CONTRACTOR before pouring of concrete.
11.2.4 Runways shall be provided for wheeled concrete-handling equipment; such equipment
shall be neither wheeled over reinforcement nor shall runways be supported on

11.3 Placing Concrete

11.3.1 Placing Concrete
 Concrete shall be placed in accordance with the "Guide for measuring Mixing,
Transporting, and Placing concrete" ACI 304 or equal.
 No concrete shall be placed when the atmospheric temperature is below 2℃ (35℉).
 After concrete has been placed, if the temperature drops below 2℃ (35℉), the
CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient canvas and framework or other types of
housing to enclose and protect the structure in such a way that the air surrounding
the fresh concrete can be kept at a temperature of not less than 8℃ (45℉) for a
period of five days after the concrete is placed.
 When ambient temperature is expected to be 29.5 ℃ (80 ℉ ) or higher, The
CONTRACTOR shall conform to the requirement of ACI 305 and shall employ
effective means such as pre-cooling of aggregates and/or mixing water as necessary
to maintain the temperature of the concrete as delivered at temperatures not to
exceed 35℃ (95℉) for all concrete and shall keep mixing time to the specified
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 The CONTRACTOR shall assume all risks connected with the placing of concrete
under the above conditions, and permission given by the OWNER to place concrete
under the above conditions, will in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR of the
responsibility for satisfactory results.
 Should concrete placed under such conditions prove unsatisfactory, it will be rejected.
11.3.2 Vibrations
 Mechanical internal vibrators shall be used in all formed concrete work, except where
tight working space makes hand spading necessary.
 Systematic spacing of vibrator insertion 305 to 508 mm apart shall be established to
insure that all concrete is thoroughly consolidated.
 Vibrators shall have a frequency of 10,000 vibrations per minute and shall be
vertically inserted and withdrawn with 5 to 15 second vibration periods and shall be
inserted to a depth which will insure penetration into the previous lift.
 The use of vibration as a method of moving concrete after it has been placed will not
be permitted.
 Fresh concrete shall not be placed on concrete which has become completely hard
to cause formation of seams and planes of weakness within the section (cold joints).
11.3.3 Depositing Concrete
 Concrete shall not be allowed to drop freely more than 150 cm and even then shall
not be allowed to hit or contact the sides of forms or reinforcing. Where greater drop
heights are required, a tremie may be utilized. The tremie shall be controlled so that
the concrete may be effectively compacted into horizontal layers and the spacing of
the tremie shall be such that segregation does not occur.
 Chuting of concrete into place will not be permitted, except under such conditions as
may be prescribed by the OWNER. If chuting is permitted, the slope of the chute
shall be not less than one vertical to three horizontal or more than one vertical to two
 The chute shall be so designed and operated as to prevent segregation of the
aggregate and loss of mortar and the discharge end shall be provided with a baffle
plate or other device to cause the concrete to drop vertically.
 The chute shall be thoroughly clean before and after each run. Waste material and
flushing water shall be discharged outside the forms.
11.3.4 Earth-Foundation Placement
 Concrete footings shall be placed upon undisturbed clean surfaces, free from mud
and water.
 A vapor barrier of clear plastic sheeting 0.1mm thick shall be laid over the surface to
receive concrete.
 The CONTRACTOR shall not allow water to flow over any concrete, until the concrete
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has set at least 24 hours.

11.3.5 Pump Placement
 Where concrete is conveyed and placed by pumping, the plant and equipment shall
be certified by the CONTRACTOR. Operation of the pump shall be such that a
continuous stream of concrete without air pockets is produced.
 When pumping is completed, concrete to be used which remains in the pipeline shall
be ejected without contamination of concrete or separation of ingredients.
 After each operation, equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned and debris and flushing
water shall be disposed of outside the forms.
 Underwater concreting will not be allowed.

12.1 Finishing Concrete
 Edges of platforms, pavements, paving joints, and walks shall be finished with an
edging tool.
 Tops of pads and foundations indicated as requiring grout shall have a surface
roughness of approximately 10mm plus or minus to assure bond of the grout to the
 Unless noted other on the drawings, concrete finish shall be as described below.

