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Make a Hovercraft

What You Need:

1. Piece of cardboard
2. Paper hole punch
3. White glue
4. Balloon
5. Pair of scissors
6. Ruler
7. Small spool
8. Sheet of paper

What You Do:

1. Cut a 4-inch square out of the cardboard.
2. Punch a hole in the center of the cardboard. The hole should be the same
size as the hole in the spool.
3. If you are using a spool with yarn or string wrapped around it, remove the
4. Glue the spool to the cardboard on top of the hole. Make sure the holes line
up. Use enough glue to assure that no air can escape between the spool and
the piece of cardboard.
5. Cover the top of the spool with a circle of paper. Glue it to the spool and
allow it to dry.

Make a Hovercraft

6. Punch a hole in the middle of the paper cover where the hole of the spool is.
Now your hole should run through the paper, spool, and cardboard without
any obstructions.
7. Inflate the balloon and pinch the end to keep the air from escaping. Stretch
the balloon over the top of the spool.
8. Set the hovercraft on a level surface (table top, floor, etc) and let go of the
balloon. Give the hovercraft a few gently pushes.

What Just Happened:

The air flowing from the balloon through the holes forms an air cushion between
the craft and the flat surface, which reduces the force of friction
(the resistance that occurs when two object rub against each other). With
little friction to slow it down the hovercraft shoots across the table!

Learning Outcome: Learn about the air flow and the wonders it can do.

Revisiting Algebra

1. S = ut + 2 at2 is a formula used in physics to calculate
distance. Make “a” the subject of the formula.
A. a = utS - 2 t2
B. a = 2(ut-S)
C. a = 2S-ut
D. a = 2(S-ut)
1 1
2. Given that value of x- x =5,find the value of x2+ 2 .
A. -27
B. 23
C. 27
D. -23
3. For the right angled triangle shown below, which of the following is
A. The perimeter and area are both irrational
B. The perimeter is rational, but the area is irrational
C. The perimeter is irrational, but the area is rational
D. The perimeter and area are both rational

2 2

Revisiting Algebra

4. Which of the following number is not a surd?

A. 3
16+ 3 4
B. 3
16- 3 4
C. 16 % 3 4

D. 3
16 X 3 4

5. The difference of x4+2x2-3x+7 and another polynomial is

x3+x2+x-1.What is the other polynomial?
A. x4-x3+x2-4x+8
B. x3+x2-4x+8
C. x4-x3+x2+4x-8
D. x4-x3-x2+4x-8
6. A concert hall with 1000 seats is completely filled with ‘x’ boys,
‘y’ girls and adults. Admission fee for an adult is Rs 10 while a child
pays the price. Find in terms of ‘x’ and ‘y’, the total amount
A. Rs 2(3000 + x +y )
B. Rs (6000 - x -y )
C. Rs (2000 - x - y )
D. Rs 5(2000 - x - y )

Revisiting Algebra

7. Find the remainder if 15 (y + 3) (y2 – 16) is divided by 5 (y2 – y– 12)

A. 0
B. |
C. y+3
D. y+1

Learning Outcome: To learn about algebraic expressions

and how to use identities.

Math of Measurements

1. John wanted to find the area of a square. He measured the length

of the square as 2 cm, but the actual length of the square was
2.1 cm. What will be the relative error in his calculation to the
nearest hundredth?
A. 0.01
B. 0.08
C. 0.09
D. 0.10
2. In which direction is this compass needle pointing?

A. East – South – East

B. South – South – East
C. West – South – West
D. South – South – West

Math of Measurements

3. Which of the following expressions represents the volume of the

cylinder below?


