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- ACDREV generates the list of accounts pending due for review as on a given date.

- It should be checked by the Auditor that no account is due for review over 6 months on a given date.

13. IRM/ ORM (Inward/ Outward Remittance Maintenance)

- A branch having foreign business will obviously have Inward and Outward remittances in foreign currencies.

- The charges upon those remittances can be checked from these menus; moreover it generates the actual list of
transactions the branch has entered into. Auditor can verify supporting documents for such transactions.

14. MSGOIRP (Outstanding Items Report)

- The branches may have long outstanding entries in sensitive accounts such as Suspense Account, Special Debit
Account, Pension Payment Account, Sundry Deposits, Sundry Creditors etc.

- MSGOIRP gives day wise break up of balances in such accounts, indicating how old one particular entry is.

- Long outstanding entries can be reversed for better presentation in financial statements; however same should
be discussed thoroughly with Bank Management.

15. NPARPT (NPA Report)

- This menu simply generates the list of accounts classified as NPAs in Finacle.

- Auditor should verify that the balance sheet shows the exact amount of NPAs as Finacle.

- Discrepancies, if any, should immediately be reported.

16. LADRPT (LAD Report)

- The bank collects Letter of Acknowledgement of Debt (LAD) time to time from its borrowers to avoid the debt
becoming “Time Barred”

- Ideally Banks should obtain LADs in applicable cases every 3 years.

- LADRPT gives the list of LADs expiring in given period.

- LADs which are to be expired should immediately be reported and Auditor should ensure that branch takes
proper steps to obtain fresh LADs from such borrowers.

17. LAOPI (Loan Overdue Position Inquiry)/ TODRP (Temporary OD Report)

- These menu options generate lists of Loan accounts which are overdue.

- Such accounts should closely be monitored, because there are high chances of them becoming NPAs.

18. PR (Print Reports)

Through this menu, various reports generated in Finacle can be printed or a softcopy of such reports can be taken
on hard drive.

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