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Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part

A: Current Issues
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Occupational Exposure to Poultry Dust and Effects on

the Respiratory System in Workers
a b a a a a a
S. Viegas , V. M. Faísca , H. Dias , A. Clérigo , E. Carolino & C. Viegas
Higher School of Health Technology, Lisboa/Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Lisboa,
CIESP—Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Saúde Pública, Escola Nacional de Saúde
Pública, ENSP, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
Version of record first published: 20 Mar 2013.

To cite this article: S. Viegas , V. M. Faísca , H. Dias , A. Clérigo , E. Carolino & C. Viegas (2013): Occupational Exposure
to Poultry Dust and Effects on the Respiratory System in Workers, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A:
Current Issues, 76:4-5, 230-239

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Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 76:230–239, 2013
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1528-7394 print / 1087-2620 online
DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2013.757199



S. Viegas1,2, V. M. Faísca1, H. Dias1, A. Clérigo1, E. Carolino1, C. Viegas1

Higher School of Health Technology, Lisboa/Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
CIESP—Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Saúde Pública, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública,
ENSP, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
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Farmers are occupationally exposed to many respiratory hazards at work and display higher
rates of asthma and respiratory symptoms than other workers. Dust is one of the components
present in poultry production that increases risk of adverse respiratory disease occurrence.
Dust originates from poultry residues, molds, and feathers and is biologically active as it con-
tains microorganisms. Exposure to dust is known to produce a variety of clinical responses,
including asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic airways obstructive disease (COPD), allergic
alveolitis, and organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS). A study was developed to determine parti-
cle contamination in seven poultry farms and correlate this with prevalence rate of respiratory
defects and record by means of a questionnaire the presence of clinical symptoms associated
with asthma and other allergy diseases by European Community Respiratory Health Survey.
Poultry farm dust contamination was found to contain higher concentrations of particulate
matter (PM) PM5 and PM10 . Prevalence rate of obstructive pulmonary disorders was higher
in individuals with longer exposure regardless of smoking status. In addition, a high preva-
lence for asthmatic (42.5%) and nasal (51.1%) symptoms was noted in poultry workers. Data
thus show that poultry farm workers are more prone to suffer from respiratory ailments and
this may be attributed to higher concentrations of PM found in the dust. Intervention pro-
grams aimed at reducing exposure to dust will ameliorate occupational working conditions
and enhance the health of workers.

The first reports indicating health hazards type of intensive animal production and use of
for workers in intensive livestock production facilities (Donham, 1995; Hartung and Schulz,
systems were published more than 20 years 2008).
ago (Donham et al., 1977; Hartung and Schulz, Dust is one of the components present in
2008). A number of syndromes have been poultry production; it originates from poultry
recognized in workers in the intensive animal residues, molds, and feathers, and is biologi-
industries ranging from acute, which develops cally active as it contains microorganisms, some
within a few hours to days following exposure of which may be pathogens. Dust acts as a
to animal sheds, and which is accompanied host of biological fragments that may serve as a
by a variety of clinical signs including lethargy, sensitizer (Whyte, 2002). Exposure to dust pro-
a mild febrile reaction, headaches, joint and duces a variety of clinical responses in individ-
muscle aches, and general malaise, to more uals. These include asthma due to sensitization
chronic responses. This condition is referred to allergens in the airspace, chronic obstructive
to as organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS) or pulmonary disease (COPD), allergic alveolitis,
toxic alveolitis. The prevalence of ODTS ranges and ODTS (Iversen, 1999; Hartung and Schulz,
from 10 to 30% in workers, depending on the 2008).

