(CONTENTION) - For The Title.: T NG H P B I Đ I Ngũ Mei'S English - Gateway To English Mastery

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GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/english.mei21
PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/english.mei

1. How can a loving, (POTENT) ___________ God permit disease, war

and suffering?
2. Now aged 60, the former president is no longer considered a serious
(CONTENTION) ___________ for the title.
3. John made a __________ (FOOL) attempt to climb to the house’s roof so
as to return his lost shoes.
4. This is a plant with __________ (VARY) leaves.
5. Hunger and a ____________ (SLAP) meal did not sit happily
6. The fauna is becoming comparatively ___________ (PAUPER) due to
the isolation, young geological age of the island and forestry activities
within habitats.
7. The act of ________ should be prohibited under any circumstances.
Everyone has a chance to vote. (FRANCHISE)

8. The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power

to_________the murder case. (MYSTERY)

9. Some______ members left to form a new party. (AFFECT)

10.His life offered me no hope of__________(GOOD).

11.The private school feared losing its ____________ with the state’s
university system (CREDIT).

12.The business is______________ as it can no longer meet the repayments

on its debt. (SOLVE)

13.He felt out of place, a _________ (CONFORM) in a society where

conformity was highly prized.
14.Too late, she remembered the _________ (SETTLE) effect such
comments would have on Johnny.
15.Attracting the banks are the ________ (SURGE) economy and reforms
that have opened up industries to foreign capital.
16.Would you mind if I took one of the pictures as a __________ (KEEP)?
17. These changes in some components of the ecosystem were independent
of _________ (ANTHROPO) influences.
GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/english.mei21
PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/english.mei

18. She looked absolutely (DUMB) _____________ when i told her what
19. The audience was mesmerized by her clear and (SOUND) _______
20. Since his bad habits were never broken when he was a child, they are
21. We should arrive two days early in order to (CLIMATE)__________.
22. His performance in the match today (LIE)________ his reputation as a
great player.
23. Nadal has defeated his (PATRIOTISM) _________ Ferrer in the quarter
24. I really believe that it should be a major mistake to _________ any drugs
that are currently illegal. (CRIME)
25. Some spring flowering bulbs prefer to start the _________ stage of leaf
development before their cold period. (LONG)
26. Women after childbirth are naturally _________ of their appearance.
27. A lot of _________ goes on in our office. (BITE)
28. I am such a _________, I'm always leaving my umbrella behind.
29. They put up a(n)______performance. Many individuals were
disappointed that they had come to watch it. (MILL)
30. Matt and I were both relieved to be riding to the less______of Mostar,
the birthplace of War Child and, as a result, one of the most significant
places we'd seen. (TREAD)
31. This eventually became self-sufficient, and it currently
produces______family shows to delight the elderly and collect donations
for charity. (SEEK)
32. He referred to the young individuals as shiftless, lazy and_______.
33. That little______ doesn't bother me. He will never improve his skills to
the point where he can defeat me in a duel. (SQUEAK)
34. Watari's girlfriend accuses him of being a(n)______and having cheated
on her. (TIME)
35. They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a(n) (FRAUD)
_______________ manipulation of statistics.
GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/english.mei21
PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/english.mei

36. They’ve got a model village that you can visit, with all the buildings and
roads in (MINI) _______________ .
37. The Red Cross is sending emergency aid to the (FAMINE)
_______________ country.
38. I was (SEA) _______________ during the sea crossing.
39. Two people have been arrested for illegal possession of (ARM)
_______________ in a police raid.
40. She has such a ____________ attitude towards homeless people.(SNOB)
41. They don’t love each other because they are ____________.
42. He is a man of few words. He is a(n) ____________ person. (ICON)
43. ____________ behavior stems from repressed anger. (AGGRESS)
44. I won't put up with your ____________ anymore. It is such a pain to see
that you have been avoiding talking to people over the past few months.
45. Oh yeah sure, let's get ourselves a(n) ____________. I am sure he will do
this in no time. (HEAD)
46. She's on the _________ for a teaching post. (LIST)
47. They used the ledge and a few branches for a _________ shelter.
48. He stood at the door to make sure that no one ______ at the party.
49. I'm afraid I don't know the address _________ I'll tell you tomorrow
after I've looked it up. (HAND)
50. There usually is a __________ between quality and quantity if we want
to keep prices low. (TRADE)
51. We were reminded of some beautiful,________ memories when we were
still kids. (GO)

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