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A coffee maker that use hand fingerprint to make perfect cup

of coffee according to individual preference
Assignment 1
Marketing Management
(Individual Assignment)

Current Trend in The Chosen Product Category

Existing Brand in The Chosen Product Category

About Your New Brand, Vision and Mission

Product Under the New Brand

Uniqueness of Your Brand and Its Product


Targeting and Positioning



Roll Number: - 47 (Section A)

Trends of Product
In today Coffee is one of the world most loving beverage. It is more than just a drink because of the
level of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients. Coffee is a basic element of food culture all around the
world. and it also keeps people active and charges. That’s because the trend of coffee increases
constantly around the world. According to the study, it is proved that coffee drinker has less risk of
various diseases. The consumption of coffee at a various place like office, household, and commercial
place. Hence some popular flavour of coffee like a flat white, Buttered Coffee, cascara, Coffee
Cocktail, Cold Brew.
Famous coffee maker brands

1. Breville
It is a very old and award-winning Australian company. it is very popular and known in Australia. It
covers the global market including some company like the U.S, Canada, and India.
They have long product line range and they also produce coffee capsule machine.

2. Krups
Krups have another family name (Moulinex) it is known for small home appliances.
Krups had produced a coffee machine for a long time. They have got Nespresso inissia in his top
machine apart from this they produce super-automatic 2 in 1 coffee machine for two different coffee.
cappuccino and espresso coffee.

3. Jura
Jura is a Swiss company. it is a very popular and reliable company in swiss for its outstanding quality.
It is also known for kitchen and laundry items. But from some previous years, their focus on t produce
coffee machine these days.

About My Brand.
Product: - Coffee Maker
Brand Name: - Hack Back (Coffee maker machine)
Tag Line: - Endure the taste.

My brand is all about the coffee maker (Hack Back) because the demand for coffee is very high and
the Coffee machine is used at various place office, household, and commercial consumption. Thus,
the coffee machine is used to save our time and it also affects the test and preference of individual at a
personal level of the coffee. Coffee is a basic element of food culture all around the world.

As I already discuss my brand is all about the coffee maker, I have a new idea to evolve in it.
I think there will a type of coffee maker that uses consumer hand fingerprint to make the perfect cup
of coffee according to individual test and preference. Any individual can save or feed his/her taste in
the machine as they want for the future. And it also gives the capsule of coffee according to individual
wants and need (like coffee bags).
• Everyone can use this machine very easily.
• It makes coffee in minutes.
• It consumes less electricity.
• Affordable price.
• It is available in different, shape.
• You can use any coffee brand with this coffee maker.
As I already discuss the consumption of coffee is very high from last some years and most of the
people prefer coffee during his/her working hours because it gives energy and it helps to remove the
stress that because the demand of coffee maker in various place is very high like in the office,
household, and commercial place.

Products Under the brand

This brand is especially known for the coffee maker but under my brand, there is a verity of coffee
makers are available based on size, price, quality, power, speed, capacity.

Size: - This brand will be giving options to his customer to choose his/her coffee maker based on
size. It includes a large size coffee maker, medium size, and mini size. It is depending on customer
need and wants.

Power: - It will give the option to his customers to select or choose his/her product based on power
consumption. Like 800 watts; Operating voltage: 210-250 volts, Power by a 700-watt motor and
works with 230-volt supply, 650 watts; Operating voltage: 230 volts etc.

Capacity: - The company will give options to its customers to choose a product based on capacity.
Different machines have different level-of capacity to produce coffee at one time. Like some Coffee
maker can make 8 cups of coffee at the same time.

Price: - The building of price is one of the difficult tasks for all company because, it includes
physical factor cost, fixed factor, psychological factor. The good company have control over all these
factors and considered brand image because creating a brand image is not possible for all. The best
company always considered these factors to set an affordable price that everyone can be afforded

The uniqueness of the brand.

The unique feature of my brand product is it will help the consumer to save his/her test according to
his want. Any individual can save his/ her test and flavour for future consumption for saving taste and
flavour consumer can use his/ her fingerprint.
It will also provide coffee capsule to consumers as his/her choice. they can simply pop prepacked
capsules that can contain flavour according to your choice. so, the consumer can easily get his cup of
coffee the way he likes within the second.

