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People Management - BUSA5264A

Course Outline – The HR Practitioner

as a Business Partner, and People
Management Leadership
• Explain why transformation is important for the HR practitioner.
• Discuss the role of the HR practitioner as a strategic business partner.
• Explain the importance of PM leadership in the strategic alignment of
organisational performance.
• Distinguish between leadership and management.
• Design HRM as an integrated system and appraise the new HR
competencies required
• Discuss what will be required of HR and PM leadership in the
organisation of the future.
Current HR trends
Business driven-Integrated HR Flexible work practices
strategy Learning in the flow of work
High performance culture Personal Experience
Home is the new office
Organization design
Delivering through teams
HR Risk Taking Data-driven people analytics
Automation of tasks HR professionalization
Workforce Planning Employee Health and Wellbeing
Virtual Engagement Employer branding
Digital HR
Leadership Development
Network Employee Experience and Activism
Meaningful work + Purpose Complexity
Don’t forget
- Changing workforce
- Technology
- Mobility
- Globalization
- Innovation

- Unemployment
- Economic unrest
- Trade Barriers
- Legislation changes
- Poor education

• Collaboration between human and the digital

• Harnessing resources and insights to redefine obsolete models, and implement technologies such as analytics and digital
• Assist businesses in paving the way for strategic growth across decisions relating to recruitment, compensation, talent
management, performance management, training, employee experience and more
• Constantly develop themselves and use their knowledge to keep their organizations in the game
• Provide inputs on high level business guidance and leadership on defining the very future of work
• Help organizations make a move from traditional, rigid systems to network and digital organizational structures
People Management and 4IR

• 4IR is focused on fusing the Physical, Digital and Biological worlds;

• This impacts on the way organisations produce value and how people work =
redefining the future of work;
• Organisations need to adapt to change and support the workforce transition;
• People Management is at the front line of helping their organizations and leaders
to drive technology absorption, foster innovation, enable new work models and,
ultimately, attract, retain and develop the workforce of the future;
• People Management is at the front line of developing New Leadership Capabilities
– leaders are required to lead from the edge and drive a new vision of
organizational culture and shape innovative people strategies for the future of
• Integration of Technology and People in the Workplace = optimal combination of
human workforce and automation to ensure a positive impact on the future of
• Employee experience (Culture) in enabling a meaningful employee experience;
• Personalized Learning Culture that focuses on fostering a culture of lifelong
learning as organisations experience a declining demand for certain skills and new
one emerge simultaneously – new skills require continuous learning;
• Learn, Unlearn, Relearn = Continuous LEARNING;
• Profound advancement in Inclusion and Diversity = promoting a sense of purpose
and belonging, equality and prosperity in the workplace;
• Driving High performance.
- Continually scan the environment
- Respond to changing business trends
- Align talent (skill) to required organizational
- Develop People strategy
- Adapt Business and People strategy to
environmental changes
Leadership - Takes charge and guides the performance or
- Influence and shape

Vision Mission Goals Strategies Structure Systems and Activities

People planning
Talent Planning
Workforce planning
Recruitment planning
Training and Development planning
- Plan, organize, lead, control
Reward and Recognition planning
- Implement strategy
Culture Planning
- Manage things
Diversity and Inclusion planning
• Performance is driven from the top
down, not from the bottom up.
• Where you see high performance, you
will find the presence of strong,
focused leadership.
• Performance is the product of winning
behaviour. When leaders and
employees consistently do the things
that enable an organisation to ‘win’ –
to compete successfully – high
performance is the outcome.
• Performance is always about achieving
specific, measurable goals that help
the organisation to win.
• Performance is defined by
• Performance is shaped by the promise
of rewards (and the fear of
• Winning behaviour can be modelled
effectively by competencies.
Transformation and the People Practitioner

- Appropriate HR Skill
- Appropriate Technology
What is the context? support
- Risk takers
- Deal with complexity
- Business buy-in to HR
Why are we doing it? transformation
The line manager, the W
employee and the HR H The outcomes
Transformation A
professional O
How we do it?

