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Social Media Strategy


BUS 5112 - AY2022-T3

Marketing Management

Dr. Santhosh Kumar

University of People

March, 2022

Social Media Strategy

According to Envision Digital (2020), there are two competing marketing components that

a firm may pick to produce the greatest outcomes in social media marketing campaigns: emotional

and logical. While rational marketing focuses on the facts, features, and benefits of a brand,

emotional marketing focuses on the feelings, desires, needs, and experiences of the audience

(Envision Digital, 2020). In this article, I will choose and analyze a Facebook ad for the mobile

app Calm to address the two specified marketing components, the ad's target demographic, why

people want to share the ad, and whether the ad is for B2B, B2C, or both. I'll also talk about how

employee social marketing might impact a potential consumer and recommend three social media

platforms that I feel are the most effective.

I choose Calm, just helping you out, a smartphone app that helps users stay calm via sleep

and meditation (Calm, 2021). I feel this ad is an emotional commercial since it emphasizes the

emotional benefits of utilizing the app. Calms appears to recognize that everyone has issues, and

it strives to find unique methods to demonstrate the answer to the audience, who has difficulty

sleeping and being calm (Soujanya, 2021). Personal concerns and empathy are used by the

corporation to get people to download the app. The app also piques users' interest in downloading

the app and seeing why it has been named "The Most Relaxing App in the World (Calm, 2021)."

The software is popular because it makes the material unique and personal. The main

message appears as an SMS text message from a buddy, demonstrating immediate value to the

audience by just viewing the content on the app (Figure 1). It communicates to the audience that

by using this software, they will have a better night's sleep, be healthier, and happier. The app also

provides social evidence for the company by listing the four most significant recognition awards

in previous years ("2018 Trend of the Year" and Best of 2018 Award Winner by Apple, 2018

iPhone App of the Year by Apple, and "The Happiest App in the World" by Humane Tech). This

method aids Calm in gaining the attention of potential users.

Figure 1 - Calm Mobile App Ad from Facebook

The ad I choose is aiming for B2C relationships, not B2B by some below reasons. Jensen (2019)

defines B2B as business to business and B2C as business to consumer. If the end customer is a

business, marketing is implemented differently than if the final client is an individual consumer.

For the consumer, advertising and promotions might include consumer publications, general media

such as TV and radio, or digital social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. However,

for business, advertising and marketing may be done through industry journals, business

periodicals, or trade exhibitions (Jensen, 2019).


A sale lead, according to Sociable (2020), is an individual or business who may ultimately

become a customer or client. Advertising, sales promotions, direct mailings, and other promotional

methods are used by businesses to generate sales leads. Leads created through employee social

marketing convert seven times more than other approaches. Employee advocacy, like word-of-

mouth marketing, may help develop trust before sales even begin, which eventually converts leads

into deals (Sociabble, 2020).

Three social media I consider the most suitable for customer testimonials: Facebook,

Twitter, and Instagram. These social media platforms are extremely popular, with billions of active

users worldwide, and may assist businesses in reaching various target groups. Because it allows

companies to reply to consumers and publish testimonials to other digital media such as a corporate

blog or website, a Facebook fan or business page is an excellent tool to engage with followers and

customers. Using a tweet on Twitter is a simple approach to mention the product and business

name, improve traffic, and make the product and brand known to the globe in seconds. Customers

can be encouraged to like tweets using hashtags, and the tweets will be immediately populated into

the corporate website through a widget. Finally, Instagram is a one-of-a-kind platform for

advertising a product or service.

In conclusion, social media refers to user-generated media in the form of graphics, text,

and audio that is intended to be shared (Principles of Marketing (2015). It has altered marketing

by fostering connection and collaboration that traditional mediums could not. It enables the firm

to build a stronger relationship with its customers, publish important material with its followers,

and make the brand go viral by sharing features with the public (Stokes ,2013). Understanding the

structure of social media platforms may assist businesses in developing their brand image and

increasing awareness of their brand narrative.



Calm (5.18). (2021). [The #1 App for Meditation and Sleep]. App


Envision Digital. (2020, December 1). Emotional vs Rational: Facebook App Marketing | Mobile

app marketing.


Jensen, K. (2019, March 5). What Do B2B & B2C Mean? Small Business - Chron.Com.

Kittaneh, F. (2014, December 9). 5 Social-Media Sources of Testimonials for Your Business.


Principles of Marketing. (2015). University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (Original work published 2010)

Sociabble. (2020, September 22). 10 Stats that Prove the Impact of Employee Advocacy.

Soujanya, P. (2021, February 15). Is the Calm App as Calming as it Claims to Be? - Product

Coalition. Medium.


Stokes, R. & The Minds of Quirk. (2013). eMarketing: The essential guide to marketing in a

digital world (5th ed.). Quirk eMarketing (Pty)



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