Situation Analysis
At first, I have thought about those people who do jobs include private and government. They have
lots of stress due to the overload of works. After this, I was going through with some website and
study about it and get some more information. After that, I conclude that people drink some
beverage to relies on stress. According to survey coffee is one of the beverages that is consumed by
working people.

It is a process of choosing a target market into a smaller group. In this customers and people divide
into a group that contain similar character such as psychographic, behavioural, geographic,
Demographic market segmentation
Under the demographical factor, my company divide his target customers into small groups based on
location, annual income, size, industry.

Under the geographical factor, the company can divide his target customers into small groups based
on city, country, climate, rural and urban.

Behavioural factor
Under this company can divide his target customers into a small group based on purchase habits of
customers, spending capacity, customer status, brand interaction.

Psychological factor
Under psychological factor company can divide the target customers into a small group based on
customer attitude, interest, lifestyle, motivation, design, and priorities.

Target Market
Every company must have its target market for better growth of the company. It is a process where a
company has set who will be a target customer for the company. a single company cannot afford to
target everyone.
Primary: - The primary target customers for my band are offices and commercial consumption.
Because they all want a type of beverage to release their work stress. So basically, as compared to
other beverages they prefer coffee most to remove work stress and mental stress.
Secondary: - Secondary target consumers for my product (Coffee maker) are household women and
working ladies between the age of 20 to 40. They want a good coffee maker to save her time and for
the homemaker, my brand provides coffee maker in different colour and design according to her
demands and needs.

The positioning of the product is very important because it shows how your product looks like in
market and one important aspect of positioning is where you placed your product.
As the owner of the coffee maker (Hack Back) I am worried about my target audience and competitor
how they have perceived my product. But to make a good position in the market I will present my
product most honestly and effectively and I will tell the uniqueness of my product. That will make a
transparent image of my company. it will not enough for successful product positioning I will capture
my target audience attention and provide butter services that include service after-sales.
• To establish the brand image or credibility my band will make a long relationship with customers.
For that, the customers that have trust in the brand are more inclined to purchase from my brand.
• I will present evidence to my customers like customer review, testimonial and sales number that will
increase my brand credibility and image.

Future-Plans: -
As an owner of the company I will keep my future-plans is very simple and achievable. So, at the
starting phase of my company (Hack Back) will compete with a lower level of the same segment
company. I will provide a better coffee machine at a reasonable price with better service that will
make a positive image or credibility of my company as well as positively affect my target audience.
After having some year of experience, I will do positioning again and do some changes in my
company objective or plans. The second phase I will target those luxury and big brand they have
already good status in his target audience.
I will also develop my brand web site where any individual can get all information about the brand
and what type of products the brand is produce and information related to it. They also have the
option to do the order for any coffee machine including payment methods.

• Websites
I took reference from the website only for finding competitors company.

Summery and finding

• Most of the consumer consume hot coffee during his/her working time.
• The maximum consumers say that it will take only 4 to 5 minutes.
• Most of the customers like the design and quality of the product
• Most of the households, office and commercial places interested to buy a coffee maker.
• Most of the customers says that the price of the coffee maker is reasonable.

When I was doing my survey there were lots of problems arise related to the people who currently
work for company and women who are a homemaker. They all are having stress due to workload.
Mainly people have preferred a hot coffee during his/her working hours to remove the stress.
After analysis of the situation, I find there is a problem to the choose better coffee maker for office,
household, and commercial place. To solve this problem, I will launch a new coffee maker (Hack
Back) in the market.
• After launching the product, the Company should do an attractive advertisement to bring the
attention of the target audience.
• Company should produce coffee maker in a different size, colour, quality, capacity.
• If my company can satisfy the demand of target customer than the company should grab the big
number of customers.

Research Method: -
Due to this COVID-19. I can't meet those people who work in the company and takes his/her review.
So, for better research, I researched google.

After careful inspection of the coffee maker and all its needs, I can accurately say that Hark Back
coffee maker brand will be most preferable as compare to another coffee maker because it has some
unique feature like it has fingerprint feature that makes it different from others. The consumer can use
his/her fingerprint to make a cup of coffee for themselves in a minute. It is available in a different
size, colour, capacity that everyone can prefer it.

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