Address correspondence to S. Viegas, Higher School of Health Technology, Av. D. João II 4.69.01, 1990-096 Lisboa, Polytechnic
Institute of Lisbon. E-mail:


Farmers are exposed occupationally to et al., 1998; Rylander and Carvalheiro, 2006).
many respiratory hazards and have high rates of In addition, this organic dust is composed of feed
asthma, inflammatory manifestations, and res- particles, dander, and gases (Whyte, 2002). The
piratory symptoms (Dosman et al., 1988; Toren particulate matter (PM) in poultry dust varies in
et al., 1991; Schenker et al., 1991; Fishwick composition size and density, and these physical
et al., 1997; Karjalainen et al., 2000; Willson parameters may influence the health of workers
et al., 2008; Burch, 2010). Individuals involved due to aerosolization and bioaerosol contami-
in animal production, especially pig and poul- nation (Just et al., 2009). In addition, dust may
try farmers, display a higher prevalence of be combined with ammonia, a common con-
adverse respiratory symptoms than other farm- taminant in this occupational setting that acts as
ers and other rural residents (Kogevinas et al., a respiratory insult and may result in acute or
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1999; Senthilselvan et al., 1997; Novak, 1994; chronic respiratory disease. In this case, respi-
Radon et al., 2001; Rimac et al., 2010). ratory impairment includes chronic bronchitis,
Increased adverse respiratory symptoms and hypersensitivity pneumonitis (allergic alveolitis),
decreased lung function have been observed occupational asthma, and toxin fever (Rylander,
among swine and poultry workers (Novak, 1986; Whyte, 2002).
1994; Senthilselvan et al., 1997; Radon et al., There are several tasks in the case of poul-
2001; Burch et al., 2010; Kogevinas et al., try work that give rise to dust, including laying
2009; Rimac et al., 2010) and among veteri- down litter; handling and inspection of birds;
nary surgeons (Karjalainen et al., 2000). vaccination; routine maintenance and cleaning
The suggestion that the primary clinical pro- of houses during growth or production peri-
blem is an obstruction of the airways is suppor- ods; catching or removing birds; removing litter
ted by various studies in which workers were and/or manure; and other related or simi-
subjected to lung function tests. Although the lar activities. However, there are some tasks
forced expiratory volume-in-one-second (FEV1) that normally involve higher exposure to dust,
was not changed in most individuals examined, namely, brushing down surfaces and sweeping,
decreases in the FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC) and spreading litter (Whyte, 2002). The mate-
ratio and flow rates were noted (Brouwer et al., rial used for poultry litter (wood shavings) varies
1986; Haglind and Rylander, 1987; Dosman but normally is constituted with pine shavings,
et al., 1988, Hartung and Schulz, 2008). The sawdust or eucalyptus, or other various types
decrease in pulmonary airflow was correlated of wood. In some regions rice hulls, peanut,
to the dose of swine barn dust and a thresh- coffee, sugar cane, straw, hay, grass, and paper
old of susceptibility occurred after low, chronic processed are also used (Fernandes, 2004).
exposure to the dust (Cleave et al., 2010). The aim of this study was to determine PM
Poultry dust may also produce immune contamination in seven poultry farms located
responses against pathogenic biological agents. in Lisbon district, Portugal. In addition, it
The response may be acute, recurrent, or chronic was of interest to examine prevalence rate
in the lungs, depending mainly on the frequency of pulmonary disorders in workers and the
and level of exposure (Alencar et al., 2004). presence of clinical symptoms associated with
Several inflammatory agents are also present; asthma and other allergy diseases using a ques-
among them is bacterial endotoxin, which was tionnaire formulated by European Community
found to be related to the presence of decrease Respiratory Health Survey.
in respiratory airflow and subjective symptoms
(Cleave et al., 2010; Burch et al., 2010). Another
biologically potent agent is (1/3)-b-D-glucan, MATERIALS AND METHODS
present in the cell wall of molds, which exerts a
suppressive effect on the immune system and is Environmental Monitoring
correlated with a higher risk for atopic sensitiza- Environment evaluations were performed
tion against allergens (Rylander, 1986; Schuyler with portable direct-reading equipment