Description Tolerance Type of Finish Surface

Exterior Slabs Floated and Broom Finished 12mm in 3m
Interior Slabs Floated and Smooth Steel 6mm in 3m
Process Structures Rough Form
Buildings/Architectural Smooth form(Rubbed)
Environmental Rough Form

 Exposed corners shall be formed with 25 mm chamfers except where otherwise

noted on the drawings or where tooled edges are specified.
12.1.1 Stationary Form Concrete
 After removal of stationary forms from beams, girders, columns, and foundation walls
or any other exposed surface, the concrete shall be dressed of all irregularities and
form marks to bring it to a smooth even surface. If the surface is not smooth and free
from irregularities, the concrete shall be rubbed, while green, with a carborundum
block until it is smooth.
 All cracks, voids and from tie holes shall be puttied with mortar containing the same
cement and fine aggregates that were used in the original concrete prior to the
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rubbing operation.
12.1.2 Slab Finishes
Finished slab surfaces shall be true plane surfaces, with a tolerance of 3.13 mm in 305
cm, unless otherwise indicated. Surfaces shall be pitched to drains. The dusting of
finish surfaces with dry materials will not be permitted.
1) Monolithic Finish
 Surfaces to have monolithic finish shall be finished by tamping the concrete with
special tools to force the coarse aggregate away from the surface, then spreading
and floating with straightedges to bring the surface to the required finish level.
 While the concrete is still green, but sufficiently hardened to bear a man's weight
without deep imprint, it shall be floated either by hand or mechanical means to a
true, even plane with no coarse aggregate visible. Sufficient pressure shall be used
on the floats to bring moisture to the surface.
 After surface moisture has disappeared, the surfaces shall be machine troweled to
a smooth even finish. Trowel marks shall be removed by hand steel troweling.
2) Rough Slab Finish
Surfaces to receive fill and/or mortar setting beds shall be finished by tamping the
concrete with special tools to force the coarse aggregate away from the surface and
screed with special tools to force the coarse aggregate away from the surface and
screed with straightedges to bring the surface to the required level.
3) Broomed Finish
 Surfaces to have monolithic broomed finish shall be finished as specified for
monolithic finish except that the hand steel troweling be omitted.
 After the machine troweling is completed, the surface shall be broomed with a fiber-
bristle brush or broom in a direction perpendicular to the main line of traffic.
4) Abrasive Finish
 Surfaces to have abrasive monolithic finish shall be finished as specified for
monolithic finish except that before the steel troweling is commenced an abrasive
material shall be evenly applied to the surface at a rate of not less than 0.113 kg of
abrasive material to each square foot of surface.
 The surfaces shall then be steel troweled as specified for monolithic finish.
 The abrasive material shall be aluminum oxide so graded that 100 percent of the
particles are retained on a No. 30 sieve and 100 percent will pass a No. 12 sieve or
other similar product.

12.2 Cutting and Patching

12.2.1 All cutting shall be neatly done and shall only be done in areas where the structural
quality of the member will not be endangered.
12.2.2 Permission shall be obtained from the OWNER prior to any cutting or channeling.
12.2.3 For large openings, a saw equipped with an abrasive disk capable of cutting hardened
concrete shall be used to circumscribe the area to be opened. The cut shall be made
to a minimum depth of 13 mm on the outside face of walls or top of slabs. The inner
surface of the opening shall be trimmed of all projections to provide an even, but not
smooth, surface.
12.2.4 For smaller openings, a portable core drilling machine or a star drill shall be employed
to cut the hole.
12.2.5 Care shall be exercised as the instrument nears the far face of the concrete so the
spalling may be held to a minimum. Patching shall be done with the same type and
brand of cement and aggregate as was used in the structure.
12.2.6 Forms shall be placed on each side of the larger openings and on only one side of the
smaller openings.
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12.2.7 A wire brush shall be used to remove foreign substance and loose material from the
surfaces of the hardened concrete, and a slush coat of non-shrink grout shall be
painted over the area prior to placing the concrete.
12.2.8 The openings shall be carefully filled with a 1:3 cement and aggregate mortar with
enough water to provide a workable mix. No lime or plaster-of-paris shall be mixed
with this filling mortar. After the areas have been filled and finished and while the
concrete is still green, a final coating of cement and water shall be brushed and rubbed
into the concrete.