A. π(6x2+10x -4)
B. π(3x3-x2+12x -4)
C. π(3x3+||x2+8x -4)
D. π(12x3+32x -16)
4. The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 57.8°C, in
Libya, Africa in 1922. Convert this temperature to degrees
A. |36.040 F
B. |04.200 F
C. |33.270 F
D. |40.250 F

Math of Measurements

5. A sloth crawled 6 cm in one second. What was its speed in km/h?

A. 0.167 km/h B. 0.216 km/h

C. 0.6 km/h D. 0.36 km/h
6. An accurate clock shows 10 o'clock in the morning. Through how
many degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2
o'clock in the afternoon?
A. 900 B. 1200
C. 1300 D. 1500
7. Rahul walks two steps forward and one step backward and he
takes one second for each step. How much time will he take to
reach a wall which is at a distance of 5 steps from him (in secs)?
A. 15 B. ||
C. 9 D. |3

Learning Outcome: To learn about different units and methods

of measurement.

The Logical Approach

1. Mr. Johnson has a large piece of land as shown in the figure below.
He divided the land into 4 parts by 2 red lines. Which two parts
have the same area?



A. A and B
B. B and C
C. C and D
D. D and A
2. Identify the shape with the largest perimeter.



A. Hexagon
B. Circle
C. Square
D. All have same perimeter

The Logical Approach

3. In the figure shown below, triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle. How

many different measuring angles are present in the figure?

A. 6
B. 9
C. 8
D. 12

4. What is the measure of the marked angle in the regular hexagon?

A. 600
B. 400
C. 800
D. 900

The Logical Approach

5. Find the longest rope.

A. Yellow
B. Red
C. Blue
D. All are same
6. Which of the following is incorrect?
A. B.

C. D.

7. Today is Monday. After 68 days, it will be

A. Thursday
B. Sunday
C. Saturday
D. Monday

Learning Outcome: Analyse logically complex problems.


1. A person can hear an approaching train when he presses his ear

to the railway track first as compared to standing on the tracks.
What makes this possible?
A. The vibration of railway tracks
B. The vibration of air
C. The velocity of sound in solids
D. The hearing ability of the man

2. When a tuning fork was struck and brought near a bucket

of water, a wave as shown in the figure was formed on its surface.
If the fork is struck harder and brought near the surface, what will

A. Frequency
B. Wavelength
C. Velocity
D. Amplitude


3. How does a whistle produce sound?

A. The body of whistle stores air
B. The air vibrates
C. The person produces vibrations
D. All of these

4. If you go on increasing the stretching force on a wire in a guitar,

what happens to its frequency?
A. It increases
B. It decreases
C. It remains unchanged
D. Can’t be said

5. A bomb explodes on the moon. How long will it take for the sound
to reach the earth?
A. |0 seconds
B. |000 seconds
C. | day
D. Sound will not be heard


6. In a stethoscope, how does the sound of heart beat travel

through its tube?
A. By bending along the tube
B. In a straight line
C. By undergoing multiple reflections
D. As ultrasonic frequency

7. Children under the age of 5 can hear upto

A. 25 Hz
B. 25k Hz
C. 20 Hz
D. 25 kHz

Learning Outcome: Understand the physics of sound and acoustics.

Electric Current

1. Which of the following is an insulator?

A. Wood
B. Iron
C. Graphite
D. Silver

2. In which of the following cases will the LED light up?

A. B.

C. D.

3. What is the common voltage produced by a dry cell?

A. 1.5 V
B. 30 V
C. 60 V
D. 3 V

Electric Current

4. Which of the following is the best conductor of electricity?

A. B.

C. D.

5. Why are cans used for storing soft drinks or food items
usually electroplated with tin?

A. Tin is less reactive than the metal from which the can is made of
B. Tin is cheap
C. Tin is strong and shiny in appearance
D. Tin is lighter than other metals

Electric Current

6. The charges present on various objects are shown below.

In which of the following cases does a force of repulsion
act between them?

A. +3C +3C B. -3C +3C

C. +3C OC D. -3C OC

7. In electrolytic solutions, carrier of charge is:

A. a proton
B. an electron
C. a neutron
D. an ion

Learning Outcome: To learn about different celestial bodies in our

solar system.

Mastering Chemistry!