(Lighthouse, model 3016 IAQ). Particles con- evaluated included FVC, FEV1 , FEV1 /FVC%,
centration measurement was performed in and forced expiratory flow at different FVC vol-
five different sizes (PM0.5 ; PM1 ; PM2.5 ; PM5 ; umes (FEF 25, FEF50; FEF75, and FEF25-75).
PM10 ). This technique was selected because A control group was not examined, as the
differentiation between particle size fractions is aim was to identify the prevalence rate of pul-
important in order to quantify penetration of monary airway disturbances in exposed work-
dust within the respiratory system. Vincent and ers. Taking this in consideration, the method-
Mark (1981) demonstrated that respirable dust ology normally used in lung function labs was
is the fraction of airborne dust that reaches the considered suitable. Therefore, results were
gas exchange regions of the lung and is less compared with reference values from European
than 7 µm aerodynamic diameter in size from Community for Coal and Steel (ECCS) (Quanjer
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PM.5 to PM5 . et al., 1993).

The measurements were conducted in the For interpretation purposes the fixed cut-
vicinity of the nasal area of the workers and dur- off of 80% of predicted was used. Pulmonary
ing performance of different tasks in pavilions. airway disturbances were classified as fol-
In most poultry farms, three measurements lows: (1) obstructive—FEV1 /FVC% below 80%;
were undertaken and the mean value obtained (2) restrictive—FEV1 and FVC below 80% with
for each particle size considered. In some cases a FEV1 /FVC % equal or above 80%; and
the number of measurements was reduced (3) nonspecific—FEV1 , FVC, and FEV1 /FVC%
because it was only pavilions with animals at below 80% or FEF below 60%.
the time of measurements were examined. All
measurements were done continuously and Questionnaire of Clinical Symptoms
with 5 min duration. In all poultry farms stud-
Epidemiological data were analyzed by
ied, workers did not use respiratory protection
the validated questionnaire of Portugal of
devices or other kind of protective equipment.
the European Community Respiratory Health
Survey (ECRHS, 2007). This enables evalua-
Subjects and Study Protocol tion of the prevalence of asthma and other
allergic disease, the characterization of respira-
The study included 46 workers from the
tory, skin, and eye symptoms, and estimation
7 poultry farms. An individual questionnaire
of the work related symptoms. Clinical data
was applied to obtain data on (1) smok-
were obtained by cross-sectional study. The
ing habits, (2) history of known lung disease,
ECRHS questionnaire was completed by all
(3) presence of respiratory symptoms, and
subjects from case and control sample groups,
(4) exposure history. All workers gave written
in the form of an interview. The case sample
informed consent.
group included 47 poultry workers and con-
Spirometries were performed using a
trols included 69 subjects without any type of
MK8 Microlab spirometer. The spirometer was
agricultural activities.
always calibrated prior to data collection, with
a 3-L syringe to a total of 12 L. Values from
calibration were accepted if there was not an Statistical Analyses
error greater than 3%. The spirometer used Statistical analysis of all data was performed
meets the international standards with respect using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
to flow rate and duration of the test. The (SPSS), version 20.0. Given the reduced sam-
test was done a minimum of three acceptable ple size obtained in ventilatory capacity mea-
times and repeatability was verified on the two surements, frequency analysis and calcula-
tests with largest forced vital capacity (FVC) tion of means and standard deviations were
and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1 ), used. The Mann–Whitney U-test was applied
according to ATS/ERS 2005 guidelines (Miller to detect statistically significant differences
et al., 2005). Respiratory function parameters between genders, between smoking habits