12.3 Curing
12.3.1 General
 In general, all concrete surfaces shall be cured and curing shall be accomplished by
preventing loss of moisture, rapid temperature change and mechanical injury, or
injury form rain or flowing water for a period of seven days.
 Curing shall be started, as soon as free water has disappeared from the surface of
the concrete after placing and finishing.
 Curing of formed under-surface of beams, girders, floor slabs and other similar
undersurfaces, shall be accomplished by moist curing with forms in place for the full
curing period or if the forms are removed prior to the end of the curing period, by
other acceptable means.
12.3.2 Wet Coverings
 Unformed surfaces shall be covered with burlap, cotton, or other acceptable fabric
mats kept in intimate contact with the surface, or with sand and dirt and shall be kept
continually wet.
 Where formed surfaces are cured in the forms, the forms shall be kept continually
 Burlap shall be used only on surfaces that will be unexposed in the finished work and
it shall be in two layers. In extremely hot, windy weather, sunshades, windbreakers
and fog nozzles shall be used during flat slab finishing operations.
12.3.3 Waterproof Membrane Coverings
 Surfaces may be covered with waterproof paper of with plastic sheets lapped four (4)
inches at edges and ends and sealed with mastic or pressure-sensitive tape not less
than 38 mm wide.
 The membrane shall be weighted to prevent displacement and tears and holes
appearing during the curing period shall be repaired by patching.
12.3.4 Curing Compound
 Membrane-forming curing compounds shall be one coat of a sodium silicate liquid
floor hardener and shall be applied according to manufacturer's instructions.
 Surfaces damaged by subsequent construction operations within the curing period,
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shall be resprayed at the rate specified above.

 Membrane curing compound shall not be used on surfaces that are to receive
bituminous membrane, or other damp-proofing adhesive for application of other
material, concrete fill nor on surfaces that are to be painted.
 Surfaces coated with curing compound shall be kept free of foot and vehicular traffic
and other sources of abrasion during the curing period.

12.4 Defective Concrete

12.4.1 Any concrete which shall be found defective from any cause shall be cut out and
replaced, and the cost of such cutting and replacing shall be done by the
12.4.2 Unless otherwise specified or permitted by the OWNER, tie holes, honeycombs, and
other concrete surface defects shall be repaired promptly after form removal at a time
and in a manner that shall not delay, interfere with, or impair the proper curing of the
fresh concrete.
12.4.3 The OWNER shall be notified before proceeding with repair if the defect is either of
the following sizes:
12.4.4 Depth is greater than 75mm at the maximum point and surface area is greater than
100,000 square mm.
12.4.5 Depth is greater than 6mm the thickness of the member and greater than 150 mm in
any other direction.
12.4.6 Out-of-tolerance slabs shall be repaired by grinding down high points and/or raising
low points by using a specified underlayment compound or repair topping if the areas
are exposed.
12.4.7 Critical slab areas, identified in the contract documents shall be replaced if out-of-
tolerance. A demolition and replacement plan for the slab areas shall be submitted to
the OWNER for review before proceeding.