The department, the

people, the practice
Transformation and the People Practitioner

The Future is NOW

Business – Growth, Cost Pressures,

Innovation, Change, Relevance,

Develop new capabilities to

remain relevant

‘New normal’ characterized by

ongoing economic uncertainty,
lingering underemployment,
excessive debt, stagnant consumer
demand, expanding populations
and growing middle and powerful
pool of consumers and workers

Global Business Driven HR Transformation The Journey Continues – Deloitte report

Customer focused solutions

Strategic People Management

Expanded focus and extended

influence - influence to the
enterprise and business
ecosystem as a whole

From back-office function to

core piece of the
organizational fabric

People are fungible

Old rules of work no longer

apply, and the new ones are
evolving rapidly

Adding value at the highest

levels in the organization –
understand business cycles
and employees’ life stage
A memo to HR – Deloitte 2020

Role of HR as a Strategic Business partner

• Identify trends that - Lead conversations about the future

will impact business • Create culture of
engagement and skills and individual capability;
and then interpret
potential impact confidence - Contribute in conversations about
organisations mission, goals, and
overall strategy;
- A strategic business partner has a
voice in their HR conversations;
- There is less focus on administration,
compliance, and management;
- Determines and steers the objectives
of the human resources department
• Maintain • Take stock of of the organization, focusing more on
planning organisations developing strategy rather than
focus and capabilities and implementing policy;
evaluate determine
results readiness to - Future-proof talent;
against carry out
plans and - It is not a person, but rather a mindset;
• Change agent prescribed
strategy strategies
David Ulrich Model

Context is changing
• ‘Content is king, but context is the kingdom’
• HR helps to deliver a digital business agenda
HR is not about HR but about creating value for others
• Impact of HR is in the ‘How’
• Meaningful Job, Purpose, Colleagueship, Fair Pay,
Opportunities to Learn and Grow, and a Good Work Setting
HR stakeholders are broadening
• Stakeholders are outside the company, including customers
who buy products, investors who finance the business, and
communities who validate the reputation
HR has unique contributions
• Provide a guidance system to determine how to make
HR professionals need to reinvent themselves
• Personal credibility, serving stakeholders and delivering
Dave Ulrich, 2020 business results vary and evolve over time
National HR Competency model/framework/benchmark
Which org structure works best for People Practitioners?

Flow of information / Information





Organisational Excellence

Connectedness to Strategy

Connectedness to Execution

Total performance solution
Six considerations for People Management Leadership
1. Set and communicate strategy 3: Align
Understand and become knowledgeable about externally based Consistently remain aware of strategic goals
Work to communicate shifts in people management
Translate trends into implications for people-management practices to others
Conduct HR audits to measure service to other
Consider the consequences of those trends for the organisation departments
Determine the impact of those consequences for organisational Ensure lock-step coordination in working with others to
operations drive strategy
Clearly communicate findings through the strategic planning Seek feedback and take alternative action on required
process changes
2. Customise best practices in HR processes 4: Communicate and consult
Stay current on research and writings on HR process operation Adopt a consultative role in implementing people practices
Benchmark other entities for comparison purposes Understand the business language of others in this process
Identify priorities for action among the organisation’s own 5. Take Action
Be Proactive
Assess gaps in HR delivery between strategic importance and
general importance Act as a subject matter expert
Develop HR initiatives that are both unique and valuable to the Be involved in strategic operational and customer service
organisation endeavours
Continuously work on process improvement 6. Measure results
Difference between Leadership and Management - Kotter
- Leadership is a process and not
a position.
- It involves a relationship
between a leader and followers
in a given situation.
- It involves influencing people.
- Leaders gain the commitment
and enthusiasm of followers
who are willing to be influenced.
- Leadership influences followers
to think not only of their own
interests but the interests of
their organisation.
- It involves influencing followers
to bring about change towards a
desired future for their
Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to know & manage

oneself along with an awareness & ability to manage
one’s relationships with others

Emotional intelligence competencies


1. Organize yourselves into your syndicate groups

2. Watch the video on Canvas - The role of the HR
Business Partner in a Digital Age by Dave Ulrich ?
3. Discuss the video and share insights?
4. Discuss your perspectives on the role of the People
Practitioners in your organisation – what changes do
you believe needs to be considered by your
organisation to lift the strategic impact of the
HR/People Management function


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