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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Maintenance Program of Steam Boiler

Steam boiler plant should running well, efficiently and safety. The owner must have plan or
program to control maintenance of steam boiler plant to avoid unscheduled shutdown occurs.
Regular and routine maintenance can make the steam boiler operates continuously and
prevent breakdown which cause high cost for repair and loss profit in production downtime.

The maintenance should be done by qualified

personnel who familiar with all equipment of steam
boiler. The personnel can be engineer, operator, or
technician. The personnel must have maintenance
program to keep steam boiler from possibility of
damage and shutdown suddenly. The program
which has been prepared must include the following:

 Routine maintenance
Routine maintenance is performed daily, weekly, Fig.1 : Qualified Personnel Doing
monthly and annually. This program include Maintenance Program of Steam Boiler
cleaning pressure part, combustion chamber,
etc; draining sludge to continuous and intermittent blowdown; protection from erosion and
corrosion, inspection of equipments such us valve, burner, etc.

 Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance is performed to prevent possibilities of accident and anticipate if
there are unusual something can be happen. This program includes observation of water
level in steam drum; check the supply of fuel and feedwater, check equipment for safety
like safety valve, flame detection devices; test and perform all of equipment in steam

 Stock of spare part

The owner of steam boiler should have stock of spare part and list it and then to be used
if there are emergency repair.

 Shutdown maintenance
Shutdown maintenance can be down annually to check all parts of steam boiler and
replace if there are parts that are not working anymore. Procedure of shutdown should be
done properly.

 Personnel training
The qualified personnel who operate and maintain the steam boiler are absolutely
required because they are understand about condition and can make solving problem on
steam boiler. So, training boiler should be done to each personnel.

 Upgrading boiler
Upgrading boiler is an effort who need deep analysis to make steam boiler more efficient
and reduce cost for production.

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