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Glamour magick is one of my favourite things in witchcraft and I find myself doing glam spells quite

often. Glamour magick is a very simple way to practice and it’s quite discreet, therefore, it’s perfect for
closeted witches. In the most simple way, glamour magick helps you shift how others perceive you. Such spells
can be cast for many reasons. For example to aid you before important events, for example job interviews or
public speaking. By incorporating glam magick in such cases, you can make yourself appear confident, self
assured, someone who knows what they’re talking about. Or cases that most of us
have definitely been through, glamour spells can help you avoid being picked to
answer questions of lecturers or teachers if you happen to forget to revise or are
having a hard time recollecting what you learned (please don’t abuse this, school is
very important and should not be half-assed).
It’s worth saying that glamour magick is not only meant to be targeted at
others. It can also help you perceive yourself in a more loving light. I love using
spells to boost my confidence. There’s nothing better than feeling truly happy with
I mentioned before that this branch of witchcraft is very discreet. For the sake
of not overloading this lesson with different topics, I talk about many ways to use
glam magick in my cosy corner that I definitely recommend checking out for a more
hands on approach. However, I do want to mention a couple most often used ways to
practise, that hopefully, will peak your interest!
First of all, the use of colours. Colours have their own associations and with the right intentions even
your clothes can become part of witchcraft! Before you put on your outfit, make sure to have clear intentions
for that piece of clothing. If you choose to wear black to protect yourself, try to visualise how that might
manifest. I like to imagine a ring that surrounds me, kind of like a shield that goes with me through the day. If
you want a little confidence boost, I suggest wearing red as it is a very fierce colour that even in psychology
makes you seem a little more assertive. In this case your visualisation may be a little different, you may not
want to repel like with protection, but attract. The way you visualise is up to you and the intention of the colour.
Of course, clothes are not the only thing to be used in glamour spells. Makeup, nail polish, even notebooks or
pencils and so much more can be put to some good use.
Secondly, jewellery is also a very useful item. I suggest looking into charming items
lesson that we have to find out more about how to do that. You can pay attention to the
metals your jewellery is made of, the symbols on it, the colours or simply set your own
intention that doesn’t necessarily correspond with either, but it’s an amazing way to do
witchcraft without being noticed. Not only does it look good, it’s also a very powerful tool!
The last thing I want to touch on is one of my favourites - self care! Self care comes into
play for when you’re the one who needs to feel a little better about yourself. In my corner I
also have a simple self love spell, however self care doesn’t have to be spells. Putting on a
face mask, taking a bath with flowers or bath bombs, taking extra steps in your skincare
routine. All that can have bigger intentions that can help you see yourself the way you’d
like to see yourself. Let’s take baths for example. It can be used for not only physical, but
spiritual cleansing as well. I love to add a mix of mint (to help me feel more confident), lavender (to bring me
peace and help bring harmony) and thyme (to make sure my intentions are
successful) into my baths. It smells amazing too. Treat yourself the way you
want to be treated. Buy yourself flowers or something small that makes you
happy. Make sure your space is clean to keep a clean mind.

Glamour magick is very universal and there are so many obvious and
non obvious ways to use it that anyone no matter their experience can do it and
enjoy quick and fun results.

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