(smoker, nonsmoker), and in exposure time lung disease. From the 41 workers considered,
(<10 years, ≥10 years). The criterion for sig- 60.6% were males and 30.4% were females.
nificance was set at p < .05. Mean age was 44.5 ± 12.4 years and mean
duration of exposure was 18.3 ± 11 years.
Concerning smoking habits, 43.9% were smok-
RESULTS ers and 56.1% were nonsmokers. Data from
Particle Assessment nonsmokers and smokers were analyzed sepa-
rately. Prevalence rate of obstructive pulmonary
With respect to PM contamination, the
ventilatory disturbances was higher in individ-
ones with the larger dimension were detected
uals with longer exposure (31.7%) whether
at higher concentrations, particularly PM5 and
they were smokers (17.1%) or nonsmokers
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PM10 (Table 1). The distribution of particles size

(14.6%). No significant differences were found
showed the same tendency in all poultry farms;
with respect to duration of exposure, and with
however, farms A, C, and E presented higher
respect to spirometric parameters in both smok-
levels of contamination, particularly in PM10
ers and nonsmokers.
(Figure 1).

Spirometry Clinical Symptoms Obtained by

Table 2 shows the pulmonary ventilatory Questionnaire
capacity data of poultry workers. Five workers Forty-seven workers were analyzed, 16
(10.9%) were excluded because of previous (34%) women and 31 (66%) men. The

TABLE 1. Results Obtained in Each Poultry Farm (Mean Value, mg m−3 )

Poultry Number of
farms measurements PM0.5 PM1.0 PM2.5 PM5.0 PM10.0

A 4 4.7 × 10−3 8.2 × 10−3 6.1 × 10−2 1.1 6.5

B 3 1.1 × 10−2 2.4 × 10−2 1.1 × 10−1 1.0 4.0
C 1 2.9 × 10−3 8.9 × 10−3 1.2 × 10−1 2.0 15.2
D 3 2.8 × 10−3 4.7 × 10−3 2.0 × 10−2 3.4 × 10−1 2.1
E 3 1.4 × 10−2 3.2 × 10−2 2.4 × 10−1 2.4 6.5
F 3 2.5 × 10−2 3.1 × 10−2 8.4 × 10−2 8.0 × 10−1 3.6
G 2 5.0 × 10−3 7.5 × 10−3 2.4 × 10−2 2.2 × 10−1 1.4


PM ( mg/m3)

10,0000 PM5.0


Poultry units

FIGURE 1. Distribution by size of particle matter in each poultry farm (color figure available online).

TABLE 2. Spirometry Data of Poultry Workers

<10 ≥10
Count Min Max Mean SD Count Min Max Mean SD

FEF25 % 8 80 131 101 15 12 57 148 87 24
FEF50 % 8 56 92 79 11 12 41 102 67 23
FEF75 % 8 26 95 70 22 12 18 87 54 25
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FEF25/75 % 8 42 87 74 14 12 31 91 64 24
FEV1 % 8 70 109 96 13 12 67 108 93 12
FVC % 8 65 121 100 19 12 79 118 102 11
Measured 8 71 93 82 7 12 62 85 74 8
PEF % 8 71 123 100 17 12 70 136 103 19
FEF25 % 6 82 119 100 15 20 43 131 95 25
FEF50 % 6 58 155 99 33 20 24 149 89 33
FEF75 % 6 55 153 97 44 20 15 140 77 35
FEF25/75 % 6 57 147 96 34 20 22 137 82 30
FEV1 % 6 88 132 105 15 20 54 130 100 22
FVC % 6 87 122 104 12 20 65 141 103 20
Measured 6 77 93 85 6 20 58 92 81 9
PEF % 6 83 130 98 17 20 65 118 98 15

Note. Min, minimum; max, maximum; SD, standard deviation.