12.5 Joint
 Joints shall not vary more than 1/4-inch from a true line or from their designated
 Joints shall be as located and detailed on the drawings . Waterstops shall be used in
all joints in trenches, sumps, containment areas, and process area paving unless
specifically noted otherwise on the drawings.
 Joints and splices in waterstops shall be fusion welded according to the waterstop
manufacturer’s written instructions.
 When monolithic pours are required, the second pour shall begin within 1 hour of the
first pour at that location.
 Slab and trench joints shall be made according to the drawings. Pre-formed joint
systems shall be pre-fabricated and installed according to the manufacturer’s written
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 Control joints to be cut with a saw shall be cut as soon as the concrete is hard enough
to prevent surface raveling and aggregate dislodging, and within 12 hours after
concrete placement.
 Control joints shall be cut in accordance with the saw manufacturer’s written
 Sawing sequence shall be based on pour time and size of slab.
 Control joints in slap toppings shall be located directly above and in line with the
control joints in the underlying concrete slab.
 Isolation joints shall be placed where the pavement adjoins vertical surfaces (e.g.,
walls, columns, catch basins, manholes, and equipment foundations). Isolation joints
shall be located in accordance with the contract documents.
 Dowels at expansion joints shall be properly aligned to prevent any restraint on
expansion movement at the joint.
 The surface of joints shall be cleaned of scale and laitance and thoroughly wetted,
but free of standing water, before placing adjoining concrete.
12.5.1 13.5.1 Expansion Joint
 Expansion joints shall be so constructed that reinforced corner protection angles, or
other fixed metal items, embedded in or bonded into the concrete, shall not be
continuous through the joint.
 Pre-molded expansion joint filler strips shall be 3/4 inch thick and shall be the full
depth of the slab. Pre-molded expansion joint material shall be pre-formed strips
which have been formed from cane or other suitable fibers of a cellular nature,
securely bound together and uniformly saturated with a suitable bituminous binder;
or strips which have been formed form clean granulated cork particles securely
bound together by a suitable bituminous binder and encased between two layers of
bituminous saturated felt and all meeting the requirements of ASTM D1751 for
"Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction”,
or equal.
 For expansion joints receiving joint compound, the pre-molded expansion joint filler
strip shall be installed below the finished floor with a slightly tapered dressed and
oiled wood strip temporarily secured to the top there of.
 The wood strip shall be of sufficient depth to form a groove not less than 1/2 inch
deep. After the concrete has set the wood strip shall be removed and the joint shall
be filled with a hot poured joint sealer. Joint grooves shall be filled approximately
flush so as to be slightly concave after drying. Edges of concrete slabs along
expansion joints shall be neatly finished with a slightly rounded edging tool.
12.5.2 Construction Joint
 Construction joints shall not exceed 60 feet in any horizontal direction unless
authorized by the OWNER. Concrete shall be placed continuously so that the unit
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will be monolithic in construction. At least 48 hours shall elapse between the castings
of adjoining units.
 Construction joints, when required shall be located near the midpoint of spans for
beams or girders unless a beam intersects a girder at the center in which case the
joints in the girder shall be offset a distance equal to twice the width of the beam and
provision for shear shall be made by use of inclined reinforcement.
 Joints in columns shall be made at the underside of the deepest beams or girder
framing thereto. Columns or walls of ordinary height shall be poured at least two
hours before any overhead work is placed thereon.
 Joints not specified shall be so located as to least impair the strength and appearance
of the work.
 Construction joints in wall footings shall be reduced to a minimum. Except where
otherwise indicated, no jointing shall be made in footings or foundation work.
 Placement of concrete shall be at such rate that surfaces of concrete not carried at
joint levels will not have attained initial set before additional concrete is placed
thereon. Girders, beams and slabs shall be placed in one operation. A strip of
dressed lumber shall be tacked to the inside of the forms at the construction joint.

