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In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s

Oil & Gas Sector

4 March 2022

Refining gains to offset Retail pain Ramesh Sankaranarayanan

We see the surge in refining margins, driven by widening spreads and inventory gains,
Research Analyst
mitigating the pain in retail MS/HSD margins as pump prices have not been raised since early
Nov’21 despite the sharp increase in global crude oil and MS/HSD prices. +91-22-6273 8145
In our view, this is a key consideration that will determine the timing and extent of excise duty
cuts, as well as increase in pump prices of MS/HSD. These two decisions taken together may be
calibrated to ensure the least burden on consumers and reduce the strain on government
finances that the anticipated cut in excise duty cut will entail.
Increase in crude and widening spread imply higher GRMs but hurt fuel retailing
In 4QFY22 to date, Brent crude is up 54% YoY, but Singapore MS/HSD have risen by 65.4%/66.7% YoY due to the
increase in crack spreads for these fuels over crude by 185%/236% YoY. The global MS/HSD prices, based on
specified benchmarks, drive ex-refinery transfer prices for retailing. If we see the QoQ trend, crude is up 14.5% to an
average of US$91/bbl in 4QFY22 till date. 4QFY22 to date, average Singapore MS/HSD prices are up 12.2%/17.1%
QoQ, again due to the QoQ increase in MS/HSD by 3.4%/40.7% to US$15.68/US$14.48 per bbl.
The March’22 trend is even more telling – the lagging 15-day average used for ex-refinery pricing indicates
Sector Update

that the MS/HSD spreads have sustained the uptrend and the 4QFY22 average to date.
Spreads US$/bbl MS HSD
Feb 16-28 2022 17.17 15.16
March 1-3 2022 20.23 24.50

This explains the concern about retail margins, which are bleeding at US$100/bbl. Brent and prevailing spreads for
MS/HSD at US$16/US$17.5 per bbl. – our indicative estimates show gross margin loss on retailing at
Rs10.4/litre (excluding the positive contribution). The silver lining is the massive surge in GRMs, driven by the rise
in product spreads and inventory gains, which will likely offset the hit in retail margins. The problem is more for
1QFY23, based on current trends in retail under-recoveries, and the potential for inventory losses in the event of a
correction in oil prices from the current highs not seen since CY14.
Exhibit 1: Brent crude and Indian refinery spread - US/bbl

Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research; Bloomberg

Exhibit 2: Trend in Indian GRMs

Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research; Bloomberg

In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s

Exhibit 3: Dec'21-March'22 inventory gains (US$/bbl)

Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research; Bloomberg

Exhibit 4: Impact of excise duty cut at US$100/bbl Brent

Case 1: Breakeven pump price change Case 2: Pump price chg for Rs 2/lit margin
Brent crude US$/bbl 100 100 100 100
Spread US$/bbl 16 17.5 16 17.5
INR/USD rate 75 75 75 75
Excise duty change Rs/lit -5.00 -3.00 -5 -3
in/(dec) in pump price ( excl vat) 8.2 6.6 12 8
Margin 0.00 0.01 3.85 1.46
Impact on blended margin 0.00 0.01 0.96 1.10
combined blended margin 0.01 2.06
Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research; Bloomberg

The above indicative analysis shows the pump price increase required even after a cut of Rs5/Rs3 per
litre in excise duty on MS/HSD at US$100/bbl Brent in two cases.
Case 1: To breakeven in retail margin, OMCs will likely need to hike MS/HSD prices by Rs8.2/Rs6.6 per
litre, excluding the impact of local taxes.
Case 2: Pump prices have to be raised by Rs12/Rs8 per litre to achieve a blended retail margin of Rs2 per

We have shown below the pump price increase required to break even assuming no excise duty cut.

Exhibit 5: Breakeven pump price change at US$100/bbl Brent –Nil excise duty cut
Rs/lit MS HSD
Brent crude US$/bbl 100 100
Spread US$/bbl 16 17.5
INR/USD rate 75 75
excise INC/(DEC) 0.00 0.00
in/(dec) in pump price ( excl vat) 13.2 9.6
Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research; Bloomberg

2 Oil & Gas Sector

In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s

The analysis below shows the increase in pump price required at US$90/bbl crude.

Exhibit 6: Pump price change for Rs2/lit margin at US$90/bbl Brent with duty cut
Rs/lit MS HSD
Brent crude US$/bbl 90 90
Spread US$/bbl 16 17.5
INR/USD rate 75 75
excise INC/(DEC) -5 -3
in/(dec) in pump price ( excl vat) 7.5 3.2
MARGIN 4.2 1.3
impact on blended margin 1.0 1.0
combined blended margin 2.0
Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research

The exhibit below shows the combined impact of movement in oil price and fuel spreads on blended retail
margin at current pump prices

Exhibit 7: Impact of oil price and crack spreads on OMC retail margin

Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research

Exhibit 8: Trend in crude and fuel spread (US$/bbl)

Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research; Bloomberg

3 Oil & Gas Sector

In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s

Exhibit 9: Three-year trend in Brent crude and MS/HSD spread over crude

Source: Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research; Bloomberg

Exhibit 10: 3-month price performance trend Exhibit 11: 1-year price performance trend

Source: Bloomberg, Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research Source: Bloomberg, Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research

Exhibit 12: 1-month price performance trend

Source: Bloomberg, Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities Research

4 Oil & Gas Sector

In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s

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5 Oil & Gas Sector

In s titu tio n a l E q u itie s

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6 Oil & Gas Sector

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