prevalence of diagnosed asthma was 6.4%. All runny nose, or stuffy nose without having a
asthmatic workers were previously diagnosed cold or flu and also without medical diagno-
with asthma, of which 66.7% reported the first sis of rhinitis. In this study, six workers (12.8%)
attack after 45 yr of age. Clinical data on res- reported having chest tightness or wheezing at
piratory symptoms demonstrated a trend to work, which was reported to be directly associ-
high prevalence for asthmatic (42.5%) and nasal ated with their involvement in specific activities
(51.1%) symptoms in poultry workers. In con- in the workplace. Further, 13 (27.7%) of all the
trast, skin and eye symptoms displayed a low enquired workers referred to an improvement
prevalence. of their respiratory ability during the resting
A high prevalence of respiratory symptoms days and holidays, suggesting an association of
in workers without asthma was also observed, respiratory disturbances with working activities.
including wheezing (n = 9; 19.1%) and cough- However, these results were not found to be
ing (n = 14; 29.8%). Further, 12.8% (n = 6) of statistically significant differences between indi-
the workers reported problems with sneezing, viduals that displayed symptoms and those who

did not. Nevertheless, it is important to note important to note that farms with only natural
that there was a trend for increased frequency ventilation showed higher levels of PM10 .
of upper and lower respiratory symptoms in Concomitant with environmental monitor-
subjects exposed to higher concentration of ing, the adverse health effects in exposed work-
PM. ers were evaluated due to the fact that organic
dust is one of the most recognized respira-
tory hazards associated with animal production
(Rimac et al., 2010). Considering lung func-
tion, both smokers and nonsmokers with longer
Our particle contamination results showed exposure showed a higher prevalence rate of
higher density in PM5 and, predominantly obstructive pulmonary ventilatory disturbances.
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in PM10 . These PM in the respirable range This finding is in agreement with other studies
(<5–7 µm) indicate that poultry dust PM pen- (Ávila, 1971; Kirychuk et al., 2003; Szczyrek
etrate into the gas exchange region of the et al., 2011). However, prevalence cannot be
lung (Vincent and Mark, 1981). Exposure to compared because criteria used to identify lung
PM10 may also produce disease by impacting function abnormalities were not always avail-
in the upper and larger airways below the vocal able. Rimac and colleagues (2010) found no
cords. In addition, it is important to bear in pulmonary ventilatory disturbances but only a
mind that organic poultry dust may serve as a 70% cutoff for FEV1/FVC was used instead of
favorable medium for the persistence of numer- the 80% or the 5th percentile proposed by
ous species of bacteria and microscopic fungi, ATS/ERS (Zuskin et al., 1995).
which may release allergens and toxins that No other lung function abnormalities were
exert different health effects in workers respira- found. These results may be related to the sam-
tory system (Millner et al., 2008). Tsapko et al. ple size, since restrictive and mixed defects are
(2011) in a recent review found a direct positive also described in this type of workers (Alencar,
correlation between the concentrations of dust 2004; Omland, 2011). However, findings need
and microorganisms in the air of the working to be based on reliable quality spirometries and
zone. Ellen and colleagues (2000) observed in the presence of an FEV1% higher than FVC%,
poultry farms the same tendency with respect observed in some studies, suggests poor subject
to PM size distribution, namely, dust concen- cooperation which may lead to confounding
trations ranging from 0.02 to 81.33 mg m−3 conclusions (Steltner et al., 2004). In fact, if FVC
for inhalable dust and 0.01 to 6.5 mg m−3 for is not complete it is not possible to find airways
respirable dust. obstruction.
Another aspect that is important to take Radon and colleagues (2001) showed that
into account is the type of poultry produc- poultry workers are exposed to high concen-
tion farm: floor-housed operations and cage- trations of dust and have lower mean lung
housed facilities, being the first ones correlated functions. In our study, abnormal lung function
with higher concentrations of dust because of was not present in poultry workers. This differ-
the use of litter (Just et al., 2009; Kirychuk ence may in part be explained by the known
et al., 2010). In our investigation only farms “healthy worker effect” (HWE), a term applied
with floor-housed operations were considered. to the deficit of both morbidity and mortality
Differences found between farms related ascribed to various employment-associated fac-
with PM size distribution may be due to many tors when workers and the general population
factors such as environmental variables, venti- are compared (Li and Sung, 1999; McMichael
lation rate, presence or absence of air cleaning et al., 1986; Burns et al., 2011, Burch et al.,
technologies, animal stocking density, type of 2010), which was previously noted in pop-
bird, bird age, and manure management meth- ulation occupationally exposed to allergens
ods (Banhazi et al., 2000; Oppliger et al., (Rimac et al., 2010). This phenomenon occurs
2008; HSE, 2008). In this particular case, it is because relatively healthy individuals are likely