1. In fractional distillation of petroleum where do the vapours with

lowest boiling point condense?
A. In the upper-most portion
B. In the lowermost portion
C. In the middle portion
D. None of these
2. What are the two main constituents present in L.P.G?
A. butane and propane
B. methane and ethane
C. hydrogen and ammonia
D. ammonia and propane
3. Which of the given materials is used to prepare synthetic fibres like
polyester and acrylic?
A. Wood pulp
B. Coconut fibres
C. Petrochemicals
D. Paper pulp

Mastering Chemistry!

4. When wood is used as a fuel in chullahs, gaps are left in between

logs of wood. Why is it done?
A. to facilitate movement of air
B. to prevent more consumption of wood
C. to control temperature
D. to reduce smoke
5. By what name is the artificial (man-made) wool known as?
A. Rayon
B. Acrylic
C. Polycot
D. Polyester
6. The similarity between artificial silk and cotton is that:
A. both are non-biodegradable.
B. both melt on heating
C. both are amide polymers
D. both are cellulose polymers.

Mastering Chemistry!

7. Which of the following metals do not produce hydrogen gas when

added to an acid?
A. Potassium
B. Gold
C. Zinc
D. Magnesium

Learning Outcome: Getting introduced to some basic concepts

of chemistry.

Revisiting Algebra

1. Option D
S = ut + 2| at2
Subtracting ut from both sides of the equation we get
S - ut = ut + 2| at2- ut
⇒ S - ut = 2| at2
Multiply both sides of the equation by 2.
⇒ 2 × 2 at2 = 2 × (S - ut)
⇒ at2 = 2(S - ut)
Divide both sides by t2
⇒ att2 =
⇒a = 2(S-ut)
2. Option C
x- | =5
Squaring both the sides
| 2 2
( )
x- x = 5
x2+ x|2 -2=25⇒x2+ x|2 =27

Revisiting Algebra

3. Option C
The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides.
= 2+2 2+ 10
=3 2+ 10
Since 2 and 10 are both irrational, the length of the perimeter is
The area is 2| × base ×height = 2| × 2 2 × 2
= 2× 2 = 2
Therefore, the area is rational.
The perimeter is irrational, but the area is rational.
4. Option D
16 and 3 4 are both surds, so their sum and their difference are also surds.
However, 3 16× 3 4 = 3 16x4 = 3 64 = 4, which is not a surd.
3 16
16 ÷ 3 4 = 4 = 3 4 , which is a surd.
5. Option A
- x3+x2 +x -|
x4 -x3 +x2-4x+8

Revisiting Algebra

6. Option D
Number of boys = x
Number of girls = y
Number of adults = 1000 - (x + y)
Money collected from children = 5( x + y)
Money collected from adults = 10(1000- (x + y))
Total money collected = 5( x + y) + 10(1000- (x + y))
= 5x + 5y + 10000 - 10x - 10y
= 10000 - 5x - 5y
= 5(2000 - x - y)
7. Option A
Factorising 15 (y + 3) (y2 – 16),
we get 5 × 3 × (y + 3) (y – 4) (y + 4)
On factorising 5 (y2 – y – 12), we get 5 (y2 – 4y + 3y – 12)
= 5 [y (y – 4) + 3 (y – 4)]
= 5 (y – 4) (y + 3)
Therefore, on dividing the first expression by the second
expression, we get
|5(y+ 3) ( y2–16)
|5(y+ 3)(y-4) ( y+4)
= = 3(y+4)
Hence the remainder is 0

Math of Measurements

1. Option C
The area of the square using John's measurements is 2 cm × 2 cm = 4 cm2.
The actual area is 2.1 cm × 2.1 cm = 4.41 cm2.
The relative error = 4.4|-4 = 0.0929….= 0.09 to the nearest hundredth.
2. Option D
It is pointing towards the South-South-West (SSW) because it is halfway
between South and South-West.
3. Option C
Volume of a Cylinder = πr2h
Radius= 2x+4 =x+2
Height= 3x-1
Volume = π×(x+2)2×(3x-|)
= π×(x2+4x+4)×(3x-|)
= π×(3x3+||x2+8x -4)
4. Option A
T(0F) = T(0C) × 59 + 32
57.80C × 59 = 520.20 = 104.040
Then: 104.040 + 320 = 136.040 F
5. Option B
An hour has 3,600 seconds and a kilometre has 100,000 centimetres.
So, 6 centimetres per second is: 6 × 3,600 = 0.216 km/h

Math of Measurements

6. Option B
Degree between each hour= 360 =300
Time difference between 10 AM and 2 PM = 4 Hours
The hour hand will have to rotate 4 ×300= 1200
7. Option B
For every two steps he takes forward he has to move a step backwards.
So it will take him || steps to move to the wall which is at 5 m distance.
Since it takes |s to cover | step, it will take him 2s to reach the wall.

