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GILR ( Guarantee Issued Liability Register)

- Guarantees which are expired but not cancelled can be checked from this menu.

- The branch should cancel all the expired BGs for better presentation in Financial Statements.

- Guarantees invoked can also be seen from this menu and Auditor can verify recovery in such cases.

20. POVDPC (Party wise Overdue Packing Credit)]

- This menu option lists the Packing Credits disbursed to various customers which are overdue as on date.

- Recovery process should be done by the bank in all such cases.

- Auditor should also verify that the due date of Packing Credit is decided according to the Sanction Letter.

1. ACSP (Account Selection Print)

- It is one of the most crucial menus, which was not discussed in previous article. ACSP is same as menu option
ACS, but it provides an additional facility to take a soft copy of report generated.

- Although Finacle generates Balance Sheet and P&L account of any given date, most of the banks have
additional software (such as D2K or CLORETS) to generate financial statements. However, these financial
statements will obviously not have the account numbers of every account head which can be checked from ACLI

- By following method, we can generate a list of all office accounts as on a particular date with their account no.
and balances.

ACSP > A/c Ownership- “O” > F4 > Scheme type – press F2 and select “office accounts” or a similar option
> Shift + F4 > F4 > F4 > F10.

(The same procedure can be used to generate list of all Saving, Current, CC-OD, or Term Loan Accounts)

Now you should have a list of all assets, liabilities, provisions, suspense accounts, income-expense accounts etc.
in your PR menu, with their current balance! You can scrutinize entries in all these accounts by ACLI menu. You
can even compare this list from previous month’s list to check major changes. Auditor should look for balance in
Suspense A/c or Special Debit A/c or any other suspicious account and demand explanation about the same from
the management.

The breakup of long outstanding entries in certain accounts, such as Proxy A/c, can also be obtained from menu
MSGOIRP. This list will also have details of Balance with RBI/SBI, reconciliation of which can be verified. This
list can be of tremendous help for scrutinizing financial statements.

Auditor can check expense accounts and verify if expenses debited are subject to TDS. If proper TDS is not
deducted, the same can be reported in Form 3CD.

Apart from that, Auditor can verify debit entries in fixed asset accounts and check if branch has obtained proper
authority to purchase such assets.

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