12.6 Protection from Mechanical Injury

12.6.1 During the curing period, the concrete shall be protected from damaging mechanical
disturbances, such as load stresses, heavy shock and excessive vibration.
12.6.2 All finished concrete surfaces shall be protected from damage by construction
equipment, materials or methods, by applications of curing procedures and by rain or
running water.
12.6.3 Self-supporting structures shall not be loaded in such a way as to overstress the
12.7 Reinforcing Steel
12.7.1 General
 Reinforcement shall not be surrounded by concrete unless it is free from mud, oil,
paint, retarders, loose rust, loose mill scale, grease or any other substance which
can be shown to affect adversely the steel or concrete chemically, or to reduce the
 Reinforcement with pitted surfaces will be rejected.
 Reinforcing steel shall be as shown on the drawings for sizes, shapes, dimensions
and placement.
 The CONTRACTOR shall submit detailed bar lists, bending schedules and drawings
to OWNER for review.
 Columns shall have a deformed type, hard grade, new billet reinforcing.
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12.7.2 Placing
 The identification of the various pieces shall be preserved, and paper identification
tags shall be removed just prior to placing the steel.
 Before being placed, the reinforcing steel shall be free from flaky or scaly rust or
coatings of any kind which will destroy or reduce the bond strength and shall be
maintained in such clean condition until the concrete is placed.
 Reinforcing which is appreciably reduced in section shall not be used.
 Reinforcing shall not be bent or straightened by heating or otherwise in a manner
that will cause damage.
 All shapes required shall be obtained by cold bending. Bars with kinks or bends not
shown on the plans shall be rejected.
 All reinforcing steel is to be carefully and securely placed in the forms in the correct
positions and sufficient wire supporting devices and ties shall be provided to hold it
rigidly in position both before and during pouring operations.
 Slab bars shall be provided with universal bar bolsters and beam, and girder
reinforcement shall be supported on beam bolsters.
12.7.3 Splicing
 All splices shall be so made as to develop the full strength of bar by sufficient lap,
and should follow the requirements of "Building code Requirements for Structural
Concrete" of ACI 318.
12.7.4 Lapping by welding shall not be allowed. Use of mechanical lapping may be used with
consideration of its value or cost .Tolerance for Fabricating and Placing Bars
 Tolerances for Fabricating Bars
 Tolerance for fabricating bars shall be in accordance with ACI 315.
 Tolerances for Placing Bars
 Placement of non pre stressed reinforcement, measured from form surface
a) When member depth (or thickness) is 101 mm or less: … ± 6 mm
b) When member depth (or thickness) is over 101 mm
and not over 305 mm:……………………………………… ±10 mm
c) When member depth (or thickness) is over 305 mm...±13 mm
 Concrete cover measure perpendicular to concrete surface
a) When member depth (or thickness) is 305 mm or less……. -10 mm
b) When member depth (or thickness) is over 305 mm..………-13 mm
c) Reduction in cover shall not exceed 1/3 the specified concrete cover.
d) Reduction in cover to formed soffits shall not exceed……..…-6 mm
 Vertical deviation for slab-on-ground reinforcement............±19 mm
 Clear distance between reinforcement or between reinforcement and embedment
a) One-quarter specified distance not to exceed………………..±25 mm
b) Distance between reinforcement shall not be less than the greater of the bar
diameter or 25 mm for unbundled bars.
c) The bundled bars, the distance between bundles shall not be less than the
greater of 25 mm or 1.4 times the largest individual bar diameter for two-bar
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bundles, 1.7 times the largest individual bar diameter for three-bar bundles, and
two times the largest individual bar diameter for four-bar bundles.
 Spacing of non pre stressed reinforcement, measured along a line parallel to the
specified spacing
a) In slabs and walls, except as noted below…………..±76 mm
b) Stirrups:… the lesser of ±76 mm or ±83 mm per 1 m of beam depth
c) Ties: the lesser of ±76 mm or ±83 mm per 1 m of least column width
d) The total number of bars shall not be less than that specified.
 Spacing of Bars
 The minimum distance between individual bars shall not be less than:
a) The maximum size of coarse aggregate + 5mm;
b) The diameter of the bar;
c) 50mm, whichever is larger.
 The center-to-center distance of individual bars shall be not more than:
a) 150mm for main bars in beams where bending moments are maximum
b) 250mm for main bars in slabs where bending moments are maximum
for bars perpendicular to main bars in slabs
for distribution bars in slabs
for bars in walls
for mild steel stirrups in beams
c) 300mm for longitudinal bars in columns
for horizontal side bars in beams
for high-yield stirrups in beams
d) 400mm for any other bars not mentioned previously
 In walls and floors with a thickness of 250 mm or more, reinforcing bars shall be
placed on both sides, over the full section.
 In footings and foundation slabs/blocks with a thickness of 250 mm or more,
reinforcing bars shall be placed on both top and bottom, over the full section.
 The space between the bars shall not exceed 250 mm. In addition, horizontal side
reinforcement shall be placed at minimum distances of 400 mm.
 Embedments
 Anchor bolts, anchors, inserts, sleeves, drains, curb and seat angles, nosing, and
other embedded items shall be installed before placing concrete. Welding of these
items to the reinforcing bars shall not be permitted.
 Anchor bolts threads shall be protected from damage and kept free of concrete.
 Reinforcing bars shall be spliced in accordance with the design drawings only. Fixing
 No reinforcement shall be welded.
 Where spacers are required to maintain the concrete cover to the reinforcement
these may be either concrete or plastic unless otherwise specified. Plastic spaces
shall be of acceptable design. Where spacers have to carry heavy loads, the use of
plastic spacers shall not be permitted.
 The CONTRACTOR shall adopt appropriate sizes and spacings of chairs.
 Where concrete spacer blocks are required in exposed concrete, they shall be made
from the materials used in the surrounding concrete.
 Corrosion Protection
 All starter reinforcement and reinforcement projecting beyond all the construction
joints are to be protected from corrosion by painting with antirust paint within 7 days
of concreting of the structures embedding the ends of the starter reinforcement.
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 Rust Staining
 Concrete surfaces which will be exposed to view in the finished works shall be
protected from staining due to rusting of projecting reinforcement either by coating
the reinforcement with cement grout or by another acceptable method
 Exposed Reinforcement
 In the event that reinforcement are expected to be exposed for a prolonged period
over three months, or such that loose rust and scale may form, apply a corrosion
protection coating to the OWNER’s acceptance. Ensure the coating is compatible
with the concrete and will not reduce the bond of the reinforcement.