The Logical Approach

1. Option B
Part A has 21 square units.
Part B has 20 square units.
Part C has 20 square units.
Part A has 19 square units.
So, part B and C have the same area.
2. Option B
The hexagon side is equal to the radius because the triangle is
equilateral. The circumference of a circle can be determined by
multiplying π by the diameter of the circle. The circumference of a
circle is the distance around the outside of the circle.
Hexagon’s perimeter = 6r = 6 × 52 = 312
Square’s perimeter = 4a = 4 × 78 = 312
Circle’s Perimeter = πd = 3.14 × 100 = 314
Thus, circle has the largest perimeter.
3. Option C
A| 2
3 4
5 6

7 8


The Logical Approach

4. Option A
1200 – 300 – 300 = 600
600 600

|200 300

5. Option B
The red rope is longer than others as it forms the outermost circle.
6. Option A
The clock in A shows 3:48 on the analog clock and 4:48 on the digital clock.
7. Option C
68 days = 9 weeks 5 days = 5 odd days
Hence if today is Monday, after 68 days, it will be = (Monday + 5 odd
= Saturday


1. Option C
The velocity of sound in solids (railway tracks) is faster than that in air.
2. Option D
The fork will vibrate with greater amplitude when it is hit hard. Transfer of
this high energy will create higher amplitude on the surface of water.
3. Option B
The vibrations produced in the air while blowing a whistle produces sound.
4. Option A
Frequency ∝ tension. So, it increases.
5. Option D
As there is no atmosphere on the moon the sound cannot be heard on earth
as sound does not travel through vacuum.
6. Option C
Sound can get reflected a number of times before reaching us. In multiple
reflections the sound waves add up and the loudness increases. In a
stethoscope, the sound of a patient’s heart beat is guided along the tube to
the doctor’s ears by multiple reflections.
7. Option B
The children under 5 years of age have fully developed inner and middle ears
allowing them to hear from 20Hz to 25kHz. As the age increases the ear
changes which affects the hearing capabilities.

Electric Current

1. Option A
Wood is an insulator while iron, graphite and silver are good conductors of
2. Option B
An LED has two leads. One lead is slightly longer than the other. The longer
lead is always connected to a positive terminal of the battery while the
shorter lead is always connected to a negative terminal of the battery. In
circuit (B) switch is present and is in its ON position. Only this makes the LED
3. Option A
A common dry cell produces a voltage of 1.5 V.
4. Option C
Sea water is saline, hence it is a good conductor of electricity.
5. Option A
Cans used for storing soft drinks or food items are usually electroplated
with tin because tin is less reactive than the base metal with which the can
is made of. Tin does not contaminate the food or soft drink. It also does not
get corroded.
6. Option A
Two like charges each of 3 C experience a force of repulsion between them.
A force of attraction exists between two unlike charges or between a
charged and an uncharged body.
7. Option D
In electrolytic solutions, electrolyte splits into positive and negative ions. The
charge is moved via ions.

Mastering Chemistry!

1. Option A
The vapours of the substance with lowest boiling point will be formed at the
upper-most point because they have highest vapour pressure.
2. Option A
Butane and propane are the main constituents of L.P.G
3. Option C
Most of the synthetic fibres are prepared from petrochemicals.
4. Option A
Gaps are placed in chullah to allow free movement of air, which helps in
5. Option B
Acrylic is the artificial wool.
6. Option D
Both of them are cellulose polymer
7. Option B
Gold being less reactive than hydrogen is unable to produce hydrogen on
reacting with acids.


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