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The bar Chart provides information about the percentage the rates of divorces in Finland
and Sweden, from 2011 to 2015.
Overall, In most years Finland had less divorces rates that Sweden unlike the year 2015,
year that had an figure of 41% on the other hand Sweden only had a 38%, neither of the
two countries exceeded the 50% in the years 5 years of study.
Sweden from 2011 to 2014 had rates superior of 40%, the year 2012 had the higher figure
of 49% instead only had 38% in the year 2015 its less figure.
Finland on the other hand in the years, 2011, 2012 and 2013 had number below of 40%,
while that in 2014 and 2015 its numbers exceeded the 40%
The bar chart provides information about the percentage of people doing sports in four different
Nations (A, B, C and D)

Overall, the peak of people doing sports was in the Nation D, specifically in the Gym, while the
lowest point was in la Nation A with the swimming

In the Nation A, the Tennis had a 11 percent of representation being the highest, following the
Gym with 10% percent, the swimming had a 9% and finally the running had only a 8%.

In the Nation B the Running had the highest percent with a 22%, after was the swimming with a
21% and the Tennis had a 18%, the gym had a large fall with a 10%.

In the Nation C in most cases the number was similary into the sports, the Running had a 12%
while the swimming a 11% same that the Gym, finally the Tennis had a 10% being the lowest

In the Nation D, the Gym leap to 26%, the tennis had 12% following the swimming with 10%,
finally the running had only a 9%.


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