13.1 Hot Weather
13.1.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be adequately prepared to protect the concrete from the
adverse influence of hot weather before the placement of any concrete may begin.
13.1.2 Placement of concrete when the air temperature exceeds 40oC(104oF), particularly
when the work is exposed to direct sunlight, shall be done taking special precautions
to avoid cracking of the concrete from rapid drying.
13.1.3 Forms, particularly metal forms, shall be cooled by sprinkling with water or by
protecting them from direct rays of the sun. The temperature of the forms shall not
exceed 40oC(104oF).
13.1.4 If CONTRACTOR sees fit, a retardant may be used to delay the initial set of the
concrete as long as it does not alter the designed strength of the concrete.
13.1.5 Concrete shall be placed at a sufficient rate so that cold joints are not formed by the
rapid set of concrete.
13.1.6 Moist curing shall be applied as soon as possible after placement to inhibit the
development of shrinkage cracks due to the rapid drying of the surface.
13.1.7 Concreting in hot weather shall be in accordance with ACI-305, or equal.


14.1 Any structure designated as a hydraulic structure shall comply with the following:
 Hydraulic structures shall be cured by a wet-cure procedure only.
 Curing shall occur for a minimum of 14 days.
 Wall forms shall be loosened and water continually sprinkled between the wall and
14.2 Waterstop
 Waterstop shall be of the shape and dimensions shown on the detail design drawings.
 The cross section shall be uniform along its length and transversely symmetrical so
that the thickness at any given distance from either edge of the waterstop will be uniform.
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15.1 Openings can often be accommodated by the proper detailing of additional
reinforcing steel bars in the slab or beams, beams spanning between columns or
other beams, or thickening of portions of the slab around the openings.
15.2 Requirements on proper design, appropriate locations and detailing must be
followed reference ACI 318-05.

Areas for Slab Openings

15.3 Because of punching shear capacity of the slab around the columns typically
governs the thickness of flat plates, any openings at the intersection of column
strips (Area 3) should be avoided as much as possible. This is especially critical
near corner and edge columns where the shear in the slab is typically highest. If
openings must be made in Area 3, to install a drainage pipe for example, the size
of the opening should be no larger than 300mm.
15.4 Openings in Area 2, located at the intersection of column and middle strips, are
less critical than Area 3, and small openings having width less than 15% of the
span length can often be made in this area.
15.5 The most favorable location for openings is at the intersection of two middle strips
at Area 1.
For existing slabs, openings done by core drilling shall be avoided. If such shall be
needed, this shall be consulted to OWNER.

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