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I&DT IMfire (ISR-UC)

Scholarship: Research Scholarship (BI) for Graduates

Reference: IMfire-ISR-BIL

Application period: March 24 to April 14, 2022

The Institute of Systems and Robotics - Coimbra (ISR-Coimbra) opens a competition for the award of one
(1) Research Grant (BI) for Graduates within the scope of the Research Project
Scientific and Technological Development (IC&DT) IMFire - “Intelligent Management of
Wildfires”, with the reference PCIF/SSI/0151/2018, fully financed by national funds through the Ministry of
Science, Technology and Higher Education, with the following characteristics:

Scientific Area(s): Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering,

Engineering Physics, Physics, Mathematics, Biomedical Engineering, or similar.

Recipients of the scholarship(s)/ Admission requirements: The scholarship is intended for Master's
students in the area of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physical Engineering,
Physics, Mathematics, Biomedical Engineering, or similar.

Candidates should preferably have good knowledge of Matlab or Python programming. Knowledge in
artificial intelligence techniques (Machine Learning) is also valued.

Although the recipients must be enrolled in a cycle of studies leading to the award of an academic degree,
it is not required at the time of application that the candidate
has made this prior registration, and the proof of registration must be made by the
contracting the scholarship. Candidates are only required to meet the requirements to enroll in the training
offer. If there are candidates already registered (including those who are attending a course), they apply for
the competition on an equal footing with those who are not

Work plan/Objectives to be achieved: Research and development activities will be carried out in the area
of artificial intelligence (Machine Learning), focusing on the prediction of fire behavior in forest fires. This
project results from the consortium between the research centers ISR-UC, ADAI, ADDF and the company
Thales Portugal SA.

Scheme of Activity: The granting of the grant does not generate or entitle a relationship of a legal-labor
nature, it is exercised on an exclusive dedication basis and is attributed to the Grant Holder/the ISR-UC
Grant Holder Statute, in accordance with the provisions of Statute of the Research Fellow and in the
Regulation of Research Fellowships of the Foundation for Science and Technology, IP, both in their current

Place of the scholarship: Institute of Systems and Robotics - University of Coimbra (ISR
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Duration of the scholarship(s): 6 months.

Renewal: Eventually renewable, by agreement between the parties, not exceeding the end date of
the project.

Scientific Orientation: Doctor Jerôme Amaro Pires Mendes

Financial Conditions of the Scholarship: The scholarship amounts to € 875.98 corresponding to

the monthly maintenance allowance stipulated in the FCT table (
valores). To this value is added the voluntary social insurance corresponding to the first level, in case
the candidate opts for its attribution, as well as the personal accident insurance.

Selection methods: The selection methods to be used will be the following: curricular evaluation,
with a valuation of 50% for academic qualifications and 50% for the degree of satisfaction of the
requirements relating to knowledge and experience for the project. If the Jury deems it necessary, an
interview may be carried out with the candidates placed in the first three positions, according to the
ranking resulting from the above criteria. In this case, the final score will include the curricular
assessment (as described above), with a valuation of 60%, and the interview, with a valuation of 40%.
If none of the candidates has the appropriate profile (overall assessment below 60%), the scholarship
will not be awarded.

Composition of the Selection Jury: President: Jerôme Amaro Pires Mendes; Members: João Luís
Ruivo Carvalho Paulo and Pedro Manuel Soares Moura.

Formalization of applications: Applications must be formalized, mandatorily, by sending the

following elements:

(1) Letter of motivation;

(2) Curriculum Vitae (CV). The CV must include: (i) Contact; (ii) Academic Training, including
the school transcript with a list of completed subjects and their respective classifications; (iii)
List of scientific publications; (iv) Projects in which he participated; (v) Other information
considered relevant;

(3) Copy of the Qualifications Certificate with the final grade;

(4) Proof of enrollment in a Master's or Integrated Master's in one of the areas

scientific studies identified in this public notice.

(5) Declaration of honor by the candidate indicating the scholarship(s) of the

typology of the competition held and its duration(s).

Candidates with academic degrees obtained abroad will have to present a certificate of recognition
registration in accordance with applicable legislation. This document is mandatory only in the
contracting phase.

Submission of applications: Applications must be sent by email, mentioning in the subject “IMfire-
BIL-ML”, to

Deadline for formalizing the application: 03/24/2022 to 04/14/2022.

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Applicable legislation and regulations: Scientific Research Fellowship Statute, approved

by Law No. 40/2004 of August 18, amended and republished by Decree-Law No. 202/2012
of August 27, by Decree-Law No. 89/2013 of 9 of July, by Decree-Law No. 233/2012 of
October 29, and by Law No. 12/2013 of January 29, and amended by Decree-Law No.
123/2019 wordingfrom
in force 28
August, from
Grants ofpt/apoios/bolsas/estatutobolseiro)
FCT,and I. P, inRegulation and
force (
of in

Publication/notification of results: the final results of the evaluation will be publicized,

through a list ordered by final grade obtained, and candidates will be notified via email. After
the results have been published by email, candidates must consider themselves immediately
notified so that, if they wish, they can speak at a prior hearing within a maximum period of 10
working days after that date. At the end of this period, the selected candidates must consider
themselves invited to start the fellowship.

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