to gain employment and remain employed, and colleagues (1995) compared poultry work-
while severely ill and chronically disabled indi- ers with a control group and noted a signif-
viduals are ordinarily excluded from employ- icantly higher prevalence of chronic cough,
ment (Moual et al., 2008; Thygesen et al., chronic phlegm, chronic bronchitis, and chest
2011). In our study, the admission policy was tightness in the former group.
not known and data for workers that left their Regarding preventive measures applied to
jobs due to health problems related with poul- avoid exposure to poultry dust, one needs to
try production work were not obtained. All consider that some of these measures may
these data may contribute to a better explana- decrease the exposure but might increase
tion of the results obtained. exposure to other contaminants. Associations
Considering clinical symptoms, prevalence between respiratory findings and the use of
Downloaded by [b-on: Biblioteca do conhecimento online IPL] at 02:44 21 March 2013

of asthma was found in 6.4%, which is numer- individual protection equipment were not stud-
ically lower than previously reported data ied because data from observations were
for the prevalence of asthma in the gen- not consistent and the majority of workers
eral population (10%) and farmer workers stated that they did not use this equipment.
(7.7%) (Kogevinas et al., 1999; Bardana, 2003). Application of water mists reduces particles
In addition, the prevalence of self-reported suspension or resuspension during operations
work-related symptoms including eye, nose, but elevates relative humidity, which facilitates
dermal, and asthma symptoms was quite similar ammonia production and microbial growth.
in poultry workers and controls. However, the Therefore, occupational health interventions
occurrence of nose and asthma symptoms in may be complex and need to consider all
poultry workers presented a higher prevalence risk factors present in this occupational setting
in comparison to eye and dermal symptoms, (Whyte, 2002). Radon et al. (2001) demon-
which was expected due to continuous expo- strated that workers in animal houses that were
sure to poultry dust. Aerosol particles with a equipped with humidity sensors and auto-
mean aerodynamic diameter below 10 µm matic ventilation achieved significantly higher
are able to deeply penetrate the human air- lung function results than those in buildings
ways and can promote asthma manifestations with poor ventilation. The use of tractors and
(Lauriere et al., 2008). It is of interest that 2 of combine harvesters that have enclosed cabs
the workers reported that the first asthma attack equipped with air filtration also reduce inhal-
occurred after 45 yr of age, suggesting an influ- able grain dust levels (Linaker and Smedley,
ence of working activities in the development 2002).
of disease. This fact supports the possibility
that activities undertaken by poultry workers
may exert a negative effect in development of
respiratory disease, indicating the prevalence
of occupational asthma of 4.3% is consistent Poultry dust is a complex mixture of organic
with others European studies (Kogevinas et al., and inorganic materials as well as microbio-
1999; Bardana, 2003). Further, a high preva- logical and invertebrate contaminants. There
lence of respiratory symptoms was observed in is evidence that inhalation exposure to these
professionals without asthma, directly related materials at the levels likely to be encoun-
with different farming activities, since it is espe- tered in poultry production may produce aller-
cially aggravated during performance of those gic respiratory diseases and exacerbate exist-
activities. ing respiratory allergies. However, the sever-
Studies previously showed that poultry ity of the health problems might be more
workers may develop health problems pro- affected by the composition of bio-aerosols
vided by air contaminants present in the than just by PM contamination. Further stud-
workplace (Radon et al., 2001; Rylander and ies are needed to improve understanding of
Carvalheiro, 2006; Burch et al., 2010). Zuskin the poultry house environment and develop

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